Local Government TV

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Where Are Our Leaders?

French politician Alexandre Auguste Ledru-Rollin is the character blamed for once saying, "There go the people. I must follow them, for I am their leader." All too many politicians have their fingers in the air, waiting to see which way the wind is blowing. The controversy concerning Allentown's Neighborhood Improvement Zone is a perfect illustration.

Israeli generals, Bethlehem Township Commissioners and Hanover Township Supervisors, all lead from the front. But state lawmakers in the LV delegation have been avoiding the NIZ.

Some of their local counterparts have avoided this fight, too.

Yesterday, when LVEDC voted to endorse the Neighborhood Improvement Zone, three of our so-called local leaders were conspicuously MIA, unwilling to stake out a position. Lehigh County Exec Don Cunningham, Easton Mayor Sal Panto and Northampton County Exec John Stoffa all took a powder.

In fact, at yesterday's Finance Committee hearing in Northampton County, Executive John Stoffa asked Council to tell him his position.

Stoffa, Panto and Cunningham are three of my favorites. But they were all elected to lead from the front, not the rear. In avoiding this issue, which can have a very negative impact on their own tax base, they do a disservice to us all.

Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan has been criticized heavily on this blog over the past two years. But yesterday, agree or disagree, he led from the front.

That's leadership.


  1. Where is Ianelli on this?

  2. I am glad Callahan voiced his concerns... the NIZ is not about regionalism, it is about giving great benefits to one city. What is great for Allentown isn't great for the rest of Lehigh County, all of Northampton County, Bethlehem and Easton. I am disappointed in Panto, Cunningham and Stoffa for not stepping up to represent their constituents.

  3. Mayor Panto has already spoke in favor of the NIZ and creation of jobs in the lehigh valley. He qualified his statement with the need for a compromise on the tax grab and limits should be put on the recruit area so that it does not hurt other lehigh valley municipalities. Not surprising as potential impact on Easton is limited. I believe it was in the express-times or on a blog. Callahan has to take a public stand. Bethlehem is the largest victim in this mess.

  4. I'm sorry, but Mayor panto should have been there yesterday and expressed his sentiments with a vote. He either thinks an EIT tax grab is fine or he does not. Same for Stoffa and Cunningham. These guys were all elected to lead, not to play it safe.

  5. 10:36

    Callahan did take a public stand in today's MCall.

  6. Callahan did not duck this issue, went to the LVEDC board, and cast his vote. That is leadership. I admire and respect Stoffa, Panto and Cunningham But they've been MIA on this issue, and need to take a stand, even if it is supportive of the NIZ. That's why they were elected.

  7. bunch of cowards

  8. The Chamber will loose memberships if TI opens his mouth. TI can't see past Allentown.

  9. Attention BROOKS BROTHERS :

    I hear sharing the wealth is a fabulous idea.

    Therefore, I have a proposal --- YOU guys start picking up my open hockey fees and also finance one new hockey stick per month for me with YOUR MONEY (that you get from Big Government) ...

    ... and I will start buying Phantoms tickets to the magnificent Palace of Sport with MY MONEY (that I do NOT get from Big Government)

    Do we have a deal --- or what?


  10. Bernie,

    Well said, 2 Legislators released the same identical statement regarding their vote on the NIZ. (emerick and Simmons)

    And then attempted to blame others,
    for their vote!!

  11. Arguably, Pawlowski is the only "leader" in the Lehigh Valley. And I'm no fan of the guy. I think he's set up Allentown for disaster long after he's gone.

    However, you have to admit the man vehemently argues, defends and forwards the agenda and leads from the front. He needs no allies. He's not waiting for approval or for an army to swell before he joins it. He's really like the honey badger.

    These other guys just wait for somebody else to go first. They don't want to have awkward moments at meetings and functions by stepping out of line...or put their future aspirations in jeopardy.

    At least Hanover and Bethlehem townships stood up and said "yeah this sucks for us....we shouldn't let this be..and did something about it.

  12. "Why have the arena property supporters refused to talk about other 'success stories' across the country? Because, I suspect that they didn't bother to look for any other success stories before promoting the NIZ structure, and because those other success stories simply don't exist."

    Director, Lehigh University's Goodman Center for Real Estate Studies ... quoted in THE MORNING CALL (Feb 16, 2012)

  13. Cunningham only speaks of leadership, falls flat when actually put to the test. No suprise from this side of the river...

