Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Mezzacappa a No-Show in Argument Court

West Easton's Tricia Mezzacappa has a Master's degree, you know. Ask her. She's put it to good use, too. She's become a political wannabe, massage therapist, nurse, flea market vendor and ... criminal defendant.

She had two matters on yesterday's argument list. One involved a Right-to-Know claim she's taken to court. The other involves my defamation suit against her.

As recently as this weekend, Mezzacappa was making this bold prediction. "You'll collect ZERO, and look like an ass from the rotunda to the door and back." But yesterday, in the place where it matters, she was a no-show.

Maybe her pet pig rolled on her alarm clock. I'm sure she has a good explanation.


  1. bernie, she must be out buying bullets, to shoot anyone that gets in her way.

  2. So, what is the next step in the defamation suit?

  3. Bernie,

    Was Rick Orloski present? Was there an actual oral argument or was the case submitted on the briefs? Who is the judge? Has the defendant been served with your discovery requests? If so, what is her response deadline?

  4. 11:45, I'm not giving you information that you yourself failed to get bc you were not there.

    Kevin, the next step is for the Court to decide whether or not I have a case. After that, we can schedule a trial.

  5. Simple amswer, no you don't have a case you lunatic. The judge will tell you the court is not the place to setle ex-lovers spats.

  6. Word on the street is, Trisha is a no-show because she's seems very brave, bold and a tad nutty at the keyboard and with the W Easton Boro --- and after all that "bravery" over the months or year or two (seems likes she's behaved badly for a long time) ---she is terrified because showing up will only be super humiliating in front of a judge.


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