Local Government TV

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Banned Deputy Gets ET Turkey

Late last week, I told you that all nine judges signed a Court Order banning Deputy Thomas Bachik, a known troublemaker, from their courtrooms.

Well nobody, and I mean NOBODY, makes Deputy Sheriff Thomas Bachik look like a possum's pecker

So since that time, his union buds have been doing their best to demean the judges on this blog. They're also demanding a Home Rule Charter change so they can elect a Sheriff and install a union bud. They even have Lamont McClure, aka Junior, making a pitch for them.

That sombitch.

Well, that pile a' monkey nuts at The Express Times has just given Deputy Sheriff Thomas Bachik a turkey, saying this:
"Northampton County sheriff’s deputy Tom Bachik and other members of the deputies’ union sent letters to county judges and County Executive John Stoffa, grumbling that some judges are playing favorites with assignments of deputies, and that in at least one case, a judge compromised security by ordering a high-risk prisoner be transferred to state custody on a specific day. There must be better ways for deputies to address their grievances — through appropriate channels — than calling out the judges. And they should remember who is working for whom."
What we're dealing with here is a complete lack of respect for the law.


  1. And who exactly do the judges work for? Once again we hear from the Stoffa Times.

    What a joke.

    Time for an elected Sheriff like the rest of the state. Then the Sheriff will work for the real paymasters and can tell both the judges and the county executive to pound sand and let security to him.

  2. You tell 'em, Junior, you sombitch.

  3. Just a thought from someone who reads the comments,

    Use of profanity by all is not appropriate!

  4. Typical union crybabies. Always wanting everything their way. what unions do best is blow rats and show their ass.

    you want a seasoned professional for county sheriff not one of these Barnie Fife toy soldiers they call deputies.

    They are mostly nothing but little boys with an attitude and a pistol.

    Hopefully the Sheriff doesn't let them have bullets.

  5. Mr. Baker

    Your probably the first person to CRY for HELP!!!

  6. I love this story!

    We can have our very own Buford T. Justice right here in Northampton County! We even have our very own Big Enos and Little Enos Burdette: Ron Angle and Bernie O'Hare.

    Commissioner Hudak Can be Cledus Snow. After all, who else can do a better "snow job" with the public than him?

  7. @ 7:49

    - Fuck off even on Easter Sunday!

  8. This shows the mentality of some who read this blog...Probably on SSI benefits!! or some type of government assistance.

  9. "Use of profanity by all is not appropriate!"

    I'm gonna barbeque yo' ass in molasses, you sombitch!

  10. anon union thug 9:10,

    Thank you for your comment. The immaturity of it reminded me of just how simple minded most of the deputies are.

  11. The Sheriff should place the Judges Courtroom(s) in the Public Restroom due to their recent Order.

    They didn't think their decision would, excuse the words "LEAK OUT"

  12. Anonymous said...
    Mr. Baker

    Your probably the first person to CRY for HELP!!!

    9:10 AM

    His probably. . . what?

    Clearly, these dumbasses need a union. No one else gonna keep a dumb sombitch like that.

    Happy Easter :p


  13. Barron got 2 turkeys and was re-elected. The ET Op-Ed board is irrelevant and out of touch. Everyone will kiss and make up and move forward. Maybe Tom will find the Ark of the Covenant thus finding the 10 Commandments.

  14. Baker, Learn how to use a dictionary, instead of collecting welfare!!

  15. Mark Baker sounds like another Brenda, if you know what I mean people.

  16. I can remember when being a Deputy Sheriff was a prestigous position with the County. Now it has been lowered to a class just below whale dung. Ever sice the Union got envolved it has been a down hill spiral. I can remember the names of the great ones. I think Kunkle heads the list. Then there was an elected Sheriff that let a convicted murderer escape while attentding a funeral. Then there was the two deputies that let another convicted murderer crawl through a small opening between the front and back seat, steal the deputies gun, and then fire at the deputies with the deputies own gun. Then the time when the deputies were watching trains on an abandoned railroad track. The list goes on and on. I am proud to say I was a deputy for more than twenty years before retiring because of illness. No union for me. No elected sheriff either. too much favoritism.

  17. As a retiree, let me tell you that most of the deputies working at the courthouse are more like you tan Bachik. They are good guys and are embarrassed by this nonsense.

  18. I see the mindless union crybabies need to call a union meeting so someone call tell them how to intelligently answer comments on a blog. Here's a hint - try just using one syllable words.

    Complete sentences will be next weeks lesson.

  19. This guy is useless in a court room. He spends most of his time talking on his cell phone (personal business) than protecting those in the court room. Fire his ass!

  20. Baker,

    Contact Nazareth Police for the return of your clothing!!

  21. Kunkle the anal probe guy happened under an appointed Sheriff. Real professional that was.


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