Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Are Bangor's Three Fire Companies Under Scrutiny?

TV reception must really be bad in the Slate Belt. Over fifty people poured into the Beehive Community Center, where Bangor Borough conducts its monthly meetings. I was sure these must be trade union dudes, sent by Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski's union "consultant" Mike Fleck, to support the Queen City's s Neighborhood Improvement Zone (NIZ). But I was wrong.

They were volunteer firefighters.

Bangor's got 90 of them, divided among three different companies. Representatives of this trinity - Second Ward, Rescue and Liberty - gave impassioned pleas to Borough Council, imploring them to consider no action against the Chief (Bob Owens) and Assistant Chief (Ron LaBar). They even brought in Mike Goffredo, Roseto's fire chief, to say, "We stand together as a brotherhood."

This confused the hell out of Council member Harry Wyant. "Not one time at any meeting I've been to has anyone talked of replacing the fire chief," he said.

But another Council member, Bonnie LaBar, assured everyone that some kind of action is being considered by someone.  She stood up and led everyone in a round of applause after the firemen were finished speaking.

Incidentally, Bonnie just happens to be the wife of the Assistant Chief Ron LaBar.

No conflict there.

Council President Catherine Allen, clearly uncomfortable, quietly stated they would discuss the matter later

In March, a fire at Century House led to the death of a 72 year-old man, and all kinds of rumors are circulating about the way it was handled. Some say the firefighters were at their best, rushing into the burning building. But there are other stories. A police officer was commended for rescuing some elderly residents, but no firefighters.

Where there's smoke is there fire? Is this idle gossip, or is something going on?


  1. At least nobody threatened me like at the last council meeting. Maybe having a steno there and Bernie kept things polite for the time being. The show of force thing is getting a bit old in my opinion and it won't sway my decision making now or in the future concerning the boro fire department or their duly elected boro fire personnel. Mr. Kresge..our new FD liaison is doing a good job and progess is now possible and some cooperation is emerging in that new dynamic. A RTKL debate over FC financial info has been resolved in the boros' favor by the state Office of Open Records. Abe said it best.a house divided cannot stand. I am hopeful of a true partnership with the Bangor FD in the near future and will work toward that goal.

  2. Bangor like all municipalities needs to agreesively look a fire services. The "old days" are gone and VFC's need to realize it.

    Join together, work together and do what is best for Bangor.

  3. Did the firehouses ever release their financials to the council?

  4. They were ordered to do so by the state OOR.

  5. Bangor should just go paid and settle this issue now. It should only cost about a million or so the first year.

  6. You saw it first hand Bernie. What's your input? Do you think the borough is hiding something?

  7. It is a personnel issue. The Chief and Assistant Chief of the BFD are paid employees of the boro and thus care must be taken by council to follow all the rules of engagement. People have rights and due process must be followed.

  8. If they are paid employees, Bonnie LaBar should not be participating in the discussion in any way.

  9. That is correct and the reason why we must proceed cautiously.

  10. Dave sounds like a Dick

  11. "Knowing that we are brothers without really understanding what it means is the precise reason the term is so abused."

  12. Bangor Borough now pays about $50,000 a year for its volunteer fire department. Similar size towns with a "paid" force, pay about $250,000. What would you rather pay? Oh and its one of the highest ranking units in the Lehigh Valley year after year.

    just sayin

  13. IF you attend the next Bangor Boro council meeting..the public and you will clearly see what it is paying for it's fire service down to the penny. It includes all associated costs PAID by the tax payers of this town. Come and hear the FACTS and see the hidden costs you neglect to mention or consider. 50K? Here comes the reality check.

  14. I attended Monday nights council meeting. I saw towards the end of the fire departments comments the boro solicitor gesturing to the stenographer to stop typing after council president was talking about Harry Wyants comment about ousting the chiefs. My question is being it is a public meeting doesn't the stenographer have to keep typing until the gavel hits the table at the end of the meeting?

  15. No. The stenographer was there for the zoning hearing that preceded the regular meeting. He was stopped bc that hearing was over.

  16. Nice picture Bernie. You seem to put up a degrading photo every time you blog about volunteer fire companies. Is your hatred for the volunteer fire companies that deep?

