Local Government TV

Monday, September 03, 2012

Here Come the Steelworkers!

Bethlehem Steelworkers celebrated Labor Day with their annual parade on September 2. Nearly two hundred union members, including the United Auto Workers and Bethlehem Firefighters, participated. The Moravian College Marching Band also participated.
Bethlehem Firefighter Sean O'Hearn participates in the march, holding his daughter's hand.
State Rep. Steve Samuelson smiles as he marches down Main Street.
Main Street brunch crowd, along with a police officer, show their solidarity with the labor movement.
Anna Maria Caldera and Jeff Vitelli hold the banner for LEPOCO, the Lehigh Valley's premier peace organization.
Is that Barack Obama going north on Main Street?
UAW members Simon Kadingo (left) and Ron Steckel (right) would rather be driving.
Bob Brooks and his son, Austin, proudly hold the banner for Bethlehem firefighters.
State Rep. candidate Kevin Deely can smile because he's finally going downhill.
Congressional candidate Rick Daugherty and daughter Sarah hurry to catch up.
Police Officer Brendan Schlegel prepares to escort the marchers.
Is that President Obama going down New Street?
LEPOCO, the Lehigh Valley's geriatric hipies.
The Moravian College Greyhound Marching Band made it a parade.
The UAW even had a float!
Coming up the Main Street hill.
Steelworkers President Jerry Green is happy now that it's all over.
Slideshow of 96 pictures.


  1. God Bless the real America. This is the America the Republican leadership will never understand. The America that has been lied to and tricked so many times it knows exactly how the game is played.

    We have not been drinking the Koolaide you pay Fox to serve us.

    One day, I hope our teabagger brethtern will awaken from the Reaganomic nightmare that has almost destroyed the American middle class.

    There has never been such a concentration of weatlh in so little hands in the US since 1890.

    Yet American workers are the most productive in the world. You do the math.

    Never surrender, never bend your knee!!!

    God Bless the American labor movement

  2. Hey Buddy, wake up!

    The middle class has never had it so bad and look who's been in the White House the last four years. But don't let reality get in the way of your rants against Republicans and the Tea Party.

    Just keep pushing that D button and working for the democrats on Election Day.

  3. It's like watching old coots reminiscing about the halcyon days; not wanting to face the reality of the present day, where they are an ever decreasing minority and considered a pariah that is thankfully dying off.

    That's what happens when you become cheap prostitutes for one party and are no longer part of the "up for grabs" vote. Most of their supporting politicians hate them and show up because they have to for votes. They'd rather be having root canal than interacting with half-wits like Jerry Green, whose own membership thinks he's semi-retarded.

    Sheep are fun to watch for a few minutes. Then, they become boring and there's lots of shit to clean up.


  4. Did Rep. Simmons attend this event?

  5. Wondering what that rank smell on main street was last night. Now I know union pukes

  6. Where is the iconic UNION RAT?

    What is a Union Parade without that distinctive UNION RAT that gets inflated here, there and everywhere to generate fear and intimidation?

    Is the UNION RAT on strike?

    Did the "Sons of Bitches" finally succeed in taking the UNION RAT out?


  7. There's that nasty obsession with the "teabagger" thing, again ...

    ... remember when the time-honored AMERCIANS concepts of LIMITED GOVERNMENT and LOW TAXES were not given a smearing label to tie them to the lifestyle practices of Homosexuals?

    Obama is a f-ing failure 3:18 AM --- a total f-ing failure, as predicted.

    Because Socialism only works great until you run out of other people's money --- and Obama is pretty much out of other people's money.

    No more bailouts for YOU and you Union thug buddies.

  8. Bringing mobs and rubber rats to terrify managers' families at their homes is a more accurate depiction of the current state of unions and why they're so unpopular. Same thing for stomping on flower beds and threatening non-union employers - who then leave, taking hundreds of jobs away.

    To everything there is a season. The season for unions ended long ago. Unions are safely in the bag for Obama and the Ds. Its why the Ds are comfortable holding their convention in the most anti-union (read: best right to work) state in the country. They know unions will pick their boogers and grumble in their Schmidts and then show up like good little sheep on election day.

  9. ABC NEWS, October 20, 2011 :

    "With the approval of the Obama administration, an electric car company that received a $ 529.0 million dollar Federal Government loan guarantee is assembling its first line of cars in Finland, saying it could not find a facility in the U.S. capable of doing the work.

    Vice President Joseph Biden heralded the Energy Department's $ 529.0 million dollar loan to the start-up electric car company called Fisker as a bright path to thousands of new American manufacturing jobs.

    But two years after the loan was announced, the company's manufacturing jobs are still limited to the assembly of the flashy electric Fisker Karma sports car in Finland."


  10. Hey union haters... Did you enjoy the weekend? How about the day off today? You are welcome.

  11. Bernie,

    The photos you posted seem to indicate there were more people in the parade than watching it. In fact it appears almost no one was watching it anywhere.
    Were any government employee union people in the parade? If not why not?

    Scott Armstrong

  12. Gerald Seyfried 30 yr. member AFL-CIOSeptember 3, 2012 at 10:25 AM

    Thank You Unions, for all that you have done for America. It was Unions that fought for a fair wage in the work place and Unions that gave us a standard of living that is unequaled anywhere in the world. Thank you to the thousands that have sacrificed and given their lives in the workplace so I and millions of others like me were able to earn a living wage in a safe working environment. During my thirty years at the Bethlehem Steel I was a member of the
    TRI-LOCALS. I know there will be a lot of nay-sayers out there who will anonymously attack me and my comments. All I ask for is, please sign your name to your comments and don't be a coward to stand up for what you believe in....this afterall is what helps makes America what she is today. Don't be a coward

  13. I saw Ed Pawlowski on MSNBC. He is awesome! So is MSNBC! Happy Labor Day.

    Allentown Democrat Voter


  14. Gerald,

    While it is true the unions improved the working conditions and wages of our great grandparents, today they too often fail to serve the greater good. Public employee unions are bankrupting municipalities and school districts. Currently the unsustainably high costs of these union contracts pose a real threat to public safety(less fire and police protection) and public education.
    Locally, the Allentown School District is going to have to make hard choices to meet its union pension obligations. There simply isn’t enough money to meet the spiraling, staggering costs of the defined payment pensions of the public employee union. Who is best served by this outcome? Certainly not the public or the children of the ASD.
    The political alliance between the labor unions and the Democratic Party is also plays against the public’s best interests. Instead of having both parties compete for union votes the movement has become a de-facto component of the DNC. While this mutually beneficial relationship has paid off handsomely for the Unions and the Democrats the public is left to foot the bill for the fiscal meltdown’s we are seeing in California and will soon experience right here in Allentown.

