Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

King Edwin Distributes NIZ "Talking Points" to His Loyal Subjects

After having his Royal Derriere handed to him in the Great NIZ Debate, Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski has issued a Royal Proclamation to his subjects calling upon them to promote his urban growth regime at the expense of everyone else. He has even provided "NIZ KEY TALKING POINTS" to make sure everyone is on the same page, spinning the same message.

He's dropped Jeff Barber's "cancer" and the Fleckser's "hysteria" claims.

Here's his Royal Proclamation, complete with all the misspellings by which we all know Hizzoner.

There is much misinformation being propagated concerning the Allentown Areana [sic] development and the Neighborhood Improvement Zone (NIZ). I need your help in geting [sic] the facts out.

Below are some key facts concerning the zone, the city's offer to the suburban municipalities and an Oped [sic] I recently submitted to the local papers.

Feel free to share and reproduce this information on your social media sites, blogs, newsletters and other information outlets.

Talk about this project to your friends, family, neighborhood dog, basically anyone who will listen.

Also if you know any of the local officals [sic] in these suburban areas talk to them and tell them to support Allentown and our region.

We need to stop the rethoric [sic] and get on with the business of building a better Lehigh Valley. To do that I NEED YOUR HELP.

Thanks in advance for your help and support.

Mayor Ed Pawlowski
I love the "stop the rethoric [sic]" line.

Another word for that is democracy. He's not used to that in his urban growth regime.

Here's his talking points.

Allentown requires something drastic to spur development. The NIZ is a catalyst to drive transformative change, which is necessary to create a healthy urban core and a more successful region.

The suburban municipalities are during [sic] the city over the capture of Earned Income Tax (EIT) which is mandated by the state law. This issue of withholding is being addressed by the City through a proposal that guarantees they will not lose their current earned income tax from their residents working within the NIZ, nor will there be any delay in receiving their EIT.

The NIZ is a finite area of a few square blocks downtown and a couple dozen acres along the Lehigh River – not large enough to have material impact on the Lehigh Valley real estate market. Buildings excluded from the NIZ area include the PPL Tower, County Government Center, City Hall, The Allentown School District Administartion [sic] building, County courthouse and federal courthouse. These are major employment centers which are not in the NIZ thus limiting even more the impact of lost EIT by suburban municipalities.

In addition, to make sure the surrounding municipalities share in the upside of future development projects within the zone, all NIZ developers of commercial office projects will be charged $1 per square foot for occupied office space created in the zone. This fee will be assessed on a yearly basis to create a Regional Development Fund. That fund will share revenue with municipalities and school districts annually (much like the casino-revenue-sharing arrangement in Northampton County) and will be distributed according to the percentage of each municipality’s residents working within the NIZ area.

The proposal by the city will apply to all of the municipalities, regardless of their position in or outside of any lawsuit.

The downside of not settling the lawsuit with the suburban municipalities is the NO ONE WINS. If the suburbs win, (or in the event the case drags on endlessly) the arena and related development may never occur and some existing employers may close shop thus reducing EIT collections below current levels. if people aren't working their not earning income. Someone without a job has a hard time paying any taxes. Conversely if the City wins, taxing bodies get only the EIT not used for the financing and NIZ development. in settling everyone gets something and everyone wins.


Putting aside the fact that this has been happening for years (businesses moving from the city to the suburbs) and no one seemed to take notice. Their [sic] has been concern that the NIZ will be such an advantage that all development will move from the suburbs to the city.

An urban environment appeals to a limited number of companies, many prefer suburban.

The creation of the above mentioned development fund will also help address the concern that there would be an unusual movement of office tenants from neighboring communities by placing a $1.00 per square foot additional charge on every foot of space developed in the NIZ.

Suburban Lehigh Valley Class A office space leases for around $16-20/square foot; NIZ Class A office space is leasing for around $13-16/square foot – the rates overlap, hardly the $5/square foot being talked about.

Also withhin [sic] those limited areas, few sites are available for commercial development, and all sites present urban challenges costs.


  1. He must be kidding--This NIZ needs to be repealed period. Any cost relating to this project has to be at the expense of the city/developers and the Brooks Bros. Why should any of the taxpayers support something that will not benefit them in the long run.

  2. Politicians can do and say some really stupid things and think that the general public is dumb enough to believe them.

    Well Mr Ed, you should have been better prepared to address the fact that taxpayers will be footing the bill for business owners and you (we the people) can fight City Hall.

    We (taxpayers) will still be here, you on the other hand will find a way to bullshit others with your religious and political views that I for one want no part of, so leave the Lehigh Valley already!

  3. That complaint about rhetoric really kills me. He's had two pro-NIZ editorials from the ET, pro-NIZ columns from Rhodin, Deegan and White. Numerous blogs support him. Only two blogs have spoken forcefully against the NIZ as it exists - Molovinsky and me.

    So all the King's Men and all the King's horses are assembled to do battle against us?

    Perhaps instead of parroting talking points or shouting people down, the urban growth regime should consider listening to the concerns and responding to them intelligently.

