Local Government TV

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Judge Smith Gives Mezzacappa A Message

On Tuesday, Northampton County Court of Common Pleas conducted argument court, something it does every month. Legal questions are briefed and assigned to a judge for disposition. That usually takes some time. But in an open records dispute filed by Tricia Mezzacappa against West Easton, it took just one day for Judge Edward Smith to rule against her.

This dispute arises out of a Right-to-Know request filed by Tricia Mezzacappa with West Easton Borough. Although her request was granted, Mezzacappa objected to having to make an appointment to inspect the records, so she appealed to state Office of Open Records. Shot down there, she filed another appeal in Northampton Court. This time, she also demanded a forensic audit of West Easton, to be conducted by the state attorney general, the DA, or the County Controller.

In a six-page opinion, Judge Smith makes it pretty clear that open records appeals should be confined to the Right-to-Know law, and not wander into goofy allegations of bribery.

West Easton's lawyer, Pete Layman, has asked for attorney fees. But Judge Smith has deferred that question until he rules on the merits of Mezzacappa's contention that she can just walk into an office and demand records without an appointment.

By ruling this quickly, I think the Court is giving Tricia Mezzacappa a message. Judges have had enough of Tricia's antics.

I suspect Solicitor Layman will get those attorney fees if she persists in what really is a frivolous appeal.

You can read Jdge Smith's ruling here.

Incidentally, my defamation case against Mezzacappa has been assigned to Judge Smith, too.


  1. wrong again. Since you are so talented at finding every single scrap of paper that contains my name, why dont you actually read the complaint.

    I am not seeking to barge into Borough hall without an appointment. I am asking that the Borough allow for mutually agreeable appointment times, during its regular business hours of 9-2pm, Mon-Fri. Thats not too much to ask.

    Interesting you post Smith's decision, but not Belatrmi's.

    Grow a set and get over it. You were DUMPED!

  2. Not sure what Mezzacappa is "seeking" with this court case.

    However, word on the street is that in January she did "barge into" the West Easton Borough Hall. She demanded to inspect a record, even though she had been notified in writing she needed an appointment. She didn't have an appointment, but she refused to leave. The office staff called the police. The police escorted Mezzacappa out of the building. There is a police report documenting this incident too.

    If you read Judge Smith's decision, you will discover that the Borough offered her appointments between 1 pm and 5 pm, Tuesday through Friday. And that's a problem for her because...?

  3. Tricia Mezzacappa, a/k/a Wicked Witch of West Easton,

    Judge Beltrami's decision followed an action even more frivolous than this one. He rejected your case the day after it was filed. And I would have posted it except that I was busy at the time getting the facts together sue Att'y Orloski could draw the defamation suit filed against you.

    I suggest you read Judge Smith's opinion, and that you read between the lines. He's trying to tell you something.

    By the way, I look forward to the answers to my Interrogatories. Everyone's just dying to know the identity of your "Blog Mentor" (wink, wink). And I look forward to seeing that video you claim to have of me placing nails under your car tires.


  5. Let's see, a person who lied about calling the police, who lied about claiming to have a video, who lied West Easton officials being bribed, and who lied about a supposed pig poisoning, is to be believed about anything? Alrighty then.

    I can't wait to find out all about the Blog Mentor, whose defamatory remarks she published on her blog.


    Then there's Winston Smith, who has suddenly disappeared from the blogosphere.

  6. When she uses cartel about Kelly that is funny. But insisting you two had this deep and passionate relationship in the few months u walked together in which she claims u were dumped ... that is hilarious!

    But she doesn't stop which changes everything to not so funny and very 8th grade.

  7. Trish loves my blog

  8. I have to admit. This was a scary headline. 2+2=3.


  9. Tricia, let me tell you what the Judge is saying in words you can understand….

    “DAMMIT MEZZACAPPA! you masseuse the RTK system like a deep tissue in the buttocks!! DENIED!”

    Get it now?


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