  14. All I can say is thank God we still have political leaders like Sen. Browne who basically gave up his political career so that the whole region will benefit. The guy is a hero and I'm going to remember that for a long time. Republican or Democrat it is refreshing to see people go under the bus to do the right thing by their communities.

  15. My comments are still getting bounced, lol, your Spam filter really must have something against me!

  16. I'll repost under this name. You ask where our political leaders are? All you have to do is look at Sen. Browne who basically gave up his political career by doing something incredibly courageous when he pushed this NIZ through. Republican or Democrat, its still amazing to see politicians doing the right thing for their communities even when it ends their career. I'm gonna remember Browne's name for a long time--he's probably the greatest political hero the valley has ever had.

  17. Panto is busy dodging gunfire. Lierally. Gunfire.

  18. @12:01 PM,

    Ianelli can see past Allentown, he wants the $money$ in Nazareth...

  19. I understand that the late Bob Freeman is going to communicate his leadership position, posthumously, via an interred phone, a la Mary Baker Eddy lore. In the same communication, Bob will state his support for the Rendell budget and salute the Phillies for their World Series championship.

  20. Tony Ianelli needs to remember that the VAST majority of members in the 4th largest chamber in the US are from the SUBURBS. Hopefully he doesn't come out with some 1/2 hearted endorsement trying to appease both sides.

  21. Funny how Future Downtown Arena Attendee just don't seem to be working quite so hard no more.

    Made enough money promoting the Palace of Sport and NIZ already and was able to cash in for early retirement?

    Maybe inciting and trash-talking people who just don't believe Big Government should NOT be involved in the risky business of financing sports arenas provoked more of a response than FDAA was adequately prepared to cope with.


  22. "should be"

    funny how much confusion and chaos this little NIZ thing seems to be in the thick of everywhere

  23. Anonymous said...
    Mayor Panto has already spoke in favor of the NIZ and creation of jobs in the lehigh valley. He qualified his statement with the need for a compromise on the tax grab and limits should be put on the recruit area so that it does not hurt other lehigh valley municipalities. Not surprising as potential impact on Easton is limited. I believe it was in the express-times or on a blog. Callahan has to take a public stand. Bethlehem is the largest victim in this mess.
    10:36 AM

    Bernie O'Hare said...
    I'm sorry, but Mayor panto should have been there yesterday and expressed his sentiments with a vote. He either thinks an EIT tax grab is fine or he does not. Same for Stoffa and Cunningham. These guys were all elected to lead, not to play it safe.

    The Anon post is correct. And have you ever known me to shy away from a position and play it safe?

    I was on the record way back when this whole issue started. My position is clear. Our residents need JOBS! I am willing to forego the EIT because if someone is working in Allentown it means they can pay their real estate taxes, water, sewer and garbage bills and keep their house from foreclosure. Also, where was the pushback when all of the suburban developers got their grants and low interest loans? Did the cities balk? No we struggled along and used our own resources while still attending to the poor, the seniors and the tax exempt.

    (I have to tell you a true story. I got a letter from a woman who lives in one of the suburbs of Easton who complained because she got a parking ticket. She admits she didn’t put the quarter in the meter because she was only going up to her mother’s unit in one of our tax-exempt subsidized senior housing units. I wanted to tell her to go to her lovely township and tell them they should provide this type of tax-exempt subsidized housing in her township then she wouldn’t have to pay us a quarter to park. How hypocritical. Here is a person who lives in a township where there is maybe a couple of churches but she wants to complain about a quarter to the city that is taking care of her mother.)

    This is a divisive issue that is dividing our entire region. It isn’t economically healthy for anyone. We need to encourage economic development and job creation with a regional approach. Together we are the third largest market in PA with a great location, separately we are 62 small communities.

    And Bernie, I have a few issues we are addressing in Easton that needed my attention so I couldn’t get to the meeting but if I were there I would have supported the NIZ.

    Thank you for allowing me to respond.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Mayor Panto has already spoke in favor of the NIZ and creation of jobs in the lehigh valley. He qualified his statement with the need for a compromise on the tax grab and limits should be put on the recruit area so that it does not hurt other lehigh valley municipalities. Not surprising as potential impact on Easton is limited. I believe it was in the express-times or on a blog. Callahan has to take a public stand. Bethlehem is the largest victim in this mess.
    10:36 AM

    Bernie O'Hare said...
    I'm sorry, but Mayor panto should have been there yesterday and expressed his sentiments with a vote. He either thinks an EIT tax grab is fine or he does not. Same for Stoffa and Cunningham. These guys were all elected to lead, not to play it safe.