  4. You keep using that phrase "urban growth regime." I do not think that phrase means what you think it means.

  5. He is realy nuts. I suggest the opposite. Call all local municipalities and tell the strongly to join the 20 municipalities who said no to the king. Behead the king. Long live democracy.

  6. Also, it's you and Molovinsky plus ALL THE DOMINANT INCUMBENTS IN THE REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY. Drop the underdog fantasy. You're arguing on behalf of the biggest most powerful players there are. This issue is about whether the dominant *suburban growth regime* should continue, or whether there needs to be a clean break with how things were going in the 2000's, with the market shifting to more reinvestment in the older communities.

  7. No Jonathan, this is about working together instead of pitting Allentown against the rest of the Lehigh Valley.


    Why is that so tough to understand?

  8. Jonathan Geeting,

    Allentown is no longer a democracy. Less than 10% of the population, most from one party, anoint the "elected" leaders. It is really an oligarchy in which people like J.B. Reilly and other select developers pull the strings, and the pols rely on them in a symbiotic relationship to promote the city's growth, even when it lead to more crime, less employment and less educational opportunity.

    This NIZ is a perfect illustration. They've identified something that will promote growth - an arena. But it's called a "neighborhood improvement" zone, and there's been no demonstration that this will actually do that. Past experience reveals it will do the opposite.

    Pawlowski's "rising tide" argument is really nothing other than the trickle down economics we all supposedly eschew.

    In addition to identifying a draw, a true NIZ would identify some great social evil to be eliminated by the development. Instead, it is just shoving money into J.B. Reilly's wallet.

    Why no vo-tech in Alentown? Why not promote the City's human capital? That is ignored.

    The CBA is bullshit, too.

    You like this bc it is urban. But your mindless cheerleading of this project ignores the reality that, in the end, it will do nothing to solve Allentown's real problems. It will just make a millionaire a billionaire, and he will make campaign contributions to the politicians who do his bidding.

  9. Bernie -

    I hope the municipalities in the lawsuit continue to oppose this.

    Not only are they protecting their own munis, they are saving Allentown as well.

    Contrary to Pawlowski's propaganda, they NIZ will be the death of Allentown. If allowed to stand, the NIZ will take down Allentown and the surrounding communities.

  10. No-bo-dy beats the NIZ, nobody beats the NIZ!

  11. Allentowns is like a boil on the ass of the lehighvalley, only because of political powers like the current king. This type has been sucking the lifes blood from the very people that helpped them to there positions. A leech better describes the ending behaviors of this type.

  12. King Eeyore & Brother Browne have stirred up a municipal hornets nest!

  13. I'm picking, I know.

    Really, he can spell"propagated", but has trouble with "getting"?

  14. Retired ASD teacher here.

    This message from the Mayor CLEARLY indicates the entire plan is not doable without financial participation from surrounding communities.

    Different from Browne suggesting "we don't really anticipate using the EIT and expect you to get everything back, just 9 months late." Big difference.

    Maybe it's time for Pawlowski to minimize the size of his transformative vision. For now, BUILD THE ARENA ONLY!

    Perhaps even THAT construction isn't possible without investment/risk assigned to Allentown's neighbors.

  15. Bernie,

    Allentown does have a "vo-tech" program, though we now call it career and technical education, since it has grown well beyond the vocational fields of the past. It's the Lehigh Career and Technical Institute (www.lcti.org, owned and governed by the nine Lehigh County school districts.

    It is an incredible school with some programs that do not exist anywhere in the world at the high school level. Many of our students leave LCTI for college (both two- and four-year programs), and many more go directly into the workforce. Our students have the opportunity to earn industry certifications while still in high school and immediately land jobs with high pay and good benefits.

    It's a great option for many Lehigh County students, and I hope more people will become aware of the great programs it offers.

  16. Is this NIZ or NAZI? This guy simply doesn't get it. You don't bowl over everyone and everything regardless of the sentiment of the people. Politics is and should be "the art of compromise." He didn't get his way with Queen City Airport so he picked up his marbles and went home. Now he is being found out (along with Senator Browne) that government by Gestapo isn't government of the people. You will find that when this all over, he has set Allentown back a quarter century just like Reibman did with his "BOND ISSUE" in Northampton. What a disgraceful waste of energy and money.

  17. I also got a kick out of his lease quotes - now I've heard 3 figure - $5, $10-$12, and $13-15.

    Anyone believe $13-$15? Didn't think so.

  18. Bernie:
    The challenge to the NIZ, which is a "state law", and not an Allentown city ordinance, brought by Hanover Township Et al, is a constitutional challenge to the law, it is not a challenge to Allentown's development plans. Allentown, is not named in the state challenge, neither are any of the municipal authorities, which the taxpayers of Allentown are now on the hook for, nor any of the developers, and therefore they all lack standing or authority to negotiate anything with anyone, to amend or annul the state law. Only a Court of competent jurisdiction can rule on the constitutionality of the law, and only the legislature has the
    authority to amend, annul or repeal the law. If the mayor continues to use the power and authority of his office to thwart legal constitutional challenges brought by any citizen, or lawful authority, under the First Amendment Petition Clause, he risks the peril of exposing himself, and his city, and others, to allegations under Title 18 Section 1951, the Hobbs Act, using force(his office) under "color of law" to affect commerce. It is one of the predicate acts listed under the RICO statutes and there is a private right of action under Civil RICO, at 18 USC, 1964(c), for any citizen who is "injured in his business or property."
    The EIT also covers the local school districts loss of funds. Where are they?