    Happy Labor Day.

    Scott Armstrong

  15. Mr. Armstrong is one of those that keeps up the mantra that public unions are the problem with the municipal budgets. The economy was brought down by the financial sector that made obscene bets with the public pension funds. In addition the collapse of the housing market brought on by the same folks cost municipalities big revenue losses. That contributed to job loss which also sucks revenue away from municipalities. Finally, the state legislature started the pension issues in the early 2000's when they pumped their own pensions. Rendell also bears some responsibility when he cut back on contribution levels because investments were cranking up the funds. Then came the crash BROUGHT ON BY THE FINANCIAL SECTOR. As a member of a local teacher's union (not Easton) that just underwent 2 years of givebacks to help the district I am tired of public employees being demonized when the blame belongs elsewhere. Way to bash the middle class SCOTT.

  16. Huntress,

    Nowhere in my comments did I “bash the middle class”. Readers of this blog will recognize that as a template response to any criticism of labor unions. It is meant to intimidate.
    The tax payers/middle class are the ones being hurt by the burdens of public sector union defined payment pensions. That is beyond dispute. Also beyond dispute is the fact that very few people outside of public service union members and politicians have defined payment pension plans. Just a coincidence? Hardly. It is a perfect example of the mutually beneficial relationship between Democratic elected officials and the unions. Once again I pose the question; is this relationship serving the greater good?

    Scott Armstrong

  17. When you bash public sector employees you bash the middle class. That is where they sit on the economic scale so it is NOT a method of intimidation to remind people like you of this. You are right when you say that most defined benefit pensions are in the public sector and what a shame. Again, you are one of those that supports a race to the bottom for the middle class as they USED TO enjoy these same benefits but corporate America has a different idea. Namely private equity firms who buy and sell companies for profit and raid the pension plans. Instead of being satisfied accepting this race to the bottom, you should demand that corporate and private equity regulations be strengthened to prevent healthy private sector pensions from being used as "assets" to be liquidated. Oh yeah, I suppose you think we need to weaken social security benefits too as they are going to be needed now more than ever as a mainstay income for retired people instead of the supplemental income it was originally intended to be. Again, way to keep attacking the middle class Scott!

  18. Huntress, Bashing public sector unions is not the equivalent of bashing the middle class. There is no question that public sector unions might actually be destroying our middle class as our taxes skyrocket to pay for them. I admire and respect teachers, for example. But their wages should not double over a period of a few years when the rest of the economy is in the tank. That's why they end up getting laid off and kids get deprived of a decent education. And look at you! You should be embarrassed. Back in 1910, unions were going after Charles Schwab, a megamillionaire who deserved it. You go after Scott Armstrongm a member of the very class you claim to have created. That should clue you in that something is wrong with your thinking.

    Jerry Seyfried is a proud steelworker. There are proud autoworkers and miners and members of the trade unions. They faced real corporate pricks and did many of the things that you take credit for. But in my view, all public sector unions have done is enslave the rest of us.

  19. The parade was pathetic. Dinosaurs from LEPOCO still protesting the Vietnam War. Union hacks try to stir on the handful of spectators who were probably only along the route by chance. And I am ashamed of Moravian College for participating in this farce. Unions are a relic of the past and are largely irrelevant in a global economy. Except for public employees unions whose villainous opponent is not greedy corporations, but taxpayers.

  20. Huntress sounds like the typical spoiled union teacher only able to repeat the union printed slogans. No being able to think for herself or even able to accept reality. That is why these people join unions. Memory by rote.

    Probably is more concerned about her benefits then the chIldren she recites useless proproganda to.

    I pity her.

  21. There were no spectators along the route, except for the brunch crowd on Main Street. But I do not know if it is advertised as a parade that is intended to draw crowds. As for the numbers, I believe it was about 200.

    The most pathetic of these were, in fact, public sector unions, except for the Firefighters. Teachers sent no one. SEIU had a banner that was held by George Speros Maniatty, who is not even a member and does not have a job anyhwhere except as a 3 AM troll on blogs. His fellow banner holder was Jim Gregory, another blog troll. SEIU had one or two followers. AFSCME was a no show.

    Maybe these unions would have come had we carried them, as we are doing anyway.

  22. What happened to the jobs in America. Simple. Greedy Corporations hungry for profits on the backs of the labor force took their business overseas to Countries that pay two dollars per hour or less with little or no safety standards. Unions were and are responsible for competive wage scales. Non-union personnel are paid competitively with union wage scales so the non-union business's can be competitive with hiring skilled labor. They aren't competitive because they want to be, they are competitive because they have to be. Thank you to the unions. oh, by the way, I too think your "RAT" is overkill and does more to hurt your cause than to help your cause.

  23. I'll agree that private sector unions are responsible for many of the things we now take for granted. I believe they are still necessary and that the right to organize is a basic human right. Public sector unions are a demonstration of everything wrong with unions. 12:53's comment is right on the money. Private sector unions target greedy corporations, while public sector unions target us.

  24. Bawhahahaha! A bunch of political bilge marches down the street and is mistaken for blowing trash as NOBODY showed up to watch - and nobody stooped to pick up the garbage. Happy holiday pathetic losers.

  25. Bernie,

    I am disappointed with your ridiculous hyperbolic portrayal of teacher salaries. Doubling in a few years, that's a good one. You're right we are all fat cats just waiting at the trough, just take a look at all of the Mercedes parked in the faculty lots, ha! Sorry, you and Scott refuse to address the real reason for the budget crises that most municipal governments face, the financial sector that plays you like a fiddle. Are some public sector contracts in need of trimming, absolutely...we do ourselves no favors by asking more than a wage the economy will bear and in my district we have done just that. As for the public pension issue, the Morning Call actually did a couple of nice little pieces citing the history of the state public pension issues. You all should read it. You are going to become a shill for the very corporations you say we have a right to fight against. When we all lay down, people like Charles Schwab will win and we will have done it by fighting among ourselves as they laugh all the way to the bank. As for Mark Baker, all anyone can do is talk past you, you're mind is a closed book and does not invite debate.

