Local Government TV

Thursday, May 03, 2012

LVEDC Tries To Explain Summer Hours ... Again

Last year, a Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation (LVEDC) tweet about Friday Summer Hours, in the midst of a recession and increasing unemployment, really bothered a lot of people adversely impacted by the economy. After all, our tax money helps support LVEDC.

As I mentioned yesterday, it's that time of year again. Instead of a Facebook tweet, LVEDC's Vice President of Regional Development, Pete Reinke, sent an email blast about 19 weeks of Friday afternoon golf, at 19 different courses.

After getting wind of this story, the Express Times contacted LVEDC and was told this was a private email.


Reinke's LVEDC email address is PReinke@lehighvalley.org. That's the email address he used to send his "private" email. The email was sent to all members of LVEDC's publicly funded staff. At their official email addresses.

Another LVEDC VP, Steve Melnick, used his LVEDC email address to send a "private" reply.

Reinke also used his LVEDC email address to contact public sector employees, at their public sector email addresses. These include over 100 employees of Northampton County, Allentown, Lehigh County, Easton, Bethlehem, and even New Jersey. In addition, this "private" email went to numerous employees of other publicly funded nonprofits.

I have not identified these publc sector employees because they have no control over who sends them an email blast.

In addition to using his LVEDC address, Reinke also lists his LVEDC phone number and LVEDC fax number for replies.

In addition to repeating the same exact mistake it made last year, LVEDC is compounding its folly. Just like it did last year, it's making up bullshit excuses after getting caught.

Incidentally, Summer's not here yet.

This must be Spring Hours.


  1. they're making up bullshit excuses for something that isn't an offense.

    again, what's wrong with these folks golfing? (i mean other than the obvious-golf sucks ).

    there's no evidence that
    a) any of this happens during work hours
    b) if it does that people don't/won't take 2 or 4 hours off.

    seriously, these folks may be tools, but you're piling it on here.

  2. Bernie
    These guys should go away. Now please write about Allentown's
    new tax gift to downtown small businesses.

  3. 6:35, It's Friday afternoon. I'm sure there will be a news release stating the outings don't start until dark and that afternoon ends at 9 PM.

    You and I both know that they're all ducking out early on Fridays, getting a ump on the weekend. I don't buy the 40 hours per week bullshit either.

    And in view of what happened last year, this is just incredibly dumb. For that reason alone, LVEDC should be tagged.

  4. again, I don't see the problem. i suspect you saw easy prey, and made a quick kill. too easy, too gratuitious. you're better than this.

  5. No I'm not.

    I saw the same organization make the same mistake it made last year, and then compound its error with the same kind of bullshit explanations it gave last year.

  6. What do you mean "tries to explain". You are failing to explain why it's a problem if people don't work 9-5 on Fridays, if they've already worked 40 hours that week.

  7. Bc they haven't really worked 40 hrs that week. This is just an excuse to knock off early.

  8. It's always summer at the LVEDC.


  9. Golf is work. Trying to stay upright while sucking all those beers is not easy. And bending all the way over to pick up the ball? Please. Golf is their Viet Nam.

  10. I agree with Bernie, most of you are missing the point! These are cushy jobs paid by the taxpayer, most of us can't even afford to go golfing, let alone every Friday for 19 weeks. For anyone knows LVEDC is picking up the cost of it for the employees in turn charging the tax payer. These guys are NOT busting their backs 40 hours a week then going golfing to recharge. Most likely they are eating expensive lunches they will label meetings and then charging the tax payer. It's a big scam. How about they work their 40 hour weeks and golf of Saturdays? One more thing Bernie - Please block any and all the post by Jon Geeting, he is a complete idiot who has no idea what he is talking about EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I have worked in the private and public sector as a professional employee. In both cases, I could leave any afternoon I chose to because I was salaried. The honor system allows us to complete our work when we chose or we could use vacation time in half day increments.

    We all do not scrub toilets or fill potholes, you know. Public sector jobs are still jobs in which people must want to do. If you believe that all public sector workers must punch a clock and pass on any professional judgement, you will have a lot lower quality worker.

  12. I heart Big Government Bureaucrats.


  13. As a VP Sales for a national manufacturer, I can attest that golf is unavoidable. I play around four to six rounds per year in the course of business. 19 is excessive.

  14. This is no different than a politician (or his wife) jet-setting across the globe for vacations paid for by the taxpayer when the taxpayers are losing their homes, jobs, and the foundations of their lives. The disconnect that these politicians have is no different than the aristocrats and royals that started the American and French revolutions in the first place.