    The Anon post is correct. And have you ever known me to shy away from a position and play it safe?

    I was on the record way back when this whole issue started. My position is clear. Our residents need JOBS! I am willing to forego the EIT because if someone is working in Allentown it means they can pay their real estate taxes, water, sewer and garbage bills and keep their house from foreclosure. Also, where was the pushback when all of the suburban developers got their grants and low interest loans? Did the cities balk? No we struggled along and used our own resources while still attending to the poor, the seniors and the tax exempt.

    (I have to tell you a true story. I got a letter from a woman who lives in one of the suburbs of Easton who complained because she got a parking ticket. She admits she didn’t put the quarter in the meter because she was only going up to her mother’s unit in one of our tax-exempt subsidized senior housing units. I wanted to tell her to go to her lovely township and tell them they should provide this type of tax-exempt subsidized housing in her township then she wouldn’t have to pay us a quarter to park. How hypocritical. Here is a person who lives in a township where there is maybe a couple of churches but she wants to complain about a quarter to the city that is taking care of her mother.)

    This is a divisive issue that is dividing our entire region. It isn’t economically healthy for anyone. We need to encourage economic development and job creation with a regional approach. Together we are the third largest market in PA with a great location, separately we are 62 small communities.

    And Bernie, I have a few issues we are addressing in Easton that needed my attention so I couldn’t get to the meeting but if I were there I would have supported the NIZ.

    Thank you for allowing me to respond.

  25. You guys are really slow on the uptake. Why did John Callahan vote no on the NIZ? The question should be, why would he vote yes!

    John Callahan is a true politician, he has no core principles other than win,win, win. He is the creation of a political team that has crafted him well over the past twelve years. He has gone from Cunningham light to a power in his own right.

    He is out as Mayor of Bethlehem in a year and a half, so why vote no??

    Because this will play well in a political race for Northampton County Executive. His advisers have always made his decisions and they are good advisers. He was told that there was nothing in his political future that a yes vote would help.

    When he runs next year, he will sing about how he voted against the NIZ and for the people of Northampton County. I can hear the commercials now.

    Whether he believes in his vote or not, who knows. But his vote was no accident and I doubt a statement of principle. He is first, last and always a politician on the make and on the move.

    If not for this upcoming race, Callahan would have gone with the LVRDC crowd in a heartbeat, he always has. Smart politics and kudos to the Klan.

    Impressive Sirs, impressive indeed!!

  26. Unfortunately, Mayor Panto, all that has occurred is shifting of jobs from existing buildings in Lehigh and Northampton County communities to Allentown. The private developers are recruiting specifically those businesses that pay substantial state taxes from your community to support the repayment of the bonds issued by the private developers through the powers of the NIZ. And then those building owners in your community that lose their tennants are going to appeal their assessments to lower their overhead and win. Your tax rateables will decrease and you will be stuck relying on the commuter tax to cover more than your pension crisis. All that will be left will be the public sector jobs and non-profit positions, who are the people who can barely afford to pay it anyway.

    But go ahead and continue to support it. Thanks so much.

  27. Mayor Sal, Thanks for your comment and frank reply. I've never known you to shy away from an issue, so I was surprised by your absence on a critical issue. We disagree, but I'm glad to know where you come down so I can try harder to persuade you that, as crafted, it is indeed a monster that will hurt your own city. (and the county).

  28. 9:45, I have been highly critical of Callahan, but i think you have this wrong. Mayor Callahan is concerned about a humongous brownfield and an empty Martin Tower.

    Is it good politics? Let me ask you, aside from newsies like me and you, do you think the regular voter even has this on his or her radar screen? I'm willing to venture a No on that, unfortunately.

  29. "All I can say is thank God we still have political leaders like Sen. Browne who basically gave up his political career so that the whole region will benefit"

    ... while his wife is employed as a lobbyist at the very firm that just signed on to do the work for Reilly. When I see where Browne is employed at the end of his term, I'll make my own judgment about his intentions.

  30. Andrew, I'm sorry your comments get caught like that. I wish i could control that. You and I completely disagree on this topic, and that is why I want to hear from you.

