Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Walnutport Joins NIZ Litigation

Mayor Henry Kline confirms that Walnutport Borough has joined the "rising tide" of municipalities to challenge Allentown's controversial Neighborhood Improvement Zone (NIZ). According to one NIZ apologist, anyone who opposes this funding scheme, which is designed to make millionaire J.B. Reilly a billionaire, is  necessarily a racist. I believe anyone who advances that kind of baloney is necessarily a moron.

Who are the racists?

The following municipalities and school districts have now voted to join the NIZ litigation spearheaded by Bethlehem and Hanover Townships or have filed their own suit: Bethlehem, Bushkill, East Allen, Hanover, Lehigh, Lower Nazareth, Lower Saucon, Palmer, Plainfield, South Whitehall, Upper Nazareth, Upper Saucon and Whitehall Townships; Bangor, Catasauqua, Hellertown, Stockertown and Walnutport Boroughs; and the Whitehall-Coplay School District.

That's 19 municipalities that must be packed with racists.

This name-calling is getting ridiculous.


  1. I'm against the NIZ simply because I do not trust the Mayor and the other politicians involved. I fear that Pawlowski will pull a Roy Afflerbach on us and leave the city behind with yet another massive liability. Jon Geeting: I'm not a racist, I live in an integrated neighborhood in Allentown and my child goes to ASD. You are probably the real racist, shame on you for using racial taunts (brown people) to get attention for yourself.

  2. Jon Geeting comments about all things lehigh valley, yet he does not live in the lehigh valley, and is a taxpayer to the state of New York. Why should he have a say in anything?

    By the way Jon, Allentown will not go into Act 47 because of the arena disaster. They will enter it because of the underfunded pensions, and the strangle hold the union has around the city in the collective bargaining process. This is straight from the horses mouth too...not read over the internet and commented on like your blog has become, ripping off other peoples stories.

  3. The economic demise of allentown has been the kings plan all along.

  4. It's curious how many gays are outright racists. You'd think there would be a civil rights kinship.

  5. If you don't think there's anti-Latino racism on the anti-NIZ side, you must not be reading your own blog's comment section much. I am reading the comments, and I see a lot of comfortable old white dudes chomping at the bit for their old white dude representatives to snuff out the best shot at shared prosperity the LV's biggest Latino population will ever have.

    And don't give me any of that crap about JB Reilly making money - the developers you're supporting are also very wealthy. That has nothing to do with anything. The issue is where's the investment going? For the same reason that township politicians think the median suburban resident would be worse off from less investment in the townships, the median Allentownian will certainly benefit from more investment in Allentown. That's not "trickle down" it's just how the economy works. People earn money, they buy stuff, and that spending is somebody else's income, and so on and so on. More of that is going to help Allentown, just like less of it would hurt the townships. What opponents have completely failed to show is why more investment in Allentown had to mean less investment everywhere else.

  6. Geeting, you don't even live in the same state. You make assumptions based off of biased reporting and opinion pieces on blogs.

    You've never met any of these people, let alone been at a public meeting with them, but will comment on and make personal attacks on them.

    You are a prime example of what we like to call "sheep". Bahhhh Geeting, Bahhhhhh. Go write another blog based on an opinion from another blog. Baaahhh..

    Ps. you need some friends.

  7. It's "champing" not chomping. The asshole is worse with grammar than any knowledge of Allentown. I thought his kind was supposed to be skilled in language arts. Oops! More generalizations!

    Geeting is on his knees for rich developers. Period. A familiar spot, indeed.

  8. Where Walnutport goes, so goes the nation.

  9. I can't believe that anyone will or has tried to play the race card. The mayor of Allentown is white, JB and Topper are white, the Brooks brothers are white, 99.9999999% of hockey players are white, 99.999999% of those attending hockey games are white and 95% of those living in the municipalities that filed suit are white. Put the race card away unless white against white is the the race card. Even the Morning Call columnist carrying the mayors message is Bill WHITE!

