Local Government TV

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Armstrong: The Case Against Obama's Marxist World View

Allentown conservative Scott Armstrong is known for his strong opinions. As you might have guessed, he opposes what he calls Obama's Marxist world view.

In the race for re-election, team Obama portrays itself as the champion of the “middle class”. Average Americans more concerned with daily activities like holding a job and paying bills might mistake this rhetoric as a heartfelt concern for their plight as hard working folk just trying to get by. However, the truth is starkly different and becomes clear if one takes into account Barack Obama’s Marxist world view. According to this perspective the middle class is the 21st century’s proletariat; in other words, this is a class of people who must be protected against the exploitive nature of the capitalist system.

The American left/Democratic Party’s intent is to equalize economic opportunity and outcome. Their ultimate goal is for everyone (excepting themselves as leadership) to be middle class/equally poor. They would achieve this by wealth redistribution. Confiscatory taxes on achievers would be used to fund increased government programs, benefits, services… for the proletariat/middle class. In a nutshell, this is European style socialism. Although the continent is in the process of imploding as a result of these same policies, the Democrats and the president are true believers and are prepared to take the USA down the same road to ruin.

Clever politicians can hoodwink a beleaguered populace with well spun rhetoric. American’s workers would be well advised to keep this in mind when they hear the president’s siren song of protecting their middle class interests. They need to understand that the president does not view them as middle class in the American sense, i.e. as people working hard to make a better life for themselves and their children, but as proletarians who cannot save themselves or improve their own lives without government help.

Obama’s wish is to replace our free market/ capitalist system with what Marxists call a dictatorship of the proletariat, in other words, the state/government control. Sadly, history informs us that workers/proletariats in a Marxist system are mere wards of the state. Conversely, Americans have a robust history of profiting and advancing on the opportunity and desire to determine their own destiny. This tenet of the American way is foreign to Obama and the Democratic leadership. They simply don’t believe it. They see government as the solution to every problem while it is America’s history to see government as the problem.


  1. Scott Armstrong is an idiot.

    Karl Marx

  2. Scott. Just so you know. I live in Allentown and there is no way in hell im voting for you.

  3. Scott, you are out of your mind. You are so far right that anyone with half a brain will not vote for you again. I am glad that O'Hare posted this so that anytime when the MCALL has a post for your reelection it can be re-posted. You are an extremist to the right and is exactly what is wrong with this country. It is said that you are in position to dictate what happens to are youth.

  4. I consider myself a moderate, voting to the right and left at times. I do not see any evidence that Obama wants to make everyone exactly equal except those who lead. Having a healthy middle class is critical to our fiscal and structural health as a county, which growing the middle class fits in well with, and one incidentally that all Presidents in my living memory have tried to do.

    1. Yet Obama's policies are having the exact opposite effect on the middle class and the poor. One needs only to look at Europe to see where we are headed.

      The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

      I suspect that deep down you realize this but can't separate the rhetoric you hear from the reality you see.

  5. Obama, Nixon, Ike... all damned Marxists, by Scott's calculus.


  6. Scott is right on this one!

    The White House is occupied by an individual who was indoctrinated by Marxist-Socialist views his entire life.
    He was also a former Muslim, what kind of person could listen to Rev. Wright for 20 years?

  7. Well this seems a little extreme.

  8. Scott Armstrong is defending the class he belongs to. Like many of us he is loyal to his people. Mr. Armstrong is less delicate or discreet than most of the class he represents. I appreciate his honesty in articulating his world view. He is an authentic spokesman for American conservatives. Thank you for presenting what he and they believe.

  9. If he is a spokesperson for American conservatives than I thank you for supporting my theory that they are all completely whacked, crazy, nutzo, and obviously a bit out of touch with reality..

  10. "McCarthy, II?"

    Read a little. There was never a McCarthy I. Whittaker Chambers' testimony and post cold war recovered KGB files show the only thing McCarthy got wrong was the exact number of communists in the State Department.

  11. Scott is mostly right. Mostly.

    Capitalism is the greatest and most successful economic platform in the history of the world. The problem is that the stewards, of both political persuasions, behave like clearcutters and rack 'em stack 'em hunters.

    From offshoring jobs to corporate malfeasance to hiring illegal aliens, those at the top of the food chain have nobody to blame but themselves if the masses take the wrong path to a solution.


