Local Government TV

Friday, May 25, 2012

Did Mayor Pawlowski Launder an $8,000 Campaign Donation in 2005?

Let's say you're running for office and are about to pull in some big bucks, but don't want voters to know who's backing you financially. You could just wink at our incredibly weak and toothless campaign finance laws, and ignore them completely. Or you could skate around them. That's what Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski did when he first ran for office in 2005. Let me tell you the story.

As most of you know, a person running for office in Pennsylvania is required to file periodic expense reports, listing donors and how the money was spent. The sky's the limit on how much you can raise or spend, but any person or PAC that gives you $50 or more must be identified. This is usually done through a campaign committee.

There's another kind of committee, too, called a Political Action Committee (PAC). This is usually formed by persons who might have a common interest in some issue or who belong to some organization. Periodic expense reports are required from PACs, too.

Despite claims that he's been "totally transparent," Pawlowski has actually run afoul of campaign finance reporting laws at least three times since he was elected mayor in 2005. In 2007, Hizzoner attempted to get away with using campaign funds to pay a $270 fine for a late report. He was ordered him to pay the money out of his own pocket. In 2008, he filed a bogus report, falsely claiming his coffers were empty, when he actually raised $101,599. He was ordered to amend that report, too. In 2009, he listed a $8,000 payment on election day for "miscellaneous canvassers," without bothering to list who they were or where they live. Ordered to do so, we learned that he trolled an Easton homeless shelter for his 26 campaign workers.

Last year, a nonelection year, he raked in over $250,000, and according to The Morning Call, more than $70,000 of that come from donors who have an interest in the Queen City's controversial Neighborhood Improvement Zone (NIZ). I decided it was time to take a closer look at Pawlowski's expense reports, starting in 2005, when he first ran for office.

Unfortunately, I'm still stuck on 2005. It looks like I've found a fourth campaign expense reporting violation. This time, it involves an effort to keep you from learning who gave him $8,000 in the month before the election.

Pawlowski's 2005 pre-election expense report reveals that in October 2005, he received checks for $5,000 and $3,000 from a PAC called Latinos for a New Lehigh Valley. So far, so good. That sure is a lot of Latino support. But just who in the Lehigh Valley's Latino community donated $8,000? Where did the PAC get its money? I asked to see its report.

There is none. Despite being registered in Lehigh County as a PAC for many years, Latinos for a New Lehigh Valley filed no campaign finance report at all in 2005. Or 2006. Or ever.

Was it filed in Harrisburg, with the State Bureau of Elections? According to staffers there, no PAC is registered and no report was filed.

So just who is behind this $8,000 donation? Pawlowski's report lists an address for the PAC. I traced it to Julio Guridy, who currently is Allentown's City Council President. But Guridy does not live there. The person who did, at least in 2005, was none other than Edward DeGrace.

In a 2009 Morning Call op-ed, DeGrace is identified as the "former chair of Latinos for a New Lehigh Valley." He failed to file a campaign finance report that would let us follow the money.

DeGrace worked for Pawlowski's 2005 Mayoral campaign. I tried contacting him, but his telephone number has been disconnected.

Do I think he came up with $8,000 for Pawlowski in 2005? People who donate that kind of money usually can keep their phones in service.

So where did the $8,000 come from? The absence of a report tells me that the real source of that money is NOT Lehigh Valley Latinos. I suspect Hizzoner used the Latino group to create the false impression that he is wildly popular among Latinos, and to prevent you from learning the identity of his real donor.

I will continue trying to track down DeGrace, and will ask Mayor Pawlwoski whether he was laundering money in 2005, and whether he still does so.

Noon Update: What does DeGrace Have to Say?

I was able to get his cell phone number, and called him. "I've got nothing to say to you," DeGrace said, and then hung up.


  1. Hey Bernie when are you going to follow up on the public money funneled to a private citizen lawsuit in Northampton county? That should be followed up as well.

  2. seems to me the obligation is on the pac, not the recipient, to file their own paperwork.

    unless the pac is an arm of the campaign...

  3. Nice work! Keep it up.

  4. I wonder if "MAN_CHILD" does the same thing!

  5. Good work now fix the spelling errors. Filed vs. fled and some others.

  6. I'm not following one thing. The mayor filed his report, the PAC did not. The PAC is legally separate from the mayor. The PAC potentially violated the law. The mayor complied by disclosing it. How is the Mayor responsible?

