Local Government TV

Thursday, August 02, 2012

It's Official: I Really Am a Sore Ass

Just yesterday, some muckety muck at Northampton County Jail confided to a friend that my blog is far more offensive than his guests at Chez Northampton. He's right, too. I'm a miserable bastard. And now, I'm a sore ass to boot. Literally.

Two weeks ago, I took a tumble from my bicycle on the 13th Street hill in Easton. My sternum slammed into the handlebars, which in turn propelled me backwards and onto one of dem dar' grassy knolls, where my back and head hit the ground pretty hard.

Although my chest and ribs were bruised pretty badly, and I had a few scrapes, I thought that was it. I thought wrong.

I had also injured my tailbone, and managed to pinch my sciatic nerve because, like an idiot, I went on some long runs instead of paying attention to my body.

Now I'm paying the price. This week, it really hit me. I can only walk about 50' before sharp pains begin to radiate from my back and down my leg. It's even difficult to sleep. Ironically, the only place where I really feel comfortable is on my bike.

Yesterday, I was forced to take a break. No meetings. No stories. I'll see you on Friday, and can guarantee I'll be my usual miserable self.


  1. Your tailbone. That is too, too funny!!!

  2. Feel better, Bernie. Glad you liked the picture where I have been running.

  3. Hope you feel better, Bernie!

  4. Get well Bernie!!!!!!!

  5. Bill and Uncle Remus, Thanks.

    Michael Donovan, those pictures are simply breathtaking.

  6. Perhaps you could rest comfortably over at Gracedale?

  7. Morning Bernie, fell over my dog in April, broke my wrist, had surgery, had a plate and screws put in, but made them keep my fingers out so I could type. Also, sustained a compression fracture. Therapy is the way to go, do what your body tells you to do.

  8. Get better soon, Bernie!

  9. You hurt your tailbone? Did you bump those little horns on your head too. You didn't fall on your pitchfork, did you? you little devil.
    get well soon.

  10. Get well soon.

    Question though: Is it me or are you a feast or famine personality? Teetering aroung 300 lbs. or trying to train like an Olympian. Eating cheese burgers or tofu.


  11. I sure hope your injury doesn't prompt a law prohibiting people over 65 from cycling because they might get hurt ;)

    Best wishes for a quick and full recovery!


  12. on a serious note you said you hit your head, any headaches , ringing , nausea ?

  13. Yep. I have tinnitus in my left ear, but that seems to be ebbing.

    It is a bitch getting old!!

  14. when we diagnose concussions one of the things we ask is how you felt when you woke up the next morning? So...how did ya feel?

  15. Sore ribs and sternum, but other than that, was fine.

  16. Quick recovery Bernie!

    The Banker

  17. Concussion. You need to see a doctor!

  18. I did. He looked in my head and it was completely empty.

  19. I was wearing a helmet, and I can say with some certainty that it definitely cushioned the impact.

  20. Bernie, I suspect you were tire spiked - like the guy in this year's Tour de France - by Gracedale goons or anyone of your eleventy ziptillion enemies. Be careful out there. Scalawag bloggers don't seem to enjoy the same unspoken protection as Fourth Estate truth tellers. Mend well and quickly.

  21. Go visit Dr. Phil O'Brien in Bethlehem. He's a great chiropractor. Had the same pains and after four visits, I was back to my old self. Joints and muscles don't get treated at an MD. He's not one of those "Your insurance covers 20 visits, you need 20 visits " kind of docs. He gets you healthy so you can go back to living your life.

  22. I feel bad for the bike on a daily basis.

  23. Don't. The bike was fixed in about three minutes.

  24. Karma is a bitch.

  25. Bernie,

    You should use the new Health Care Act for treatment, Obumacare!

  26. Bernie,

    All your Union Friends are awaiting your arrival at Gracedale.

  27. Friday morning...coffee in hand...but NO LVR!!! WTF? Bernie...I am having withdrawals!!!! I hope you are feeling better soon - Monday cannot start like this, OK? ;)

  28. Monkey momma, for an unbiased and free wheeling uncensored discussion of topics go to "Saving Private Gracedale" and "Lehigh Vallet Rumblings."

  29. Just be ready to take a shower bc you'll need one after looking at those hate forums.

  30. anon 2:41

    Unbiased? Try unhinged. Whoever writes those blogs needs help - immediately.

  31. Mr. O'Hare
    Perhaps this is Karma literally biting you in the behind. You don't mess with God's Chosen ones and expect for nothing to happen. You may call me crazy, but I just call things like I see them.

  32. Thats okay, but I am not the one with a sore behind or in excruciating pain! Try to have a nice day, I am sure more is to come. You don't mess with God's people. God is not a God to be mocked. He watches out for his children.

  33. My my... did I touch a sore spot? tee hee. Where is your self respect and integrity? Tsk tsk....

  34. You talk about integrity and don't identify yourself? What a sanctimonious piece of shit you are. I'll bet you're the same guy who'd think that Jesus would send a tornado to kill children to punish us all for some imagined sin, as the Fake Rev claims Jesus once told him via the TV.

  35. Mr. O'Hare, Integrity has nothing to do with Identity. Integrity is about self respect. For personal reasons I wish not to disclose who I am. Integrity is having that self respect as a professional not to use obscene or vulgar language, much less calling a human being a piece of sh*t. Mr. O'Hare, I know that you don't understand what I am trying to say. This has nothing to do with being sanctimonious. Its definition is holier than thou. How did I ever portray myself as holier than thou? I was simply quoting what the Bible saids. So take it up with God, not me. You and I don't see eye to eye because of our difference in spiritual beliefs. I am not judging you. I am simply telling you what the word of God saids, and that is that if you mess with God's messengers (those that are in spiritual leadership) that there will be a price to pay. Do you think that you will not get what is yours when you accuse people falsely? When you call people pieces of Sh*t, a.... holes, and other deragotory remarks? I am also preaching to myself, because how I treat people, is how people will treat me. If I sin, there is a consequence for that Mr. O'Hare. I can sense that you are filled with hatred and bitterness, otherwise you would not write blogs like you do, you would not demean people like you do. I believe that you are a man who was once searching for love and truth, but somehow or another you lost that hope, you lost that trust. Mr. O'Hare let go and Let God. Don't be angry with God, its not his fault. Sometimes we are so quick to say its Gods fault, but we all must suffer consequences for our actions. Take for example a young teenager who drinks, goes to a party, has a one night stand. She had a heck of a time according to her. Two months later she finds out shes pregnant. She blames God. No its not Gods fault, it was her irresponsibility of having sex without protection to begin with. All I am saying is that life is too short. God is waiting for you.

  36. Fake Rev, Save your garbage for your site. I am aware of what sanctimonious means, and your picture is right next to it, along with the definitions of hypocrite and false prophet.

  37. Poor baby. It's good to hear that you cycle, though. The Lehigh Valley needs more people on bikes for health, to reduce traffic and for improved air quality. Good for you!

  38. Yeah, there's all that, but I do it 'cuz I like it.


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