  10. How do you figure that this will help the hispanic community, or for that matter, Any citizen living more than a half a block away? (Been to Atlantic city?)
    This scheme will not benefit anyone living in the center city.
    The ill fated arena project would be destined to produce gridlock, garbage, a windfall for the parking authority, and wealth for a miniscule chosen group of insiders.

  11. How will the urban poor benefit. Let us just count the ways.

    1. Unskilled labor jobs; construction jobs; and jobs at the arena after it is finished.
    2. A new middle class market to whom to sell goods.
    3. A stronger police force around downtown Allentown.
    4. A much more affluent and populous lunch crowd to frequent downtown and adjacent restaurants.
    5. Cultural interactions.
    6. More people on the street at all hours keeping eyes out.
    7. A return of middle class institutions which promote social stability.
    8. Here is probably the biggest, new property tax revenue that will help to create a tax base that might:
    a. Keep the school district from going bankrupt;
    b. pay for more police;
    c. Reduce property taxes so the cities residential properties become competitive compared to the suburbs;
    9. Redevelopment of a consciousness among the middle class that Allentown is actually beautiful and livable and therefore a desirable place to spend time and dollars;
    10. How about hockey–everyone loves hockey.

  12. Wasn't the city the racist in eliminating the minority store owners in the NIZ? What exactly is racist about not wanting to pay for someone else's playpen? Jon Geeting, please explain.

  13. "Let us just count the ways."
    Total lying load of crap.
    Each and every point you spew.
    Where and when has any of that fairy tale horse pucky EVER happened?
    Oh Yea, The 30,000 or so Hispanic people in the city became hockey fans when?

  14. 10:13 You smoking the crack pipe? Must have gotten that list from an urban renewal text book, written by a white man, published by a white man's publishing company, and used by a white professor at an ultra conservative cornbelt college where the majority of the students are children of white men born agains. Seems white enough to me but too far away from reality to apply to Allentown. May work in a tired old strip mall suburb in Iowa though.

  15. "Boy Genius" Geeting:

    South Bethlehem is home to two very powerful economic engines: Lehigh University and the Sands Casino. Between them, they employ more than 3,000 people and have hundreds of millions in payrolls.

    Now, Mr. Geeting, visit your hometown. Walk a few blocks east from Lehigh, or a few blocks south from the casino. Interview the people who live there and ask them how much they benefit from Lehigh and Sands.

  16. What suggests that their is a race / class distinction is that the people in power used the law to create the "pigpen" in the first place. That is to use arbitrary municipal boundaries to separate people based on wealth and then use the law to confer benefits on themselves (the wealthy municipalities) while laughing at the disadvantaged and asking why they can't get ahead.

  17. @ 10:30. Is there going to be poverty in cities, even well-run cities? Yes. But the point is if there is an effective middle class tax base at least there are schools for the kids to go to to try to lift themselves up and social institutions like an efficient police force to keep relative safety. Once the middle class leaves, and the institutions and tax money leave with them, things can get desperate. The whole point is respecting people enough as people and fellow persons to live in a community with them and share the burden. We don't do that when we segregate ourselves. And it is why Atlantic City doesn't work, because, although there is money, there is no community and no social institutions to support community. It is why it is so important we don't segregate out to the burbs.

  18. geeting sucks!

    just sayin

  19. personally and professionally

  20. The teabaggers are making their usual racist and homophobic remarks.

    Keep those confederate flags waving boys.

  21. Walnutport is in bad as shape as Allentown is in terms of poverty.

    That's been the interesting thing about this NIZ debate. There has been this successful lobby in making Allentown the capital of Lehigh Valley poverty and misfortune. Thing is, it's just as rough or rougher in places like Slatington, Walnutport, Pen Argyl, West Easton.

    Places that can't afford tax dollars being lost. They don't have enough as it is.

  22. Jonathan, From time to time, I do get racist and bigoted comments on this blog, and I delete them. But guess what? I get as many or more bigoted comments from NIZ cheerleaders than I do from those who are opposed. One of the supporters, Jeff Barber, stated on a televised debate that the minority merchants were a "cancer." That's overt racism or classism. It's certainly bigoted.