  26. Huntress, It is a good one bc it happens to be true. I filed a recent RTK in Easton and am astonished by the increase in teacher salaries over a short span, while the wages for everyone in the private sector are going down or being outright eliminated. I'l be posting about it in the upcoming week or two and you can let me have it then, but my analysis is unfortunately accurate.

    I am certainly no shill for a dead Charles Schwab or anyone else. It seems to me that you are engaged in a bit of hyperbole yourself.

    What I am doing is noting the very real difference between private sector unions, who target bastards like Schwab, and public sector unions, which target everyone else.

    You have to see this. Only then can you become reasonable.

  27. I find it interesting Bernie that you use Easton as your example of a "typical" teacher contract. Teachers in every district are aware of the way that Easton basically dug their own graves with the wage structure of their last major contract. It is NOT the example we follow (and let's not forget that the school board there agreed to it, shame on them as well). You and those like you are in danger of becoming shills for corporate America because you refuse to see ALL of the reasons that municipal budgets are failing and what the REAL cause is. Why do you think the likes of the Koch Brothers are bankrolling politicians who are promising to destroy public sector unions. Remember Wisconsin? Could it be because they want to give you a massive tax break? Hardly, they are in it for their own self-serving reasons that have nothing to do with paying fair wages to the middle class. So you see, you can say that by fighting public sector unions you are fighting the real enemy when all you are really doing is helping people like the Koch's break their backs so they can have the kind of government that benefits them....not you.

  28. There you go again. How does an objection to exorbitant teacher salaries in Easton make me a shill for corporate America?? Those salaries are not paid by corporate America, but by a little old lady who is being forced to decide whether to pay her school tax or eat dog food. It has nothing to do with corporate America, and everything to do with that little old lady in Easton.

    It is one thing to target the big evil corporation. It is quite another to target some senior citizen on a fixed income. Unfortunately, public sector unions have enslaved us and are actually destroying the middle class that private sector unions helped create.

    And yes, I do remember Wisconsin, where its Governor took a courageous issue against public sector unions. The effort to recall him failed.

    As I have said before, I really see no reason why public employees who are protected by civil service or career service regs should unionize. They have due process rights not available in the private sector. I might be wrong about that, but it's clear to me that public sector unions have become part of the problem in this country, a very big part.

  29. You are now talking past me on this issue. I'm out.

    1. Yes, the truth can be very difficult to handle.

  30. The "Public Sector" is a cost center, period. It demands, through force of extroardinarily bad law, to be treated as something above that class, but it is a simply a cost center, created to carry out tasks as assigned by those who created it, to serve them. The resources allocated to cost centers, in the real world, are commensurate with need and can be justified by those who run them. In Public world, hyperbole and threats of the sky falling if we don't pay are all they've got, proven by the fact that we spend more every year yet get less in return. By any objective measure, the public sector is a colossal failure.

    They are not entitled to anything more than what we are willing to pay. Our willingness to pay should be driven by market conditions and not by their incestuous whores they've purchased in Harrisburg and DC. Their demands are met with money borrowed from our children's and grandchildren's future. Only that kind of child abuse isn't listed on their clearances, and is Okee Dokee as long as they get every last dime, every last day off and can avoid accountability and performance requirements.

    They are extortionists, thieves and teet suckers the lot of whom could not handle a private sector interview, much less a job.

    That they align themselves with the early private sector unions that actually accomplished something is perverse.


  31. Huntress -

    I hate to burst the bubble on your propaganda, but the financial industry was not the primary cause of the financial crisis. It was government social engineering spurred on by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.

    If you want to look for the real culprit, start there.


  32. Bernie,

    I think it is safe to conclude that Huntress provides us an excellent example of the mindset of a public service union employee member. Clichés rein over reason, they are owed everything, nothing is ever their fault, and consequence’s take a back seat to what they perceive is their due.
    While we may bicker over this today, a very real crisis will imminently befall most municipalities and school districts. Of course it is the poorest of these entities that will suffer most and God help the disadvantaged students in stressed school districts who will have their single opportunity for a sound public education sacrificed so that the defined pension may live.
    Can one conclude by the tenor of today’s discourse that the mood of the union is ” it’s all about the kids”( unless it effects my defined payment pension).

    Scott Armstrong

  33. "They'd rather be having root canal than interacting with half-wits like Jerry Green, whose own membership thinks he's semi-retarded."

    I just caught this rather low, anonymous, blow. I happen to like Jerry Green, and his membership does, too. That's why they elect him. I consider him a decent and honorable man in a world where those characteristics are increasingly ignored. I don't know why people use the privilege of anonymous commenting to make these personal attacks. That is not its purpose.

  34. Shouldn't Kevin Deely be grading papers or something? He sure seems to have a lot of time on his hands. I bet he's putting videos on for his students all fall while he gears up for his no chance in hell campaign. This is the joke our tax dollars pay for. Kevin Deely gives teachers a very bad name and it will only get worse once Simmons is done with him.

  35. Who is Deely marching in a parade in Bethlehem? Is he running for Congress or US Senate? Hey jack ass Bethlehem isn't in the 131st. But since your not from there I guess you wouldn't know.

  36. Didn't you look at his website Kevindeely.com ?

    He's not running to represent the 131st he's running to represent all the public sector union's that endorsed him and will be bankrolling his campaign.

    Just what tax payers need this union thug in Harrisburg.

  37. Hate to burst your Fox bubble there, anon 2:52 but the governemnt did not "force" any bank to make a bad loan. In some cases they leaned on them by offering incentives that a good businessman could have tiurned down. Most, or I should be accurate, as you claim to be, 98% of the "financial crises" was caused by the repeal of the Glass-Stengel Act and the wholesale whoring of financial institutions in bundling good and poor debt into packages in order to maximixce their profits in the short term. Long term did'nt concern them, since unlike most middle class families, once you have your millions what happens down the road is not that big a concern.

    So while it is Fox apporved and a teabagger good feeling to blame the governemnt and poor people buying more home than they could afford, it hardly tells the real story.

    The governtment was a culprit in not doing the job wtih the SEC it should have been doing and ignoring the wholesale avarice and greed of Wall Street. Yet when with all of this, you treabaggers still hold on to your tales from the Fox land.

    One day you may snap out of it.

    1. Sorry, but the facts don't support your ignorance. Fannie and Freddie were the ones who announced they would purchase the risky loans that the White House was pushing, and then bundled them and sold them to investors.

      You can cry Glass-Steagall (not Stengel) all you want, but the facts clearly show Fannie and Freddie were the main culprits.