    Until you unseat the entrenched political class to install good intentioned and incorruptible men and women of either party into positions of power, the system will not get any better.

  15. Bc they haven't really worked 40 hrs that week. This is just an excuse to knock off early.

    You really need to back up your innuendo with proof. You are making broad assumptions here. Otherwise know as "talking out of your ass."

  16. Until you unseat the entrenched political class to install good intentioned and incorruptible men and women of either party into positions of power, the system will not get any better.

    You are comparing taking the afternoon off with jet-setting politicians? Wow. You tea party types take this all a bit far, no? People are people. They don't do white collar jobs in government for purely altruistic reasons. They do them because the salary and benefits are acceptable to them.

  17. Look, I've heard that from numerous people in the biz. Do you really want me to do another story on the real hours? Be careful what you ask for.

  18. "The biz?"

    So are you back to this one group or all public sector employees? Yes, I'd like you to do a story on the real hours. You can even interview people I know who work 60 or more hours a week on their taxpayer funded EXEMPT salary.

    But all of that is besides the point. I believe the LVEDC is only partially funded by taxes. So you are in a real gray area.

  19. I have a client who is a well-heeled developer. he HATES golf, but does it. Why? because it is often a necessary prerequisite to getting a deal done.

  20. I can't wait until people retire and the lameness of golf is replaced by something...less lame.


    Disc Golf

  21. This is a shame for all taxpayers.

  22. I'm not a golfer but I never heard of a real estate project being discussed in a bowling alley.

    Does Saucon even have a bowling alley?

    I must have missed it but did you ever get around to verifying that they were golfing on company time? I'd make them take vacation or personal time?

    wouldn't fit the story if they were doing it on their own time and their own dime though.


  23. Anon 6:42 read the morning call article, http://www.mcall.com/business/mc-lehigh-valley-economic-development-golf-20120503,0,2355868.story

    Pete Reinke should be fired pronto, just like the twitter person they fired. fair is fair or pull all public funding from these entitled idiots

  24. "You can even interview people I know who work 60 or more hours a week on their taxpayer funded EXEMPT salary.

    12:11 PM"

    And then you can stay for free at my Arizona oceanfront resort...


  25. Clem, you are simple minded asshole.

  26. Pete should be fired!!!!

  27. This is no doubt a public relations gaff, but its also how the sausage gets made.

    Much of what LVEDC needs to do on a yearly basis is create, build and maintain relationships with high level executives (AKA - The 1%ers). While it would be great if they could do it at the local soup kitchen or animal shelter, the high level executive typically spends his or her "off-time" at the country club.

    Its a good gig if you can get it.

  28. Hailstone and Traub both pointed out that the Iron Mountain data storage facility, also located along the riverfront, is under a long-term lease making development impossible.

    Why don't they just push these guys out too? lol

  29. 1:08 - No, no. THey need to grab a broom when they have idle time. They are TAXPAYER FUNDED! And we're NOT paying their dry cleaning fees when they get dirt on their suits!

  30. To all who have complained, got angry, said ridiculous comments Here are a few comments for you.

    1) these so called "cushy jobs" are the jobs responsible for bringing large corporations and jobs to this area. They are the ones who worked tirelessly to get baseball to the valley, large box industrial to the valley, casinos to the valley, helped minority owned businesses succeed with loans and grants etc.

    2) 28 out of 29 of this comment makers shut down at 5pm and don't think about work. The entire LVEDC staff and local "movers and shakers" are on their phones, on their emails 15-20 hours a day making sure deals get done. You never have an off button working in this industry.

    3) Golf- some say its lame and boring. Those people don't work in an industry where a deal could take in upwards to 3yrs to get done or even fall apart after 3 years. Golf allows a window to your client for 4 hrs and get to know them on a personal level as well as business. Tell me what other opportunity you have to be able to hold someones attention for 4hrs.

    4) if you don't like your job spend the 300-400 dollars and 8 weeks to get your real estate license. Suffer with little to no pay checks whole working your ass off through tough economic times. Complain then when you don't have benefits provided to you, or a steady paycheck

    5) Ask anyone you know who works at LVEDC and say who gets the deals done there. I would be willing to bet they say Pete. Pete is the face of that organization.

    Complain when you know what you are talking about not because you are angry and hate your job. Be an informed blogger/professional commenter.

    PS A lot of your comments are made during the "work Hours"... How do you think your bosses would feel if they knew you were on a blog site while they were paying you??!
    hmmm..maybe someone needs to look in the mirror.

  31. If you hire Donny Cunningham you will be absorbed into the Chamber of Commerce. That is the plan.


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