Local Government TV

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fake Rev Issues Fatwa Against LVRamblings

I'm in trouble now.

Yesterday, I told you that I have absolutely no class and am, indeed, a bottom-feeding blogger. That's all the Fake Rev, Mario Martinez of Forks Township, needed to issue a fatwa.

Before doing so, the Prevaricatin' Preacher explains that I'm a "self professing opportunist who seeks quick profit usually at the expense of others or from their misfortune." Also, I'm the "lowest form of pond scum."

Since scum rises to the top, "whale shit" would have been the correct terminology in that phrase.

Anyhoo, the cRaZy Cleric's fatwa, issued on behalf of both Jesus and "We, the People," is this: "[A]ny elected representative of The People who deals with this self professing bottom feeder...can't be much better - and out too they must go! ... It behooves all self-serving politicians to take a serious note on this point...or possibly suffer the same fate as Ron Angle. Remember - No one thought his ousting was possible - But it was...and it happened - didn't it?"

Is that the best the Mustached Mujaheddin can do?

Here's a better one, thanks to Fatwa4You:
In the name of Barron von Footinmouth, the Gruesome, the Resourceful. All Honor and Gratitude belongs to Barron von Footinmouth. Blessed are the Disciples of Barron von Footinmouth, the Gracedale Guardians.

To Bernie O'Hare, Hell's busboy, Flatulent Parrot of Blemished Genealogy, I say this:

By viciously starting a war with my favorite nursing home and by making a mockery out of my mustache, you have called upon you a disturbing and displeasing fate. If Barron von Footinmouth - in all his mighty Wisdom and Prudence - wishes so, you shall be punished by being involved in embarrassing yet unsatisfying sex scandals involving gerbils, until the very End of Eternity.

Did Barron von Footinmouth, proud Lion of Gracedale - may Peace rest upon Him - not warn you which fate would be your part? All Camels of Carnage: leave the House of Gracedale or you will encounter the Volcanoes of Hatred you raised among our people - heroic is our nature - by starting a war with Gracedale.

By Barron von Footinmouth's kilt, the Mujaheddin of Gracedale will triumph over your evil methods of Hatred. With the power of Gracedale and the flaming Sword of Barron von Footinmouth, we will diminish your inferior ideologies and Peace will return to the House of Gracedale!

Have a nice day.
Nice to see the Fake Rev is focused like a laser beam on everything BUT Gracedale.


  1. flatulent parrot indeed.

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  7. Fake Mustache
    Item #725687
    Johnson Smith Catalog
    Page 16 (next to fake dog poop and pepper gum)

  8. Quite a sermon. Seems FDAA and at least one other were stricken speechless by The Revs words.

  9. Curious? What university did the good reverend earn his divinity degree at? Anyone who knows, please post.

  10. The FDAA comments are not from her, but an impersonator.

  11. Guilt by association again..here I go. Guess my political career is over by virtue of my choice of blog to reach the electorate. I'm raising the white flag lest I be struck by Holy Lightening!

  12. Though I sometimes disagree with Bernie, I will always defend his right to speak freely just as I would defend the free speech rights of Mr. Martinez. However, I have a ton more respect for a man who doesn't pretend he is something he isn't than for one who masquerades as something he isn't.
    Simply put, my belief is that at least Bernie is who he claims to be (and he's funny too), and I don't believe Mario Martinez comes close to who he claims to be.
    I have yet to read about Mario Martinez doing anything related to Christian service, as one would expect to read about a preacher. Martinez reminds me of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton; both are political activists hiding under the banner of "REVEREND". Neither ever talk about Jesus, just racially charged issues and the topic of the day.

    I know a few Godly men, and though God be the judge, I don't see a difference between Al, Jesse, or Mario.

  13. Here we go again. The O'Hare hate blog goes after someone he hates and the little haters come out to play. O'Hare will delete all posts that call him out on his hypocrisy but allow those that attack a good man.

    The Rev. Martinez is known by his deeds as well as his words. That is why he is respected in the real community. You haters are known by your cowardly words of hate and you are known by those.

    This is a good place for all that hate.

  14. "cowardly"...that's a rich charge coming from someone named anonymous.

  15. "The Rev. Martinez is known by his deeds as well as his words."

    Agreed. His deeds are those of a snake.

  16. Yeah, come on mow. We all know "Ronnie" isn't anonymous.

    Nice thread full of hate, for a man full of love. What's a matter O'Hare, it really burn you that this humble man beat you, Angle and Stoffa in your quest to dump Gracedale. How the mighty shall fall.



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