Local Government TV

Thursday, August 23, 2012

State Rep. Joe Brennan Off the Ballot

State Rep. Joe Brennan has successfully petitioned Commonwealth Court to have his name removed from the ballot this November. Democrats have until next Wednesday, 4 PM, to decide on Joe's replacement.

Dave Molony is the Republican seeking Joe's seat.


  1. Let the battle to replace him begin!

    I hope, that since this district will change in 2 years, they are wise enough to chose a candidate who can 1. Run again in 2 years, and 2. Will be able to win again in 2 years.

  2. He should take himself off our payroll

  3. Hmmm... Maybe I'll run :)


  4. Rethuglicans have no chance here.

    Rethughlicans just want dirty air and dirty water, like President Obama said. They just want old people and children with down syndrome to fend for themselves, like President Obama said. They are only about tax breaks for the wealthiest 1% - as everyone already knew.

    America is tired of that troublesome Party of Extreme Whackos and just wants more free stuff from Big Government.

    I nominate Seamus.


  5. I'm promoting Bill Leiner. He's a Nurse, a former Commissioner, well educated, handsome as the devil, and a genuine ballbuster. Someday he may even be County Executive.

  6. I nominate the first sober candidate who doesn't hit girls. Aim high Democrats.

  7. 11:45 is correct..That would be why Rosado wouldnt be a great choice..Very few hispanics in the new district..More conservadems..Not good for him politically

  8. Maybe he will do a "Freeman", where he takes himself out of the seat, cuts a deal with someone who will take it but promise to leave in one or two terms, and then let Brennan run again.

  9. the district goes R because the Ds will now eat their own trying to get the job

  10. 8:02. Your probably 100% correct

  11. Iswn't Bill Leiner somehting of a doofus?

  12. This kinda' proves the point. Bill Leiner and Jose Rosado are both class acts.

  13. Rosado has skeletons but who doesn't?

  14. Yes, he does, and yes, he turned his life around.

  15. It's ironic that this story is above the story about the treatment center. It just goes to show the community how alcoholism can have devastating effects on not just a jail population but on the upper political echelon in the Commonwealth. Treatment is a good thing.

  16. There are 6 voting districts in Allentown's 14th and 15th Wards. Fact is, the political games which made and then unmade and remade the political legislative map left these voting preceincts at a disadvantage. Fact is, any candidate emerging from this area would only be able to serve 2 years if elected and would not be eligible for re-election whether it be the 131st, 133rd or 135th. In a sense we have been treated unfairly. And those who contribute to this blog don't realize that.

    What is proper in this transition or lame-duck term for East Allentown is that the state recognize this and grant us a special district in this transition.

    One of the contributors said that the Democratic selection should reside in the area of 133 that would be in the district in 2014. That idea discriminates against the 14th and 15th Ward of Allentown which in 2014 won't be in the 131st, 133rd and the 135th districts but will fall into the 132nd whose representative would be a 1 term uncontested legislator who would not appreciate any resident from the 14th and 15th ward contesting for his seat eventhough this area has been literally shut out from running in 2012 by hypocritic politicians.

    I am not putting my name in for the seat although I am qualified for the job despite what the cheap rag Morning Call said in 2006 when I ran. I am not just an individual interested in the issues of East Allentown. Rather I am interested in the issues of the Lehigh Valley, State and nation as well.

    Sometimes extremely qualified people are not allowed to proceed because the inferior ones are scared of them.

    Your obdient commentator

    Dennis Pearson

  17. Dennis - The reason you keep losing is because people don't like you personally. It's not that you don't care about the region or that you don't know the issues. It's that you piss and moan when you lose instead of realizing that you are not electable in time for the next election. Stop running and you'll stop getting rejected.

  18. This is to anonymous 2:06........How about nominating the first republican that doesn't beat up senior citizens.

  19. Nice attempt at deflection. Boscola, Warner, Brennan ... the list of Dem drunks collecting taxpayer funded paychecks is growing.

    In fairness, one has to be a drunken asshole to continue to be a LV Dem. The Dent races alone would drive any Dem to drink - drano.

  20. Anon 9:46 I plan to be in attendance when the replacement candidate in the 133rd district is selected by residents of the 133rd district sunday.

    And Anon 9:46 must be aware that I reserve the right to speak out on any issue should I feel inclined. To do otherwise means I give up the right that my forefathers guaranteed me.

    I don't know if you personally liked what I just said, but I said it.

    Ad Astra

    Dennis Pearson
    your obdient commentator

  21. anon 11:39 You forgot the Biggest drunk of all Pat Browne. He has the record for DUI's in the legislature. Oh yea he's a republican, and you only lump the dems in there. And, believe it or not, Dent drinks,, but can afford to pay a driver. Oh my!

  22. Soon we will have Callahan as Northampton County executve and the list grows.


  23. Also don't forget about Rep. 131 and his drinking!

  24. Got called by two people so far seeking the 133rd seat.FYI --- I don't drink or smoke...Some say I have no life but I have been to all 50 American States plus two territories. All the Canadian Provinces. A lot of Latin America including Cuba. Iceland, Europe, Israel, Egypt, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, China, Japan and more.

    Ad Astra

    Dennis Pearson
    Your Obdient Commentator

  25. Dennis, Can you name the two people who called you? Can you name the 8 vultures circling over Joe Brennan's carcass?

  26. Dan McNeill called.


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