  31. Would you call the mayor of Allentown Mayor Ed? Or the mayor of Bethlehem Mayor John? Have some respect! For the office at least. No wonder you are a bottom feeding blogger. You have zero respect.

  32. The average voter will know when he gets his mailer, commercial, etc., saying that John Callahan went against the grain and looked out for Northampton County residents unlike Mayor Panto. Please Bernie, this is how you get in trouble. You are a fickle political lover and you get very passionate about things and your judgement gets cloudy. If someone does something you like, you immediately get all goo goo at that moment.

    You never wonder why. You buy the company line.

  33. To bad Stoffa didn't ask County Council for their opinion before he gave away millions of the Casino money. We sure could use that money right here in Northampton county were it was intended.

  34. Representative Simmons went "over the Hill" and betrayed his former supporters.

  35. Before slamming Simmons as a traitor, tell me where his opponent is on this issue. I have asked, and have no answer.

  36. Bernie,

    Yes, I also want to know the other guy's position.

  37. 11:58, I am not interested in your personal assessment of me. I am very loyal to people I support, and remain loyal to Panto. I will criticize anyone when I disagree with him. But I never make up my mind about anyone based on one issue.

  38. "Would you call the mayor of Allentown Mayor Ed? Or the mayor of Bethlehem Mayor John? Have some respect! For the office at least. No wonder you are a bottom feeding blogger. You have zero respect."

    I'll tell you what Next time I see them, I'll get down on my knees and bow.

    Crazy people.

  39. Do you know about getting down on your knees. Yoiu are right about that.

  40. Panto is the most regional public official I know. He publicly supported the TIF for the Rt.33 in Palmer Township and gave the same reasons -- it will create jobs for his residents. Don't discount Panto on the countyu level, even with his position on the NIZ and recommending a commuter tax he is doing what is best for his constituents. It would be nice to have a county official that finally looks out for the residents of the county. I think he is the right individual for the executive position but I still say he won't leave Easton. Too many big projects he started are jst coming online and more in the next few years -- now Pomeroy's, Lipkin, Bushkill Trail, waterfront project, a lot of infrastructure projects, South Third St. streetscaoe project all now underway nd within the next two years its the intermodal and Silk Mill. Plus I know he wants to expand the neighborhood housing rehabilitiation projects in the West Ward and South Side. Good for the city, bad for the county. And no I don't know him I just watch and like what I see in Easton.

  41. Panto is staying put in Easton, person who doesn't know him, he won't take on Callahan and lose.

    In a recent meeting it was learned that Panto wants no part of John Callahan in a county race and is ducking the Executive run.

    Sal will say some blah, blah about the city but he wanted to run for executive. The Callahan run sacred him off.

    Well folks you have Callahan.

  42. I think its the Callahan camp that is afraid of Panto. I know first hand. Why do you think Callahan is already campaigning. Northampton county voters don't elect people from Bethlehem. They just don't. Look at the ET today where Callahan stated he would continue his agenda for Bethlehem if he where elected Executive. BTW.....If you are part of the Callahan Camp and you don't want Panto to run, you are going about it in the wrong way. If you want him to run.....keep it up.

  43. It's not the Callahan camp trashing Panto. It is the Gracedale people. Evidence of that appears on their blog. It is Mezzacappa, who has of course has accused him of some baloney in connection with me. It might also be Jim Gregory or Alan Fowler. Both of them are Stoffa and Panto haters, but they want Heckman to run. They think they'll have an easier time controlling him.

  44. So Bernie, has your pal Hickey convinced you to support Callahan. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?

  45. See what I mean? Sal would make the better County Exec of the two, but that's no reason to bash all of his potential opponents. Sal would not do that, and neither will I.

    The campaign of hate being orchestrated against Panto comes from the Gracedale mob, as is seen by the hateful rants posted there by the Fake Rev and Mezzacappa. There is also a small cadre of Heckman supporters who want him to win bc they think he is weak and they want to control him. People like Jim Gregory, who really should not be involved in politics, and lana Fowler, who was McHale's mole.

  46. I tend to think all this politcal manuvering would be news to Ron.

  47. I would agree that those who think they can push Heckman around would soon discover they are incorrect. But that is what I believe the Jim Gregorys and Alan Fowlers of this world think.

  48. When you see galioto and pintabone knocking on doors in Bethlehem you'll know panto is running. until then.....he is still considering. they are old school like that. they won't run in the paper. as for the goons.....didn't panto back them?

