Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Another Shoe Drops in Mezzacappa Threat Case

Tricia Mezzacappa
Tricia Mezzacappa has been charged with disorderly conduct and harassment as a result of threats against West Easton officials. But despite statements from West Easton's Borough Clerk Jill Garcia and Tax Collector Elizabeth Hanni,  Mezzacappa denies it all. She instead derides one of the witnesses, Garcia, as "classless and incompetent." She also sneers at this public servant's modest salary.

I never knew that someone's credibility is determined by her payscale. Also, I find it ironic that Mezzacappa, who likes to call people she dislikes "dickless," would claim to know anything at all about class.

Unfortunately for Mezzacappa, another shoe has dropped in her criminal prosecution.

A third witness.

His name is Dan DePaul, who at one time or another dated Mezzacappa. While stopped at some intersection, Mezzacappa spotted him and came flying out of her house, waving some paper in her hand. According to DePaul, Mezzacappa stated, "They rejected my request for the minutes and I'm going to kill her [referring to Kelly Gross]. He watched as she jumped into her car and drove off.

DePaul was concerned enough that he decided to go to Borough Hall himself and warn Kelly. Not seeing her vehicle in the parking lot, DePaul instead drove to her father, Mayor Gerry Gross, and warned him.

By the way, Easton police have DePaul's statement.

So that's three people who heard Mezzacappa threaten the life of West Easton Borough Council President Kelly Gross.

In other Mezzacappa business, oral argument in my defamation case against her is scheduled for today.


  1. Tricias man hands are strong and capable of toe curing handy tasks. The wicked witch is a sexy senior who likes to throw her phermones around freely, back off bernie

  2. 18 Pa. Cons. Stat. Section 2706

    Terroristic Threats.

    (a) Offense defined. A person commits the crime of terroristic threats if the person communicates, either directly
    or indirectly, a threat to:

    (1) commit any crime of violence with intent to terrorize another...

    (3) otherwise cause serious public inconvenience, or
    cause terror or serious public inconvenience with reckless
    disregard of the risk of causing such terror or inconvenience...

    (d) Grading. An offense under subsection (a) constitutes a
    misdemeanor of the first degree unless the threat causes the
    occupants of the building, place of assembly or facility of public transportation to be diverted from their normal or customary operations, in which case the offense constitutes a felony of the third degree.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Bernie, Please be careful.After all she is a law-abiding citizen packing a concealed pistola.

  5. She has rights like anyone else. Angry breakups should not determine rights.


  6. This is news worthy?

  7. The fact that a third person has confirmed her death threats is in my opinion highly newsworthy, especially since Mezzacappa has denied them and has attempted to vilify those who heard her. And although the whole notion that I was anything more than a casual friend with Mezzacappa is yet another lie, this story is not about me It is the Easton police who filed these charges.

  8. Heh. PEople like the blogger and this woman get off on their petty power play by walking into offices demanding documents. They get a thrill because THEY work for ME therefore I am superior. Ever wonder why it's jokers who flaunt their RTK prowess?

  9. Anon 4:41 AM, what about the rights of the individuals she allegedly threatened to assault and kill? What about the rights of the office clerk who was subjected to her foul-mouthed tirade? What about the rights of all the other residents of West Easton Borough?

  10. "This is news worthy?"

    It certainly is fascinating. More, please.

  11. There will be more. Mezzacrappa's "Blog Mentor" is attempting damage control, and failing, as usual.

  12. The suspense is killing me!

    Who's the blog mentor???

    Did she give up the name?

    Did she give it up easily?

    Has this person fessed up?

  13. It is part of my discovery. She will have no choice but to reveal this person's identity.

  14. Any ideas when you will post any updates? The suspense is eating away at me.

  15. Was she a he at some point in the past? Yikes!

  16. Photo Caption Contest Entry:

    "And your little dog, too!"

  17. What time was this at? Man i would have loved to have been there to watch.

  18. Actually she does not have to give up any names in your civil suit. You aren't the only "lawyer" in the world.

  19. Please.go easy on the "man hands". Tricia is always there when I need to open a stubborn jar of Ragu.

  20. 4:22, Actually, she does. And if she fails to answer, I will seek sanctions. One way or the other, she is going to have to answer several questions. Those should be be very enlightening (wink, wink).

  21. 3:46, It was at 9 AM. She actually had two cases on the list.

  22. how does she get away with the crap she does, maybe she pays people off. someone is going to get hurt and then who will pay the price???

  23. Haters. Cowardly men that love to go after women.

  24. Yeah. How terrible that she threatens to kill a woman and then some people take her to task for it. What's wrng with us?

  25. Nurse...nurse....it just got worse!

    I wonder if she can loose her RN license over these charges.

  26. Good point... Maybe the PA Board of Nursing should receive a letter/s being informed of this dangerous woman.

    Moral turpitude refers to conduct that is considered contrary to community standards of honesty or good morals.

    I think if you break the code you can lose your license.

  27. Also maligning a persons character is a problem amd maybe she should ask for discovery of the O'Hare posters that have been doing that to her for months.

  28. @4:14PM
    Just send a copy of the Easton Police Report, no comments needed!

  29. Hey 6:03PM
    Maligning is to speak harmful untruths or evil about someone; slander; defame ... are you aquainted with the West Easton Footprint??


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