Local Government TV

Friday, May 04, 2012

Will Cunningham Take Reins at LVEDC?

In the 2013 Bethlehem Mayoral race, many think that Council member Bob Donchez will square off against his friend, Lehigh County Exec Don Cunningham. As a popular two-term Mayor, Cunningham held the City together throughout the turbulent years that followed the demise of Bethlehem Steel. But Donchez, a former teacher and son of a police detective, has consistently been high vote getter in the last few races.

But will Cunningham really run?

Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corp. is looking for a new CEO. According to inside sources, it has narrowed its list of candidates to just two people.

One of them is Don Cunningham.


  1. Callahan not Cunningham saved Bethlehem. The big Don knows full well Bobby Donchez will hand him his nuts if he runs against him.

    It is pretty well assured that DonC will be given the old Mitman job as a consolation prize for his years of helping rich folks make mo money.

  2. Sorry but check your facts again. Cunningham served Bethlehem very well and laid the foundation for its future. He has a proven record at the state and federal level as well.

    As for the LVEDC job, he would be a very credible candidate in my mind. Plus he knows the Valley. Why so we feel that all of the really good jobs need to go to outsiders. Just becasue one former politician didn't do a good job doesn't mean that he should be denied for that reason only. Heck, look at the job Panto is doing in Easton and he followed Mitman.

    Don is an excellent choice.

  3. What happened with BM taping cmon bernie give me some gossip

    Tony M

  4. He'd be a great choice at LVEDC. He HATES to golf.

  5. At least he never instituted a no communication rule within the city. Callahan won't let the Controller Contact city employees.

    What is up with that. The Controller is trying to the job you want a Controller to do and old Callahan is shutting down any open communication.

    As to hitting Don below the belt, that is standard for these guys. The Callahan Klan have been badmouthing Cunningham's tenure as Mayor to build up their boy.

  6. Cunningham is a good man. Yet, this position was suppose to go to someone who had a track record in managing an agency that had recruited businesses. If LVEDC is just a deposit for retired local business and politicians. Its purpose is really questionable. Then let's get rid of the agency. Both Cunningham and Callahan saved Bethlehem if you are looking for savers.

  7. Cunningham would be good at this job.

  8. Either horse would be a train wreck for Bethlum.

    Cunningham can't walk the walk and donchez is too busy trying to figure out in which direction to walk.

    Both "nice guys" but neither is a leader. Smooth pols but not leaders.

    Cunningham will go to LVEDC where the big bucks are.

    The uninformed and passive will elect Donchez as mayor. Thereafter he will be known as the Jimmy Carter of Bethlum.

  9. the "no communication rule" was instituted because certain council people and the deputy controller have nothing better to do but write memos all day. they ask silly questions that as city officials they should know the answers to. too lazy to look at ordinances to find the answers or to use their own staff.

    basically it's an ego trip for them

  10. It's so funny that Scott Ott ruined this guy's political career. If Scott doesn't do another thing for the rest of his life, he gets credit for derailing Donny. Who's the next local idiot who thinks he can be governor? Bawhahahahahaha.

  11. So who is the other candidate? Jenn Mann?

  12. As mayor, he will actually have to work some. As the LVEDC head he can golf. Which one would you want to do?

  13. From what I hear, the other candidate is an economic development professional from outside the area.

  14. Few speak without notes as well as Don.

  15. 7:43

    but he speaks with forked tongue

  16. Why not Edwin, look what he's done for economic develpment in ALlentown.

  17. I hear that Scott Ott is going to prevent Cunningham from getting this position. Don can't do anything unless Scott approves.

  18. Don is part of the problem.

    LVEDC and the Airport authority are both unproductive, malfunctioning organizations and Don has had a hand in both.

    LVEDC has been "run" by politicians for a long time and you see how hilarious that's all been.

  19. The 'official' statements from LVEDC all emphasize that they are looking for someone with a track record and credentials. Mr. C has neither. He is a small time, small town politician and LVEDC knows it has a PR problem and appointing another politician with no resume will do nothing to advance the agency. If the Marin's were still in the position to act as powerbrokers, I'd say Joyce would be in line for the job, but with their full court press for rail, they had to step aside. No, I don't think Don will get the job and may soon go public to say he doesn't want it to avoid the embarrassment of rejection. I'd give an outsider with solid credentials the top odds.

  20. Go Don, leave ANOTHER JOB early

  21. norco's Alicha Karner would be a great choice! We hear she is not a golfer, young, very smart and a family person!

  22. Cunningham would be a solid choice. He could take LVEDC to a whole new level. He's improved the finances and reputation of every entity he's ever taken over. and Lord knows, LVEDC needs improving.

  23. I see the Cunningham movement is in full swing. Yes just what LVEDC needs, someone who has never even run a private hot-dog stand. He would make a good Mitman, smiling and glad handing, if that is what they want.

    Neither he nor Mitman were qualified for this job, it was given for services rendered. Try a real business professional and maybe they might do what they were created to do in the first place. Keep in mind the big Don is married to a Chamber of Commerce official and the Chamber wants the LVEDC to go away, permanently. That makes for an interesting predicament.

    Of course old Frank Kane is worried so give Don the job so poor Frank can get to be a chief of Staff or bottle washer or something, the guy has got to eat.

  24. Lets get the facts right. Don was Mayor for 5 years (not two terms) and that is being generous. He spent most of the last year linning up a gig with Rendell. He did a decent job but by no means can claim credit for turning around the city. As for the finances he inherited a 60 million dollar reserve in the county and has drained it dry. Give me Callahan for four more years. What has happened in Bethlehem over the last 8 years in truly amazing. You may not always like him but he gets the job done.