  17. I try to inject humor into my blog from time to time. I certainly have no animosity towards volunteer fire companies. But I do like to poke self-important blowhards who take themselves too seriously.

  18. Bangor boro does not use a steno for their regular meetings. We have a sound recording system that is running for the entire portion of the public session. The steno was there for the public Zoning hearing that took place prior to the council meeting. The steno kept typing after the hearing portion ended for some reason and at some point someone noticed and asked him to stop.

  19. "There recently has been a troubling trend of unethical behavior among firefighters. A search of periodicals and newspapers within the past six months revealed more than 1,000 news articles in response to the search phrase “firefighter charged.” Reviewing the articles leads to stories of firefighters engaging in all possible social ills: theft, violence, child pornography, and even murder."

  20. "There recently has been a troubling trend of unethical behavior among firefighters. A search of periodicals and newspapers within the past six months revealed more than 1,000 news articles in response to the search phrase “firefighter charged.” Reviewing the articles leads to stories of firefighters engaging in all possible social ills: theft, violence, child pornography, and even murder."

  21. Beckville kind of like teachers huh.

  22. Not to take sides but so are police officers, business persons, Military officers, Senators and if I may, past Presidents. Just saying no one is holy, not even the clergy. But thats another story and another blog.

  23. Yes,teachers and public officials.

    There was an interesting article published in the Fire Engineering magazine a few years ago addressing both Brotherhood and Ethics within the fire service. Shame many do not read.

  24. I read about the zoning officer leaving, the No to the NIZ and the fire co debate. But 50 people there for a zoning hearing, a stenographer, a blogger, lawyers , engineers, former mayors, etc, And I havent seen anything about the zoning hearing. Nothing in the papers or this blog. Who is hiding what?

    Oh and I read about some "expert" on gangs touring Bangor looking at graffiti that was there for 15 years.

  25. Joe Cap, I'm not hiding anything and don't like being accused of that with no basis. I attended a meeting and wrote 3 stories. I did not write about the zoning matter. It was 3 AM when i finished the others. it will not be something i will be writing about now. And you know that of the 50 plus people at that meeting, most were there over the fire companies.

  26. Morning Bernie, I agree and disagree with you on issues, but do enjoy your blog. Again, I acknowledge I am a strong supporter of Bangor's volunteer fire dept. All the volunteers are unpaid professionals, training is constant because of new technologies, chemicals, hazmat requirements and the list goes on. Of course there is a cost, that is part and parcel of the safety of one's community anywhere. Is there a bond among the firemen, yes, just as there is with our officers and others. Again, cool heads and respect must prevail.

  27. Where was the respect when I was publically threatened by a boro FC officer? Why do you not renounce him? Why don't you call for his removal from office? Why is he still out there in the boro spreading his filth? I know..free speech and I have rabbit ears. You want respect..earn it.

  28. Dave,
    Was it a Line Officer? If so you as council member can remove him as per the ordinances. If it was Company Business officer, that discipline is responsibility of what ever Company he/she belongs to in accordance to their By-Laws after you contact that Company. If it was a personall attack on you, and you were threatened then proceed with the legal aspects and contact the police. One individual does not always represent all. And all does not always back one.

  29. I have no legal recourse as this person is protected under freedom of speech law and it was a public meeting. I have shared this persons exact words with other fireman in the boro. He is the Sec. of Second Ward FC. I doubt he even responds to fire calls anymore. He does not live in the boro. He also has his hands on the Firemans Relief organization. He has been shunned by many FC members due to his statement/threat at the previous council meeting. It is my understanding that he is out in public fomenting animosity towards the boro and possibly trying to instigate a strike of some sort against the boro if we continue the current move towards consolidation and the future regionalization of fire service in the slate belt. You figure out the rest.

  30. In my opinion..I don't think the people in that FC have the guts to take this guy on. His statement/threat was witnessed by the Assistant Chief of the Fire Departments wife..who sits on council and she lives for that FC. And I'm supposed to ask them to can the guy? Fat chance of that happening.

