Local Government TV

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Would You Have Upheld Obamacare?

Despite all the predictions. the Supreme Court has just upheld Obamacare in its entirety, including the individual mandate. Thus, it is up to Congress to gut this act, if it can. So if you were Chief Justice Anonymous, how would you rule?


  1. LOL it's up to Congress to expand this Act so we get full universal coverage for all Americans.

  2. What's funny Geeting? This is serious stuff.

  3. Congress wont be able to change it now..Even as the Republicans now go out and talk about the horrors of Obamacare, which are all made up, they even realize that it will go into effect even if they are able to capture the Presidency and both houses of Congress..So, although I would have preffered single payer I am pleased it went through and 30 million americans will not have health insurance when they might not have it otherwise. It's the middle class that needed the help..The poor get medicaid already...It's the working poor and the unemployed who will need this.

  4. i suspect you are right, although I would have preferred a more fragmented approach.

  5. Retired ASD teacher here.

    I would NOT have upheld Obamacare. I dislike increasing government intrusion.

    It's much too early to understand what this ruling really means, but I'm expecting those of us who now pay for health insurance to see those premiums go way up. Whatever you are paying now, I believe you will pay at least 25% more.

    I also see many private practice doctors abandoning their own practice, taking employment from large hospital conglomerates, forcing people to visit hospital centers where they will receive less personal care, from doctors who will change with every visit.

  6. Tens of thousands wull niw be thrown ofd Medicare with NO provision to find or pay for health care. With the mandate gone and the tax boogeyman revealed, there will be no money to implement the law. It's remarkably similar to the Whiskey Rebellion. Washington and the feds prevailed in asserting federal authority. But the tax could not be collected, led to the formation of political parties, and was ultimately repealed, having created nothing but chaos for a few years. History is a remarkable teacher.

  7. Are you saying the whiskey rebellion led to the formation of political parties??

  8. Essentially, yes. You could look it up! Pennsylvanians have always been trouble makers.

    Yogi Berra

  9. I am for a mandate that all American's homebrew their own whiskey at least once.

  10. if you take my money by force and use it for the benefit of some other private individual, that's robbery. And that's true whether it's done at the point of a gun, or under threat of fine or imprisonment.
    Why does anyone think that they are entitled to some share of property I have lawfully earned?

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Anon 1:17: Who is taking your money by force? Or are you one of those deadbeat freeloaders that causes healthcare costs to go up for the rest of us that actually are responsible enough to purchase insurance?

  13. When I saw the Supreme Court Ruling I immediately had to come to this BLOG to see how you and your readers felt about this Ruling. This BLOG tends to have the pulse of the community and it certainly expresses different views. So here is my view. With all the Millions, or should I say Billion of dollars we send overseas intended for medical supplies and health care, I could never understand why we here in America are so reluctant to provide that same basic need to millions of our own people. We as Americans should never have to worry if our sons, daughters,spouses, mom's and dad's are $5.00 sick or $50.00 sick or even a thousand dollars sick. To hesitate to take a loved one to a doctor for medical attention because you don't have enough money in your wallet and you may be taking your next meal off the table to pay for medical services is just mind boggling.I'm not saying the way it was done was the most efficient way of accomplishing this goal, however, it is a goal that needed to be accomplished. Now let's work on the finances to make sure it is most efficient and effective.

  14. To the history buffs who like to drink their whiskey and equate taxation to robbery, I do not doubt your patriotism nor I suspect your genuine love for the Constitution.

    However, what you are really saying is that you disagree with this policy, not taxes. At least I would seriously hope that is what you are saying. As history buffs, you know that two fatal flaws of the Articles of Confederation were the inability to raise troops nor taxes. Prior to Whiskey, there was Shay's Rebellion which demonstrated the need for the a stronger central government....hence the Philadelphia Convention that quickly discarded the A of C to draft our current Constitution, which I am sure you support.

    We all pay taxes for "the benefit of others". Unless you were home schooled or attended private schools, you were educated at the expense of your neighbors as your parents did not pay your full costs. I am middle aged, and thankfully have never needed an ambulance, but the govt uses my tax money to "benefit those private individuals" who do. Do OUR tax money go for things we don't individually support? Of course. For you its the federal version of RomneyCare. For me, it was the unnecessary war in Iraq (Bush II, not I). But we live in republic, and in our social contract, we agree to follow the laws enacted by our elected leaders--or fight like hell--as I am sure you will--to change those leaders.

