Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Deely Plays Politics at Coopersburg Community Day

In its 21-year history, Coopersburg Community Day has been a day to come together, no play politics. Politicians are welcome, but are expressly prohibited from campaigning, wearing buttons, or passing out campaign literature.

At last Saturday's Coppersburg Community Day, State House candidate Kevin Deely decided to play politics anyway. He's running against incumbent Justin Simmons in the 131st. He and some of his union supporters showed up wearing "Elect Deely" buttons and started to hand out flyers. When told that is verboten, retired teacher and former Southern Lehigh union rep Jay Impink had a meltdown about his First Amendment rights. In short, Impink had a stink.

"It is a shame that Deely is so desperate to increase his name recognition that he needs to politicize a community event that is meant to bring people together," said a Justin Simmons campaign aide.


  1. So the Simmons proclamation under the big tent had nothing to do with politics?

  2. Well, unlike Deely, Simmons was actually elected to be the State Representative. All elected officials are invited to give proclamations toward the event. Simmons simply brought a certificate for the Southern Lehigh Class of 1962. How is this political? Deely has to get elected first before he can get under the tent, which we all know isn't happening.

  3. Yet Simmons was politicking while he walked the crowd. Simmons is a cry baby.

  4. It's where they are at the time, where people are... That's what they do!

  5. Was Deely passing the dutchie around at Community Day?



  6. Simmons was with his wife. Deely was with a bunch of washed up teachers. Was Simmons wearing a re-elect me button? No... Deely is a loser... thought I saw him an Impink sharing a doobbie near the bathroom.

  7. Good choice of retired teachers to campaign for you in Southern Lehigh. Students and teachers hated Jay.

  8. Everyone hated Impink. He was a lazy, union hack. Not to mention he sucked as a teacher

  9. Does Deely really think he can hide from this by moving and running in the 131st? A landslide is coming....


  10. Hey Jay you like Deely don't even live in the district. Why are you back? Go crawl back under your rock.

  11. Here is a link to another Deely hack. It is the East Penn Teacher's Union President, Sue Arnold. This woman teaches our children and claims to be a Republican. Why hasn't she been fired by now with the stuff she puts on the internet? And why in God's name does she still try to be a Republican. Get a life Sue!


  12. Freedom of speech. Sorry O'Hare even the peopl eyou don't like have it.

    Jeff Parks thought he could stop it and he was wrong. So are you.

  13. I was unaware Jeff Parks is a First Amendment foe. Does he get a medal or something?


  14. We need Minger and Minder.

  15. Clearly Coopersburg Community Day event was no balloons, no kissing of babiesm no handshakes. If he ignores a request like this, how will he treat taxpayer concerns?

  16. Simmons grew up in Coopersburg. Did Deely? Nothing phony about Simmons appearance at a community event.

  17. Sad day when a candidate can't go to a community event and meet people. Politics--the concerns of the city... Just don't actually do it in public.

  18. "Simmons grew up in Coopersburg. Did Deely?"

    No, man. But I think he smoked a lot of weed there. Don't believe it was with Impink, who doesn't smoke stink.

  19. Yes, Simmons has spent a lot of time strolling around the park since for most of his life he was living at home with mommy and daddy and had no job..before he got his job living off the government teat, he never had a real job..


  20. Simmons is Married?


  21. Simmons and Deely are good friends, this is a false campaign.

  22. LOL !!!!!!!!! I saw Deely on a PCN event forum and he is weak .If this is the best the Democrats can do then let me recommend that the Dems invest their campaign dollars elsewhere. Deely is no match for Rep Simmons.
    And to the anonymous hater whose career was ended by Rep Simmons....Go do the dishes , wash the floor, Hows retirement ??


  23. To Anon 11:13,

    Go take your Medication, that we the tax payers are providing you.


  24. Simmons quit hiding, come out!


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