      You should try reading something other than your Socialist/union talking points.

  38. I always enjoy when union supporters cite the Koch Brothers.

    They own Georgia Pacific, an American consumer goods company that makes everyday products like tissues, paper towels, paper cups and napkins. GP makes its most of its products here in America. The company's workforce is highly unionized, with more than 80% of its production facilities under contract with one ore more union.

    Before it was deleted from the USW website, this was acknowledged by Steelworkers Vice President Jon Geenan.

    The Koch brothers attacks on public sector unions are well documented. But to say they are against private sector unions is simply untrue.

    Jerry, I have no quarrel with anything you said - this country was built on the backs of private sector laborers. Unions played a key role in protecting workers, and I am grateful they were there.

    Public sector unions are trashing that legacy.

    The Banker


  39. Rep. Simmons is behind Deely running for State Rep. to take a ballot position.

    Deely would have to take a Pay cut if he was elected.

  40. Understand union strong members wishing to honor their own on Labor Day Celebration but why was Moravian College band there?

  41. I imagine the band was there bc it is a good warm-up for them, much as a football team likes to play a scrimmage.

    By the way, it's a good band.

  42. And Simmons would have to get a real job for the first time in his life if he loses.

  43. That parade is symbolic of what is wrong with the USA. The unions both private and public have caused the economic mess this country faces. Jobs that went over seas along with the pension crisis. Anyone in that parade ought to be ashamed of him or herself. IMHO.

  44. 2:52
    • AIG-MF Global-Bernie Madoff-Goldman Sachs-Jamie Dimon-JP Morgan Chase-Jon Corzine-Royal Bank of Scottland-Loyd Blankfein-derivatives-hedge funds-an eviscerated Dodd-Frank Act,a watered down,loop-hole ridden "Volker Rule" ..... WALL ST a casino betting parlor with OPM....... Should I continue?
    Go back to your Fox News and Fat Rush.

    Are you a simple dupe of the WALL ST Big Money Boys and Global Fat Cats or are you actually one of the 1%,sluming it up on this blog with the little people?

  45. Anon 952, there was alot more than that.

    What happened started with Clinton changing the CRA and requiring banks to make bad mortgage loans. Congress meddling with Fannie/Freddie (this was Barney Frank and Chris Dodd) to buy those garbage mortgages, and in fact requiring banks to make even worse loans. Elimination of Glass Steagall. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (bipartisan, passed in 1999). Easy money under Greenspan which really blew the bubble up. Bush being the worst domestic policy/spending president until Obama got elected.

    And all you cited.

    This was a bipartisan screwjob. Anyone who thinks otherwise, or tries to pin the crash on only one thing, is just ignoring the facts to try to make political points.

    The Banker

  46. bernie,

    Your attacks on public sector unions are pathetic..Most of those in the parade absolutely deplore you and your attacks..When you attack the private sector unions, you attack all unions. You carp on about the public sector unions because you realize all of the county employees affiliated with these unions hate your guts..You are correct...Congrats..

  47. Most of the people in that parade have no idea who I am, nor would they much care. I happen to know for a fact that several private sector union members agree with me at least partially about public sector unions. And guess what? I'm not running for a damn thing and don't really give a shit who likes me and who does not.

    Now, instead of attacking me personally, why not try and address some of my claims about public sector unions?

    But let me first make a few personal attacks of my own, except my name is attached to them. Except for the firefighters, public sector unions couldn't be bothered to show up for yesterday's parade. SEIU had George Speros Maniatty, an anonymous blog troll, carry its banner along with Jim Gregory, another anonymous blog troll.

    Maniatty does not belong to SEIU and, so far as I know, nobody will hire him. That's one doofus you had carrying the SEIU banner. The other is famous for hopping fences, sleeping on the job and chasing after a Rendell bus.

  48. In response to anonymous at 9:24....Joyce Moore is an angry, bitter, liberal who needs to be on psychiatric medication. She claims to be a small business owner but is only a propagandist for George Soros and gets paid by him to spout liberal propaganda. Joyce K. Moore: A phony small business owner who is insane.

  49. Why doesn't Kevin Deely take care of his kids from his first wife before having more? What a loser!

  50. That's a pretty lousy anonymous personal attack. I support Justin Simmons, but that's below the belt.

  51. Banker, people besides "bankers" have access to information. Much of it factual. I agree that many were to blame for the eceonmic crash of 08, including the government by commission and omission.

    However, to think that the entire crash was because a few poor minorities got in over their heads with some loans is just wrong.

    Sorry but if the teabaggers hope to win an election, that is there for the taking, they will have to give the voting public more credit than that.

    The Fox lie may be mothers milk to teabagger Republicans but real facts are much more complicated and involved.

    Was the the government inept in some cases, yes. Were Financial folks letting pure unadulterated greed get ahead of any sense of responsibility, absolutely.

    The big fish was on Wall Street and not Pepe and his bad loan.

    Fair and Balanced, my ass!

  52. Bernie,

    Just admit you hate the public sector unions because the county union folks hate your guts..I'm sure you have your little trolls in the courthouse that pass some info to your pathetic disbarred attorney's butt but on the whole, like most union folks, they cant stand you..It's that simple..

  53. I hate public sector unions bc they are destroying the middle class that the private sector unions created. And as I've said earlier to your now repetitive comment, I don't give a shit who likes or dislikes me. And that has nothing to do with the substance of any argument.

  54. Anon 1154pm, where did I state that the “entire crash was because a few minorities got in over their heads?” In fact I stated that there were many contributing factors over many years.

    I assume since you have access to information you’d have seen that the GLB Act, passed in bipartisan fashion in 1999, allowed most of the crap on Wall Street to happen legally? And that the Dodd-Frank financial services reform legislation doesn’t address the biggest problem we have on Wall Street – ‘too big to fail?’ And that I’ve been on this website many times proposing that the only way to control Wall Street is to significantly increase capital requirements by at least a factor of 2 – the absolute last thing Wall Street wants? And that Tim Geithner and Hank Paulson, Obama’s and Bush’s Treasury Secretaries, should be in prison right now for what they pulled along with many on Wall Street?

    So sorry, you keep rambling about Fannie and Freddie and Wall Street, but the serious discussion on what happened left you a long time ago, and it’s much more involved than your homophobic rants and illogical fixation on Fox.

