Local Government TV

Monday, May 14, 2012


Last Monday, the LV Chamber hosted a "First Monday" right inside the belly of the beast. That's right, it was at J.B. Reilly's City Center HQs, located at 702 Hamilton.

"This is a FREE and OPEN event - no registration is required!" claimed an Internet flier. It was advertised in The Express Times, too.

But when two members of Occupy Allentown decided to drop in, The Allentown Brew Works' Diane Teti tried to eject them. "You're not supposed to be here," she scolded them, telling them this event was for "networking".

Hey Diane, it could have been worse. It could have been a bottom-feeding blogger like moi.

These Occupy Allentown dudes must be part of that "cancer" that needs to be cut out of Allentown, according to NIZ cheerleader Jeff Barber.

They are obviously unaware that, although all animals are equal, "some animals are more equal than others."

They ate the food and booze supplied by Fegley's Brew Works anyway.

They also shot some video until Reilly's propaganda minister, Jeff Vaughan, stopped them.

I've posted the video because it shows Reilly's future plans inside the downtown NIZ. In addition to four office buildings (One City Center, Two City Center, Three City Center and City Center HQs) and the arena hotel, Reilly intends to have three major residential and retail buildings along 7th and Linden Streets.


Take a look at the faces in the "Reillyville" video that were included in City Center's propaganda about their new developments downtown - especially the residential. Upscale housing, shopping and dining. All within the "Emerald City of NIZ." I don't see a whole lot of diversity in "NIZ." Do you?

Not one black or Latino face.

They cut out the cancer, you know.

Updated 11:15 AM: Michael Molovinsky first wrote about this on 1/9/12!

Updated 5/16, 1:00 AM: My claim that Diane Teti is the person who asked Occupy Allentown to leave this mixer is inaccurate. Further details are here.


  1. How many more people are going to be stabbed to death in their homes or shot before this administration wakes up and changes their priorities?

  2. was callahan there?

  3. How many people hear those very words: "You don't belong."

  4. The killings in Allentown seem to have escalated. It's frightening.
    The last one happened on Tilghman during rush hour.

  5. The arena was the trojan horse.

  6. You are such a hypocrite BO! How many black and latino faces are there in your town, Nazareth? Why don't you live in downtown Allentown or Easton's West Ward for a year and we'll see if your perspective changes.

  7. Reillyville will never happen. The gig is up.

  8. Retired ASD teacher here.

    Honestly, Reillyville should be at least 3 times the size shown here. Afterall, Mr. Reilly's construction costs are being paid MOSTLY by taxpayer dollars. What's to lose?

    Yet, according to Sen. Browne, neighboring community EIT funds really aren't needed to see this all through.

    Does anyone here help pay for their neighbor's new car?

  9. "You are such a hypocrite BO! How many black and latino faces are there in your town, Nazareth? Why don't you live in downtown Allentown or Easton's West Ward for a year and we'll see if your perspective changes."

    Oh, I see. Is Allentown trying to be more like Nazareth? Are you saying that if I live in downtown Allentown or West Ward Easton for a year, I'll become a bigot who talks about getting rid of the cancer, too? Thanks for making clear what you are.

  10. Huh? I count 6 minority actors in the video.

  11. That's bc you're nutz. Thee's not one member of any minority depicted in the "transformative" Reillyville.

  12. What-Am-I-Gettings-From-Big-Government? saw ANTHNONY WEINER in the video, too.

    He was just following "Lehigh Valley Independent" advice by trying to "stick it out".

    I heard Weiner harbors ambitions to be a Phantoms season ticket holder.

    Perhaps Chairman Pawlowski will invite Weiner, a fellow Democrat, to sit in the prestigous VIP box with all the other well-connected Elites to watch minor league heavyweights throw haymakers on Hamilton Street for Opening Night at the Palace of Sport!

    How exciting ...


  13. Gotta love the diversity.

    Just look at Reilly's recent corporate associations.

    I think these boys have been smoking too much wet.


  14. Hi Bernie -

    I don't work for the Allentown Brew Works and I certainly didn't tell anyone that they "weren't supposed to be there". The extent of my interaction with them was to take one of their handouts. They were there very peacefully.

    I've worked with those same Occupy people on another issue and would never tell anyone where they are supposed to be - especially at an open, public event which I was not hosting.

  15. Yeah, if you watch the video there are actually quite a few races shown. Come on now.

  16. Diane, two members of that group contradict you. But they might be mistaken and I thank you for your own version of what happened.

