Local Government TV

Thursday, July 19, 2012

NorCo Suspends Payments to Jail's Chaplain

Ken Kraft
One of Chris Santos' gravy trains has come to an end. Up until now, the Norco Jail's chaplain was getting $1,000 every month from the County. The money went to his church, the Rock Church of Easton. That way, Santos could evade avoid taxes and the County has no responsibility to pay benefits.

But as first reported on this blog, Santos' Rock Church is a real estate tax deadbeat. And since the contract for chaplain services is actually with Rock Church, it's in violation of a provision requiring it to stay current on taxes.

Controller Steve Barron told Council's Finance Committee yesterday that Rock Church owes about $12,000 in back taxes for two properties in Easton. His inquiry, believe it or not, was prompted as a result of what he read here.

As Barron mentioned that, President John Cusick did his best to keep from laughing.

After confirming that Rock Church is, in fact, delinquent, Barron went to the Disbursements Division. He stopped clerks just as they were folding the latest $1,000 check for Rock Church.

Executive John Stoffa then told Council that payments to Rock Church have been suspended, at least for now.

Barron told Council that every vendor doing business with the County needs to be checked to ensure it is current on taxes.

Council member Ken Kraft publicly thanked me. "Nobody found it until Mr. O'Hare found it in his research." Barron also commended me with "Good job!" before going into Council.

Well, that's a first. I'm much more comfortable being called what I am, a despicable bottom-feeding blogger.


  1. Bernie, again I stay anonymous, but, you have done a great job with what would normally be a totally under the rug news event. Some would say it takes a village. I would say, it sometimes takes a bottom-feeding blogger to uncover the real dirt. The unethical money is stopping for the time being. It should stop permanently. Santos is simply a blood-sucking vulture.

    My personal experience is that he holds probation over the heads of these released prisoners and treats them as unwashed serfs. In one instance, which I know about personally, he had a tenant who was not on probation, so the good reverend had no leverage over his serf. The good reverend wanted this tenant out of his building so that his illicit activity would not be brought to the attention of authorities. Cops were brought to the building many times, but they too just let things slide. This never would have seen the light of day had it not been for you.

    I do not know how you got your lead, how you managed to follow up on it, but you deserve many kudos.

  2. People are going to accuse me of posting that myself. Thanks.

  3. Hats off to you, sir. Nice job, all around. ;-)

  4. Merci. I loved your comments and posted them as a separate blog. As someone who loves in that area, and as areal journalist, you have a perspective that I lack. It is much appreciated.

  5. I meant to say that you live in that area. I assume your love is not confined to one geographic location.

    My typing is horrible, and to make matters worst, my eyesight continues to deteriorate.

  6. He wouldn't make a dime if Stoffa would be paying attention and doing his job.

  7. barron - always reacting. Good job kilt boy - made a public ass of youself twice so far this week.

  8. How did Barron make an ass of himself in this case? He did his job.

  9. Bernie, once again your determination to leave no stone unturned benefits the citizens of NorCo.


    Colin Monahan, Esquire

  10. anon coward 10:28,

    just because he showed up?

    Good job Bo - u got the norco fools off their sleepy asses.

  11. Nice hairline on KK, is that thing spraypainted,or glued.

  12. Anon 2:50 am. You never miss a chance to take a shot at Stoffa. You seem to live for it. Get some help! And get some sleep.

  13. Not spray painted or glued, it's just disappearing on me more and more every year.

  14. I would think and hope that there will be a statement by the county administration in regards to the chaplain and his program at his coming Tuesday's Prison Advisory Board meeting.

  15. Not a mention of the missing/on leave Santos/chaplain during the board meeting. Mum is the word but it was learned off the record that the Adv. Board is looking into investigating the Santos situation on some level and there may be a private tour of his dwellings. If the City of Easton can't get in to inspect..how is the board going to get in? By invitation?

  16. Wow.....sometimes it takes a village. I know people will think this is an attack on Santos however his form of rehibilatiation is actually enslaving. His rules are his not God's. He has no background to deal with this type of situation and needs to get his own house in order and some education before tackling this issue.

  17. There's more to come on this sad story. Others are trying desperately to free themselves from this modern day religious gulag on the hill in Easton. Get ready to be shocked at the depravity and abuse of human beings happening right here in your own back yard. Sicko!

  18. it's funny how everyone is commenting about this issue and no one knows the real trith. There are two sides to every conflict yet a man is condemned and accused of all kinds of inappropriateness just because it's on a blog. The Chaplain just have to make his case to the County and to the Prison since that is all that matters. Bernie, Dave , and now Christine you dont deserve any answers from him.

  19. My comments are factual. I attended the church many years go and found it to be enslaving. THey try to control through fear. That is one of the reasons they don't want these men going to other church meetings. They brainwash to enslave. People are afraid to say anything against a church as it appears to be against God. THis so called church is actually anti-God as they enslave with their own laws rather than the freedom we have in Christ. THey show their own no grace or mercy so why would the men in this program be any different.

  20. The truth? In other words..if the story appears in a daily news paper rather than here in blogland..that will give it more credability? Hold on to your hat Chris..the story will appear in a daily paper very soon..as they are all over it. Sucks to be you!

  21. Glad to see former church members come forward and tell the public what this thing really is. Thank you for sharing the truth about this abomination masquerading as a church of God.

  22. Shame on the people inside the jail..admin...for looking the other way and not checking out what Santos claimed his program was and is. Poor judgement on a lot of people's part on this thing. When you are responsible for human beings..you better be sure what you are sending them to in lieu of jail time. Responsibility does not end at the jail gate as a person leaves but that seems to be the mindset here.

  23. Bernie because of your blog I understand other churches in the valley are secretly making donations to Rock Church. They ought to thank you.

  24. I find that very hard to believe as the Rock Church has no other church "friends" they don't associate with any other churches. They don't share co-join with any other ministries........they are the only one who is "right".

  25. I seriously don't think too many churches would be donating to them as they don't associate with any other churches...they tell their people to stay away from other churches the same as they do the men who were incarcerated.....*red flags* everywhere!!!


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