Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

KIng Edwin Reaches Out to Boonies

Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski once referred to Nazareth, first founded in 1740, as "the boonies of Northampton County." He has a pretty dim view of us country bumpkins. But being an ordained minister, he's condescended to send a massive municipal missive to all the hayseeds in the Lehigh Valley, explaining why the NIZ is just what we need.

What is (sadly) unremarkable is that Ed is so accustomed to "rubber stamp rule" in Allentown that he projects every other public official to be equally sycophantic to his ambitions.

What is remarkable is the poor legal advice he is getting. These empty efforts to "settle" will hardly play well when, as I suspect, the law is ruled unconstitutional and reopened for modification.

This reminds me of "Barbarians at the Gate" when the Chairman of the Board of RJR Nabisco informs CEO Ross Johnson that his bid for the company has been rejected. "You were just too greedy, Ross. The board couldn't stomach it."

There is now blood in the water, and Allentown may very well end up with a lot less than it might have gotten had it been less greedy.


  1. "Dear Local Official:"

    What a warm, personal greeting to those whose pockets you want to pick!

  2. Admit it. You despise Ed P. You condemn the letter. Had he written nothin, you would condemn that too.

  3. Anon 202

    would you be happy if your employer asked you to accept a pay freeze, which kept your salary equal to what you earned in the first quarter of this year? You would be making the same for the next 30 years so that your employer can become rich. This is what the mayor is asking the townships to do.

  4. Why would anyone settle with a person that has or will receive stolen property? Good grief!! This is beyond crazy.

  5. Greed may be good but it can also be ruinous! Atown is now staring into the abyss and it's their own fault. At this point, the King and all his servants will do or say anything to save their own skin. Off with their heads!

  6. What Atown and Sen. Browne and all their friends have attempted to do..is create a city state similar to the Greek's Sparta and Athens. An island unto themselves and screw the rest of you peasants. I refuse to pay tribute to the so called King.

  7. What is (sadly) unremarkable is that Ed is so accustomed to "rubber stamp rule" in Allentown that he projects every other public official to be equally sycophantic to his ambitions.

    Huh? What letter are you reading? I don't see a single sentence in here that could be construed as talking down to people. You're so paranoid.

  8. The King couldn't find Bangor if he had a GPS system and a map and a guide. You speak not for us Mr. Geeting. I as a public offical am insulted by what has transpired in Atown and Harrisburg with this insane scheme. Get your hands off my wallet!

  9. Jonathan, Because you are someone who regularly talks down to people yourself, that's no surprise. Gee, he's sending it to help them "better understand." Nothing condescending there.

    1. Bernie,
      Next time you put palumpashitsky in his king suit cut and paste that stupid yellow tie around his neck.

  10. Dave, Sadly, Allentown is no longer a republican democracy. It has morphed into an urban growth regime in which the politicians and select business interests have co-opted with other to form an oligarchy in which growth is the only thing that matters even when it leads to the very problems that Allentown should be trying to avoid. I'll have more about this later.

  11. I am supportive of the law suit that some municipals have filed in response to the NIZ. I can't speak for my fellow councilpersons but I would hope they would also morally support a resolution to stand with those already deep in the fray of challenging the legality of this hair brained plot.

  12. "Admit it. You despise Ed P."

    What's to like? He engages in pay-to-play politics, is the antithesis of accountability and transparency, and promotes an urban growth regime that is both undemocratic and exacerbates Allentown's problems. He does not serve the people, but instead serves the agenda of growth for the sake of growth.

  13. As I've said before, desperate people do desperate things.

    Dear Mayor Edwin:

    Keep your hand out of my till. Take the offer, build your arena, and move on.

    Option 2: Wait for the courts to weigh in and lose and then pay back 65 million. (GFL)

    Option 3: Find some private developer willing to build the arena and reap the benefits.

    Warmest Personal Regards,

    All Local Officals


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