Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dent, British MP, To Engage in Roundtable

John Runyan towers over Dent and yours truly
LV Congressman Charlie Dent and a British MP, Welshman Guto Bebb will participate in a roundtable discussion this Friday, focused on the economy, European sovereign debt crisis, trade and investment and other international issues. 

Hosted by the Greater LV Chamber of Commerce, this discussion will take place at 561 Main Street, Bethlehem, starting at 11 AM.

Bebb, whose first language is lyrical Welsh, is a member of the Conservative Party. Looks like he's going to miss some of the Olympics, where a record number of 30 Welsh athletes have been selected as part of Team Great Britain. 


  1. Somebody should ask Bebb why Americans pay so much more for health care than the UK. See if he and Dent agree about it.

  2. Somebody should ask Bebb why people in the UK wait so long for basic health care procedures. Also why wealthier citizens of the UK come to the United States when they get sick. And where they will go once Obama Care destroys the US health care system.

  3. Somebody should ask Bepp where all of England's charity hospitals went, and if he expects the same here.

  4. Yeah, Geeting has a lack of understanding how things work, and is often wrong on very basic facts. But please be kind to him, he's not too bright but really works hard at posting links on his blog.

  5. Bernie baby,

    Is geeting really a white boy or is that picture fake?

    he doesn't sound like a white boy

  6. Geeting Dog Pile! Love it!


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