  12. "He was also a former Muslim"

    Assuming that's true, how would that make him a Marxist?

  13. Scott is a great American patriot. He has the courage of our forefathers who fought on Normandy's beaches, at the frozen Chosin Resevior and beleaguered outpost of freedom Khe Sanh.
    Thank you for your service Scott.
    Carry on.

  14. Clem,

    Offshoring jobs is the centerpiece of capatilism and free markets. It's the idea that you produce goods/ services where it is most cost effective.

    Maybe, you should read up on economic theory?


  15. ReleasethereturnsMittSeptember 13, 2012 at 9:15 AM

    Not one fact to support his "theory"

  16. Funny that you who make comments all remain anonymous. That says a lot about your conviction and honesty. Scott has hit the nail right on the head.


  17. Scott Armstrong has toiled and worked hard all his life to achieve the American Dream. This man has no doubt experienced 16 hour days and 7 day work weeks and the stress of meeting a payroll.
    Now Socialists and Marxists like Obama want to take away what real men like Armstrong and I have worked to build??!??!!
    I will vote for Armstrong anytime. Mitt for President!

  18. Lol..These people are crazy..Better give up the Mitt for President crap..He's even way behind in the Fox news poll and has given up on Pa. by pulling out most of his ads..He has left Pa. to all you conservative crazies to carry his water. Good luck with that! Keep up the craziness guys..I'm sure all that nutzo socialist crap will sway the average voter, lol...Oh, I forgot..The average voter in Pa. has Obama ahead by 9 points..That's gotta piss off all you nazis..

  19. Scott Armstrong has toiled and worked hard all his life to achieve the American Dream. This man has no doubt experienced 16 hour days and 7 day work weeks and the stress of meeting a payroll.
    Now Socialists and Marxists like Obama want to take away what real men like Armstrong and I have worked to build??!??!!
    I will vote for Armstrong anytime. Mitt for President!

  20. Go Scott Go!!! Well thought out, very observant (way to see the forest through the trees), and very appropriate for our current times.

  21. For almost 50 years the Lehigh Valley was blessed to have Charles Snelling as the clear voice of conservative Republicans. In his regular Morning Call editorials, Snelling reminded us of the principles, integrity and inventiveness of American captilalism. This wonderful voice will be missed.
    But how fortunate we are to have Scott Armstrong fill the breach and defend our great capitalist system and our sacred American way of life.
    God rest Charles Snelling. God bless the Lehigh Valley, Scott Armstrong and the USA.

  22. Laugh all you want but it's brave men like Armstrong that stand between us and communism.

  23. Charles Snelling was THE voice of us Conservative Republicans. He walked the talk.
    Charles was a role model for honesty, descency and hard work. He will always be my hero as the example of a local GOP businessman and leader.
    Scott Armstrong's got some big shoes to fill in following a class act and outstanding spokesman like Charles Snelling but I'm willing to bet he can do it.

  24. Romney doesn't need PA to win. Obama won it by 20 points. His primary undervote exceeded 10% in all but two PA counties, however. Obama will win PA, but not by much. Current polls are D weighted and few are of likely voters (Ds have trouble actually showing up). That PA is even being discussed doesn't bode well for President Carter's re-election.

  25. It is just an opinion by one person with strong views on politics. Why does that end up in harsh name calling (Nazies?).

    Our system works because we allow different points of view.

    I'm offended when people revert to calling other views as idiots and extremists.It ends up in elections to resolve differences.

    True Mitt is now out of the race for all practical purposes. Lose Florida(highly likely) and the electroral vote is a clinch.

  26. Rassmussen ( the most accurate last election) has Romney leading among likely voters. Even Carter still led by double sigits in 9/79. Obama is finished. Given today's jobs report, he should leave early.

  27. I'm pleased with the comments celebrating local guys who pulled themselves up by
    their own boot straps and became successful the old fashioned way----honest hard work. It's guys like Charlie Snelling and Scott Armstrong who really speak for real hard working Americans. Guys like this have made America the country it is today.

  28. Problem---
    How can we ever get a solid practical problem-solving republican like Eric Weiss, elected in Allentown, a guy who is really needed,when Scott keeps sucking all the air out of the room with his Republican Right rants?

