Local Government TV

Friday, September 07, 2012

Mezzacappa Summary Trial Scheduled

Tricia Mezzacappa, who's been charged with disorderly conduct and harassment as a result of her behavior at West Easton Borough Hall on August 22, will be tried before District Judge Yetter on October 17, 2 PM. Yetter's courtroom is located at 1710 butler Street in Easton.

Mezzacappa will be represented by Phil Lauer, one of the Lehigh Valley's top criminal defense attorneys. In March, Mezzacappa called him "Pansy Lauer" on her blog.


  1. "Yetter's courtroom is located at i'm pretty certain you got some stuff wrong on this one."

    Did I miss something in the translation?

  2. So now you are trying to disrupt the realtionship between attorney and client. Are just an asshole or are you also jealous, you can no longer represent anyone?

  3. If the DA does not show up to assist with the prosecution, Lauer will get her off. Take it to the bank and mark it down here. These summary trials in front of elected local District Magistrates are feeding frenzies for attorneys. Most Magistrates are not attorneys. They tend to get spooked by lawyers and will gravitate toward a defendant represented instead of the Police officer who is the prosecutor in many summary offense hearings, unless its a moving violation. A Disorderly Conduct charge has a great chance to be tossed when the defendant is represented. IMHO

  4. I am reporting factually what Mezzacappa has said about Lauer. She makes these outrageous statements and then blames others for noticing them.

  5. I believe you. But do you have any proof, written or otherwise, where she called Lauer a pansy?

  6. Yep. It's right on her own blog. 3/22/12. "Mr. Angle voiced his agreement with Pansy Lauer (11/3/2011 meeting) that videotaping taping at council meetings should have no restrictions."

    I refuse to link to it.

  7. 10:34, That is true, but every Defendant has the right to representation. Our system is based on the belief that it is better to let 100 guilty people go than convict one innocent person.

    In this case, the victims are employees of West Easton Boro, and that will make a difference. Plus, they can ask for a DA.

    I notice a subpoena has been issued.

  8. Does anyone have any idea why "one of the Lehigh Valley's top criminal defense lawyers" would agree to represent this particular woman in a case involving two summary offenses?

    I ask because on this blog on August 25, Mezzacappa wrote: "A lawyer has already been retained...I told him what my charges were...He took the case over the phone."

    He took the case over the phone? He didn't meet and interview the client? He didn't ask her to sign a fee agreement? He didn't get a retainer fee? That doesn't sound like something a top criminal defense lawyer would do. And this doesn't seem like a case a top criminal defense lawyer would choose to take.

  9. I am sure an agreement was signed and that the client was interviewed after the call.

  10. Too bad haters. Better continue to live in your teagagger hater O'Hare universe. In yhe real world everyone can have an attorney. Also your little whisper down the aisle nancy boy games don't amount to squat.

  11. Lauer is the council`s solicitor. He should stay out of this . He continues to represent county employees as well against his own employer, the County. He continues to show poor judgement on these issues. Is he that desperate that he will take any case ? Why isn`t he exposed for the thousands of tax dollars he owes?


  12. FREE MEZZA! T-Shirts are on sale at your Local Senior Citizen outlet.

  13. "... nancy boy games ..."

    Are we in an old Cagney movie? I think the average age of this blog's readership just went north by 20 years. Turn off the politics, put on some Rudy Vallee and enjoy those golden years.


  14. Mezza is a Political Prisoner similar to Nelson Mandela.

  15. She should hire that attorney that has incessant ads on z-95 every weekend. I think his jingle goes something like this .... "Rockin out from the Law Offices of Everett Cook, DUI, Bankruptcy, we go your back baby!"

  16. To anonymous 1034......That is the main reason you should never elect a former cop to the magistrate level. They will always find you guilty and find on behalf of the arresting officer. I will never vote for a former police officer for Magistrate. I want a fair chance if I should ever be arrested and I feel I am innocent. Do not elect cops Magistrates.

  17. Will Ms.Mezzacappa be permitted to carry her concealed firearm into the hearing? If so, I hope that there is some security, as there is a possibility that one or more of the public officials that she threatened to murder might be in attendance.