    What is really going on is this King Edwin and the NIZ cheerleaders are losing the public relations war. Badly. Jonathan is seeing all his arguments refuted, one by one. So he resorts to name-calling. Attempts to vilify those with different views.

    It's what I expect from someone who dances on the grave of someone whse political views differed from his.

  23. 1. Unskilled labor jobs; construction jobs; and jobs at the arena after it is finished.

    Low paying, temporary jobs witn on benefts. This benefits the wealthy, not the disadvantaged.

    2. A new middle class market to whom to sell goods.

    How can you sell any goods if your businesses have been shoved aside to make way for the man?

    3. A stronger police force around downtown Allentown.

    You mean around the arena, where they will protect visitors on hockey nights. This will mean a weaker police force everywhere else, and Allentown's minorities and poor will suffer as a result."

    4. A much more affluent and populous lunch crowd to frequent downtown and adjacent restaurants.

    "This will help out Fegley and a select few politically connect restaurants on Hamilton. It will not help minorities."

    5. Cultural interactions.


    6. More people on the street at all hours keeping eyes out.

    "It will be one square block and will not be all hours."

    7. A return of middle class institutions which promote social stability.

    8. Here is probably the biggest, new property tax revenue that will help to create a tax base that might:
    a. Keep the school district from going bankrupt;
    b. pay for more police;
    c. Reduce property taxes so the cities residential properties become competitive compared to the suburbs;

    "I'd agree that increased assessments will be good for ASD, but not when they come at the cost of reducing assessments elsewhere as businesses fail. "

    9. Redevelopment of a consciousness among the middle class that Allentown is actually beautiful and livable and therefore a desirable place to spend time and dollars;

    What does ths have to do with minorities?"

    10. How about hockey–everyone loves hockey.

    "I don't. Sorry."

  24. the only relationship that the arena project has to minorities is that several of their merchants were displaced by the demolition. (whom I defended) beyond that, there's no economic opportunity for anybody else, except very white men like reilly and butz. those who advocate for minority advancement in business were missing in action during the few opportunities for protest, there never was discussion or input. the rising tide theory put forward by pawlowski in an attempt to placate the townships will not help allentown's poor. on the contrary, the hope of the project developers is to gentrify the hamilton street area. the plan is hamilton street for the whites, and upper 7th street for those who are not.

  25. Is the arena union contract? If so doubt there will be many non-union construction jobs or is there a provision for some.

  26. The arena plan is a reflection of the grandiose egos of those who hatched it. There are simpler solutions to save the city but they take time and patience.

    Scott Armstrong

  27. Geeting gets picked on because his interest group is undeserving of special considerations, in the opinion of many. The true Confederates are the so called Christians who used Eminent Domain to ethnically cleanse an area of souls they call " cancer." First, they came for the Blacks and Hispanics. Then, they came for the Chinese. Gays could be next.

  28. Im a white male business owner who employees hispanics in Allentown I also think the NIZ is a huge disaster. Does that make me a racist John Geeting? Unlike you, I will actually be impacted by Ed's massive hole. Your statement on racism shows complete desperation.

  29. Even if the arena was a good idea, which it isn't, just how many union workers from Allentown or the lehigh valley would get those jobs?
    All stated job estimates for this hokey scam have been highly exaggerated.

  30. "Middle class institution that promotes social stability"

    Woo Hoo! - That must mean Planned Parenthood in this, the era of President Obama, the smartest and greatest man in the history of the universe!

    So, the Phantoms will be passing out FREE CONTRACEPTION and other ABORTION-RELATED SERVICES to women at Chairman Pawlowski's spectacular $ 220.0 million dollar Palace of Sport?


    I mean, how the hell am I supposed to afford Phantoms season tickets if the Rethuglicans insist on continuing their heartless and mean-spirited War on Women?