  29. Ed "the hole" Pawlowski got over 70% in the last election. Lever pullers deserve bad government. They don't deserve good government or an honest debate. Wallow in your popularly elected paradise.

  30. LOL - "Standing between us and communism" How old are you and are you wearing a tin foil hat?

  31. Born and raised a Lehigh Counyt Republican and never more proud then when I'm reminded Scott Armstrong is one of us.

  32. How strong a candidate was the last guy to run for mayor on the GOP ticket?

  33. Bernie, the local teabaggers went to see a movie that was recently in the Valley. The moive was made by a right wing version of Mike Moore. This guy uses quotes from Obama's book about his father and takes passages out of context and constructs this whcky timeline and theory proving Obama is trying to "pay back" the colonial powerrs his father hated. His father was alledgedly a marxist who hated colonialism and the thrustr of the movie is Obama deosn't hold the same"real American" values the rest of us do. It is pure propaganda crap but it is the hot thing right now. Since no one pays attention to the entire "birther" nonsens, thi sis the next best thing.

    This reminds me of the film,"Farenheight 911", it was put out years ago by some left wing nut showing how th eBush family help bring about 9/11. It was done exactly the same way amnd if yiou were predisposed to beleive all the nonsens before you saw the film, it confiormed what you alredady beleicved.

    Sadly, thuis is what political discourse is reduced to. One propaganda film after another.

    I have one thing to say to
    Scotty and the other teabaggers, If Obama is a communist, he is a pretty shitty communist as we have yet to see the wealth get evend out. Franky, I think Marx wouldn't vote for him.

  34. Cry on teabaggers..Obama is crushing Romney in Pa. and your votes don't mean crap... Cry on Cry on!!!

  35. Scott deserves a national forum. He is every bit the intellectual equal of Glenn Beck and Hannedy.

  36. Fahrenheit 911?
    The film Scott wanted to ban from the 19th St Theatre?


  38. Romney was right and the White Hiuse agreed with him when it came out against the State Department apology. Hell, they denounced it three times. Obama politicized the bin Laden assasination and gave moviemakers special access to national secrets in order to produce a movie supportive of Obama. 1979 has arrived. Even John Edwards can see.this.

  39. Scott is hands down THE most fun guy in Lehigh Valley politics. No one else is close.

  40. Pray God that I live long enough to see Scott Armstrong obtain higher office.
    You Scott have the heart of a lion.

  41. Romney seemed to have a smirk on his face when he spoke out agains the US Embassy in Libya. It is not clear Romney exercised poor judgement in speaking out against the US as these events were developing. Imagine if that was done immediatley after 9-11.

    I equally appalled that the Conservatives who post here seem to regard success as wealth and fortune. Face it folks, you can work long days, 6 days a week and struggle to get by, but unless you gain in wealth, you are not successful.

  42. So this commentary by Scott is exactly what is wrong with politics today - a bunch of bogus nonsense and not a single idea on what the problem is or how to fix it. This isn't the "well spun rhetoric" he detests, but really bad rhetoric that adds nothing to the debate.

    So here's the challenge to Scott Armstrong: tell me how we fix the mess that both Dems and Rs got us into? Or at least some hard evidence to back up your poorly devised rhetoric.

    And here is the challenge to Bernie: Stop publish nonsense like this from Scott Armstrong if he cannot produce a commentary with some substance. Just refuse to publish it.

    That is all.
    David Flintlock

    1. Wow, David, great post! Now why don't you stop complaining about others expressing themselves and follow your own advice.

      If you want people to suggest solutions, why don't you offer something instead of just whining about what you want from others.

  43. Lets not Reagan suggested Medicare was a threat our freedoms, that would lead to a socialized dictatorship.

    I would ask if those Noble Conservatives faced with major medical challenges of self, spouse,or other loved one would consider Medicare a program of a soicalized dictatorship.

    Ironically, Mr. Armstongs tales are very similar to Reagans false claims about Medicare, back in 1961The Great Misinformer.

  44. Scotty poached his little essay from a book the movie was based on. Shame on you you bad little teaqbagger.

    David Wessson


  45. With the assistance of the Left Wing Media, BARRY OBUMA was elected President...This GUY couldn't lead HAITI, if he was elected in that country.
    He was raised a MUSLIM and is a MARXIST/SOCIALIST from Chicago.