    The Banker

  55. Bernie,

    The public sector unions destroy the middle class? Seriously Bernie, you need to take your meds or stop watching Fox news..you are delirious ..That's just insane. Bas far as the parade goes, the public sector workers are a part of the labor council. They rarely get involved in that parade. They were the group who were involved in Saturdays plaque unveiling. Jerry Green wasn't there Saturday because he doesn't see eye to eye with the labor council leadership. Their members weren't there Sunday for the same reasons. Anyone who did show up on Sunday for their group did so out of respect for the steelworkers. No reason to trash those who did. Of course, it's you, so why should anyone expect different.

  56. Pics of all the regular people BOH despises with a passion.

  57. Right on 8:49,

    You hit that on it's head..He says he doesn't care about the fact that the public sector workers hate his guts but still he continues to rant on about how they destroy the middle class somehow..Tell me Bernie, how is that? Do they just go to their employers and demand that they get big raises and pensions and their employeees roll over and say yes ? Really?? Are you that brain dead that you believe this??Someone, somewhere had to give them these benefits..So wouldnt the employer be culpable too?? If the county public service workers are overpaid and get too many benefits, didnt your Friend Mr. Stoffa have something to do with that? I understand he gave SEIU a great contract?? Was that because he's beholden to the unions?? I think not? So Bernie, you have no freakin argument at all, once again..

  58. Currently the unsustainably high costs of these union contracts pose a real threat to public safety(less fire and police protection) and public education.

    They are certainly sustainable. It comes down to getting what you pay for. Are you suggesting these people would do this job for LESS money? And aren't you the guy that takes advantage of free lunches in public schools?

  59. Um I don't watch FOX news or any TV, for that matter. And yes, public sector unions are destroying America's middle class bc the cost of maintaining them is totally out of control and comes from our pockets. It is one thing to target a wealthy corporation. It is quite another to target the taxpayer, as you do.

    The public sector unions rarely get involved in a union Labor Day parade bc they don't like the Steelworkers? What is up with that? Where is the vaunted solidarity?

    You act like spoiled little kids. Except we have to pay for you.

    I asked Green why he was not present on Saturday and he told me he never rec'd an invitation. You want everyone to organize and are unable to organize among yourselves.

    Next time you unfurl a SEIU banner, try to have an actual member do it instead of George Speros Maniatty.

  60. Locally, the Allentown School District is going to have to make hard choices to meet its union pension obligations.

    Actually, ALL public school employees in PA dutifully pay into the pension system every single week. Your Republican legislature in Harrisburg decided to allow districts to STOP paying their share around 2001 and none have paid since. THAT is the crisis. It's not that we cannot afford it, it's that your legislature has dropped the ball in the name of lower taxes - a farce to fool simpletons like you into voting for them. And then your kids suffer. But you could pay for your lunches and lend a hand.

  61. And yes, public sector unions are destroying America's middle class

    Bwahahaa. Yes, their $40K a year with health insurance and a modest pension THEY pay for is bankrupting the country.

    Here's a clue. Google "financial crisis 2008" or "LIBOR" and then report back to the class. The powerful interests have fooled you and you don't even realize it. Instead, you turn your sights on hardworking neighbors and villainize them.

  62. Also beyond dispute is the fact that very few people outside of public service union members and politicians have defined payment pension plans.

    Because you ALLOWED your employers to systematically remove benefits from you all while corporations and businesses are earning record profits and moving jobs overseas. But you've drank the koolaid.

  63. Huntress, It is a good one bc it happens to be true. I filed a recent RTK in Easton and am astonished by the increase in teacher salaries over a short span, while the wages for everyone in the private sector are going down or being outright eliminated. I'l be posting about it in the upcoming week or two and you can let me have it then, but my analysis is unfortunately accurate.

    So, you want everyone's wages to go down? Uh, ok.

    I am not a teacher but am fairly certain that teacher pay scales are determined in part by their degree status. If a teacher gets a Masters (which used to be encouraged before the anti-academia and anti-science Republicans took over), their pay goes up. But even if it doubles, it's still a reasonable middle class salary.

    And wages overall have been stagnant based on inflation for 40 years. I'd like your analysis to take that into consideration as well.

  64. 8:55, You and I both know that public sector unions have a hammer that most unions lack - binding arbitration. It does not matter what Stoffa or Council want. A binding arbitration will award most of those complained of benefits and unions will sue if the contract is not approved. That just happened last year in Northampton County, when Council delayed on accepting one of these binding arbitration contracts. So knock off the bullshit.

  65. There you go again. How does an objection to exorbitant teacher salaries in Easton make me a shill for corporate America??

    You might want to actually reflect on what she posted and THINK before you make a fool of yourself. And seriously, get a TV and watch CSPAN. You are out of touch.

  66. 9:13, I certainly don't want to see anyone's wages go down. But they should not double when the people who are paying them are struggling to survive.

  67. 9:15, I listen to C-Span on the radio. I need no mind-numbing TV. You can have your opium. I read and rejected what Huntress had to say. It is called analytical thinking. Try it some time. But you'll have to watch less TV.

  68. I hate public sector unions bc they are destroying the middle class that the private sector unions created. And as I've said earlier to your now repetitive comment, I don't give a shit who likes or dislikes me. And that has nothing to do with the substance of any argument.

    Destroying the middle class? That's a harsh statement for modest tax increases. You'd think we were paying 75% taxes the way the hyperbole flies here. It's obvious you have a personal issue here as you just aren't speaking with facts.

  69. Bernie,

    You never seem to be able to answer the question as to who gives out these so called pensions and other benefits that are supposedly bankrupting the country? Are the county public sector workers overpaid? If that's the case, wouldn't your friend have something to do with that? Any contract has to be approved by the governing body. The union doesn't walk into negotiations and get everything they ask for. If you believe that, you are more deluded than I thought.

  70. Public sector unions are destroying the middle class. You would not know much about that bc you are in a public sector union. School taxes are untenable, and the cost of all municipal government is increasing dramatically. That is primarily to pay for you.

    At a time where wages are stagnant everywhere else, I have seen salaries skyrocket, COLAs and step increases. I have seen unsustainable defined benefit pensions. And I have seen AFSCME assholes fight for members who sexually harass female employees. You must be very proud.


  71. 9:13, I certainly don't want to see anyone's wages go down. But they should not double when the people who are paying them are struggling to survive.