    As far as your involvement w/ ABW goes, I'll stand by what i wrote. You are closely associated w/ ABW, having an "arts" group there. You've been identified as a close companion of one of the Fegleys. You have also appeared on several programs with one of them.

  17. How many Spanish-speaking players with last names that Allentown's large (and continuously growing) Latino population will be able to readily identify with will be skating for the Phantoms at Chairman Pawlowski's magnificent Palace of Sport?


  18. 11:53, i saw one and only one race portrayed in that video.

  19. What part of "cut out the cancer" do you not understand? You're looking for black, brown and yellow faces while the city is trying to exterminate them. Hockey is for whites. Minorities can park cars and clean up the white folks' garbage. It's about time Allentown re-establish just whose town this is.

  20. The people in cityhall that are shaping up there ass with chairs in fictisious titles are the true cancer in allentown. Fire them all and trim the fat from above than allentown can start rebuilding the infastructure in allentown. While this is taking place maybe the integrity and honor of holding public positions can be restored. The masses have no trust in this type of government behaviors.

  21. Bernie, I have have talked and confirmed that while Diane was there and the only visible person connected with brew works she was not the one who told them they were not to be there. I am unsure who that was but they were asked if they were members of the chamber of commerce. when they said no they were told it was a "networking event for the chamber" while never told to leave it was made apparent they were unwelcome but as it was advertised as an open event Jeff Vaughan came over and stopped the unknown woman from continuing to make them fell unwelcome.

  22. @438 The Niz is for the politically corrupted...Hockey is for everyone.

  23. Hockey is definitely for everyone.

    The profits to be made from the Chariman's magnificent, Big Government-funded Palace of Sport are not.

    Gotta love all the D's batling for Crony Capitalism in this bench-clearing brawl ...


  24. I was at the event and the Occupy Wall Street people were allowed to stay at the event as long as they would behave themselves. They did. The helped themselves to beer, wine and all the food they could eat. I'm sure they did not want their friends to see it, but we have the photos to prove it. They were very happy to be eatting with the people the protest...

    Yea, we let the cancer through the door and they enjoyed every minute!!!

  25. Hate to let the cat out of the bag, but you all lie. And Bernie is going to prove you all wrong. You are going to eat those words.

  26. Eat words? What the hell are you talking about? Bernie is the butt of people's jokes in the Lehigh Valley.

  27. Ahh. Just like a bourgeois. Can't do anything, then follow. Nothing going on, then gossip. We'll see who laughs last. Eat those words.

  28. Your words are nothing but cancer.

  29. "The helped themselves to beer, wine and all the food they could eat. I'm sure they did not want their friends to see it, but we have the photos to prove it. They were very happy to be eatting with the people the protest."

    I believe I wrote that they attended this event, which was advertised as free and open to the public. Why wouldn't they be permitted to partake in the refreshment? What is so unusual or hypocritical about that?

  30. @8:11 You are alright Ned.

  31. Hockey is not for everyone ...you probably didn't read this..


    The pictures are lightened but they do represent mixed race and or an Asian as to not 'scare anyone' it seems...

    And to think 10 years ago Blacks had the highest incomes in Allentown


  32. O'Hare sleep well tonight in your lilly-white Nazareth dreaming of some day being a REAL journalist and not just a blogger hack.

  33. Could be worse. I could be an anonymous troll.

  34. Again, I'd like to request my name be removed from your blog. The information was erroneous and I don't want people to have to read through many comments to get to the truth of matter. You are wrongly disparaging my character.

  35. FutureDowntownArenaAttendeeMay 15, 2012 at 12:27 AM

    I was at the event as well. Occupy behaved themselves in an appropriate manner. The only exception would be is the guy in the green "hoodie" who showed up drunk. But besides that they showed up to an event to protest it and ate and drank the free food and beverages. Everyone got along. I agree that the quote of Diane is incorrect and a revision should be made.. actually acoording to Elijah, the remark about Jeff Vaughn should be retracted as well. The story that Bernie received initially is not factually of the events that really occurred.

    1. FutureDowntownArenaAttendeeMay 15, 2012 at 12:29 AM

      Factually correct*

  36. Again?

    In your first comment, you never asked to have your name removed from this blog. And I decline.

    I have reported the account of a person who was there and who claims you are the person who told him to leave. Josiah LoPinto is trying to be nice to you, but he was not there.

    Your account, denying that you asked anyone to leave, is contained in a comment.

    I know you are being disingenuous in your attempt to distance yourself from ABW. Because of that, I tend to doubt your denials about asking this small group to leave.

    Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.

    I'll stand by what I wrote.