    Did you know that the Phantoms are going to partner with Lehigh Valley Health Network and create a more healthy Community if we could only just all work together for the Common Good?

    I'm so excited.


  31. There are plenty of reasons to support or oppose the arena and NIZ legislation, but there is no reason to attack and ridicule Jon Geeting's sexual orientation. Bigotry is low class. If you're one of the Anonymous commenters who keeps returning to the subject, like a moth to a lightbulb, you might be well-served to pause for a moment and ask yourself what lies you could be telling yourself about your own sexuality, if you're that obsessed with Jon Geeting's sex life. Just sayin'.

  32. I present FUTURE DOWNTOWN ARENA ATTENDEE (aka Paid Shill With No Propaganda Skill), the gift that keeps giving :

    "Hi, Bernie! How is Nazareth tonight? Spending your tax dollars on the property? Perhaps you are trying to save enough money to reverse your disbarment?"


    Hey Present Doofus,

    I probably disagree with Herr O'Hare on issues more than you EVER will.

    But more importantly, I'm getting really sick and fucking tired of the fact that your punk bitch ass can't even be bothered to show the slightest bit of courage and sign your punk ass bitch name.

    I don't own property, either ... you got a fucking problem with that?


  33. How do we know that YOU are a property owner, Future Downtown Arena Attendee and Present Day Doofus?

    You lie so blatantly about pretty much everything else ...

    So, since you are nothing more than a punk ass bitch who cannot even be bothered to sign your name so we can go check some Real Estate Records, it has to remain in question whether or not you are just spewing some more of your bald-faced lies and propaganda with no punch ...

    ... as always!


  34. Let me respond back to Bernie as someone who actually works in downtown Allentown and can explain from personal experience how this all works.

    1 . Unskilled labor jobs ; construction jobs ; and jobs at the arena after it is finished .

    Unskilled work never has benefits and is almost always temporary (it's not an easy life) but at least there will be more such jobs. Of course the construction work will be temporary, that is the nature of the industry, but, people need the projects regardless. No one is disputing, i think, that there will be new jobs at the arena after it is finished.

    2 . A new middle class market to whom to sell goods .

    O.K. here is personal observation from someone who actually works downtown. On a regular basis, I will need something for my office or otherwise while at work. Typically I can solve this by going to a bodega or other shop to get more pens, paper, advil, whatever. Sometimes I buy more substantial things. I got a great deal on my flatscreen from a pawn shop. More people with money mean more people buying things.

    3 . A stronger police force around downtown Allentown .

    I mean that the entire downtown will have a substantial police visibility and as the downtown gets bigger that visibility will spread outward. Already I feel extremely comftrouble at any hour of the day on Hamilton Blvd. As the central Buisness zone gets larger, that police corridor will expand North and South.

    4 . A much more affluent and populous lunch crowd to frequent downtown and adjacent restaurants .

    Most people I know actually eat at independent, usually minority owned, places for lunch. Remember the hepatitis scare at Pasta alla Rosa last year? Everyone on the MCall comment section said it was gonna fail after that. False. It's still there because there was such strong loyalty to the Honduran owner and his food. (This by the way is an example of cultural interactions, see below). Just because you are middle class doesn't mean you only have to frequent yuppie places like the brew works and most people don't.

    5 . Cultural interactions .
    Cultural interactions don't have to be some formalized type of thing. It is just people of all races /creeds / and colors getting along and appreciating one another. See example with the Honduran owner of Pasta alla Rosa previously. He also turned me on to putting cilantro and scallion in chicken soup and its awesome.

    6 . More people on the street at all hours keeping eyes out .

    This is self-evident. Business people keep long hours and their coming and going provides safety by creating a mass of people where the criminal element wouldn't try something. It is why Hamilton Street is already safe most hours of the day.

    . . . It's telling me I ran out of room to comment. I could go on, but, you get my point.

  35. "There are plenty of reasons to support or oppose the arena and NIZ legislation, but there is no reason to attack and ridicule Jon Geeting's sexual orientation. "

    Agreed, and a point I should have made.

