Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

State Rep. Joe Brennan Wants Off Ballot

State Rep. Joe Brennan, who was charged with assaulting his wife and drunk driving last week, has issued this statement:

"Those of us in recovery understand that there is no perfection. Recovery is a daily struggle and one cannot afford to let his or her guard down. I continue to work on my recovery day by day. It is the hardest thing I have had to do in my life. As I continue this process, it will be better for me and my family to not also have to deal with the challenges of a political campaign.

“I have been privileged to represent the 133rd District for the past six years, but today I am submitting a request to remove my name from the November ballot.

“I will remain in office until the conclusion of my term on Nov. 30 and my offices will remain open and staffed to help constituents deal with state government.

"I truly regret the entire situation. I understand the public’s interest in this because of the office I hold, but I hope that people will balance that with my family's need for privacy during a painful and difficult time."


  1. Too little, too late...

  2. Fine, now stop beating your wife.

  3. And a time to heal ...

  4. BO-
    Who will run in his place? I heard Jose Rosado, Bill Leiner and Tony Rybak are interested.

  5. Jim Hickey to run in his place. Thats the rumor mill report.

  6. Doesn't Hickey live in Hanover Twsp? I thought Bill leiner was in Texas or down south somewhere?

  7. I met Joe Brennan many years ago before he got into politics. He was single. He didn't seem to have a care in the world. Fun loving jovial chap. Unfortunately he can't handle his booze. I certainly hope things work out for him. He did the right thing by getting off the ballot. He faces a jail term in the very near future. That will be with him forever. A bright young career all because of booze. What a shame.

  8. I hope the best for Joe. He made a good decision here for the sake of his family and himself..

  9. jim hickey would be the best person for the position.

  10. Hickey is in hanover township, lehigh county which is part of district

  11. That would be greta with his baggage, Hickey would be a fun canididate to watch.

  12. Rybak and Rosado both ran..It'll be one of them..Doubt Hickey will get it..

  13. Joe Brennan is a loyal person with challenges ahead and all any decent person can do is wish him the best. Prayers, good will and remember the sun rises tomorrow.

  14. A mensch would resign. He also wouldn't beat his wife in the first place. He still hasn't hit bottom. He's still in denial.

  15. It will be Rosado. Here is his problem: the district will lose South Bethlehem with the redistricting and take on a large part of whitehall twp. In 2014, Rosado will likely face a strong challenger from Whitehall Twp. Jose is a terrible campaigner and the shift in the district won't make his re-election easier.

  16. Why rosado? Hickey can win and hold that district. He has lived there most of his life and has the intellectual firepower not always apparent in the State House.

  17. Hickey would set that seat on fire.

  18. well, he has been known to flatuate...

  19. So did Dennis Pearson run. I in fact beat Rosad0, Rybak and Brennan in the 2 East Side districts in rhe 133. But I do not anticipate putting my name in. These two east side districts will be out of the district 2 years hence ... But I could have been a good transition representative

    dennis Pearson

  20. Rosado would have a tough time in the new district..Rybak could win the seat easily..Hickey didnt run and wont be considered..

  21. Hickey seriously considered running and would be a far superior candidate than tony rybak with his very limited list of achievements. And Hickey would hold the seat

  22. Is Rosado the Fountain Hill Mayor? Is that a full or part-time position?

  23. How about these lowlife Ds call for this asshole to resign first?

    Jesus. The only consideration is the seat in a sheep district. The piece of shit beat his wife in front of their small children. And he's still taking a paycheck and these scumbags only care about his successor. WTF.

    I hope Brennan's first kill is someone on the local D committee.

  24. I too find it astonishing the biggest concern here is who gets his seat in the "sheep" district. He should resign and stop collecting money from the taxpayers, it's a disgrace.

  25. My sympathies to Mrs. Brennan and the children. They are the ones getting totally screwed here. For their sake, I say the State keep paying Brennan til the end of his term, even if he resigns. I wish his family well.