  19. Retired ASD teacher here.

    AU George -

    Are you suggesting Allentown can simply say "Sorry, folks, but the current law REQUIRES us to use your EIT revenues?"

    Last time I read the law carefully, I got the impression the law permits Allentown to determine which taxes to tap (outside stated exemptions) and to what extent. I'm hopeful Allentown chooses to remove from the EIT source any worker who does not live within Allentown.

  20. What level of snot-slurping moron writes this stuff for Ed? Thirteen years of public education and this is the quality of communication we get from them? Good grief. Subject notwithstanding, whoever wrote that is a blithering idiot. And we're supposed to rally behind their economics when they can't properly use the Queen's English. Sorry, dummies.

    Bernie, please identify the author of this pathetic effort. They need to be exposed and ridiculed.

  21. The Brooks Boys need to start looking at property in Bethlehem or Palmer again. Ed's hole in the ground will never see an Arena!!!

  22. I wonder if the Fleckster is also his copy editor - hey maybe those signs got tossed in the dumpster to hide some misspellings.

  23. Billy Givennis IVMay 8, 2012 at 7:11 PM

    The Fleckster voted against equal rights for all rubbish receptacles for two terms in a row. Fortunately, Palmer Twsp. allows dumpsters and allows the to be filled with old gym shorts. What has saved all mankind from era is the fact that we have never seen The Fleckster wear those gym shorts while singing any Frank Sinatra tunes. I never voted for him or tipped him at Christmas when he delivered the new calendar along with my paper. He just creeped me out. He looked like the type that would steal from his girlfriend. And then the green monkeys came and put a jacket on me and placed me in that room, again.

  24. You teabaggers are just nutz. You make Fleck look like a scholar.

  25. Retired ASD teacher

    The law requires the revenue that is withheld by the employers in the NIZ, of the employees who live outside of City of Allentown, to be sent to Harrisburg, Department of Revenue, to be disbursed according to a specific formula in the law and then forwarded to the Fund of the "Contracting Authority", ANIZDA, for repay ment of the bonds issued for the next 30 years for the NIZ, and NOT for use by the City of Allentown. According to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, once an Authority, such as ANIZDA, is certified by the Secretary of State of Pennsylvania(which it has done) ANIZDA then becomes an entity of the State and not the municipality (Allentown) that created it, which has no control over collecting or disbursing any monies of the Fund. The monies collected and disbursed by the Authority are solely for the pupose of repaying the bond holders. The ANIZDA, and the City of Allentown are, and must remain two distinct entities, and are subject to the federal Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board that regulates bond sales and protects bond olders. The Constitutional challenge by Hanover et al has to do with a specific Act of the legislature to use funds, withheld by emmployers in the NIZ, already designated for disbursal to the home political subdivisions, and school districts, of those employees (Hanover) for the benefit of another specific political subdivision(ALLENTOWN) at their expense. See Article III, Section 32 of the Pa. Constitution.

  26. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear that Billy Joel made a song about this town.

  27. "You teabaggers are just nutz. You make Fleck look like a scholar."

    I know numerous liberal Dems who detest Fleck. He stands for everything that is wrong with government and politics. It was foolish to have him as a debate participant.

  28. Retired ASD teacher here.

    Thank you, AU George.

    I'm sure we agree, this is a "most interesting" situation!

    Stay tuned.

  29. "Allentown does have a "vo-tech" program, though we now call it career and technical education,"

    It is a wonderful school, but is 10 miles north of Allentown. Allentown should have a "career and technical" school.

  30. "If the suburbs win, (or in the event the case drags on endlessly) the arena and related development may never occur and some existing employers may close shop thus reducing EIT collections below current levels. if people aren't working their not earning income. Someone without a job has a hard time paying any taxes."

    What business would close because a hockey arena isn't built? If this is the city's argument, they are in real trouble.

  31. "Bernie, please identify the author of this pathetic effort. They need to be exposed and ridiculed."

    Having seen examples of his writing, I believe the author is King Edwin himself.

  32. $13-$16 per square foot? Hmmm...I must have missed something in the press release where it states $10-$12 per square foot


    Also, a very ambitious timeline in this one:


  33. You do realize that your buddy Hickey works with Fleck on campaigns, right?

  34. Yes, I do. I don't hold a person's friendships against him. That's a vendetta mentality.

  35. Its a business relationship. So if you go after Fleck as a bs con artist campaign huckster, you have to acknowledge his buiness partnerss. Otherwise it is hypocrisy and you become a jive ass turkey.

  36. Like I said, i don't hold a person's friendships against him. That's vendetta mentality. It's precisely the kind of thing I try to avoid.


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