  36. Publius,

    Unless you are a property owner, you thoughts and opinions are irrelevant.

    Thank you for your cooperation and should you have any questions or require further assistance, please call me at 1-800-ILUV-NIZ.


  37. "your thoughts"

    unless you own property, they still don't matter.


  38. I know your gonna argue that its the principal of the matter but just how much tax money are we talking about when it comes to Walnutport? How many workers from walnutport work in the NIZ area?If this winds up being more about potential loss and a feeding ground for lawyers than the opposing view will lose in my view.

  39. We're long past talking about how much money is involved. First, Allentown has yet to release the figures leaving everyone to guess. Second, there is no way to know the future impact. Thrd, it very much is the principle of the thing.

    had Allentown been forthcoming with this information back in March, there may not have been a suit at all. But it bushed everyone aside and broke at least 2 promises to get the information out.

  40. publius, your contention that there will be more feet on the street is conjecture. with the arena closed during the day, i contend that there will be far less people on the street. the LVHN will have a hard time attracting as many patients to their sports medicine center as rite-aid, family dollar, ny fashion, the pizza parlor,etc.attracted to the 700 block. the hotel will be a flop, succeeding only in putting the holiday inn at 9th street out of business. until you sign your post and verify some expertise beyond mine, i suggest readers go with my view. michael molovinsky

  41. JOHN should ask JEFF where he got his Elitist attitudes about Property Owners --- growing up in Allentown's posh West End or attending school at expensive Muhlenberg College ...

  42. Why does one need to be a property owner. Apartment dwellers pay the property tax of the building in which they live through their rent.

  43. "Why does one need to be a property owner"?

    I don't know, but, apparently, it DOES.

    Just ask your NIZ Cheerleader buddy Future Downtown Arena Attendee over at the blog formerly known as Lehigh Valley Independent ...

    The same standards that are applied to Bernie WILL BE applied to you, as well, whether you like it or not.

    "Spending your tax dollars on the property? Oh I forgot you don't own any" ...

    ... FUTURE DOWNTOWN ARENA ATTENDEE (at 1:24 AM) quoted at JON GEETING's blog with "What Happens If The Townships Kill The NIZ"

    So, a new precedent has been set and must be applied across the board.

    I call that FAIRNESS.

    So, are YOU a disbarred attorney, too, or what?

    First, please prove that YOU are a property owner so that your thoughts and opinions may become actually relevant.

    Thank you in advance as your cooperation is greatly appreciated.


  44. I'd like to point out for the record that I was the first Publius and have the Google Account to prove it. Publius II does not necessarily speak for me esp. when s/he attacks the reputation of others in the community.

  45. IF you are a property owner, I will note that.

    Now about YOUR status as a property owner ...


  46. Just exactly who is FUTURE DOWNTOWN ARENA ATTENDEE?

    I mean, other than some gutless coward who has absolutely no desire to identify themselves.

    Why not?

    What is he/she/it hiding?

    Is FDAA that convict in Texas who beat Obama in a whole bunch of counties in the West Virginia primary?

    Is FDAA a convicted child rapist or child murderer, perhaps?

    Is FDAA Chairman Pawlowski, or Jeff Vaughan, or Sara Hailstone, or J.B. Reilly ...

    ... or somebody else who stands to make a windfall profit off of the spectacular and transformative $ 220.0 million dollar Palace of Sport?

    Just exactly WHO is Future Downtown Arena Attendee? ... the quotes are splashed all over the Internet and they are priceless!!!

    I believe it is getting to be about time to unmask FDAA once and for all.

    I highly doubt I am the only person who really, really wants to know, either.

    If I were Chairman Pawlowski, I would be quite embarrassed by FDAA and the crap that comes out of his/her/its mouth routinely; I would see to it that he/she/it went away once and for all.

    Then again, maybe that is not possible for the Chairman --- for any number of a wide range of reasons.

    Ah, the speculation --- if FDAA would just go ahead and identify themselves.