  26. If the neighbor wouldn't have called the police, she could have sold tickets and made some moolah. My money would have been on his wife.

  27. To late to change he is on the ballot. If he wins he will have to resign again and then there would be a special election. If he wins we should also disqualify all the voters in that district who voted for him.

  28. anon 1:44,

    the best part of hickey ran down his mothers leg

  29. anon 1:55,

    hickey lives where ever the next political whore is

  30. anon2:10,
    hickey understands the position - he loves it when it's bent over

  31. anon2:21 - u got it - he just doesn't get it

  32. Although Hickey would be excellent, he's not running.

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. Hey 9:08, You want to slam Hickey, who is NOT running, attack him personally, but are too much of a coward to identify yourself. GFYS.

  35. "I too find it astonishing the biggest concern here is who gets his seat"

    The vultures are circling. No surprise to see Ryback's name.

  36. Rosado's position as Mayor is part-time.

  37. You're right and I apologize, please delete my 9:08 comment.

  38. " I thought Bill leiner was in Texas or down south somewhere?"

    Bill is back.

  39. What about Gregory?

  40. Gregory does not live in district.

  41. Maybe Rooney will come back.

  42. This is going to be interesting. The committee members from the district-both in lehigh and Northampton- will make a recommendation to the state party. My guess is that there will be a battle between Latinos who want rosado and folks in the Whitehall coplay area who know and like Leiner. The seat is a safe seat for dems. Leiner holds it w the changes. Rosado likely loses in the primary in 2014 w the changes that move the bethlehem latino population to samuelsons district. Wild card: what who makes a deal w donches. If rosado pledges to keep the staff on board after the election, he probably can sway enough state party folks. If not, donches, the next mayor in Bethlehem, probably pulls enough strings to make it Leiner who probably keeps Brennan's staff (which includes donches). Don't overlook the importance of this detail. The dem leaders in the house pay attention to that kind of stuff.

  43. McNeil isn't a series thought in Harrisburg. He is so far removed nobody knows his name on this. He is probably the one pushing his name.

  44. We need new political talent in LV. Not the same ol

  45. We need new political talent in LV. Not the same ol

  46. Anon10:23-
    You severely over estimate Donchez's power and influence in the local party. He is not very political for a politician. He is a Morganelli and does nothing without his approval.

  47. * morganelli guy.

  48. Dan McNeil? Is that guy still alive? He has been in a giveme do-nothing job in Lehigh County for years, courtesy of Cunningham.

    The guy is illiterate, even Dem's have higher standards than that.

  49. Bernie, word is out that McClure has announced for County Executive. Don't know if it is official or just among some people where it was overheard.

  50. So I am curious what sort of pension does this guy get for six years in office- does anyone here know?

  51. wish donchez would run. then he wouldn'y ruin bethlum by becoming the next mayor


  52. One of the finest individuals I have ever had the pleasure of meeting is Donchez. As a life long resident of Bethlehem I sincerely hope he runs for Mayor. He is exactly what this city needs after 8 years of chaos, lying, corruption, and mismangement.

  53. How about Steve Barron?

  54. Who are the nut jobs that see Hickey as a viable candidate for Brennans position? I can't see Hickey being a serious candidate for many reasons. Among those are he was at the "helm" of the Reibman administration when they let Mike Soloman go nuts with his criminal activity. He was there for Reibman during the now infamous "swaption". He was with Reibman on the one hundred million dollar give away program that he called a plan for economic development. Hickey is a great character and a likable enough guy but he is tainted by his leadership during the Reibman era. Hickey has baggage and it's too heavey to bare as a candidate running for office. He could be a great administrator if someone is strong enough to keep him under control.

  55. Hickey was not there for the swaption.

  56. Only the tip of the iceberg. More court papers to be filled.

  57. When I see Jim Hickey, I touch myself!

    Who am I?

  58. Heard of a guy by the name of Matt Recker might be considering running for Joes seat He is from Coplay. Any truth to that?


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