  7. You found something interesting but you are blaming the wrong party: unless the mayor is on the latino pac listing, he isnt responsible. You may, however, just put together an interesting possibility that julio guridy is part of a corrupt pac. Nice work nometheless.

  8. This mayor is corrupt. He should be impeached....

  9. Lehigh County public records indicate that DeGrace has owned a home at 2431 Liberty Street since 2005, the house appears to have been sold recently. I'll bet Guridy and DeGrace are very happy with the direction of the City. They would be better of giving that kind of money to a Latino based charity.

  10. Give them all free hockey tickets to the mayors private booth.

  11. Call the US Attorney to investigate.

  12. Chicago style politics........

  13. Isn't Pawlowski from the political cesspool that is Chicago?

  14. Your blind hatred of all things Pawlowski is shining through Burnie.

  15. leave this pooor hard working public servant alone

  16. Public servant? Really? Reilly servant is more like it!!!

  17. The mayor is corrupt for associating with a law-breaking PAC. He should return the lucre and denounce the crooks. Yeah. That'll happen.

  18. This is just another example of the underhanded dealings of the mayor and his cronies.

  19. "seems to me the obligation is on the pac, not the recipient, to file their own paperwork."

    That is true. I've sent an email to Pawlowski, asking these questions: "Did you funnel the money from someone else through them? Do you know the actual source of their money? Do you know why they failed to file a report?"

    I believe Pawlowski was using this group to hide the real source of his donation, thus depriving you of the ability to follow the money.

    I agree the primary responsibility is on the PAC, but if Pawlowski was using that PAC to launder money, then he's part of the problem, too.

  20. These so called "Religious" type politicians are the worst!

    Are we sure that Ed is even a Democrat?

  21. Lazlo Fuenties maybe

  22. Does Chairman Pawlowski do ANYTHING that is NOT overshadowed by such dark clouds of suspicion?

    Think about it.


  23. Lazarao fuentes and DeGrace hate each other. there is no way Fuentes would give DeGrace a dime.

  24. i have deleted some comments from people bashing each other. let's stay on topic please.

  25. I think, you think, you know more and you are asking these questions to see if they contradict what you think you know.

    I wouldn't even respond.

  26. Business as usual in Allentown...JB Reilly being told the NIZ location months before anyone else...Reilly hiring Heather Browne for her great lobbying skills...Reilly's brother in law the great real estate arbitrageur flipping properties in the NIZ....

  27. If you do not think big brother isn't watching this you are wrong. Dead wrong. My son had a website when he was 15 dealing with the WWF. One day he was called into headquarters of the WWF and threatened with a lawsuit if changes in his content weren't made immediately. He made the changes they requested. Could you imagine what he went through at the age of 15. Ed Macmahon (sp) had a roomful of staff just monitoring all the websites devoted to the WWF, just so they could develope the story lines of the athletes.

    Point is these blogs are read and monitored by someone higher up. And yes they are watching.

  28. FutureDowntownArenaAttendeeMay 25, 2012 at 1:01 PM


    As there has been IMO some crazy statements made on this blog... this one takes the cake!! Take your aluminum foil hat off your head, the black copters are not circling your house.

  29. Bernie -

    Was DeGrace ever given a job with the City, or with Pawlowski's campaign?

    I've heard his name before, in some context other than the PAC you mention.

  30. Now: Let begin the accusations of racism begin!!

  31. Why would Disgrace not talk to you Bernie? What is he hiding?

  32. We're being watched? Really? Who cares if we are? We fought a revolutionary war over taxation without representation. Why would we not fight this crap? At some point we all take a stand..it appears that 19 municipalities/townships have said enough is enough! Bernie for attorney general!

  33. O'Hare is doing a great job of focusing on Allentown. This is one way to keep peoples attention off of the diversion of county money to a private lawsuit in Northampton county.

    Pawlowski is evil for following the letter of the law but Stoffa is pure good for fudging the words of a county council resolution. We will see if the new county council agrees with the Stoffa interpretation.

    It isn't about the law or policy with O'Hare it is about personal vendetta's. It always has been. Look in the wild political dictionary and next to hypocrisy is a picture of O'Hare in a red dress.

  34. Do you have any evidence that pawlowski funneled money or are just casting a line? He reported the donation. How do you expect him to prove he did NOT funnel money? It is difficult to prove a negative.