    This is pure hyperbole. What percentage of people are "struggling to survive" that pay taxes? Sure, there are people is bad situations but there have always been people in bad situations. To say we can no modestly raise taxes to pay increased costs is lunacy. As others have mentioned, the only people getting paid fairly big money in school districts are administrators. But their scale is below upper management at any company. It's all relative and public employees (union or non-union) are at or below the going rate. Keep in mind, when you attack these people, you are attacking non-union people as well who could work anywhere but choose civil service.

  72. LOL...He is deluded..You should see that..If he thinks Jerry Green knew nothing about the plaque unveiling on Saturday, he is deluded...If he thinks unions give themselves their own raises, he is deluded..If he doesn't realize that Wall street and their greed caused the pension mess we have now, he is deluded..QWow..Seems he is deluded..Right!!

  73. 9:22, I answered your question. Stop watching TV and learn how to read The answer ... again ... is binding arbitration. It is how public sector unions get away with enslaving the rest of us.

  74. 9:15, I listen to C-Span on the radio. I need no mind-numbing TV. You can have your opium. I read and rejected what Huntress had to say. It is called analytical thinking. Try it some time. But you'll have to watch less TV.

    Yet you fail to acknowledge any connection between corporate lobbying and actions to destroy public sector unions. Obviously, you read right-wing blogs only.

  75. Great point 9:25..Great point!!!

  76. Public sector unions are destroying the middle class. You would not know much about that bc you are in a public sector union. School taxes are untenable, and the cost of all municipal government is increasing dramatically. That is primarily to pay for you.

    I am actually not a union employee and never have been. What are your suggestions for cuts in public education? Let's just say we eliminate pensions. You will still be matching my 401K so what it the difference? The crisis in pensions has everything to do with entities not paying into the system when they were supposed to while employees were.

  77. "Wall street and their greed caused the pension mess we have now, he is deluded.."

    I never said that Wall Street played no role in the pension mess. It did. But the problem with public sector unions extends way beyond pensions. It also includes binding arbitration and an organized group whose target is the taxpayer instead of some greedy corporation. I am saying nothing that Democrat Mayros have NOT said themselves. The whole system needs to change or it is all going to come crashing down.

  78. However, if it was up to you, Clem, and Scott Armstrong, the teacher and the janitor at your local high school would be given next to nothing because why should higher taxes be endured for THEM? (The answer lies in who those people ultimately service.)

  79. "Yet you fail to acknowledge any connection between corporate lobbying and actions to destroy public sector unions. Obviously, you read right-wing blogs only."

    Actually, it makes no difference to me whether there is corporate lobbying. Public sector unions are totally out of control. We now have union leaders who complain about boy scouts picking up litter in a park. is that the result of some corporate lobbying? Is the Morning Call or Express Times a right wing blog. I see it every day. AFSCME takes a case to the Supreme Court, defending some asshole who was sexually harassing women on the job? Is the Supreme Court web page a right wing blog? I see a ublic sector union sue a county for not implementing a binding arbitration immediately. is that from a right wing blog? I see some asshole wife beater who called in sick and got drunk and was arrested for DUI. Is that some right wing blog?

    Public sector unions are out of control, and this is without even looking at the pension mess.

  80. Oh so your disdain for public sector unions comes not from a thoughtful analysis of budgets, taxes, and expenses but from a series of anecdotes extrapolated to cover millions and millions of dedicated workers doing public service? I see.

  81. And you wonder why a serious discussion is not occurring in this country. I'm out with the Huntress.

  82. 9:42, My disdain comes both from an analysis of budgets and our economy as well as what I have seen in my own experience, which corroborates that analysis.

  83. Bernie,

    You are so off base. So I guess all the public sector employees should accept whatever tier employers give them and then live in poverty like most walmart employees.
    How pathetically ignorant can you be. If the public sector employees, the police, firefighters, teachers, and caseworkers had no unions, the pay and benefits would be pathetic. The only people you'd get to work these jobs would be those who couldn't get the Walmart jobs. Child care workers would probably be all molesters. They'd be the only ones who would want that stressful job.. You have no clue what you are talking about..It
    S obvious you slam them because they despise because all your arguments against them don't hold water..Never did..

  84. "S obvious you slam them because they despise because all your arguments against them don't hold water..Never did.."

    And I have no clue what I'm talking about? Your public school education seems to have failed you.

  85. Excellent point 10:02 but you are wasting your breath.

    He has nothing better to do than trash good people who are working hard to support their families. Thank God for the public sector unions, otherwise most of their members couldn't even afford to have a family. Bernie is just a disbarred alcoholic who here's the world. He'll never change

  86. 9:42, My disdain comes both from an analysis of budgets and our economy as well as what I have seen in my own experience, which corroborates that analysis.

    Yet you never speak honestly about numbers and just recite right-wing talking points about how these unions are destroying the middle class by simply a government entity raising taxes. Tax increases are modest yet it's still forcing the elderly to eat dog food. My mother, may she rest in peace, had nothing and lived her final years on SSI and Medicare. She never came close to eating dog food. The plight of the average person paying taxes is always overly dramatized by you on this blog at the expense of discussing things in reality.

    By the way, I'd like to delineate myself from the fools who disparage you with your past and have trouble completing whole sentences with proper spelling. I have no interest in that and wish only to discuss the issues.

  87. 10:31, Those fools, as you correctly label them, resort to anonymous personal attacks bc they are unable to argue the facts.

    This blog exists so people can disagree with me on the issues and so we can discuss them. May the better argument win.

    You are incorrect when you state I am just regurgitating right-wing talking points. I have basically established that, and then was accused of speaking anecdotally.

    You don't have to look at a right wing blog to realize something is very wrong with public sector unions. As recently as yesterday, The Scranton Times had an excellent piece on the problem with public sector unions. I might post an excerpt as a separate post.

    Looking at Scranton, the starting wage for an entry level first responder is nearly double the median earnings of Scranton residents.

    Incidentally, that's analysis. It's proof that public sector unions are destroying our middle class and are enslaving us.

  88. According to that article, people are upset because their wages are decreasing and their jobs are disappearing. So the solution is to knock their fellow neighbors down a peg or two? This mentality IS a right-wing talking point. Are you actually decrying a firefighter or police officer making $56-61 thousand dollars? Really? This is what it has come to? That is a MODEST salary by anyone's measure. But since some person in Scranton lost their job or the large corporation slashed HIS benefits or pay, it needs to be taken out on public employees?

    These people are not in a vacuum. You cut their pay and benefits and the best leave. Let's roll!

  89. Salient quote from the article BOH linked to:

    "Regardless, for some the disparity fuels resentment."

