Local Government TV

Monday, July 23, 2012

Panto: Prison Preacher Has Ducked Housing Inspectors

Northampton County Jail Chaplain Chris Santos has ducked housing inspectors concerned about the integrity of two Rock Church-owned buildings at the 500 block of Northampton Street. That's according to Easton Mayor Sal Panto, who commented here about delinquent taxes as well as the buildings themselves.
Their back taxes were turned over to our law firm that does our collection of tax arrears just like all other delinquesnt accounts. If they don't pay within two years the third year a property goes to Sheriff's sale which is held by the county. Secondly, over the last 9 months we have repeatedly tried to make appointments to inspect the integrity of the building by our independent engineer. Several times the appointment was scheduled and they were a no show. This is typical behavior of property owners that try circumvent codes. Our solicitors are now seeking a court order to do so.

The good news is that they have tied the wall as noted in the pictures but I am not sure that they were done under an engineer's review.

Lastly, we engaged their lawyer in a meeting where we expressed to him that the city could offer assistance in locating a developer that may be interested in purchasing. At the second meeting he brought "appraisals" comparing their buildings to the former Lenny's property on the circle that recently was sold. Yeah right. Their "appraisals" claim the buildings are worth about $500,000. Yeah right.

We have been spending and inordinate amount of time on these properties and in the meantime their church building itself has been sited for lack of gutters and downspounts, bare wood, and a host of other code deficiencies.

We will keep the pressure on with everything allowed under the laws of this Commonwealth
Previous Santos' Posts:

There's Money in Jesus at Northampton County Jail

A Santos Success Story

NorCo Suspends Payments to Jail's Chaplain

A Real Journalist's Take on Santos' Sinners Program


  1. Good luck, Sal. Keep after him. It's the Hubcap Store with better lawyers and a religious angle.

    Nice work on this story. Money is being wasted and safety is at risk.

  2. Sal, has been dragging his feet on this guy. If he wanted him out, he would be gone. Both the city and the county share blame on this turd sandwich.

  3. County had no idea as evident at the meeting when Kraft thanks Ohare for doing the counties job and they suspended all payment to the rev

    Easton is to blame, they have a code enforcement office, and this place did not get like this over night. It has been like this before Panto got into office. It is a disgrace to all who are in the code enforcement office, I say FIRE THEM ALL and start with people who actually give a crap about the city

  4. Anon 2:32. Dragging feet? Seperation of church and state. They are and have been hiding behind it. The city doesn't have an foot to stand on when the county is a contributor to this mess.

  5. Seperation of church and state and the fact that they have good attorneys.

  6. What Blighton Cohen esq. from the lehighcounty disbarred. This is the one that protects the slumlordians from the public in Allentown pa putting small children at risk of life and limb. The insurance carriers write insurance policies on these unfit hovels too.

  7. get off your ass panto and kick your worthless inspectors in the ass . you are a joke of a mayor and your employees are worthless. your wife has more balls.
    don't even run for norco exec. you can't even control a drug infested little town. how do you sleep at night?

    PA should slice this pitiful piece of crap called easton and float it over to jersey. you deserve each other - both ghetto slums

  8. Bothe Panto and Stoffa are shocked and appalled by this. Where have they been.

  9. Who cares? Really? Do people really think this is the only property to dodge requirements? I bet that every poster on this blog has at least one property code or zoning violation! I don't hear any cry for them to be pursued by the City.

  10. Really? When someone is housing human beings, who cares whether his buildings are safe?

    1. No Bernie,
      This is warehousing human beings! This has been going on in the lehighvalley for years. This is also being done with federal rules that have outlined regulations for the correctional institutional involvement?

      Not only pa to play in allentown pa, but this has been a regular practice in the whole area.

  11. Mark Baker whomever you are -- you are the one with no courage (the police way o saying what you said). You obviously have no clue aout the laws of the Commonwealth. Sure we could outside of the law but thn we are susceptible to a lawsuit. Our intent is not to penalize, our intent is always to have the peoperty owner address their violations.

    But you have issues with me. So why not callme or stop by and talk about those issues. And please, you can say whatever you like about me and my abilities but leave my family our of it and our dedicated employees. Our code officers are doing a fine job and put up with a lot of crap from the derelect property owners, they don't need someone like you giving them a hard time. Sounds like a personal vendetta -- were you cited for something?

  12. Special shout out and thanks to the fine people of the county for making things right. Lori Sywensky of county DCED found some homeless funds for our mutual friend and he will be finding a safe refuge from the storm in a day or so. I am beholden to everyone who cared enough to see this wrong..corrected. Now he will be able to lock up his belongings and attend AA on a regular basis and worship wherever he chooses. God bless all of D's new friends. Good stuff Bernie.

  13. Thanks for bringing this to everyone's attention. We all know that jail is filled with dirty individuals up there in administration. I wonder what prison officials actually knew about this.

  14. I am of the opinion that there are more people under Santos' control that want out of his family but have nowhere to go and have no one to advocate for them. I am also of the opinion that they are living under threat of capricious eviction if they cooperate or talk to anyone outside the family. He has lost one source of revenue already. Dare I say the word..cult? If it barks like a dog..

  15. So if the church finds a way to pay the back taxes will these properties remain in their possession and in this condition? They sure do know how to play the system, if they can afford a lawyer why can't they just pay the taxes and fix the buildings? If the preacher can " volunteer" for the prison why doesn't he get a job and pay off his churches debt? Wouldn't that be the honorable and honest thing to do? This would be a much better example to these men who he is trying to reform than teaching them to play the system.

  16. Makes snese to me 12:07. You hit all the right notes.

  17. sense to me..it's late. Night.

  18. Hey the preacher is back as Chaplain. What about all the work you guys did ? it wasnt too influential was it ? Or just maybe the prison toured the houses and spoke to the men being housed. Truth always win out.

  19. The preacher is NOT back as Chaplain. He is serving as a "volunteer." There is little doubt in my mind that the wagons are circling, but as you say, the truth does prevail.


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