Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Allentown NIZ and Economic Development Rumors

Yesterday, I told you that NIZ developer J.B. Reilly is negotiating office leases with at least two tenants currently located off Schoenersville Road, north of Route 22 in Bethlehem, at the Lehigh Valley Corporate Center. This is despite his assurances that there would be no poaching.

I have since heard that Reilly has postponed the closing date on at least one of his planned Hamilton Street purchases, as first explained by blogger Michael Molovinsky in his Allentown Becomes Reillytown post. This information comes from a business owner on Hamilton Street, who also has an agreement of sale with Reilly. Reason? Lack of funding. In addition, excavation has all but stopped at 7th and Hamilton, site of the proposed arena. That's according to businesses in the area.

I have since heard two NIZ-related  rumors in an anonymous email. I am unable to vouch for them, but want to get the word out so that you can tell me what you might know.

First, there's a joint deal between a film production company out of Florida and a very well known Lehigh Valley developer, looking to purchase a property inside the NIZ. Direct talks have begun with an local economic development agency and "Allentown's highest elected official."

Second, there's a "joint deal between neighbors on Hamilton Street, who enjoy beer way too much," to purchase the old Allentown Metal Works, Inc., with help from a local economic development agency and a little grant money.

Allentown Metal Works was visited by President Obama in 2009 and showcased as an example of the success of his stimulus package. It has since gone out of business. This resulted in a visit from Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who cited the plant closure as an example of how Obama's economic policies have failed.

Its 19-acre campus is not located inside the NIZ, but the purchasers on Hamilton Street are based there.


  1. Sniff, sniff do I smell s**t around here? Did someone forget to let the dog out? Just keeps getting better and better. Perhaps local brews will become a key component in the trash to energy scam. Beer pong on the Lehigh River anyone?

  2. What would a certain beer themed group do with the Allentown Metal Works? Why would a Florida-based film company relocate to the middle of Pa.?

  3. Keeping with the humorous speculation theame. Maybe Abe has brought in a film company to cover his court cases. Call the show Abes Law???

  4. I have learned that the film production company rumor is true.

  5. This sounds awesome. Good for Allentown!

  6. Bernie -

    Maybe the film company wants to document corruption in local politics.

    It makes it easier when they're close to the source.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. hey bernie, where are you getting your inside info? you don't like anonymous comments! but still you won't let us know where you get your info!! what's good for the goose......is good for your gander

  9. I have explained many times that I do not like anonymity when it is used as a veil behind which someone launches personal attacks. But it is useful to pass on precisely the kind of information I posted here. Becuase it is anonymous, it cannot be called reliable information, but it is a basis from which i can ask readers what they know.

    I have explained this on numerous occasions, so i can only conclude that you are missing more than a few brain cells.

  10. Bernie, I know your website and it's readers grow every day with the good stuff you write about. You will get this question asked many more times I am sure. You should have prepared answers saved in a word document that addresses new readers concerns in a more polite and respective manner. I am ok with you telling me to go #%*+ or whatever. Then when they ask again you just cut and paste and tahdah the question is answered. You know by your answer you lost a couple votes.

  11. I don't really care bc i am not running for anything. You are obviously NOT a new reader bc you know I don't like anonymous attacks. You are a troll.

  12. Retired ASD teacher here.

    If ANY out-of-state venture, even a 5-person operation, decides to partake in the largesse of NIZ funding, this will be promoted as a HUGE justification for going through with the current plan. Stay tuned.

    I continue to believe the Arena Authority has the option to forego use of EIT to fund its development. I suggest, to avoid all this legal back and forth, Allentown will be encouraged by state agencies to remove the EIT tax from the equation so that everyone can get on with their lives.

    The project MIGHT need to become smaller, vested interests MIGHT have to contribute more of their own funds, etc.

    The real linchpin will be the state townships organization. If pressure comes from across the state, and not just the Lehigh Valley, the desire to revise is more pressing.




    Wow! Great Headline. Isn't that nice of Air Products, to be right there front and center for charity work?

    If Air Products wants to be a "hockey arena founding partner" --- why don't they come up with a significant chunk of cash so the construction can begin in earnest again?

    Every little bit applied towards that massive $ 220.0 million dollar price tag has to help, right?

  14. Why don't the Brooks Brothers just take out a loan with Air Products directly and leave the poor Taxpayers out of this?

    Air Products could swing the $ 220.0 million if they wanted to ...

    If the Phantoms and the Palace of Sport are supposed to be such a can't miss money-maker as advertised by the NIZ Cheerleaders, what has AP got to lose, right?

    Why does the Taxpayer HAVE to assume the risk?

  15. Did the anonymous email come from silentsender.com?

  16. No, it came from yahoo with a made up name.

  17. It's Lou Pektor. He is negotiating with the film company.

  18. I have more details and will post them soon.

  19. Look at that, another developer, not Rielly, who is gonna make good on the NIZ. The opportunity is out there for anyone who has the vision to do it. Good for Lou Pektor for believing in the city!

  20. Lou Pector is a top contributor and founder of the Callahan political machine. so i guess the word is true that John is laying low on his NIZ support to let Northampton county officials think he is against it.

  21. Lou Pektor is 2 faced. He is telling the developers that he is against the NIZ while he is negotiating with the city.


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