Local Government TV

Friday, March 09, 2012

Union Deputies Want an Elected (Union) Sheriff

On Tuesday, I made more than a few of you angry when I told you that public sector unions have more in common with the 1%ers than the rest of us. Too bad. We're the ones who have to pay their exorbitant pensions and benefits, which in many cases is 70% of the salaries being paid. No business could survive with that kind of  personnel cost, and now many municipalities are now going broke, too. They simply can't pay the bills.

But what bothers me most is the greed and sense of entitlement.

In 2009, for example, an SEIU union Prez whined to Allentown City Council when some poor boy scout took it upon himself to clear a pathway through a local park.

Now it's a few hotheads in the Northampton County Deputy Sheriffs' union, who seem to think that they, and not Executive John Stoffa or the judges, are in charge.

Recently, after sentencing a violent offender, President Judge H.P. Kimberly McFadden told deputies to transport the guy to some state prison. Unfortunately, the instructions went to the union hotheads, who decided that the judge had just compromised their own security. They let her know, too, in a letter that basically holds her in contempt (I've filed a RTKL request for a copy).

Judge McFadden responded by summoning Sheriff Randy Miller and reaming him out in the presence of several other severe-looking judges. Miller, in turn, reamed out the union hotheads. The transport went as scheduled. No incidents.

Some judges now refuse to allow the union hothead ringleader into their courtrooms. He now gets to send more time searching people as they enter the building, including bottom-feeding bloggers.

Lucky me!

As recently as yesterday, the ringleader got into a shouting match with one of the judicial tipstaffs, who are about ninety years old.

In addition to complaining about the judges, these hotheads want to replace Sheriff Randy Miller. They were at the elections office this week to gather information for a referendum drive to make the Sheriff an elected position.

That'll fix everything.

They can just install a union hack instead of a law enforcement professional like Bethlehem's former police commissioner.

So if you wonder why I detest public sector unions, this is why.


  1. Your so full of shit you stink up Nazareth.

  2. Bernie you knockin' back the "jenkem"?

  3. Public sector unions are not real unio.s and have no claim to labors' prkud history. These guys are glorified welfare recipients who think they're owed the world.

  4. Unions have helped out country tremendously, and workers have a right to organize to represent themselves. That being said, we have a near 30 Billion dollar debt to these workers to provide them a guaranteed healthcare plan and monthly check for the rest of their lives after they become vested. This is financially untenable (it is larger than our entire state budget in a given year) and as it workers in the private sector no longer have such plans, it becomes a political issue. Increasing taxes and taking money that private citizens need to save for their own retirements in order to provide a defined benefit plan for public sector workers becomes a huge source of resentment. We need public pension reform now.

  5. Link to consider:


  6. unions, especially public ones, always want the tail to wag the dog. these bone heads can not see that their greed is leading to financial disaster for many communities.

    the greedy and lazy firemen and cops in bethlum have earned the consequences of selflessness recently.

    Next the seiu people that pretend to work and spend more time at wawa than on the job. I can't wait to see their downfall. You'll be able to hear the wailing for miles.

  7. Amen Amen Amen!!! Public Sector Unions are crushing the taxpayers. Crushing them. Their answer to these problems is raise taxes. The nerve of these people is incredible.

  8. Why not have Stoffa just give you the letter or do you already have it and just doing the RTK thing to cover your boy? I'm guessing you have some strip searches and body cavity searches in your future.

  9. 2:03 AM,

    That would be "You are"

    Your Union Public School Teacher failed you.

    Blow up the filthy Rat, Union Thugs, I'm not intimidated and never will be.

    (I have a BB gun)


  10. You and your pathetic right wing posters are so incredibly ignorant regarding this issue it amazes me.
    First of all, most municipalities and state pension plans that are going bankrupt can thank the manipulations of the wall St. greedy bastards who almost brought the entire country down..The incident in Allentown that you speak of was a single individual who spoke out. The union did not agree with him. You speak of the supposed union hotheads in the Sheriffs office but you didnt mention what they accomplished. You said the judge took them to task and the job was done and that was that. Also, if they dont want an appointed leader than they have the right to attempt to change that but that would be a ridiculously long road to hoe..Once again bernie, unions negotiate! They cant write their own contract and decide what their pension will be on their own..The governing body had to agree with that contract. They, the governing body has to agree or their is no contract..If you are pissed that government has given their unions too much , your beef should be with them...Most couy workers, espcilly those in human Services need to work extra jobs to me ends meet..They certainly cantpay a mortgage and raise a family on $ 40,000 a year.. So stop the bullshit already..As Santorum would say, your argument makes me want to puke..

  11. "Why not have Stoffa just give you the letter or do you already have it and just doing the RTK thing to cover your boy? I'm guessing you have some strip searches and body cavity searches in your future."

    Most of the deputies can't stand this guy and the two or three other hotheads. I suspect they will be the only persons who act vindictively. If I had to temper what I write based on the reaction of others, I would not be blogging at all.