  37. Isn't this interesting? Diane Teti comments, and a few minutes later, FDAA joins the fray claiming she was there.

    1. FutureDowntownArenaAttendeeMay 15, 2012 at 12:42 AM

      Are you implying that I am Diane?

  38. Bernie - if you're so against anonymity I'd love to know who the alleged Occupy people are that I told to leave. I was with plenty of people all night who can attest to the fact that it was not me and you can continue to hide behind your made up story. I'll also be happy to contact Mr. Vaughn to have him clarify with whom he had to intervene. And unlike you, I still have the ability to practice law and will be happy to take this to the next level should you so choose to continue with your slander.

    1. FutureDowntownArenaAttendeeMay 15, 2012 at 12:50 AM

      Oh snap! A person who has not been disbarred vs a person who has! I love it! Bernie's credibility takes another huge hit! It has to suck when your whole existence in life based on a blog and you continue to get burned...Bernie, do you need some Aloe, because you just got burned!

  39. And while I did not ask you to remove my first post, I had respectfully done so via Facebook. Unlike you, I don't choose to air my grievances publicly.

  40. That was to remove my name in my first post... And yes FDAA, he just posted on my FB wall asking me if I was you. Ugh.

  41. Diane, For someone who chooses not to air her grievances publicly, you're doing a pretty good job.

    As I also pointed out, Josiah LoPinto was not there and took and is no position to confirm or deny what was said.

    The two people who were there that I know about are John Potak and Jim Brillhart. You specifically stated they were not supposed to be there. You specifically stated this was a social mixing event for members of the chamber. It is actually Jeff Vaughan who said they could stay.

    Those are my notes from my conversation on Saturday night. Now you are free to contradict what they told me, and you could be right and they could be wrong.

    But I doubt it.

    They have no reason to lie and have even allied with you and the waste to energy project. You have used them when it suits your purposes.

    You, on the other hand, were less than honest in your description of your connections with ABW, where you were employed.

    So I stand by what I wrote, and you are welcome to contradict it.

    But really, that's a small point. The major point is not you, but the future development of Reillyville.

    By the by, are you FDAA?

  42. "I still have the ability to practice law and will be happy to take this to the next level should you so choose to continue with your slander."

    Diane, Diane. It's called libel, not slander. Slander is spoken. You might have the ability, but apparently, not much else.

  43. God Bernie you are an idiot. I

    You're just an old man who didn't remember the story they told you. Neither Elijah nor I have reason to lie. You do because you have always had a grievance against the Brew Works and it helps your pretend cause. Your story would be missing a lot of its effect if you had to quote "some chamber lady whose name the Occupy guys didn't know."

    They mentioned I was there because they know who I am and regardless of who my companions are, where I drink my beer or hang local art, it is still a complete misrepresentation to say I am from the Allentown Brew Works. There are plenty of mug club members who spend more time there than I do.

    And I don't practice law because I don't want to deal with nasty little men like you on a daily basis.

  44. A sexist, huh?

    Gee, you sound just like FDAA!

  45. Anonymous said...
    Your words are nothing but cancer.

    9:46 PM

    Bourgeois, I told you that you will eat your words. Now, ... don't you regret it???

  46. I was at the event last Monday night and what I found interesting is if the "Occupy" protesters were so, against "the man" don't you think they would've turned down the "Free" food and alcoholic beverages provided by the Allentown Brew Works? I found it hypocritical that they were protesting and in turn stuffing their facing and drinking the alcohol provided by the very group they were protesting!

    They made themselves look like fools!

  47. I find nothing hypocritical in partaking of refreshments at an event that was supposed to be open to one and all. I find plenty hypocritical in advertising a function as open to the public and then trying to get rid of certain segments whose ideology differs from yours.

  48. I can say that I was one of the Occupy folks there, and as such, it was not Diane who told some of our group to leave. It was a group of two young women, and they never told us directly to leave, they asked us if we were members of the chamber on several occasions and implied that we were not welcome. Otherwise, accurate and necessary reporting, Bernie.

    Calling me a cancer for drinking free beer at an event open to the public is a stretch. Considering that I had just gotten out of work, where part of my wage went to tax money to pay for the arena and other NIZ projects that I don't want in my neighborhood, I feel that I deserved a good drink.

  49. Thank you James for personally clearing that up. I also spoke with the other three Occupy members who were there, John, Ed, and Natas. All of them confirmed that Diane was cordial to them, they also stated that while Jeff Vaughan did stop those who tried to imply they should leave he (along with Jim Harbaugh) also tried to prevent any filming of the slideshow being shown at the open to the public event.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.