  31. DIT DIT DIT DIT Good Evening Mrs. and Mr. America and all the ships at sea. Newsflash Bangor Boro is NOT supporting Fire Department. Apparently money is an issue. Mr. David Houser wants to consolidate 3 fire companies. Whose in charge, whose station is # 1, or is it a complete reorganization??? Duh, Duh , Duh? Where is the taxpayers' voice , Who backs him?
    Who will retain their characture? RESCUE: oldest, most mysogenic, POWER HUNGRY and most dependable on Borough for funds??????? Second Ward: divided in their cause, secondly POWER HUNGRY, supported by BONNY LABAR councilwoman, or LIBERTY,: blacksheep, consistently called in to do dirty work, makes most $ thru fundraising, most DEPENDABLE???? What to do??? Here's a thought, keep 2nd Ward and Liberty to man exterior of Borough, keep Ladder truck downtown, move Police Dept, road Crew, and Boro offices into old Rescue building (owned by the Boro) make the 2 Companies pay their own utilities, and reorganize from there!!!Tear down old BeeHive, its a money pit! If all else fails, start at Bangor Park, bulldoze the whole towm into a quarry, get the Iron Pigs & the Hockey Arena to build here, all problems solved! No NIZ, no Fire Department, no Boro having to worry about a newe codes enforcer fighting slum lords, cuz there wont be anyone left, less problems. Bernie we love your column, go stick a pig on us'!!!

  32. Is that Bernie in the picture. He was caught in the courthouse bathroom in a dress. Don't know if it was red or blue.

  33. Hey Mr. America from Liberty....Stick to what you guys are good at....Go drive your fire truck to a call and crash it Again.

  34. Very interesting insights before you ran off the road entirely..10:51 PM. It is my understanding that offically..only 2 designated persons are allowed to speak for the FC on the hill. I'm not sure you are one of those two and I doubt it as they are straight shooters and you appear not to be. I support and endorse consolidation and regionalization but I am only 1 vote on a council of 8. At least you know where I stand. It's called transparency..try it and you may find you like it also. Come stand in the sunshine and we'll talk..really.

  35. It wasn't a dress..just his toga..it was Greek Day at the courthouse.

  36. Jason M Albert, Captain, Liberty Fire Co. #2May 20, 2012 at 5:26 PM

    My grandmother said every house has a mouse and some . . . have rats. I have followed this blog, actually Bernie's writings for awhile. There are pirates, and thieves. Liars and cheats. Leaders and want-to bes. I must admit this is ridiculous. I am past president, and Captain of Liberty Fire Co. #2. I have sworn an oath to serve and protect the citizens of this town like 5 generations of my family have done before. My family goes back to the Hunter Settlement lands granted by the Penns, when Bangor was New Village. This fighting and whispering is appalling to our forefathers and this community. I do not care what company thinks they are THE best. We all do one job. And damn me to the masses, but the Council has the final say. Regardless of pride, tradition, or history. I cannot stand the way this has turned. If and when this Council decides to do whatever, I only ask that a Thank You to those men is duly installed. I ask whatever company you represent on this blog you put on your big boy pants and listen to reason. And do not condemn but accept the facts. Mr Houser, Mr O'Hare my apologies for those who spoke out of turn. My Company or others. End this conversation and do our job until the time when the cards fall.

  37. Thank you Mr. Albert. I appreciate your honesty and professional attitude. As I have stated before..I respectfully honor all of our community history but I refuse to be chained to it. I applaud your willingness to be a true partner with local government as we move forward into the future. Change is never easy but we must..as the community is depending on all of us to do our duty and do it well. It is my fervent hope that ALL of the boro firefighters will join you and I in the discussions to come. Together we can do what Bangor needs us to do..lead by example. Again..thanks for being a stand up person.

  38. Spike Lee's movie "Do The Right Thing" is a very strong political and cultural statement piece. I get it and I try very hard to live it. I owe no one in this town anything. No one owns me or my vote. I treasure the ability to vote my conscience at all times. I serve the community first and always to the best of my ability.

  39. Dictating policy is not the desired path here. In a true partnership..all parties have a seat at the table. Let's begin that process soon. Nothing has been decided and I await the other FC's decision to join the boro or continue on their current path.


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