    RESENTMENT. It's a horrible word and responsible for many, many awful things in our history.

  90. 10:56, No, it is not a "right wing talking point," It is the sentiment of many of Scranton's good people, as reflected in that City's newspaper.

    Nobody has suggested knocking down public sector workers What they have suggested, and I agree, is that wages and benefits in the public sector should not go up astronomically when people in the private sector are struggling to survive. It does fuel resentment. That's just human nature.

  91. When steelworkers were making great salaries and benefits, that they deserved by the way, many teachers, cops, fireman, andcaseworkers were getting salaries and benefits that weren't even close to wha they and the private sector was making..Now that unionization is down in the private sector and the non union people are gettin slave wages , some complain that the private sector workers are overpaid..Hilarious..I'm sure there are places where they are overpaid but to generalize is just showing your ignorance as usual. Most don't have the right to strike and have to arbitrate. That can work out either way..Ask Bethlehem firemen. Most are paid living wages or less. So again, you are just trashing them because they despise you..Otherwise you have no argument..

  92. Let's see, Schlener was able to go out on a drunken toot that started on Tuesdau and ended with his arrest on Thursday Sounds like he's making a living wage. So are they all. The average firefighter salary in Bethlehem is $42,000. That's well in excess of the living wage. Try arguing facts instead of making personal attacks or trying to persuade yourself that I am universally despised.

  93. You are universally despised by union folks..All those I know and that's alot..No biggie.. Attacking Schlener is just even pathetically low down for someone who I thought couldnt go any lower..You're pathetic. You dealt with the same issues..Did you forget..Was your disbarrment due to the alcoholism or vice versa..What does Schlener's arrest have to do with public employee wages?? You are so sad..So sad!!!

  94. Let's see. You mentioned Bethlehem firefighters and claimed they do not make a living wage. Not only is that demonstrably untrue, but Bethlehem firefighter Schlener is living proof that it is anecdotally untrue. He is a poster boy for everything that is wrong with public sector unions, and I can and will use his story to make my point. If you don't want me mentioning his name, then stop making stupid statements that you must know are untrue.

    And like I said, I don't give a shit whether people like me or not. I am not in a beauty contest.

  95. Bernie,

    Of course you arent in a beauty contest..You make a troll look like prince charming...Anyway, I believe that writer said that most make living wage or less..read it again..In regard to Jim Schlener, he's been with the city fifefighters for many years and served them well. Just like most public service workers who have given twenty or thirty years of their life to whomever they work for, they are paid at a higher scale...Most, however, are paid a living wage or less depending on the time they've been there like most private sector employees..And once again, it needs to be said, they bargain for contracts..They dont walk in and get whatever they ask for..Their employers and the governing body agree to their wages or dont . If they get aggregious benefits or wages , then you need to look at who governs them and ask how that happened..You still don't get it, do you??

  96. The average salary of a Bethlehem firefighter is $42,000 or $49,000, depending on which web site is accurate. Either is well in excess of the living wage. The statement that Bethlehem firefighters make living wage or less is complete bullshit. Try that somewhere else.

    And for the third time, how this happens is very simple - binding arbitration. You know this, and are just spreading more bullshit.

  97. Really?????? $40000 is most certainLy a living wage at best for a family of four..These days it's barely enough to survive..If you ever worked for a living, you'd know that after taxes, health care, sociAl security and the like are taken from that , there's not much for a family to live on if both aren't wage earners..God Bernie , younare freaking delirious. You really have no concept on what it's likento live in the real world? You're a joke !!!!

  98. A living wage in Bethlehem for two adults and three children is $44,137.60. For two adults and two children, it's $37,000. A fireman makes enough money on his own to support a wife and three children. That's without his wife working. You want to get real? Talk to some of your relatives in the private sector, the ones you probably have to help out.

  99. Good points guys..That's whats up..bernie has never really worked a real job in his life..Had he done so and not been supported by Ron Angle, he'd understand something maybe, lol

  100. 44 thousand for a family of five in Bethlehem? Marvine-Pembrook maybe.
    This really strains credibility Bernie.

    While we're at it......ask Scott Armstrong from the Allentown GOP if he's ever had a paying job. Ever.

  101. 44 thousand for a family of five in Bethlehem? Marvine-Pembrook maybe.
    This really strains credibility Bernie.

    While we're at it......ask Scott Armstrong from the Allentown GOP if he's ever had a paying job. Ever.

  102. It's not straining credulity at all. Most of us in the private sector know very well how to make do. We could easily support a family of 5 in this area on $44,000.

    I suggest that you have been spoiled by years of public handouts and ever-increasing wage and benefit hikes.

    Look, it's time for you to reform yourselves. If you don't, you will be destroyed. You can attempt to shout me down, but that is the trend in this nation.

    You do not have SEIU presidents who publicly complain about boy scouts who clean up litter. You do not have platoons of cops who retire early and have their pensions drawn so that it is based on their highest 30 days of service. You don't have idiots working 24 hours so he can load up the pension. You don't have firemen who take extended sick time to go golfing. You don't have firemen who call in sick and go off on toots on the public dime. You don't defend employees who engage in sexual harassment.

    You agree to modify binding arbitration laws. You agree to give up some benefits, as AFSCME did with Gracedale.

    If you don't make some meaningful reforms, I expect that the people are going to say they've had enough and they will start electing anti-union politicians who will make me look like a pussycat.

  103. that wages and benefits in the public sector should not go up astronomically

    I think you should really supply facts with these sorts of statements. Why not talk about the pay freezes and layoffs with equal time?

  104. Let's see, Schlener was able to go out on a drunken toot that started on Tuesdau and ended with his arrest on Thursday Sounds like he's making a living wage. So are they all. The average firefighter salary in Bethlehem is $42,000. That's well in excess of the living wage. Try arguing facts instead of making personal attacks or trying to persuade yourself that I am universally despised.

    You really believe $42,000 is a large salary in 2012? Wow.

  105. Actually, $42,000 is NOT a living wage in Northampton county for a family of 4. Or a single mother and child:


  106. The average salary of a Bethlehem firefighter is $42,000 or $49,000, depending on which web site is accurate. Either is well in excess of the living wage. The statement that Bethlehem firefighters make living wage or less is complete bullshit. Try that somewhere else.

    Please back up your assertions. It is pretty damned close to being true but I'm sure you never even bothered to look into it. Since you can survive as a single person in an apartment with next to nothing, everyone else should be happy to live that way?

