Local Government TV

Friday, July 13, 2012

So What Does A Ga War Stool Look Like?

It's a sad day in Easton. Nii Guate Asuasa Ekasee Ako II, Gua War Stool custodian and King of the Ga, is returning to Accra.

According to Easton Eccentric, King Nii dropped off some gifts on Wednesday night, including some traditional clothing that Mayor Panto gamely modeled during a City Council meeting.

Très chic, Mayor. Lookin' good.

Before leaving, I asked the King just what a War Stool looks like.

"A lot like Mr. Hankey, the Christmas poo," replied his Royal Highness. In fact, "Howdy Ho!" is actually a Ga war cry.


  1. I wonder if the taxed the outgoing King with a commuter tax? He really did a number working everyone over in Easton?

  2. i am startled to see how many small minded people we have here in Northampton County. As a person on African heritage I follwed this story closely. The Mayor should ne commended for his global awareness and his realization that the black americans in his city need a persoan like this to help them understand their true heritage. I met the King at Heritage Day and we impressed with his presence and his stature. I also read n the Morning Call that the Doctor who originally demnied that this young man was a king met hi and realized he truly was the king.

    I say the Mayor of Easton is doig a realy fine job and that people should be embracing this opportuity and not making fun of it. I have a lot of confidence in this mayor and his leadership.

  3. 1:35, You have to learn to laugh a little, too. Incdentally, I'm not challenging anyone's kingliness. I just want to know what a war stool looks like.

  4. Yeah he's a King and Panto is emporer of Easton. Sal you are making us look like rubes, enough already with this guy.

  5. That's a picture of a war stool? I thought it was Santa Obama, coming to deliver his healthcare reform gifts in the spirit of Kwanzaa.

  6. Panto has a sense of humor and some class.
    Good for him.

  7. Panto has a sense of humor and some class.
    Good for him.

  8. Pompous bulls---. Might as well have been Kevin James, King of Queens.

  9. 1:35 must have been studying a great deal about African heritage because he/she/it sure can't spell, but then maybe that's part of the African heritage.

  10. You're naive. Be careful if any guy asks to push your war stool in for you.

  11. 1:35 am said:
    "...black Americans in this city need a person like this to help them understand their true heritage."

    1:35 -

    Unless they were born overseas, their "true heritage" is that they are Americans. Stop dividing people --we're all in this together.

  12. I still want to know if this Ga King Guy is THE Asantehene or only just a Mesante ...

    ... so do my football buddies in Ghana.

    These unofficial ambassadors, just like Ghana's official Ambassador to the United States, can spot a phony Asantehene or Mesante from all the way across the Atlantic Ocean.




  13. whiskey tango foxtrot

  14. IPP, the Stoners might still be here if they'd been provided a taxpayer funded stadium. But soccer is largely for Latins and we know the arena is all about a white sport for white people.

  15. Wow, you're touching the 3rd rail of conversation topics with this post, Bernie! If applying eyeliner and playing dress-up is enough to convince folks that this guy is a King, then Easton is truly screwed. It has nothing to do with heritage - it has to do with intelligence and gullibility. The Ghana ambassador to the US has called this guy a phony. What makes anyone think Panto knows more about him than the ambassador??

  16. 10:33 AM,

    Yes, I have been wondering alot lately what might have been for WILLIE EHRLICH had the Pennsylvania Stoners gotten a $ 158.0 million Palace of Sport from the Commonwealth politicians of that era ...

    ... but I must tell you --- the sport of ice hockey is for ANYONE (regardless of race, etc) who has the requisite courage to play.

    Please help spread the word as, apparently, many people are completely unaware of this fact.



  17. Give Sal a break for being duped. Kevin Deely thought he was meeting in Harrisburg with the Imperial Chief High Muckity Muck Big Cheese In Charge Of Ghana. Turns out, it was the I.C.H.M.M.B.C.I.C. of GHANJA. An honest mistake.

  18. Why is Kevin " dumbass" Deely even mentioned in a comment?

  19. Deely is germane to any discussion/post about ridiculousness.

  20. blacks are not really americans. they like jews and latinos all come from a perverted gene associated with spider monkeys. the truth - check it out at www.twistedraces.com

  21. You're getting better, Uncle Remus.

  22. I wasn't duped. The young man is a King of the Ga Tribe. Thanks to the Morning Call and JD Malone for writing the nice piece that countered his earlier article questioning the king.

  23. The Djaase Council of Kpakpatse We Royal Family of Asere, Gua We, Accra Ghana; wish to state that our attention has been drawn to a news item published in the Easton Area News with the Daily Express-Times on July 16th 2012, at 2:37PM by Zach Lindsey. This publication also posted on the internet in our view, contains a lot of inaccuracies and falsehoods as claimed by the self-styled “king” of the Ga people of Akra: Nii Guate Asuasa Ekasei Ako II.

    We, the legitimate family, office holders of the Asere Akwashongtse/Ga State Akwashong Mantse; custodians of the Ancient Gua War Stool and Gua Deity hereby wish to set the records straight by saying that John Nii Kpakpa Quartey was only enstooled as Wolomo (High Priest) of the Gua Deity on Saturday, April 12th, 2008 and not as a king as he is now claiming.

    Having said that, we wish to categorically place on record that John Nii Kpakpa Quartey who previously was unknown to the Kpakpatse We Royal Family was introduced to the substantive Head of Family; Alhaji Kasim Kwatelai Quartey by Benjamin Kwatelai Quartey, the current Principal Head of Kpakpa Kakadann We, sometime in the year 2007.

    He, then introduced himself to the family as the son of one of the respected members of the family and that he had arrived from the United States of America where he went to study. According to him, he is being persistently hunted and tormented by Gua the family’s deity, both in his dreams, daily activities and life in general.

    He, then went on to produced an audio recordings of a message which he claimed were from the oracle that he consulted about his predicaments to substantiate the allegation that he has been chosen by the Gua deity as the Wolomo (High Priest) to mediate between the gods and the people of Asere and the Ga Mashie Community.

    He, was thus; confined, consecrated, and enstooled according to Ga customary practices and usage, as the Gua Wolomo on Saturday 12th April 2008. Stool named Nuumo Guate Asuasa Datsiriafa II. He was subsequently outdoored on Saturday 19th April, 2008, where he swore Oath of Office to the people of Asere and the Ga Mashie community.

    In view of this new developments, we wish to notify the International Community and the whole world that the claims made by the so-called Nii Guate Asuasa Ekasei Ako II that he is the “King of the Ga People of Ghana” are all falsehoods and a means of fleecing unsuspecting institutions and people of their hard earned cash.

    Nii Guate Asuasa Ekasei Ako II is an imposter, a jester, a pathological liar and a conman who has abandoned his post as the Gua Wolomo (High Priest) for the past four years since his enstoolment. please stay tune for more information and revelations on this notorious International Conman called Nii Guate Asuasa Ekasei Ako II: “so-called King of the Ga People of Ghana”.

    You may also visit my blog site http://kpakpatseweroyalfamily.wordpress.com to read my article on the Origin of the Ga People of Ghana published in Sheikh Mustapha’s Blog and other related issues on Kpakpatse We Royal Family of Asere, Gua We. I shall be back soon.


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