    Got Transparency?


  47. I expect the attacks, demonization and smears, Anon 1:02.

    Not afraid.

    Give Attorney Mal Gross a call sometime. He was married to my mom and I'll give him credit for helping to bring me up. He will confirm for you that my army can and will sustain very best furious assault you can muster.


    And, BTW, are you a property owner ... if not, your thoughts and opinions mean nothing, you DO understand.



  48. Hey Anon 1:02,

    IF you have the requisite courage and can tell me YOUR NAME and the name of FUTURE DOWNTOWN ARENA ATTENDEE ...

    ... I will publish your little photo over at my hockey blog.

    I need to be able to give proper credit for the photo, though, you DO understand.

    So, do you have the requisite courage ... or are you a gutless coward, like FDAA?


  49. I'm sure Mal Gross is very proud. . . .

  50. Prior to this post there were 50 posts with Rolf making up 24% of them with out not once mentioning the topic of Walnutport.... That is a definition of a troll.

  51. Maybe not as proud as parents of people who hide behind anonymous ... like yours, for example.


  52. And your definition of the Anonymous Loser who posted this little photo of me and my brother, Anon 1:38?

    Got any consistency ...

    ... or are you just focused solely on the politics of personal destruction?



  53. NIZ Cheerleaders with the standard, traditional Democrat Playbook.

    I know what you clowns are going to do long before you do ...

    ... and so does everybody else!



  54. You have not proven YOU are a property owner.

    Therfore, YOUR opinions and thoughts are hereby invalidated.

    See Jon Geeting's blog for a more detailed explanation of the applicable rules of engagement.


  55. Pushing 30% now...

  56. Jon Geeting is hateful. Nothing he scrawls should be taken seriously. His sexual orientation is nobody's business. His hate is coming back to him. That doesn't excuse it. His hate-filled rhetoric discounts any of his opinions. That his is one of the voices of NIZ speaks volumes about its proponents. Ugly volumes.

  57. Anon 2:39

    Look, if you are trying to prove that you can count without the benefit of your hands and toes, I am prepared to concede that.

    I already know that you clowns are down to sticks and stones.

    And so does everyone else.

    Geeting's piece "THE RACIAL POLITICS OF THE NIZ" pretty much proved that once and for all.

    So ...


  58. Let's please stick to the subject instead of bashing each other.

  59. Proof of property ownership, please?



  60. I own my home, but if I were to rent it, the rent would set at an amount to pay my mortgage and TAXES on the place. Property owners do not offer the payment of taxes as gifts to their tenants. Renters have every reason to be concerned about tax hikes as owners do. Renting does not invalidate one's opinion on the matter.

  61. Es tut mir sehr leid, Herr O'Hare.

    But I am just NOT putting up with these NIZ Cheerleaders and their shenanigins I see here, there and everywhere.


    You and I both know that you and I have nothing to do with each other, aside from being official Facebook Friends.

    You and I both know I have nothing to do with these assaults on Geeting's sexual orientation. Zero. I could care less if he sleeps with a chicken and ditto for FDAA.

    I am really, really sick and tired of those two, however, and I believe the time long past for SOMEONE to stand up to these people.

    They are little more than bullies.

    I know how to deal with bullies.

    Besides, as you may very well know, once upon a time I went to bat for Taxpayer Park. That was only $ 30.0 million dollars. I got my face kicked in good, didn't I?

    (yeah, I did)

    I've had CHRISTOPHER BORICK's quote from "WHY ARE WE FINANCING STADIUMS?" memorized since the day The Morning Call printed that fateful piece.

    My older brother tried to warn me that I was playing for the wrong team, that Big Government just has absolutely no business financing sport arenas.

    Funny how once you have gotten your face kicked in trying to defend Taxpayer Park ... JON GEETING, FUTURE DOWNTOWN ARENA ATTENDEE and the rest of the power brokers behind the scenes just don't scare you no more.

    None. And even if they actually DO land a punch or two --- funny how it just don't hurt. Not like it used to ...

