Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

LVEDC's New Top Dawg - Don Cunningham

Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation (LVEDC), the area's publicly-funded and beleagured  economic development agency, has been operating without a CEO. Former Easton Mayor Phil Mitman stepped down earlier this year, and a "selection committee" embarked on a nationwide search for someone with economic development credentials, as opposed to a politician. Informed sources tell me that the CEO-creators have decided they like politicians after all. By an 8-1 vote, they have recommended Lehigh County Exec Don Cunningham as LVEDC's new CEO.

Since the selection committee includes all the LV heavyweights, Cunningham's appointment as LVEDC's new CEO is all but a sure thing.

Although it's no secret that Cunningham and Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski have feuded in the past, it's interesting to note that Pawlowski provided the choosers with a glowing letter of recommendation for Cunningham.

Is this Cunningham's reward for remaining silent on the NIZ? Call me smug or misguided, but it sure looks that way.

If Cunningham accepts the job, and all indications are that he will, he won't be running for Bethlehem Mayor. That's a relief to Bob Donchez who had to consider Cunningham his most formidable rival.

Taking the job also means Cunningham will be stepping down as Lehigh County Executive, perhaps as early as next month. Under Lehigh County's Home Rule Charter, the Republican-controlled Board of Commissioners get to choose the new Exec, although he or she must be a Democrat.

Who's it gonna' be?

I hear Dennis Pearson is available.

Who voted against Cunningham?

How does Don feel about "Summer Hours"?

Stay tuned.

Updated 9 AM: Contrary to what some of my readers might think, I like Don and think he'll be an excellent CEO at LVEDC. I hope I haven't just jinxed him.


  1. Christ O'Hare, this was a lock from day one. About as much surprise on this one as Fall following Summer. I always love the "nationiwde search" bullshit. These "organizations have been saying that for years and a local insider always gets it. Why not just admit it. "We like this guy, hes one of us, screw the search". Do any of these brainiacs really think anyone believes that shit anymore?

    This was as sure a thing as Callahan assuming the Northmaton County Executive job is his just for the taking because he has no where else to go and he is entitled. These guys are all wired together tighter than a teenager's teeth.

  2. And the new Lehigh County Executive is none other than the biggest loser of them all (as of late):

    Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski

  3. I nominate me for Lehigh County Executive.

    I am not a Democrat . . . but I am willing to unlearn.

  4. Didn't The Don quit as Bethlehem's Mayor to play house with Rendell

  5. The Dhan does not play golf. However, he will force the LVEDC folks to listen to his "band". Good luck guys, this too will pass.

  6. Really?? Amazing! Mitman and Cunningham. The trend continues.

  7. 11:14 AM:

    you REALLY have no clue, do you?

  8. Can he administer and take direction from a Board of Directors? Don has never been in that type of position. Being the Mayor and Executive is one thing, but being the Director of a non profit group reporting directly to politicos is another. My bet is that he doesn't last too long. His pedigree and skill sets will not allow it.

  9. Don's been "working" Summer Hours for a long time. He'll fit right into the hammock.

  10. so he leaves another job unfinished for the next and bigger pay check. what a political prostitute

  11. Bernie
    Wow. Who will the Rs pick? Hsve a little contest.

  12. The totally phoney part of this Pawlowski letter is that everyone (just about) knows he and Don don't get along so what value is such a letter?

  13. Anonymous said...

    I nominate me for Lehigh County Executive.

    I am not a Democrat . . . but I am willing to unlearn.

    11:24 PM

    Ditto. And I'll allow all county workers off on Fridays for golf.

  14. The new CE will be whoever agrees to do the reform team's (Woodman's) bidding. No more checks and balances in Lehigh.

  15. although o'hare mentioned dennis pearson in jest, he would seriously have my endorsement. he is a self described conservative democrat with an encyclopedic knowledge of the county. contrast a man wanting to serve for decades, with a man who apparently served himself, leaving two elected posts early. i'll take substance over style any day.

  16. I wonder if the loser haters would be so quick to toss insults if they had to sign their names. At least MM has the balls to keep his name with his comments.

    All we need to know is that these folks are Tea Partiers and hate anybody who doesn't condemn the poor to a life sentence in the gutter.

  17. How about someone with no political agenda?

    Find a good administrator for a term filling only appointment.

  18. He won't help LVEDC do anything more than it isn't already doing.

    LVEDC needs better day to day management, not better politics. It's got plenty of that already.

    Besides, nobody likes a quitter. People elect you to a term in office. It's your duty to work that term.

  19. anon 6:11, really, you mean 11:14 is wrong? Actually he or she sounded pretty dead on right on both these boys. What did the author get wrong, seemed pretty dead on accurate to most folks who have witnessed these guys.

    If you are so knowledgeable. please enlighten us.

  20. Politicians always have a golden parachute it is just that Dandy Don pulled his ripcord a little early. Probably no openings on the Delaware River Bridge Authority.

  21. A shame for the citizens of Northampton County that county executive is Callahan's golden parachute. Wait till the county sees the gang he brings with him. Good luck.

    "County for Sale!"

  22. Will Don find a job for his one poltical pal Kane. Maybe the LVEDC needs a "chief" of staff.

  23. well, at least bobby donchez is happy

  24. Donchez never worried about Cunningham. Cunningham was dead meat if he ran. Once again he bolts on the voters looking for the gold. When will folks get that about him.

  25. You do realize that with the Dhan in control of LVEDC, Iannelli and the Chamber now are in charge if it. Cunningham is married to one of the honchos in the Chamber.

    Within three years the LVEDC will be nothing more than a shadow of the LV Chamber Of Commerce.

    No wonder Iannelli gave so much money to Cunningham.

  26. The Don has waved his magic wand.

  27. Once again the bottom feeder blogger scoops the lamestream media.

    Interesting how the Call and Ex Times both note "sources say" The Don got the position.

    They obviously read this blog! Great work Bernie!

  28. Bernie, how can you admire a political sleazeball like Cunningham?

  29. I don't consider him a political sleazeball, and i sign my name to my comments.

  30. AQnon 11:15, how can you be so dumb? Cunningham has been a long time O'Hare political mancrush.

  31. Callahan next county exec????please someone get Rich Grucela or Sal Panto interested

  32. BO over the years the Don has taken money from just about every special interest group doing business with the county. Why don't you investigate HIS political contributions they way you scrutinize Pawlowski? We already know the answer to that one. You've been kissing DC's butt for years. You are the king of hypocrites.

  33. Don was a mediocre Mayor and is an absentee county exec. He will not do well at LVEDC because he will not be willing to defer to others on both the private and public side that are the funders. LVEDC function is to serve others not be in the front. Don is only interested in serving himself. Don did come out lsat week at the LVEDC legislative breakfast and strongly endorse the NIZ in Allentown which explains the "strange bedfellows" w Pawlowski. I think Don knew Donchez was going to beat him for Mayor and had no choice.

  34. See your point on Don. Not sure about Callahan but Panto, Grucela. really. Good Grief!

  35. Callahan will have an opponent. Even if he raises a million dollars. Next year is an important election and all his money won't buy him this one.

    With Stoffa blowing it on the prison, the Human Services debacle as well as Gracedale. There is no question people want more choices than a guy looking for another political position to launch his future races from.

    He will have an opponent. Guaranteed!

  36. More Callahan protection. Very interesting.

  37. A new mancrush, nice.


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