Local Government TV

Friday, July 06, 2012

NorCo Council: Keep Wound Care Team at Gracedale

Last Fall, Northampton County Council hired Premiere Healthcare Resources as the management firm to administer the County's nursing home, Gracedale. It also created an Advisory Board to oversee operations. But last night, a divided Council decided that, in addition to being part-time legislators, they are also unwilling hospital administrators. Prompted by legitimate concerns about a possible decline in the quality of care, they adopted a Lamont McClure-sponsored resolution calling on Gracedale's management to keep its wound care team.

Gracedale does have a lower number of residents with bed sores than you'll find in most nursing homes, and most staffers are convinced that this is the result of the efforts of a specialized wound care team at the facility.

This resolution to keep this team in place was supported by McClure, Scott Parsons, Peg Ferraro, Ken Kraft and Bob Werner. Dissenting were President John Cusick, Bruce Gilbert and Tom Dietrich. Barb Thierry was absent.

Bruce Gilbert expressed concerns about micromanaging, but Ken Kraft retorted, "That's our job, to micromanage the manager." Kraft also wanted to know why Premier was not in front of Council explaining why this is unnecessary.

That bothered Bob Werner, too. "The communications have broken down on this. ... [I]t is an insult for them not to call us."

At a Council meeting several weeks ago, Premier's administrator certainly gave the impression that there would be no sudden changes to the wound care team. Kraft reminded everyone about that last night.

McClure denied that Council was micromanaging, but argued that it was instead doing its duty. "Why would we ever stop doing the things we do well?" he asked, as the pro-Gracedale crowd broke into applause.

Although Executive John Stoffa asked Council to hear from Premier before deciding, but a Peg Ferraro motion to table failed, 4 to 4.

My own sense is that Premier made two very big mistakes. First, after telling Council it would take no sudden actions on this specific issue, it owed them a few phone calls, at the very least. Second, it should have appeared before Council two weeks ago, to respond to these concerns when they surfaced at a Finance Committee meeting.


  1. OMG council is right for once. If u don't manage u will get micromanaged. the company obviously does not understand that the white elephant gracedump is a hot button item for the feeble minded unions and their boy toy council.

    Shut the dump down and we won't have these problems

  2. in reality, it is the Exec's responsibility to reach out to council on this issue, on behalf of the exec's manager.

  3. T-minus three years and ten months until the madness stops and the place is sold or closed.

  4. You are right..Premier screwed up here...

  5. Talk about another PR failure! Premier was hired to implement changes to improve efficiencies at Gracedale. The union mobilizes opposition and the Stoffa administration and Premier fail to defend the change. Premier wasn't even asked to attend last night's council meeting to explain their rationale for the change. In this void council passed their resolution which now puts Premier on notice that they will be micro-managed for any and all moves they try to make to save that white elephant. Wait til they recommend privatizing dietary, housekeeping and laundry services! This was a small change that would hurt no one and save a union job or two. Wait until dozens of union jobs are on the chopping block. The place should have been sold for the good of Norco taxpayers.

  6. Actually, Premiere should have been at Council two weeks ago, when Barron first starting to rant about this issue. Knowing how emotional everyone is, they should have called Council members to explain what they are doing, especially since they stated they would make no sudden changes at a meeting. They did not handle this well at all. They need to be out in front on these issues.

  7. The wound team is a very important issue at Gracedale! Did anyone here ever have a wound that just wouldn't heal? Well, many residents at Gracedale have those stubbon wounds... and that team has healed them with their expertise in wound care! Wounds hurt, don't let anyone kid you... As far as money savings... there would not be any savings, since they did not lay off any of those employees, they retired.. they posted their jobs as floats.. so the same amount of people are working there. It made no sense to disband this group... the doctors would have to send the residents out to wound centers 2-3 x's a week. this would be a great cost, since medicare would only pay for 1 trip a week by ambulance.. also they would have to send a staff member along.. NO COST SAVINGS THERE!! As of dumping Gracedale, get over it the community wants it and it WILL stay in the county's hands!!!Premier has shown nothing to say it would save money on wound care!!!

