Local Government TV

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Allentown Still Stonewalling

Perhaps the chief reason for the NIZ legal challenge was the perpetual stonewalling by Allentown officials. Instead of transparency, Allentown prefers to keep us all in the dark.

Perhaps its time to rethink that attitude. Allentown tried stonewalling an anti-abortion advocate's request for information because he's suing the City for violating his constitutional and statutory rights. A three-judge panel of Commonwealth Court has just ordered Allentown to fork over information that the State Office of Open Records and trial judge agreed are public records.


  1. bring back alwfulbach

  2. Thank god the AWC has moved to a different property now and doesn't have to deal with the awful protesters that would hound patients. No matter how you feel about abortion, it's impossible to see good in the behavior of those hurling verbal assaults at women entering that center. It's the very worst of human behavior, and in this case, I hope the city makes this guy's legal challenge as difficult as possible.

  3. Geeze, they sometimes hounded me in the streets next to the AWC even though I was a guy driving alone after buying some breakfast and coffee at the nearby McDonalds.

  4. Palumpashitskies propaganda campaign can not fool allentowns carers. We have only seen a few lawsuits dropped and he is saying that progress will be moving along. The main laysuit from Abe is still in place and only god knows what will be added to his as this plays out. To say the least I find the entertainment of it all better tha monday night Raw or HBO.

  5. "...it's impossible to see good in the behavior of those hurling verbal assaults at women entering that center. It's the very worst of human behavior,..."

    The very worst of human behavior...

    Certainly worse than roto-rooting a baby. Certainly...


  6. You have no idea what you are talking about, Clem.

    Slaughtering an unborn baby is no big deal.

    No FREE birth control or abortion services --- THAT is a crime!

  7. Monkey Momma, It is bc of attitudes like yours that the RTKL and other things are necessary. They are there to protect people who might be offensive to establishment types or majority views. It's ridiculous to suggest that Allentown should give these abortion foes a tough time joust bc you don't like their tactics. Transparency requires you to be accountable with people who don't like you or who question you.

  8. I happen to share your disdain for their tactics, but that does not justify playing games with RTK.

  9. Well, while the matter was on appeal, it doesn't seem Allentown did stonewall. They were entitled to appeal, right? And the judgment was just issued - I would say the City would be stonewalling if they continued to deny this RTK request after receiving this appeal. If the City complies, then it's all good, right?

  10. Monkey Momma,

    You and I have much different views on RTK and transparency in government. You think a DUI against the an applicant for the highest public office in LC should be kept quiet bc he's such a nice guy. Now you support stonewalling.

    I do not consider either of your arguments very compelling, but am glad you posted them. People might like your arguments more than mine.

    Allentown began stonewalling the moment it denied the RTK request, as they do with many others whom they don't like. But under your thinking, it is OK for a government to screw around with someone it does not like. Sooner or later, this is all you need for corruption.

    Like I said, I support a woman's right to choose, and it must be horrible to be pregnant, make a painful personal decision and then be accosted about it. I'm with you. But the government does not get to be pricks to these protesters just bc we don't like their tactics. Sorry. And in their minds, they think those women are on their way to commit murder, so I do understand (but disagree with) their zeal.

  11. 10:07, Maybe you looked pregnant. I know i do after leaving McDonald's :-)

  12. I never said the DUI should be kept quiet. I only said that your allegation that the system was being "gamed" was purely speculative and without merit. I thought I specifically said you have the right to ask questions about the DUI. It was the speculation about the motives that got me.

    I don't support stonewalling, either. I support the city exercising their legal right to appeal the RTK request, though. I don't see why these protesters or anyone else should be able to have whatever documents whenever they want without proper legal oversight, which is the point of the appeal. The RTK legislation is rather new, and it's not surprising that the limits of it are being tested and explored. Now that the court's decision has been made, though, the city needs to hand everything requested over. If they don't do that in a timely manner, THEN it's stonewalling. In my mind.

    Yes, my vision is clouded by preconceived notions. That's true. I admit it. And, you know much more about Right To Know requests than...anyone. I'll think about what you've written - maybe I'll change my mind! Thanks for the discussion.

  13. I remember when St. Ted Kennedy called abortion a sacred right. I think abortion is the sacrament after Confirmation and before Matrimony at the Kennedy compound.

    I've heard the protesters hurl Hail Marys and The Lord's Prayer outside the AWC. Those vicious pricks.

  14. Someone told me the Liutenent Gov, Pat Brown and JB were seen together haveing dinner recently at a downtown restuarant. Hmm.

  15. I believe Browne and Reilly have been friends since childhood.

  16. 10:07 AM here.... LOL

    Yes my gut may look pregnant but my thinning hair and sun destroyed skin give me away as an aging male. I respect those that oppose abortion but protesters who have the 1000 yard stare and nearly walk into my vehicle holding rosaries and repulsive photos do not endear me to their cause. That said, I fully agree with full transparency for official acts of governmental bodies and I respect everyone's rights under the RTK laws. No one was ever hurt in the long run by open accurate information about the actions of both elected and appointed public officials.

  17. Photos of a sacrament are not repulsive. Abortion is a beautiful rite and right. Nobody should feel uncomfortable with abortion images. It's akin to looking away from slave photos of whipping scars. It's legal and those who support it should have their passion out in the open.

  18. 7:08 AM
    you might be wrong.
    Many people are disturbed by photos of the creatures that they eat being dispatched.
    Change abortion & slave ,& whipping to WAR, and I agree.


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