  49. Actually this is some of Bernie's manufactured "special" logic at work. I highly doubt the COAF or union folks would be attacking AANY potential candidates for County Executive unless they wanted to close Gracedale and were honest enough to say so before the race.

    I doubt either Panto or Callahan will tip their hand on that topic they have been around politics too long. Also neither one of them knows anything about Nursing Homes. If they read this blog for information they know even less.

    Heckman supported keeping Gracedale but as I remember he never said it would be easy or forever. I beleive he objected to the faulty study and rush to judgement. Sounded more like a concern with the entire process as much as the sale itself.

    Really Bernie you are just stirring the pot again. By now most people have your number and I doubt that Panto or Callahan are going to believe the COAF is after them because of your comments.

  50. I'm stirring no pot. All anyone has to do is go on your blog to see all the venomous attacks lobbed at Panto by the Fake Rev, Mezzacappa, and others. In fact, Forks Tp resident Mario Martinez, a supposed man of God, was caught in a lie. He claimed to have voted for Panto in the last election when he does not even live in Easton.

    In addition to the lies and venom, you continue to viciously attack John Stoffa, even though he actually named one of you to the Gracedale Advisory Board.

    If you want to know who is stirring the pot, look in a mirror. And by the way, your day is coming. Give it about 3-4 months. Certain words and disgusting accusations have consequences, and you are about to find that out. Mezzacappa just learned I am very serious about upholding my reputation, and you will discover that very soon, too. In addition to the libel, your participation in a frivolous lawsuit, that you took unnecessarily to the Supreme Court, makes every person who signed on as an Otter client culpable. We intend to pursue a malicious prosecution action against you.

  51. As a former attorney even you know you are blowing smoke with that one. But hey, go for it. With Angle money you can pursue all the frivolous suits you want.

    Eventually, your actions will draw Stoffa into the mix and then the use of public resources and money.

    Good luck with it.

  52. Thank you. I have every intention of commencing a malicious prosecution action once the S Ct dismisses the repeated requests you filed for att't fees w/ Otter. There will be a separate one for the failed attempt to get a restraining order that was improperly commenced and that Otter and Mezzacappa refused to serve me with, even though they walked right by me.

  53. You must be mistaken, they don't recall seeing you.

  54. How the hell would you know? Otter waved to me, and then the two of them walked up to my truck and began taking pictures. You better tell better lies than that, like the one claiming you voted for Panto.

  55. Bernie, your imagination is getting the best of you. Of course you have a history of unexplainable behavior, so it is understandable.

    You may want to seek some medical advice.

  56. You are a vicious liar, and since you fired your lawyer, it will be difficult for you two to get your stories straight. Of course, you'll be committing perjury if you deny this.

  57. Two people claim one thing and one another, who is committing perjury?

    Stop with your nonsense, former attorney.

    You harassment is more amusing than threatening.

    Your legal financier will be slapped with his own suit for malicious prosecution. Unlike you he has a lot more to lose.

  58. The one committing perjury is the one who is lying. It will be rather easy to determine.

  59. Interesting to read on the Express blog how the Callahan supporters are ripping up on Don Cunningham's record as mayor. They claim the city was a dump before Johnny Casino showed up.

    I am sure Don just loves that. If it weren't for Don Cunningham, Callahan would still be peddling pharmaceuticals. As one longtime pol said, as a Mayor Callahan makes a great drug salesman.

    I think Don will end up backing Panto or someone else if this is the respect and the loyalty he gets from a guy he financed and got elected to city council and then mayor.

  60. The success of Bethlehem was the doing of Don Cunningham. Callahan has been riding his coattails since day one. You really want this fraud with his fat-cat friends playing with county money?

  61. Bernie, I was just told today about your comment that I was a Stoffa and Panto hater..news to me. The only people I despise are the ones who make ridliculous and malicious statements like that on their pathetic blogs. Grow up already..

  62. Jim, I know a lot more about whatyou are doing, and who you are doing it with, than you seem to think. Give me some credit. I know for a fact that you have hated Stoffa for years and have wanted Heckman in his job. You also have a reputation as a snake who cannot be trusted.

    According to two union people, you are the person who set up a goofy imitation hate blog, so you should know all about pathetic blogs.