  46. Sorry Daaaaavy. Your guy failed and is about to be turned out. The side about to lose power always gets particularly nasty in the final hours. A call to limit speech on this blog is exactly why most have had enough of the thin-skinned hopey-changey dopes.

    Fight speech with more speech, Daaaaaavy. That is, of course, unless your speech makes you look really stupid, Daaaaaavy.


  47. These attacks are a result of a floundering campaign. These claims are sure signs of desperation.

    This past Sunday, did anyone else notice the hard gulp by Ryan when he was asked what programs he would cut? I could not offer the American people any specifics. That was quite telling.

  48. Actually, the silly film is the sign of desperate teabaggers hoping there are enough idiots like themselves who will beleive that nonsense.

  49. Bernie-- you let people trash Obama but if one makes fun of Mitts hair or draft dodging you block it,

    What are you afraid of?

  50. "David Flintlock," i.e. an anon with a made-up name,

    1) Scott's posts here are always welcome. He ans I have different ideologies, so I really like it when he wants his views known bc it gives my readers more than they get from me alone.

    2) Scott is an excellent writer whose forceful opinions always provoke a big reaction, as this post illustrates. And you want that to stop.

    3) Nobody tells me what to post on my blog. Nobody.

    4) If you think you can write a pro-Obama piece that is half decent, and are willing to provide your real name, I'd very likely run it.

    5) What really bothers you is that Scott's writing is effective. Rather than respond with good arguments, you want him silenced. Very tolerant of you.

    Now go roll around on the floor .

  51. 6:46, I have no idea what you are talking about. I have blocked nothing on this thread.

  52. It was said of Charles Snelling that he was inevitably the smartest guy in the room. One could say the same about Mr. Armstrong, although either would be too humble to admit it .
    How remarkable that Lehigh County would produce two such extraordinary political thinkers one after the other. Businessmen,family men,civic leaders, artists. ( Snelling a poet--Armstrong an illustrator.)
    How very lucky we are to be so blessed.

  53. Oh please, anon, you are begging for gun jokes.

  54. Wow! I want to have Scott Armstrong's babies!

  55. Yes indeed ---excellent effective writing.
    I'm going up to look under my bed for Commies now,
    Thank you gentlemen.

  56. Perhaps the best thing about it is I never quite know if this is serious or really refined satire.
    I've sent it to friends in Europe and they absolutely loved it. They were in stitches.
    Yes, thanks. It made my day.

  57. Obama was coceived with frozen seman from Hitler!

  58. The first person to mention a Nazi loses. Godwin's law.

  59. 63 comments, all but three are from O'Hare, the rest are anonymous. But he calls people who post as anonymous as cowards. Irony at its best.

  60. Excuse me? I contributed 4 comments to this thread, including this one. I do not post anonymously or under goofy names. Sounds to me that you want to accuse me of what you do so that you can feel better about being a sleaze.

  61. I am saying that the rest of the others posts are anonymous. Not you.

  62. Anonymous posts that consist of personal attacks are the mark of cowards. I have said so. I leave the anonymous option, as I have said many times, for people who want to contribute to a discussion but whose occupation makes it unwise for them to ID themselves. It is not a license to launch personal attacks, as people like you do. How's that for irony?

  63. You use it to dump the comments that don't play well to the position or person you are pushing.

    You have and continue to allow numerous personal attacks if the target is one you want attacked.

    Are you so deluded as to believe your own bullshot?

  64. That is O'Hare's MO. Attack anyone he his against and you are fine. Attack anyone he does not and it will be deleted.

  65. Your beloved Ronald Reagan proclaimed that Medicare was going to lead to a Socialized Dictatorship. Nearly a half a Century later, we see how WRONG Reagan was.

    Folks, do you see some commonalities in Mr. Armstrongs false propoganda?

    Oh shame.

  66. "Maybe, you should read up on economic theory?


    9:15 AM"

    Keep living solely by economic "theory" and ignore the reality.

    Those whose jobs are offshored, who are less and less able to participate in the consumption of domestic goods and services, who are displaced by illegals or downsized for a short term bump in share price still have the right to vote. They will seek an immediate solution to their plight, one that may ultimately destroy the greatest economic system in the history of the world, just as the clearcutters seek immediate, maximum profits while pushing their discarded assets to seek wrongheaded solutions.