  8. 11:12 what have you been smoking? More fear mongering on the part of the Gracedale Goons. How many nursing homes have "wound teams"? How many that don't have had to send patients to "wound centers"? The answer is NONE. The regular nursing staff treats them without any negative consequences. Maybe we need a "colostomy team" to change bags. Or how about a "diabetes team" to work exclusively with patients who have that condition? These are registered nurses with years of training in all areas of care and certified nursing assistants with wound treatment training as well. There is no evidence that Gracedale does a better job with wound care than any other facility. If there is, produce that evidence instead of slamming Premier.

  9. 4:26, Actually, the savings realized by elimination of the wound care team would not be large. Premier acknowledged that at Council a few weeks ago. I'd agree, as a general rule, that these kinds of decisions should be made by experts in the nursing home field. But in this case, Premier did not help itself. A few weeks ago, when this issue first came up, it certainly created the impression that the wound care team would remain intact for now, and that changes would be discussed. Then, when this issue arose again, Premier should have addressed it immediately. Both Parsons and Werner stated they were willing to let the experts make these kinds of decisions, but they needed to hear from them.

    Now Barron is claiming that Stoffa and premier have some sort of conspiracy to make Gracedale fail, which is complete nonsense. The demogague known as the Fake Rev, Mario Martinez of Forks Township, has actually claimed that Stoffa wanted the wound care team disbanded because he believed those people have a "duty to die."

    As you might have guessed, it is impossible to have a rational conversation with crazies. But premier could have had a rational conversation with members of Council, and really should have done so.

  10. Spot on, Bernie. Premier has been a real "silent partner." Their communications stink and they fail to properly promote what they have accomplished out there. In fact I am not sure exactly WHAT they have accomplished in the months they have run the place. They do an abysmal job notifying council what they are up to. They should provide a report at every council meeting. I am not even sure that Dave Holland is still there! Where is the search for a "permanent" administrator at? Does anyone know anything?

  11. I'm pretty sure Dave Holland is gone, and that transition might be part of the problem. Whatever the reason, it needs to improve its communication skills with Council.

    Given the wild claims like the one made by Barron, who is pandering for votes, Premier's Administrator should be at EVERY Council meeting for the next year or so, until things settle down.

  12. 4:26 is spot on. Unfortunately the union didn't want to lose those senior level jobs and have the additional responsibility passed on to their regular nurses. They outfoxed Stoffa again. Ultimately the issue was about union jobs and workload, not patient care. Premiere may know how to run nursing homes but are clueless about the political pull of the Gracedale unions and their allies.

  13. I agree that wound care is of essence one of the most important functions a nursing home can provide for its residents. Pressure sores are painful, chronic, and debilitating. However, the only one pandering last night for votes was Peg Ferraro who by the way changed her position on the vote twice within the twenty five minute discussion. Impressive.

  14. 6:30, I would ordinarily agree with that assessment, but I think the concerns expressed by Ellen Weiss and other Gracedale staffers is sincere. As a former union Prez, she could have had Justus James and the whole crowd in there, but did not do that. Plus, she is retired. So I think her concerns were sincere. Also, I don't think Premier intended to lay any one off.

    As for Stoffa being "outfoxed," he hired a private manager, like Council wanted. The private manager made a mistake by not communicating more effectively with Council. I am sure they will take steps to remedy that, if they have not already started.

    My understanding is that negotiations with AFSCME are going very well.

  15. Seth, Peg certainly likes to be all things to all people. People like that. The last thing they want to hear is the truth.

  16. union, union, union - blah, blah blah. Get rid of the union and u just might be able to save your disgraced old folks home.If not, sell the poor excuse of a county program and move on thus eliminating the worthless, over indulged and overpaided/over benefited union bums


    - Union Stooges

  18. Wound care
    RITA Wound Care Centre offers comprehensive care for patients with chronic wounds and is designed to meet the needs of multidisciplinary team for the treatment of chronic non-healing wounds.

  19. OMG council is right for once. If u don't manage u will get micromanaged. the company obviously does not understand that the white elephant gracedump is a hot button item for the feeble minded unions and their boy toy council.

    Shut the dump down and we won't have these problems
    Wound care


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