  18. I'm not familiar with any of the rules concerning concealed firearms in a district judge's courtroom. As you know, she would be unable to carry a firearm into the courthouse in Easton.

    There will be an armed Easton police officer present, and he is familiar with the situation.

  19. FYI, no weapons in any courtroom in Pennsylvania. Including district court. The only real exception includes officers in the line of duty and unloaded, wrapped weapons being presented as evidence.

    See here:

    So bringing one and not checking it at the door would be a very bad idea.

  20. Regardless of what she may have said, Lauer will represent her as if she is his own daughter. He's a card carrying ACLU dude, and truly lives by their book. Remember, ACLU even took on Rush Limbaugh's defense.

    Politics and personalities aside, the only way she loses is if the tape shows, exactly, what is claimed, or she confesses. One iota less, she'll walk. The number of eye witnesses won't matter. Lots of people saw the truth when coach OJ worked over that kid at the football game, and Phil got him off (with a substantial assist from Judge Moranito to seal the deal).

    Lauer is that good.


  21. 1:44, Thanks for the info and the link. It is appreciated.

  22. Judge Yetter, is an attorney, was never a cop. I can assure you he is not intimidated by any attorney.

    There are lock boxes at every district court in the state for lawful securing of firearms for those who carry such legally. They are NOT permitted in the court room.

  23. Hang in there Trish. We support you.

  24. No but tthe pig did and it is suing for emotional damage.


  25. Is this Hootersville? Where's Arnold the Pig?

  26. Getting weird in here!

  27. Lauer's practice focuses on the loosers.

    He has/is defended charged RAPIST OF YOUNG GIRLS!(an 11 year old victim I think recently?), murderers, the list will go on of the most-violent, terrible criminals in the Lehigh Valley. It is actually sickening on who he defends, or at least I couldn't live with it.

    Mezzacappa, a nut case and danger to society, she has no choice besides being a Phillip Lauer client. No other would want to deal with her. It makes sense.

    And her chance at politics; never was, and never will, she is over. No one in West Easton wants this crazy, sincerely she should concentrate her efforts on getting help.

  28. Earl Still loves her

  29. I have edited a comment posted at 4:39 PM.

    Phil Lauer is an experienced criminal defense lawyer, but he is not a miracle worker. His client list includes:

    Qu'eed Batts - convicted of first-degree murder of another teenager, and sentenced to prison.

    Clinton Harris - convicted of voluntary manslaughter of another man, and sentenced to prison

    Jose Antonio Ortiz-Guzman - convicted of sexual assault of a boy, and sentenced to prison.

    Former Easton cop James Marcum - convicted of theft, and sentenced to prison.

  30. She's goofy. Take a look at her latest post. She is really dangerous or she is just wanting the attention.

    I think it is a cry for help.

  31. Yes, I believe she needs help, but that's no excuse for threatening behavior, whether it is at borough hall or the Internet.

  32. Bernie,

    Do you know how long this bs has been going on with Ms. Mezz and West Easton? I cant believe this is allowed to continue! Do you have any idea if there is a price tag on this behavior? I am a property owner in this Boro and I have a feeling my tax dollars -the dollars that she is always complaining about- is supporting her insanity. Is this something you can find out?


  33. It's been going on for years, and it is costing the borough. Mezzacappa even fought aginst the resident fee being charged for nmates at the new treatment center.

  34. Hey Concerned, probably one of the inbred west easton "leaders". She has a right to defend herself against angry ex-boyfreids and dismissive public officals.

    We are with you

    1. I don't live in the County, Moron.

      Thanks, Bernie. Just wondering if has become a burden to the taxpayers yet. I still own the old homestead since my Dad passed. So many great memories from growing up in the town. Sure sounds like times have changed though.

      Dennis S.

  35. Anonymously, too! All you are doing is instigating a person with problems to be even more goofy. But when she turns for help, you'll be nowhere to be found. You can't even publicly endorse her, so who the hell do you think you're kidding?

  36. Lauer makes sure his clients do not say anything stupid, a no speak policy. Notice we do not get any comments from Mezzacappa. Trish....are you allowed to be a voice? Thank you Lauer, you shut her up.


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