    Those 1.25/hour third world laborers aren't putting addtions on their homes or adding swimming pools. They aren't eating at our restaurants or dropping off their drycleaning or otherwise patronizing local businesses.

    Though he may vehemently disagree, I believe there is a significant difference between the Scott Armstrongs and the Romneys, Thains, Dimons, Mozilos, Blankfeins, Zells of this world - and it is not the amount of money they've made.

    You'll never hear me say the clearcutters don't have a right to do what they do. It is, perfectly legal. So was slavery, and so, still, is killing the innocent unborn. What is legal is not always what it right.

    These paragons of capitalism diminish the well-being of the nation under whose security their prosperity is achieved and, if they are going to be so short-sighted and careless, they cannot be surprised at their long term yield.

    Tis always best to dance with the one that brung ya.


  67. In 2001 the GOP ran a candidate with every important resume credential an A+, but lost to a popular political hack.Party line voters in a sense waived their right to vote on a candidate and gave it to party leaders who pick unqualified people.

    By the way, this isn't just a D situation. Look at some of the R picks at the county,like A controller with zero reqired experience.

    That 2001 election cost the city over $100 million.

    Don't vote party line unless the candidate ia quaified. November is interesting. A popular personality Prez with very questionable abilities is likely to win.

  68. Am aware of Scott and his views on life and politics.I respect his views and have noticed over the years the results of his style.Lack of leadership.Has a good family but he does not call the shots.Worked hard for many years in his neighborhood,doesnt call the shots.Now on school board same results. No wonder he's bitter.The West Park Civic association and its neiborhood is not exacly a hot bed of socialists.Conservatives and moderates of both parties are the majority there yet he fails to rise to the top in its leadership.Then theres his position in the republican party among his own kind.He has worked very hard over the years and has wound up nothing more than a party grunt.His way or no way attitude has not served him well.

  69. Guy must agree with Scott's views, in that he only took time to scrawl a personal attack.

    I love that Scott makes Gal crazy. Hey Gal, your mother wears army boots! Hahahaha!

  70. guy, i must take some exception with your analysis of scott's leadership skills. i know that during the west park historic district fight, he was president of that group during that period. to my knowledge he was also instrumental in forging relations with other groups to amplify their collective influence. although most of the property owners were opposed to the district, he managed to push through the ordinance, and then also the annex to that district. certainly opinionated, he has been a force in the allentown republican party for years. i don't really understand what your perception of his leadership skills have to do with this guest post. your comment on his family life is even more inappropriate. you're having a bad hair day, because your comments are usually very informed.

  71. Guy is not well informed. He's just another sniper who attacks messengers because he's ill equipped to argue the message. Not much of a guy, really.

  72. The teabaggers have no message, they just throw shgit an dhope soime of it sticks.

    AQll their "hgistorical" facts are gleaned from books by Coulkter, Hannity and Beck.

    Reality says, no thanks.

  73. Andg I shoulld no, I a tebbagger!!

  74. First off i do agree with some of Scotts views. some. Was a big fan of Tom Burke.Scott has a very intelligent wife, she calls as many shots as he does.Thats my point.I said he worked very hard for WPCA and the LCRC what has that done for his community standing.We dont need messengers in allentown we need leaders.Finally sad to say,No one gives a shit what he thinks because of him thinkin it.

  75. Guys don't take shots at a guy's family when they disagree with his political opinion. Guys just don't do that.

  76. After experiecing Hope and Change for the last 3 yrs and 8 months I find it shocking if not compelling that anyone who cares about this country would vote for Obama. I never saw such adoration for such a bad leader. WHY??? Is it because he's the first black president ? I am looking for answers beyond the obvious. Obama has to accept responsibility for the economy , High unemployment, Obamacare that 70 % of the nation doesnt want ???? He is perceived as a weak leader in the League of Nations.
    SO....Liberals and far left idealogues..please help me understand why you embrace this amateur??? Those whom consider themselves middle class and belief that Obama will save the middle class are ignorant. The more you tax and regulate a business the less that business will invest to grow ( Less jobs). So go ahead and vote for this fraud of the middle class. Its you job that may be next.

  77. I agree with PhillyBoy.
    Enough of these armatures. Bring back the true professionals like George W. Bush!!!!!

  78. Many of us would have preferred Hillary Clinton Philly Boy. Maybe you forgot that Philly Boy.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.