Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

How to Give a Township Manager a Headache

Jay Finnigan's good side
"Development" is an agenda item for every meeting of Hanover Township's Board of Supervisors. But at their May 8 meeting, Supervisor Mark Tanczos had no action items.

"There is no development in Hanover Township," Tanczos somberly reported.

"Look at the bright side," wisecracked Supervisor Jack Nagle. "We don't have a hole in the ground."

Nagle was referring to the open pit at 7th & Hamilton in Allentown. Slated for a hockey arena, the project has been stalled by litigation being spearheaded by Hanover and Bethlehem Townships.

Township Manager Jay Finnigan, celebrating his 55th birthday, just put his head in his hands, and then told Nagle he was lucky the press was there.


  1. I don't understand, why did he put his head in his hands? What was the mood--somber?

  2. He gets paid very well to do very little, we taxpayers should have our heads in our hands.

  3. Was he laughing?

  4. "He gets paid very well to do very little, we taxpayers should have our heads in our hands"

    Spoken like a hack.

  5. He got his job when he lost his old job. He got it as a facvor for helping as Ron Angles campaign manager.

  6. personally i think jay is the south end of a north bound mule BUT it seems that the township is being run smoothly. and that's what he gets paid for

  7. Mr. Baker & 1:41,

    As a former co-worker of Finnegan you are way off base. Mr. Finnegan didn't lose his job he resigned. He was one of the most respected individuals at his former company, had a dynamic work ethic and was one of the most ethical individuals I know.

    I also happen to know another manager in the Valley and according to them he's one of the most respected and innovative leaders in municipal government.

  8. Unprofessional.

  9. could not have said it better. He is well respected among his peers.

  10. He is hated bc, though he has been nonpolitical for many years, he was at one time an active Republican who helped Emil Giordano get elected to the bench.

  11. Can you please explain why he put his head in his hands. It is not at all apparent from the context of the article. Was he just overwhelmed at having taken on the NIZ lawsuit and didn't want to deal with it anymore?

  12. Yeah, I'm sure that's it. What people like you must realize is that you win an argument on substance, not by shouting your opponents down, or anonymously making fun of them.

  13. Time for the FAT LADY to sing.

  14. 1:41 AM

    How do you get a job as a favor? Your life must be boring to be ready LVR at 1:41 a.m. Find a life!

  15. This is such a waste of time. It also looks like Finnigan is losing his hair from the NIZ litigation or is it his age.

    Tanczos makes a comment, Nagle wise cracks and Finnigan hides his face.

    Bernie, you attend a lot of public meetings, who in you opinion are the best elected bodies 1 - 3 and who are the best administrators 1 - 3?

  16. That's a question I'd want readers to answer. I like Bethlehem City Council as a legislative body. The township managers I've met are ALL very good, and I could not rate them 1, 2, 3.

  17. Readers don't attend meetings regularly. You do.

  18. We thank Mrs Finnegan for her words of support. Or was that Ms. Sieple?

  19. With all the flack he gets I'm surprised someone didn't say Mrs. Angle.

  20. Finnegan keep up the good work. We are counting on you. Nagle's hole should never be filled.

  21. Arrogant pricks in the burbs making fun of Allentown. Real classy. Just like BOH.

  22. Anon 3:05, teabagger humor at its best. Keep on swinging!


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