    Don't know if that is true, but I do know what you are like, and so does everyone else. You cannot be trusted as a person who keeps his word. You are erratic. You also cause problems on your job, which have sometimes boiled over at council meetings.

    If i could believe you, I'd take you at your word. But i don't believe a damn thing you say.

  63. Bernie,

    You are treading on dangerous waters here. I will tell you this one last time before I seek legal action against you.
    Everything you just said is libelous..These supposed union moles you think you have are obviously as misinformed as you are. I could care less about what you think about me personally because you arent exactly one of my favorite people on the planet either. However your assumptions about my involvement in things you have mentioned are not true. It is true that Ron Heckman is a friend of mine and we discuss county politics. However, he has been busy for months now taking care of a very sick parent and I haven't even seen him for months. He did however leave me a message on my voice mail making me aware of your comments realizing the damage they could possibly do. That is why we are at this point. I will try to undue some of the daMage you have done with your words. However, my advise to you is you stop making false claims unless you can somehow back them up in court.
    Have a good day Bernie...

  64. Actually, Jim, nothing I have said is defamatory. I am certainly entitled to say I don't believe a damn word you write, and I don't. You have no credibility with me. I'm sorry, but that is your reputation.

    I have also indicated I don't know for sure whether you are, in fact, the author of the imitation hate blog. If my information is inaccurate, it's inaccurate. But it's not defamatory. It's no crime to publish a blog, even anonymously.

    You have just acknowledged that you are, in fact, friendly with Ron Heckman and even discussed this comment with him. So by your own admission, my statement about your support of Heckman is accurate.

    His supporters actually damage him with their comments on this and other blogs, and like to make statements about beng contacted by hiim, kinda' like you just did.

    I also believe my other remarks are accurate. You have been a partisan your entire life. In fact, according to your own sworn testimony, it is your partisanship that cost you a job as a Lower Saucon cop, not your dishonesty to your chief.

    If you admire John Stoffa and Sal Panto, now is your chance to say so publicly.

    So knock yourself out.

  65. Bernie,

    Are you seriously this ignorant. Are you actually trying to say that your mention that I hate John Stoffa, who happens to be my boss, and that I also allegedly hate Sal Panto, isn't defamatory? Seriously? You also stated that I have caused problems on my job that boiled over at Council meetings. That is unquestionably a misstatement of facts that if not defamatory, is certainly as close as one can get to being so. I challenge you to speak to my county supervisors and actually show that to be the case.
    In regard to your statement that Jim Gregory hates John Stoffa and Sal Panto I can only say that is entirely ludicrous. You asked if I admire them. My guess is that I admire them about as much, more or less, as they admire me. I stuck my neck way out for John when he first ran against Nyce by publicly supporting him and condemning Nyce. Since them we have agreed on some matters and disagreed on others. To state on your blog that I hate him is certainly defamatory and, honestly, just plain ignorant..So, once again I'll warn you. Knock it off!

  66. That's exactly what I'm saying. But you, who never attended law school, know better, right?

    Interestingly, you have not answered my challenge to publicly state you admire Stoffa or Panto.

    I suspect that much of the anonymous venom being hurled at them has come from you. In an effort to help Heckman, you hurt him. Why not just let Heckman stand on his own merits?

    Also, you mention that you supported Stoffa against not-so-Nyce.

    Gee, who did you support when it was McHale?

    And why would several union people tell me you are the author of the imitation hate blog? You have attacked me for years. I have numerous LTEs proving that.

    I should thank you for the blog bc it has increased my readership.

  67. Wow Bernie,

    I guess you are going to continue along this route no matter what the consequences. Good for you. My guess is that you are assuming I won't spend the money or the time to litigate this matter. I guess we ll see. Your suspicions that I have hurled anonymous venom at them is absolutely defamatory, aside from being insanely ignorant. Also if several union people have told your at I am the author of the other blog you have addressed, they are as deluded as you are..and if these imaginary union people are real , they are lying cowards and I'd gladly tell them that to their face, if they truly existed.
    I have responded to your ridiculous question as to whether I admire John or Sal...maybe you missed it.
    In regard to who supported whom it past elections, I might point out that John endorsed Ron Angle in the past election. It doesn't mean he hated his opponent, as far as I know...In past elections, I've supported those candidates that supported Gracedale. No surprise there. However, my involvement in those elections was limited outside my role as a LaborCouncil member.
    So once again Bernie, much of what you have assumed about me is false and your statements are malicious and defamatory..but go ahead, keep doubling down..See where it gets you..