  25. cunningham is callahan ultra light.

  26. Let me give you kids who were in college at the time Bethlehem was on the brink of failing a history lesson. Cunningham came in, started the revitalization and did all the things that were needed: opened Broad St, redid the streets in downtown, overhauled the streetlights on the SS, got the infrastructure for the Steel site for future developement, started the whole idea of the Greenway, started the Majestic project, got the investors together to open up the Hotel Bethlehem, worked with Pektor to get many inner city buildings rehabbed for different use and a shit load more. Callahan did a good job - minus his fiscal work - but Don gave him the template to continue what he started. period.

  27. I would prefer the Lehigh Valley be given a break from these two clowns for a few years, please. Good God, don't they have any marketable skills?

    It's not just them but as much the slimey crowd around them that makes the wheeling dealing that drains money everywhere they go.

    Lehigh county is broke and so is Bethlehem. Good job boys.

  28. anon 8:03

    Nice try Donny boy but no one, absolutely no one believes your BS

    You were lucky if you got out of someones bed each day much less make it city hall to accomplish anything

    you major accomplishments was mismanagement and selling the land fill - which by the way is making$250,000 a day since you gave it away.

    but i guess you could fill mitmans shoes as worthless as he was

  29. To Anon 6:47AM

    The Callahan crew are continually trying to keep a lid on all the shady and unethical things that go on so he can get elected to County Exec. If anyone attempts to do their job and it will not make Callahan look good, the crew will do whatever they can to suppress the information. I have it from a good source that when the audit is released it will not be pretty.

    As for egos, Johnnie and "Deputy Mayor" Joe seem to have that market cornered.

  30. It's a joke Callahan is running for county executive, he doesn't even know where the courthouse is much less what it does.

    He and his gang think it is a sure thing and are already lining up contributors who will get the county largess as they did the city.

    When one cow goes dry, just get another cow. Besides the guy needs a job to run for Congress from at a latter date.

    These guys would be a joke if they weren't destroying while exploiting our local governments.

  31. Callahan has worked more years in the private sector than he has been Mayor and took a huge paycut to become mayor so yes he has marketable skills before and will have even more after being mayor.

  32. I am sure a major pharmaceutical company will welcome him back now.

  33. Don would be a perfect choice for LVEDC. He is a gifted public speaker with excellent analytical skills. He knows how to get things done at the State and he understands economic development. He can also raise private money, something LVEDC desperately needs. They have to get away from the Hotel Tax. Finally, mark my words... Don will sucessfully merge LVEDC with the Lehigh Valley Chamber and it will make both organizations better.

  34. Anon 3:44, do you think that fortune pharmaceutical companies don't spend money on lobbying? How about 15,115,923 according to open secrets. So much is a person worth who has the whole Democratic leadership team on Speed dial who is liked by all....

    Think people! some people are in politics because its all they can do, some because they are trying to make a positive change.

    I'm without a doubt on Callahan's team, but that does not negate the value. He has only increased his potential over the last 10 years as Mayor.


  35. Callahan is on top Demo leadership speed dial??? Wow now that is impressive. No need to go any further. I guess the top Demo's will pay off the deficit the city is in.

    What a crock. The guy is about his wallet and the wallets of his buddies. Callahan couldn't
    manage his way out of a paper bag. He was a great drug salesman.

  36. Callahan has tons of money and no trust from county voters. We will see how he does in the contested primary next year. The Dent mailers are already being retooled. They portray an incompetent Mayor.

    Trust is earned not bought!

  37. Don C wasn't that great of a mayor but one thing is in his favor. He grew up and learned how to govern. Just what LVEDC needs. A real Leader. Maturity comes from experience and age. You can't have one without the other. Don has matured into a very capable public servant.

  38. "Don will successfully merge LVEDC and the Chamber of Commerce". That is the fear. The Chamber wants the LVEDC to go away just as it wants to destroy all the other Chambers. Donny will help destroy the LVEDC and destory the smaller Chambers.

    You think tightwad Ianneli gave him money for his looks?

  39. Rendell picked him for Sec'y of economic Development for the State, but, then he vetted Don C. and realized how dumb the guy is that he had to put him in chatge of buying paper and pencils for the state.

  40. "norco's Alicha Karner would be a great choice! We hear she is not a golfer, young, very smart and a family person!"

    She is too young and green behind the ears. She lacks polish. She needs to spend more time building her resume and working closer with local government and industry first. Then, maybe she could be tapped for this type of position. On to the Don C. speculation, ehh... he isn't the best choice but a good choice to keep LVEDC out of the spot light. He is experienced and savy enough to know when they are about to do something stupid that would cast bad light on the outfit. A new person from outside the area with no local experience will not know when to pull the reigns back and could train wreck the organization. My two cents is that Don gets the job despite no real Economic Development experience.

  41. The rap on Karner is as the above poster stated. She is abrasive and hard to work with. Feels she knows it all, alrready.

    As to Cunningham. He has a mission, to destroy the LVEDC. The Chamber of Commerce and LVEDC have been tripping over each other for the past decade, each taking credit for every job coming to the Lehigh Valley.

    If LVEDC wants to commit suicide and stick with inbreeding, Cunningham will get the nod.

  42. I know Alicia. I have had many discussions with her, including many topics on which we disagree. I never found her abrasive. I've always found her engaged, hard-working and very knowledgeable. My guess is you've had little experience seeing competence, and it is easy to find a strong woman as abrasive or whatever term you want to use to justify a bias.

  43. I would vote for her over tweedle dee or tweedle dum Callahan -Cunningham thats for sure. She can have the personailty of a prune and still be better than these two public feeding goofs.


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