Local Government TV

Sunday, August 26, 2012

133rd Dist.Dems: Rosado or McNeil to Replace Brennan

Fountain Hill Mayor Jose Rosado or Lehigh County's Dan McNeill will succeed State Representative Joe Brennan as the Democratic nominee in the 133rd legislative district. These two were recommended to the state executive committee by over thirty committee members after a meeting earlier this evening.

The state executive committee is expected to act on this recommendation on Monday.

Rosado and McNeil were selected from a field of 8 persons who had expressed interest. At one point, there were nine. USW union boss Gerry Green briefly considered running for the position, but had second thoughts.

All candidates interested in being the nominee gave a brief speech, followed by the vote. Only state committee members and committee members from the 133rd were eligible to cast a ballot.

The nominee - Rosado or McNeil - will square off against Republican Dave Molony. He and his wife, Ming Ming, own and operate Qi Spa in Catasauqua.

Rosado ran for this office six years ago, but was defeated in the primary by Brennan. Molony was the GOP nominee two years ago, and has refused to politicize Joe's arrest.

Updated 10:05 PM: The Express Times reports that McNeil is the top vote getter, but Acting LC Democratc Chair Bar Johnston has told me that both Rosado and McNeil's names are being forwarded to the state committee. There were not many votes separating the two, she explained.


  1. Who were the other 6?

  2. I don't have all the names. Bill Leiner and Anthony Ryback are two of them, as was a woman from up around Coplay who made a good impression.

  3. Nobody in Harrisburg would dare pick McNeil. It will be rosado. Please let it not be McNeil.

  4. dems eat their own republicans win - if they can stay sober

  5. If they can stay sober? You mean like Boscola?

  6. I think McNeil should get the nod. Let's just call it the "Irish seat" just as minority groups always demand that one of 'their own' gets replaced with 'one of their own.'
    My tongue is only partially in my cheek!

  7. Well, whoever the nominee is, he will be going against an Irishman.

  8. Mr. Molony is doing the right thing, as a matter of principle, not to politicize Smilin' Joe's woes. Trouble is, that is the only way someone other than a D could have even a prayer in that district.

    Now, if the shoe was on the other foot, how do you think the D's would be playing it?


  9. Oh please. McNeil has been hiding in a pretend job in Lehigh County for years. He does nothing and gets paid a boatload. The guy can barely read and write, yet he sits in Human Services, while caseworkers and supervisors with real respomsibilites get let go.

    One thing the new Executive should do is cut this patronage anchor loose. He will lose the first Democratic primary he is in.

    Vote for the future and put Rosado in. How guys like Leiner can be passed over for a dummy like McNeil is unbelievable and why the Democratic leadership is ignored bt most democrats.

  10. Leave it to the Dems to come out of a meeting with a CLEAR winner in the votes but still insist on sending the top TWO names to the state.
    No wonder why the republicans are kicking their asses. No one would know or remember who came in second on a vote with them, they would come out of the room as if they ALL voted for McNeil

    Foolish to trust the "Party"

  11. From a Party eligibility perspective, I wonder if there are any eligibility issues with McNeil for this seat? He often bloated how he switch parties and may have switched back this year. It would seem to me that he would have to meet the same Democratic registration requirements to be on the Primary Ballot as Democrat. What period of time must a candidate be registered to a Party for nomination petitions and be on the April 24 Primary Ballot? I suspect one would have to be a registered Democrat some time before nomination petitions could have been circulated for the April Primary.

  12. 6:51, I like Danny, but he got 15 votes. Rosado got 11. Under those circumstances, I think it's wise to send in the tally for every name.

    I would guess that McNeil is in a better position than anyone else.

  13. Krommen (catasauqua) , Ryback, McNeil, Rosado, Lind, Lenier, Smith-Mendensen, Yasso

  14. It was Kroope, Ryback, McNeill, Rosado, Leiner, Lynn, Smith-Mendesen and Yasso.

  15. Danny McNeil went to Dieruff H.S. --- Allentown's 14-2 and 15-1 really does not have a stake in this. Anyone who is elected will not be our representative in 2 years. The winner for us is immediately a lame-duck. Maybe McNeil having roots in the larger East Side community the ES Wards beyond might be the best democratic candidate .. But the key is constituent service on the state level. It would be a very kind gesture to us that for the next two years that the main office would be in the ES portion of 133rd ... We do have empty business fronts which needs coccupation.

  16. 9:55, Thanks for all the names. I believe Kroope is the woman about whom I heard so many good things.

  17. I neglected to insert the word "asked" in the first sentence of my post, which rendered it nonsensical. I corrected that error in about an hour.

  18. If he hasn't driven drunk and/or beat up a girl, I have no use for him.

    LV Democrat Voter

  19. The Excess Tinmes said he claims to be Lehigh County's Health Choices manager. That must be news to the real Health Choices manager who is in her office right now.

    About the only thing McNeil manages is his chair, when he is ever in it.

    Ah, the spoils of the good old boy system, it beats an education and experience everytime.

  20. danny is a real fighter. I used to see him in action years ago when he felt settling political debates included punching the s out of his opponents at a certain bar in Allentown. Maybe he mellowed. Or not.

  21. Let's hope the new guy is not intimidated by the bike nuts like Brennan was.

  22. He has a job that does not allow him to run for ioffice. If he doesn't quit the job, he is iin violation of the law.

  23. I hope the Republican candidate reports this to the proper authorities. These dems are out of control.

  24. I thought he was the Regionalization Manager? Why no mention of his appointment to Township Executive?

  25. McNeil was moved into, of all things a Human Services position when the Regional Partnership job was eliminated.

    He calls himself the "manager" but no one has any idea what he manages. He has a chair and a desk in a cubicle, and that is about it. he does get a nce paycheck. No one really knows what he does other than surf the web. In the program he is in, his job would be funded through federal money so the poster is correct, legally he cannot hold it and be a candidate for elected office.

  26. Oh no, not that goofball Dan McNeill...he's such a jackazz that even when he was the ironworkers' union BA the ironworkers couldn't stand him...he played favorites so badly they got rid of him. He wasn't any better as a Whitehall commissioner. He walked out, remember? Then he only came back in time to torture the Township Home Rule Charter and take over as Exec. His heavy-handed stupidity is too partisan for the job. We need someone who's mentality balanced, not a thug.

  27. It's evident that Danny's NOT a secret to anyone...he's a jerk, and now he's become a politically connected jerk. His Syrian mother, Isabel, is probably rolling in her grave.


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