Local Government TV

Monday, July 16, 2012

Nazareth Food Bank: How Does Your Garden Grow?

Nazareth Area Food Bank, which serves about 300 families in the school district, has started a garden, located right across the street from the food bank on lands made available by Essroc.

I stopped by today to see if I could steal anything.

Nothing is quite ready. But cabbages, potatoes and tomatoes are making their way in a beautiful, weed-free garden. This garden, cleaner than my apartment, seems to have borrowed many of the proud traditions brought here by the Pennsylvania Dutch.


  1. Bernie,
    Do they have a permit?
    They also need to contact State and Federal Agencies before they grow and distribute!
    There was a time every Town had a Butcher Shop and store. The Federal Agricultur Dept. put these Shops out of Business with regulations.

  2. Obama and his Cronnies will close this down!

  3. Barron von FootinmouthJuly 16, 2012 at 7:02 AM


    Using private entities' charity is not a long term solution. The state and county should get involved. Government is best at handling these affairs. Shouldn't county workers be the ones growing the food?

    I'm going there today to stomp on the vegetation.


  4. 300 families. Wow. I would not have thought that.

  5. Morning Bernie, Our church, Prince of Peace at Johnsonville is collecting jars of Peanut Butter for PUMP. I trust there aren't any reg's for secure jars of Peanut Butter. Carol

  6. Carol, I think you're safe. I am unaware of any federal or state regs that ban the collection of peanut butter or community garden produce. But I'd worry about Barron von Footinmouth.

  7. The Federal Agricultur Dept. put these Shops out of Business with regulations.

    Because there's nothing I like more than an occasional e.coli contaminated steak. Keeps you regular.

  8. Or how about the little green onions that put Chi Chi's out of business.

  9. One things for sure. There is no shortage of political bullshit on both sides to produce a bumper crop.

  10. Barry Obama and his Cronnies put the Farmers out of Business in California over a small fish!

    Barry's watching You!

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. The garden is cool. The soil content is worrisome. One night in Nazzy and a car accumulates about a half inch of caustic dust.

  13. It's down to about a quarter inch.

  14. The onions came from Mexico!

    Ha Ha! Julio

  15. I know well known family farm in Forks that would debunk 12:49. The things you learn when you get educated by REAL farmers and not actors in Carharts, or talk radio.

  16. To 5:21 pm.

    You should watch 60 Minutes, even the liberals were shocked by the situation in California!

    Once fertile farmland is now a dust bowl due to BARRY and his Hoods!

  17. To 5:21 pm.

    You should watch 60 Minutes, even the liberals were shocked by the situation in California!

    Once fertile farmland is now a dust bowl due to BARRY and his Hoods!

  18. bring some mexicans in. they'll fix the problem. just don't yell INS!!!!

  19. how many of the beggars are non-white?

  20. USA Basketball is looking pathetic against Brazil, tonight. This USA team sucks!

  21. Uncle Remus, One of my neighbors is a member and he is as white as they come. I suspect most o the customers are white. The Nazareth area is not known for its large minority population.

  22. What the hell does not being white have to do with users of the food bank?


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