    You weren't robbed. You live in a republic, and whether modern or ancient republics are funded through taxes.

  15. I weary of explaining the difference between say defense spending which benefits all equally, and Obamacare, which takes money from one individual to provide healthcare for another. How else will 30 million people buy that health insurance?

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. So what is the difference between mandating healthcare and mandate everyone to own a Bible? If you don't purchase healthcare in 2014, you have to pay a fine or tax? So if you don't own a Bible or whatever is mandated, you have to pay a fine?

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Just remember "if you like your health care coverage, you can keep it"!

    (brought to you by Re-Elect Obama 2012)

  21. No I would not uphold it.
    Please clarify what kind of tax is it?

    per capita
    income tax
    none of the above?

    Funny the last one is not mentioned in the constitution.

    This is just one of many tyrannies hoisted upon the american people.

    Sadly we need an amendment to re-secure the bill of rights.

  22. 4:13, You are both OT and making anonymous personal attacks. People are more interested in the issue than in your cowardly, anonymous slurs.

  23. Retired ASD teacher here.

    Please remove my previous two posts. They address the misconceptions of another poster, and not the issue you raise here.

    To follow-up on my initial post, I would not have ruled the way this court did because it sets a new precedent. One that removes personal freedom.

    Consider this. A president can now determine that unless every new car purchased from this point forward is a Chevy Volt, those who choose something else will pay a $3000 tax to make Chevy Volts available to everyone who does want one.

    I don't see this as a stretch.

  24. Retired ASD Teacher can have a nice perspective in that he has taxpayer funded healthcare for life.

    As to the issue of taking money from you to pay for someone else's healthcare, it is very hard to explain but I will try.


    Now can we at least get off the stupid Greek Democracy soapbox and deal with the reality of the current situation in the nation.

  25. Sorry, the main point is,


  26. NO, This is further Government intrusion into our Lives,

    This is at least an 800 Billion TAX on Citizens making $250,000.00 or less.

  27. Anon 3:09, there is no rational or sensible way to discuss your assertion. Happy hunting fella!

  28. can i dump my auto insurance?

  29. The Death Panels and rationing will hurt retired public employees the most. This will cause them to die earlier; thus, improving the actuarial that force us to carry them for 30 years, in many cases. I just wish it didn't take 21 new taxes to accomplish.

  30. What's funny Geeting? This is serious stuff.

    Sure, serious that not all Americans have health insurance yet even with this half-hearted legislation.

  31. I would NOT have upheld Obamacare. I dislike increasing government intrusion.

    That's because only you can enjoy suckling the teat of state provided pensions and benefits. NO ONE ELSE!

  32. if you take my money by force and use it for the benefit of some other private individual, that's robbery. And that's true whether it's done at the point of a gun, or under threat of fine or imprisonment.
    Why does anyone think that they are entitled to some share of property I have lawfully earned?

    Wow. Read the 16th Amendment for starters, genius.

  33. Consider this. A president can now determine that unless every new car purchased from this point forward is a Chevy Volt, those who choose something else will pay a $3000 tax to make Chevy Volts available to everyone who does want one.

    Why must opponents make up ludicrous hypotheticals to attack a policy which they do not approve merely because it helps poor people?

    Healthcare is a unique situation. It is about human beings and a significant part of the national economy. Yes, it is a stretch that the government will use any precedent to force you to purchase a car. You sound like a babbling high school Republican Club president.

    And why must the right-wing perpetuate the lie that everyone is paying a fine or penalty. You are only paying a fine if you do not have insurance and refuse to get insurance - in other words, the freeloaders the right despises so much. You should be pleased. Perhaps you are the types that complain about something while doing the exact thing you are complaining about.

  34. Just remember "if you like your health care coverage, you can keep it"!

    Missing the sarcasm. Why yes, I WILL be keeping my insurance, just like ...every ...other ....American with insurance.

    Hello? McFly?


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