  107. You could easily support a family of five on $44,000??? Seriously..After taxes and health care costs and everything else that's taken from a check you honestly believe that can be done..This is without Ron Angle subsidizing your apartment..You are completely bonkers..Lucky you never reproduced for a number of reasons but especially because you'd have to lock your kids in the house and feed them peanut butter and jelly if you think you can take care of a family of five on $44,000 before taxes..maybe , if you live with your mexican relatives, lol..You are bonkers bernie!!

  108. anon.1:26 pm,

    Ye who write in the middle of a working day has the temerity to demand whether someone else has a paying job?
    FYI, I am in no way affiliated with the Lehigh or Allentown Republican Committee.

    Scott Armstrong

  109. Dear 4:03,
    He's nuts and no, he can never back up his ridiculous assertions..

  110. Yea Bernie, that's why half the caseworkers in the county have second or third jobs because they are doing so incredibly well on their $30,000-$40,000..Brain dead bernie..Thank you 4:01 for that enlightening information..Hopefully Bernie boy can read..

  111. I'm sorry, as a non-union observer, I don't feel that singling out low paying public employees that do all the garbage we all take for granted is the way to move forward in this country.

    School taxes would be much lower if the state did not continuously lower it's subsidy to get re-elected. State taxes are LOW. We don't need 500 school districts.

    County taxes would not be as high if we simply stopped incarcerating victimless criminals.

    Police and firefighters? Hell, they are worth EVERY penny they get. I cannot fathom how anyone can begrudge them and it's downright embarrassing to witness the bitterness because of personal anecdotes and vendettas.

    Local taxes would be lower if we'd consolidate every Mayberry municipality into larger entities with fewer paid administrators.

    There are a plethora of things one could do before blaming the downfall of Western Civilization on a school teacher and a clerk.


  112. Ye who write in the middle of a working day has the temerity to demand whether someone else has a paying job?
    FYI, I am in no way affiliated with the Lehigh or Allentown Republican Committee.

    I didn't ask the question but the answer might be interesting. Do you still take advantage of free lunches?

  113. Bernie, King of the Hypocrites, NOW claims that the public sector employees are destroying the nation. When did this obssesion start?

    It started when Stoffa and Angle wanted to dump Gracedale. They were frantically looking for excuses and one of them was the evil public sector unions. It also statred when Stoffa brioke his cmapaign promise to rewuerst binding arbitrationh for unions. Like the loyal puppy he is, Bernie jumpoed on the propaganda bandwagon.

    What Bernie fogets is that people remeber that when Reibman, a guy he hates, was execuive he froze slaries and laid off non critical staff, at the recomendation of fiscal guys like Doran Hammond a public employee and O'Hare went nuts. He stormed council meetings claiming the world would end. He cried that the poor public employees can barely affoprd food.

    So you see folks, with O'Hare throw logic out the window, it is abour personalities.
    It always comes back to WHO is doing something and not WHAT is being done.

    How do you think he earned the title "King of the Hypocrites" around the Valley.

  114. Great points 4:19 !!!

  115. armstrong is a landscaper, has been for years. ever done that work? not many can for long.

  116. A number of anonymous personal attacks, directed at Scott Armstrong, have been deleted. I see that the response to most of my arguments and Scott's arguments is "Bernie is a poo-poo head." That's the kind of intellectual response I expect from public sector unions members.

    A the time I went off under Reibman, I was fighting for people's jobs. and they were non-union jobs. What Reibman did is drive everyone into the arms of the unions, and now whatever increases that workers get in wages gors to union dues.

  117. "Actually, $42,000 is NOT a living wage in Northampton county for a family of 4. Or a single mother and child:


    Actually, it is. If you learned how to do the math at your public school, you'd see that the living wage for a family of 4, or a single parent and child, is a little over $37,000. That's well below what a firefighter is paid.

    Maybe you could take a math course at NCC.

  118. 37,000 net we pay 37% tax on our 42 so we don't take home that much therefore we r below a living wage

  119. Rocket scientist, The living wage is a gross, not a net, figure. You are paid above the living wage, and in many cases, well above.

  120. Actually, it is. If you learned how to do the math at your public school, you'd see that the living wage for a family of 4, or a single parent and child, is a little over $37,000. That's well below what a firefighter is paid.

    Maybe you could take a math course at NCC.

    Wait, you accuse me of not doing math and you don't account for income taxes? Take 20% off the top (being generous) for taxes and lo and behold!, a wage under the living wage.

    But you continue to work hard disparaging the good people who protect the streets and walk into burning buildings. Repulsive.

  121. Rocket scientist, The living wage is a gross, not a net, figure. You are paid above the living wage, and in many cases, well above.

    If this is the case, you are actually applauding your fellow citizenry for paying people just slightly above poverty levels. Bravo!

  122. 9:03, Like I said, take a few math course. The LW calaculations are based on gross figures. Maybe you'd like $1,000,000 per year. I would, too, but we in the private sector can do quite well on far less than what is considered a living wage.

    9:05, the living wage is NOT poverty level or close to it. And if you think $42,000 per year is povery level, you're nuts.

  123. "you continue to work hard disparaging the good people who protect the streets and walk into burning buildings. Repulsive."

    What I am disparaging is the sense of entitlement you have, as well as your lousy math skills.

    As for the dangers attendant upon being a first responder, I will agree that it takes a special person to put his life on the line for another. No amount of money can compensate that heroism.

  124. I guess BO is against ems people too! Give them min. wages! Just what you want when you are having a heart attack,stroke, car accident so unskilled, uneducated person taking care of you! This is why they join unions... then they force the city, town, boro or what ever to send them for education. And they should not make a living wage??? Really! Teachers, teaching the children of today... not make a living wage? If it wasn't for all of the charter schools sucking out the money, they wouldn't needto increase taxes for education. I could go on, but it's almost noon and I must go get ready for my min. pay job at Walmart! Sam's club, or Amazon.... where we need a union!!!

  125. First, I am not against EMS. Second, I do not support paying bare minimum wage to public sector employees, except seasonal employees brought on in the Summer. Third, I do support a living wage. Fourth, the reference to Walmart or Amazon has NOTHING to do with the public sector.


  126. All Public Sector employees should have a statrting wage of $85,000.00 like our State Legislators.

  127. O'Hatre hates all public employees. Thjat wopuld include EMS, firemenm and police.

    Hope the cops remeber your ways if you get pulled over wearing a dress.

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