Local Government TV

Friday, May 18, 2012

Bob Meyers: A True Public Servant, Who Will Be Missed

The first time I met Northampton County Director of Corrections Bob Meyers, he tried to kick me out of a meeting. We've been friends ever since. ... I think.

I dropped in on a prison advisory board meeting. Those are at the jail. I was right behind one of the advisory board members, and the guard must have thought I was one of them. But I wasn't. Instead of an upstanding member of society, the guard had just allowed a bottom-feeding blogger to enter the building.

I understand he was later flogged.

I now know that I also had just violated about a gazillion laws.

When the meeting started, I whipped out one of my trusty flipcams (yes, I have two) to record every pearl of wisdom. I also had a camera, cellphone and Dick Tracy wristwatch. But the second I started recording, all hell broke loose. Apparently, recording devices of any kind are a no-no inside the walls of a jail.

The penalty is twenty years in the electric chair.

Bob Meyers asked me to turn the flip cam off. I refused. He then asked me to leave. I refused. He left for legal guidance. I sat there for about ten minutes while people tried to avoid eye contact with me. I kept waiting for some trap door to open, plunging me in the murky depths with some laser-headed sharks. But noting. When Bob came back, he had a forlorn look on his face. It was apparent that the answer he received was unhelpful to him.

I relented, and shut my camera off.

Now he even lets me take his picture.

Last night was probably Bob's last appearance before County Council. He's retiring July 6, after 32 years of service. "I stand before you now a few years older, a lot wiser, but also very thankful for the career that Northampton County has afforded me," he stated. "It's allowed me to learn man valuable life lessons. It's allowed me to raise a stable family, which I'm very thankful for. it's also allowed me 33 wonderful years with my wife."

Meyers assured Council there are strong people behind him at the jail, who will pick up the slack with his departure.

In his stint as Director of Corrections, Meyers has been a strong advocate of programs designed to reduce recidivism, such as the West Easton Treatment Center.

After thanking Council and the public for an opportunity to serve, he walked up to Executive John Stoffa. Although the Executive has been hobbled by searing pain in his back for several, he stood and embraced Meyers, who was beating back tears. "I will cherish the memories of the many good people I've met along the way," Meyers concluded.


  1. Another Stoffa hack hitting the road. No words about the rest of the meeting.

  2. They will just plug in another guy from the "good ole boys club" and they won't miss a beat.

  3. He is a class act Bernie...an honorable honest person .

  4. Unfortunately, the post will either go unfilled, like the Director of Community and Economic Development position or will be filled for the next 18 months with a six months acting director, like the Director of Fiscal Affairs position. Instead of saving the county money, it will only strain existing resources, hurt morale, and will certainly not provide Stoffa with the structure he will need to accomplish much over the remainder of his term.

  5. My, my. A posting meant to honor a good and decent public servant has turned into someon'e personal agenda against the Stoffa administration.

  6. Franky, since Stoffa has not filled many of these positions, it makes you wonder why he made such a passionate claim that he needed them in the first place. Remember when he hired his long time friend and other multiple pension guy Harp, he claimed an asst. Dir was vital.

    Now we have no Director of Fiscal affairs, no Director of Administration.

    I hope county council does what the council did to Reibman one year in an Angle lead movement. Don't fund the positions since they are obviously not needed there are some savings right there.

    But council will do as they are told as they have thus far shown.

    And yes, Bob was a decent guy. good luck in the future Bob.

  7. Some people can only survive if they are condemming others.

  8. Horsehockey! Meyers' is a pretensious, arrogant, conceited manipulator! His ONLY concern at the Prison was the image it had! He did not care at all about security or the well being of the staff!!! When the gun was found, the prison was locked down for only 8 MINUTES! As far as morale, it's been horrible for decades! It will always be horrible as long as they promote from the "Good O'Boys Club"!


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