  68. Jim,

    I have given you two opportunities to state publicly that you support Stoffa and Panto, and you have ducked me. I have also written what I believe to be true, and have given you an opportunity to deny it. You can do whatever the hell you want, but I will continue telling the truth as I see it.

  69. Bernie,

    Support them in what regard Bernie? I didn't support John on the Gracedale issue and he knows that..I supported his request for a tax increase this year through a letter to the editor and otherwise. As I mentioned to you or him earlier I support some of his policies and have not supported others. So what? So somehow you assume that I hate him? That's crazy..As far as Sal goes, we have known each other over the years. We've had few minor clashes of opinion but otherwise we rarely, if ever, see each other. My nephew is a fireman in Easton and they have clashed with Sal in the past but again it's not my issue. I don't dislike Sal. No reason to. Therefore the truth as you see it is absolutely not the truth in this case.

  70. Jim,

    You now have been given three opportunities to state very clearly and very simply that you support Stoffa and Panto. You have ducked every time. I have not asked whether you agree with them on this or that issue. Even I don't agree with Stoffa on everything, as evidenced by this critical blog. But I support him and I support Panto. You have refused to answer a very simple question, and we both know the reason for that.

    Interesting that you say you supported a tax hike bc that is precisely the position that was taken on the imitation hate blog.

    That blog also mentions, in a 1/3/12 posting, that the author appeared at the Council meeting that day. Well, guess what? You were there, too.


    Other than you, the only others there were the usual Gracedale Goons. Most of them are unable to put a sentence together, as evidenced by their own blog.

    Now, like an idiot, you post an "anonymous" comment on the imitation hate blog about our little discussion here on a blog that originally published on 4/19, over a week ago. The only persons who would be following this conversation would be me ... and you. You give yourself away.

    It is precisely this kind of deceptive behavior that ended up costing you your job as a Lower Saucon cop, where you lied to your chief but tried to pretend it was political retribution.

    It's pretty clear to me, and to several others, that you are the author of the imitation hate blog. And yes, I have heard that from the moths of union officials who don't really like you and think you trash too many decent people like Panto (behind his back, of course).

    If you want to sue me, knock yourself out. I'd look forward to it.

  71. Wow bernie, I admire your courage..You are in such deep shit now..

  72. Courage is a quality in short supply among anonymous cowards.

  73. Good morning Bernie,

    I'd imagine since you are a disbarred attorney living in abject poverty that you feel you have nothing to lose by spewing out your lies and venom about myself and others
    And still remained unscathed. So keep doubling down Bernie on your fantasies and lies. Let's see where it gets you. No more warnings..

  74. Bernie,

    You speak of cowards..Why would anyone post there name here..If you dont agree with them you'll just do hatchet jobs on them and as gregory said" just spread malicious lies and rumors..I hope he sues your useless ass..I dont plan to give you the opportunity to spread lies about me..You are a pathetic clown who will get his just due one day.

  75. Have to agree with gregory and the last anonymous poster..You tend to slah and burn anyone who disagrees with you visciously and especially if they post their name..Why would any sane person do that if they knew you then had carte blanche to trash them..You are pathetic bernie..They are right..

  76. Dear 8:28,

    You are absolutely right..He complains that people who post anonymously are cowards yet he has posted on Rumblings anonymously and got busted, lol...When people give their names he attacks them with lies and innuendo..he makes up ficticious characters and says that they confirm his delusions..Wow,OHare..get a life!!

  77. Oh, look at this. Eight days after this story posted, Jim Gregory is still here and now some of his "anonymous" friends are with him. And he is making exactly the same kind of remarks I read on the imitation hate blog. When are you idiots going to realize you can't shout down the truth? When are anonymous cowards going to realize nobody cares what they say?

  78. Bernie,

    You are so freaking hilarious..You should do a stand up comedy show..You wouldnt know the truth if it bit you in the ass..Seriously Bernie, when gregory sues your bottom feeder butt, I guess we'll see what the truth is..Yea, we all believe you have union people who would stab a union brother in the back to give you ( who call all union folks thugs) information..You are such a freaking liar you should be inducted into the lying hall of fame..When are you going to realize that you are pathetic loser who has no life?? You are like that pathetic slime ball character Golum in the lord of the rings..Everything you touch, you infect..


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