Local Government TV

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Did Fleckster Challenge Plannng Comm'r To a Fight?

He's a NIZ cheerleader, Ed Pawlowski campaign manager and union "consultant." He lied about being a college grad when he first ran for Easton Mayor. In his second botched attempt, he plastered so many signs everywhere that Express Times Editor Jim Deegan found one on a shad. He followed that up by dumping newspapers and used gym shorts in someone else's trash bin.. But somehow, Mike Fleck managed to get himself elected to Easton City Council, even though he's not Italian. How long he stays there is anybody's guess. If Noel Jones' account of Easton's last City Council meeting is even close to being accurate, Fleck will soon be be spending a lot more time at the Allentown Brew Works in a new occupation as a lounge singer.

From Noel:
Fleck has proven time and time again, that we could not, as a neighborhood, have elected a more self-serving politician, absolutely disinterested in doing anything good for the very neighborhood he was elected to serve. Instead, he actively works against improving the neighborhood, and attacks people Esther Guzman and Dennis Lieb at the WWNP who are working so hard to revitalize it. At the public hearing for the Bill of Rights, Fleck actually suggested to Lieb that they “step outside.” This kind of behavior from an elected public official is outrageous and unacceptable. And yet Mayor Panto fails to gavel him.


  1. Useless without more context.

  2. I know you like him. But Sal is a POS. Mom taught us to watch with whom we associate. Sal has no problem associating with the worst of the worst of LV political slime. That makes Sal slimy, according to Moms everywhere. He'll say he and Fleck are not linked. He also brags about safer streets and no tax increases, while the violence continues and he and Fleck push a terrible new tax.

  3. I also spoke to people who were at the Council meeting and they said that " fleckster never offered Leib a trip outside" In addition, the channel 69 news team was their video taping the ENTIRE 4 hr meeting, why no report from them if Fleck did that?? im not a fleckster fan by any means, but..Noel Jones is a nut. Bernie, do some research on Jones in Easton, pRticularly the west ward which she claims To represent, you will be shocked at what you learn..

  4. I am aware that no other news account makes this accusation, but they often omit displays like this, which i consoder relevant. I did sens Jones an email yesterdy, and am waiting for a return email.

  5. I disagree with Noel's stance on this human rights bill. But I will add that it is easy to anonymously marginalize someone. I consider Noel Jones a passionate Easton advocate. That would make her a "nut" to a self-serving politician like Fleck.

  6. Ask the poor bastards that bought a car from the Fleckster at Gilboy. He is a true autosalesman, union goon, dirtbag, politician.

    What college did he claim to attend? AU, assh... University. He was #1 in that graduating class.

  7. Just a bunch of anti-Union hysteria, that's all.

    Nothing to see here ...

  8. 10:40.. Bernie,
    I agree Fleck is wacked out.. Noel, is passionate about the city,and thats NOT y i call her a nut. 1 quick example, she always complains To anyone who will listen about code violators on her block, yet her grass gets about 2ft tall, numerous times a year. Bernie, I know what your thinking, i must be fleckster.. Let me go on record as saying
    i never voted for Fleck and i NEVER will, nor should any Easton resident. Bernie, hope you had a good 4th..

  9. I know one constable who dreams of the day he gets issued a warrant for Fleckster.

  10. The sad fact is that so few voters came out that a rabbit with a name could have got elected.

    Look into Fleck's eyes and you see crazy.


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