    I think you busted guridy and degrace, but the link to the mayor funneling money requires more than you put out for us.

    But good job nailing degrace and guridy. Guridy is a slimy dude w big ambitions. Degrace fancies himself a king maker.

  35. The NIZ is no laughing matter.

  36. Lots to laugh at with Anon 3:02.

    Got any cute pictures today?


  37. The NIZ just can't handle the scrutiny.

    $ 220.0 million dollars is a lot of money which means some people have a lot of questions.

    And just don't care if the NIZ Cheerleader-Warriors get the panties in a bunch or not.

  38. Lazlo F. has been backing Julio G. with $$ so he, Lazlo, can own a Congressman. With Mike D'M. a magistrate and Peter S. looking toward Harrisburg ( Mike S. also ), the road is wide open for a Julio G. for mayor run. Ed D'Grace also backs Julio, that's where he and Lazlo overlap. ( Lazlo has also fllerted with Dent, shrude guy that Lazlo, tries to position himself as man of the people. No kidding.
    Ed D'G has never worked for His Mayorness.
    With Julio as mayor we will look back on now as the good old days.

  39. Why doesn't anyone say anything about Callahan's - fundraiser after fundraiser - without filing a finance report. The law states he should as he is obviously paying money out for these fundraisers or they are being donated in-kind.

  40. I really appreciate that you post dissenting opinion Bernie. M.M. often removes dissenting opinion. That is a shame, it weakens an otherwise fine bllog. It makes your contribution all the more importent.

  41. I know MM's habits. He allows dissenting opinion. He does not allow personal attacks or comments that contribute nothing to the discussion. Your comment, incidentally, is off topic.

  42. "Why doesn't anyone say anything about Callahan's - fundraiser after fundraiser - without filing a finance report. The law states he should as he is obviously paying money out for these fundraisers or they are being donated in-kind."

    Because your assertion is untrue. he files periodic finance reports as required. I have found them to be accurate and to reflect his fundraisers.

  43. "I think you busted guridy and degrace, but the link to the mayor funneling money requires more than you put out for us."

    All in good time.

  44. Off topic comments will be deleted. Attacks among commenters will be deleted. Stick to the subject please.

  45. Bernie any news from the mayor or his bagman fleck?

  46. I sent him an email early this AM. "I would appreciate a reply to this blog, explaining what you know about this $8,000 from Latinos for a New Lehigh Valley in October 2005. Did you funnel the money from someone else through them? Do you know the actual source of their money? Do you know why they failed to file a report?"

    So far, no reply.

  47. If the Fleckster is one of his advisers it explains the money laundering and the great NIZ debate.

    Ed you need to start listening to others.

  48. He must be busy with the arena construction!

  49. Bernie can't the election board force degrace to turn over the Donor info?

  50. The election board can fine someone, but I think it stops at $270. The DA could prosecute, but this is too old.

  51. Don't you folks get it. O'Hare has been turned for Callahan. One of Callahan's boys is O'Hare's buddy.

  52. What I have done is to correct disinformation.

  53. The mayor is too busy trying to keep BB in the game. I hear they are thinking of bailing

  54. "I think you busted guridy and degrace, but the link to the mayor funneling money requires more than you put out for us."

    "All in good time."

    In other words, you are just throwing dirt around hoping to get something to stick. How the hell is the mayor supposed to be responsible for some other PAC? You have no evidence that the answer to your post title is "yes".

  55. I am giving the Mayor a chance to tell me he did not purposely have the money laundered thru this PAC from an outside donor.

  56. So Bernie do you know for a fact that the mayor laundered the donation?

  57. I am giving the Mayor a chance to tell me he did not purposely have the money laundered thru this PAC from an outside donor.

  58. So you are starting to delete comments about you giving Callahan a pass. What is the payoff, selling Gracedale?

  59. I defended him against an outright lie. I'd defend Pawlowski against an outright lie, too.

  60. Deletions tell it all!

  61. i delete weekend trolls. Go make up some more lies.

  62. They all do this, whats the BIG DEAL.

  63. I suppose someone forgot it was MEMORIAL DAY!

    Forget the NIZ reporting, It's over the TOP!

  64. Looks like somebody does not want people reading this blog.

  65. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  66. Bernie what came out of this story?

  67. Patience. I am working on something.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.