Local Government TV

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Another Day, Another "Slander" Threat

Spiderman - Slander is spoken. In print, it's libel.I spiced up my last Gracedale post with a picture of some old folks rolling joints. I've done it before, from pics of Betty White playing beer pong to old farts dressed up like super heroes.

To my credit, I've resisted the temptation to post this. I have standards, damn it!

I forgot that folks like the Fake Rev Mario Martinez have no sense of humor. Jesus shortchanged him in that and a few other categories when he gave him that gigantic butt broom on top of his upper lip.

On behalf of both "We, the People," and Lord Jesus H. Christ, Martinez is demanding that County Executive John Stoffa sue me. "[I]t's time to sue O'Hare for trying to OPENLY HURT Gracedale," the Phony Preacher ordered on Sunday. "And, in this instance, we authorize the use our of tax dollars to do so."

This is no passing fancy, either. Today, the Serial Sermonizer is even more adamant. He tells Stoffa, "The only way you can begin to mend the relationship YOU broke with The People...is to do the right thing John, and on behalf of The People you are supposed to be serving...pursue legal action against O'Hare. Do that and perhaps we can learn to trust you again...MAYBE!!!"

What really gets me is that he is demanding that I be sued for slander. The Erratic Evangelizer, like many others, is unaware that slander is spoken, damn it. In print, it's libel. Get it right.

I know this sort of thing because I'm a lawyer. I've got a J.D. and everything. Plus, I watched the Spiderman movie.

Well, Stoffa will be relieved that Martinez the Martinet has authorized the use of taxpayer money to sue me. That will be a big load off his mind.

Updated 12:50 AM: Almost immediately after publishing this little ditty, I was accused on the Gracedale blog of attacking the Revoltin' Revivalist's ethnicity. I had no idea that a mustache is an ethnic group. I apologize to all Mustachians, wherever you are.


  1. "I've got a J.D. and everything. "

    If "everything" means that you are legally allowed to practice law, you are mistaken.

    A lawyer, according to Black's Law Dictionary, is "a person learned in the law; as an attorney, counsel or solicitor; a person who is practicing law."

    The issue is where it says "A person who is practicing law"... well you are not practicing law because you are not legally allowed to... hence why you are not a lawyer... a former lawyer is the better term.

  2. 12:12, If you look more carefully at your own definition, you will see that I actually am a lawyer, just one who is not permitted to practice. "Formerly admitted" is the term used, to be precise.

  3. oh boy, this is great!

  4. You are a failed lawyer. You were disbarred for unethical behavior. Keep patting your self on the back but you haven't changed,

    You may not be drinking but you are still have an angry drunk type personality. In other words the psychological demons that pushed you over the edge once still exist in you.

  5. You must be one of those demons, eh?

  6. i love betty white.

  7. 3:26,
    r u a practicing and licensed psychiatrist? or r u just another bitter and useless union puke?

    at any rate I am sure u have Soffa shaking in his boots. Probably from laughter at your stupidity.

    try getting a job and then maybe you succeed in having a real life

  8. The phony mustache is not associated with any ethnic group. It signifies a brotherhood of assholes.

  9. 6:47

    There are many in that group....Jesus and Lincoln for starters.

  10. Jesus and Lincoln had real mustaches and were not part of the Asshole Brotherhood of Fake Mustache Wearers.

    Martinez and the Justus guy ordered theirs from Johnson Smith Catalog (item #87918) for the express purpose of looking stupid. Phony religious credentials are item #42666. Purchases of $25 or more earn free shipping.

  11. @6:47
    I resent that remark! I'm an asshole, and I don't have a mustache!

    JOHNSON SMITH!! Haven't heard of that company since 4th grade - when I used to conduct brisk sales out on the playground at St. Theresa's selling stink bombs, itching powder and garlic gum (disguised as Spearmint). Lost many a catalogs to the nuns, but managed to hang on to a few :-)

  12. I see if you claim your name is "Mark Baker" or Bill Coker" you can attack anyone with impunity on the O'Hare hate blog.

    Maybe you should all go to the bar and drink to the Order of the Fascist Brotherhood. Costumes optional.

    Bake Marker,is my name it is, it really is !!

  13. There's nothing fascist about calling out disguises like phony mustaches. Those who employ fake mustaches and credentials should show there real faces and real IDs. Same for wearers of hair hats (item #33967). Don't hide behind Johnson Smith Catalog.

  14. 3:18,

    When r u semi intelligent union dummies going to learn. Your union dues and claw hammer can not compete in the real world. You are stupid enough to pay dues to some ass who tells you what to say and when to blow a rat.

    Your pathetic live allows you to go to the bar and back to the trailer court, repeat, repeat, repeat crying all the way that you have been screwed by the establishment.

    Look at yourself in the mirror (if you can stand the pain of your own image), grab yourself by the bootstraps (if you wear anything on your feet) and throw off the shackles of you non existence.

    Complete the first grade and move up in the world. Realize that you can actually do this without drugs, alcohol and unions.

    Then, and only then will you be a real man.

  15. ref 3:18 PM

    How do I prove I'm the name I claimed and who did I "attack"?

  16. That should be whom...sorry.

  17. 3:18 PM

    No it's not!

  18. "When r u semi intelligent union dummies going to learn. Your union dues and claw hammer can not compete in the real world. You are stupid enough to pay dues to some ass who tells you what to say and when to blow a rat.

    Your pathetic live allows you to go to the bar and back to the trailer court, repeat, repeat, repeat crying all the way that you have been screwed by the establishment.

    Look at yourself in the mirror (if you can stand the pain of your own image), grab yourself by the bootstraps (if you wear anything on your feet) and throw off the shackles of you non existence.

    Complete the first grade and move up in the world. Realize that you can actually do this without drugs, alcohol and unions.

    Then, and only then will you be a real man."

    Dear Mr Baker,

    I would love to waste more time responding to you, but I am using my Union wages, and taking my Union vacation time, and going on a nice long vacation. All the while you sit hear hiding behind your computer spewing jealous nonsense.

    Oh, I will have a few drinks for you.

    Union Goon

  19. The venom that is spewed on the We the People blog is disgusting. The Gracedale Goons are disgusting so what should we expect? At some point in time Bernie you should sue their fat asses or have them arrested for terroristic threats. They are a mean-spirited narrow-minded group.

  20. O'Hare fears the truth. No one in the union is embarrassed by the good people of the COAF. We are embarrassed by our County Executive.

  21. The only persons I know who refer to "the good people of the COAF" are people like the Fake Rev himself.

  22. As well as 70% of voters in Northamton ounty.

  23. If 7% of the voters have even heard of the Fake Rev, i'd be surprised. If they read his blog, the Gracedale vote would have gone the other way.

  24. Fortunately most people don't read this hate blog and they voted for the truth and the care of their fellow elderly residents and not some cheap political stunt by an incompetent county executive.

  25. Keep telling yourself that. Three days after this blog published, you're still flailing away.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.