    Schoenen Abend noch,


  62. I hate to see all of the Geeting bashing. He is a decent young man with ideas...some good some I don't agree with....but he represents the future generation of taxpayers who will be paying for all of the silly mistakes that we have made. I actually feel bad for his generation. I give him credit for having the fortitude to stick to his guns when he is hardest hit.

  63. My take on the NIZ, is that it is probably a poorly written law that could use a rework. I get the strong impression that Allentown rushed the process in an attempt to do something that they thought was good. That is coupled with the fact that people don't trust Allentown or any other government for that matter. The elected officials at the township level are doing their best to adhere to the oath that they all at one point took to protect their respective townships. I know it well and it is pretty clear. In the end, communication failure and mistrust have lead us to a very dismal place. Our region has demonstrated that we can not get our act together, and this very well could cost us a great deal of political clout at the state and national level. Is there not a starting point from which our collective governments can work? I want to see this project succeed, but only the right way...fairly and transparently.

  64. I used to feel that way until he decided to dance on the grave of someone whose political views differed from his. And his claim that NIZ opponents are racists is way over the top.

  65. C, Your 9:27 comment is excellent! Thank you.

  66. Thank you Bernie. It was not a wise choice for Jon to behave like that towards any human being, living or deceased. I expect better than that.

  67. Future Downtown Arena Attendee is whom I am calling out today ...

    I understand completely that FDAA is, most likely, afraid of the spotlight for obvious reasons.

    Way, way, way too hot for you, FDAA, among others, isn't that right?


  68. Give it a rest Rolf. We have had enough of this for today. I mean that sincerely. Thanks.

  69. You / We have NOT proven property ownership.

    FDAA clearly set the standards for your relevant participation.

    Take it up with he/she/it.

    I sincerely mean that.


  70. "You'd be hard pressed to prove that it is worth the investment ... the numbers just don't add up."

    CHRISTOPHER BORICK quoted in The Morning Call article, "WHY ARE WE FINANCING STADIUMS?" by Kristina Gostomski from April 22, 2009.


    You wanna talk NIZ?

    I'll waive FDAA's property requirements if you address that first ...

  71. Rolf has a very bust troll... this is what I imagine he does all day.


  72. Wow!

    Some more sticks and stones.

    That wimpy IronPigPen stands no chance against those muscle-bound NIZ Cheerleader-Warriors ...

  73. Tiger Blood, Bro. It's in the veins.

  74. Bernie, as a public service (since I assume you have access to this stuff through people you know). Could you post the documents being filed in Commonwealth Court about the NIZ on your website. It is brutal trying to get access to appellate stuff as a private citizen.

  75. I did upload the complaint. Here is a link.


    I am not copying the interventions. I will upload the preliminary objections when they are filed.

  76. I'm pretty sure Jon Geeting is straight....Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  77. Just a quick FYI, some preliminary objections ave already been filed. On April 16 the Attorney General filed POs; this was followed by the auditor general who filed POs on April 20. The department of Treasury filed additional POs on April 25. Hanover and Bethlehem filed an answer to the AGs PO on May 8, 2012 and an answer to the auditor generals POs on May 10. According to the docket there has been no reply to the POs of the Treasury department and no reply made by any of the intervenors who have their own representation. I'd be interested to see what was in the POs, it is possible that the AG and auditor general have already made a motion in the nature of a demurrer to end this thing.

  78. I believe the Auditor General and AG are saying they are not proper parties. That, to me, is not such a big deal.

  79. Fair enough, I'm not real clear on who, if anyone, is actually a legit party to this as a defendant. I suppose there are standard methods to challenge litigation. Also, I know in federal court, when one challenges a tax law, one has to wait until the law has been used and revenue has been taken (the anti-injunction act). I wonder if there is a corollary in state law.

  80. As I stated earlier, it seems to me the city was racist in evicting the "cancer" of successful minority merchants. And why are other municipalities racist for not wanting to pay for Allentowns playpen?


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.