    As for Stoffa, I do not know whether he has a copy of a letter that was sent to the court. What I do know is that he plays by the rules and will not just hand over a letter like that. He is not anybody's boy. Also, the county's RTK officer, Jill Mancini, is terribly slow. So I have filed a RTK request with the courts.

  12. The State Police receive 75% of their highest year salary plus Life-time health care coverage.
    This includes Dental and vision.

  13. The first two comments illustrate the stupid kind of comment I've grown to expect from union thugs. Tom Foolery claims the A-town incident was the work of a single individual, but fails to point out that this single individual happened to be a SEIU union prez, and City council was too intimidated to say a frickin' word in condemnation. Otherwise, they might get in trouble, as Mayor Nutter in Philly is in trouble for daring to suggest reasonable concessions from public sector unions. Public sector unions are greedy and we all suffer as a result.

  14. OK.. Let me type slower and get this right so you can understand it. Most county workers average around $40, 000 if that. Many in Human Services need two jobs to try to make ends meet. They cannot pay a mortgage or raise a family on that. But they do their best.SEIU recently signed a contract with the county that gave the average worker about an $8. increase every two weeks. Any extra time off was offset by a reduction in sick pay and longevity. They are paying almost double what they paid in health care costs...Doesnt sound exorbitant to me..Sounds pathetic actually..Maybe you should look to the government itself for the source of the financial problem..When they could have paid
    the swaption off years ago for millions less, they didn't. When they could have fought for more casino money, they didnt. They let our moronic local legislators deal away a half of million dollars of casino money to Easton and millions more to Allentown and lehigh County without making a peep..It appears to me, and to most sane people that dont hate public unions such as yourself and Governor Walker in Wisconsin, that government is the problem, not the unions.

  15. This is bullshit, too. They dictate terms to elected officials they have bought with campaign contributions. If there is a dispute, the arbitrators they select rule in their favor. Negotiation is a joke in the public sector. There are too few elected officials willing to stand up to them. nutter is one such person. Another is Stoffa. That is why there is so much anonymous hate directed at him here.

  16. Ignorant?

    "Your so full of shit"

    No, I think it would be the Union Thugs and their uneducated supporters who are ignorant.

    Clearly, the Left cannot even handle basic English.

    Enough with the Tom Foolery.

    Go play with the blow-up Rat.

  17. A little off topic but union related--

    Did the union cause John Brinsons' 24/7 fitness centers to file for bankruptcy?

    No! Management did!

  18. Wow, 8:10.. That was an incredible display of your ability to make a reasoned argument..How pathetic you right wing nuts are..Scary, scary , scary!!! Don't tell me, let me guess..Your gun misfired on your first hunting trip and you blew out half your brain..I'll pray for you! By the way bernie..I like Randy Miller..Great guy..

  19. Yes, communities are going broke. All you describe is spot on.

    Earlier this week I paid the final quarterly installment on my school taxes. That amount dwarfed what I send to the county for an entire year, so we could send our superintendent off into the sunset with 60K for not calling out sick when he wasn't.

    The unions are an enormous problem, I detest them. But, they not the only problem. County executives, hall-walking political hacks, judges, school superintendents and athletic directors all feed, just as heartily, at the trough.


  20. We greedy, blood-sucking Unions will never be satisfied until we have robbed everyone of every last penny because we are entitled, no to mention superior.

    Plus, we have the standard smokescreen of Fairness and Justice, as always.

    Fortunately, the Great Obama is still firmly in control and I have every confidence that Fairness and Justice will continue to reign supreme at the end of the day.

  21. tom FOOLery,

    Typical cry baby mouthpiece for the union. Distort the truth for your own means. Only a Fool would dispute the facts of he catastrophic effect of union greed on governments budgets from townships to the federal level.

    Gimme more beneies for less - this is the reality and mind boggling thought processes that drive unions, especially so called public service unions.(self service would be a better description)

    My hat off to all who oppose and fight against the miscarriage of FOOLISH unions

  22. Now, Tom Foolery is condemning a person who was quoting directly from a union thug comment that attacks me. he does not see that he is internally inconsistent and a hypocrite to boot.

  23. "Did the union cause John Brinsons' 24/7 fitness centers to file for bankruptcy?"

    The fact that John Brinson is a pompous blowhard has nothing to do with unions. Your comment makes absolutely no sense.

  24. Tom Fool,

    I do not dispute that government is a problem. I write about that every day. But public sector unions are a problem, too. The fact is that you work in the public sector and have no idea that $40,000, "if that," is a lot of money to many of the rest of us. A lot of us are getting no benefits at all, but must pay for yours.

  25. My point was Bernie that unions are victims of the blame game when businesses are run into the ground by management.

    In Brinsons case, there is no union to blame!

  26. I understand, but it is still something of a nonsequitor.

  27. Enough of the crap..If a worker gets paid about $40,000 a year he or she takes home about 28,000. So no bernadette, that is not enough to support a family and pay a mortgage...Again, you all speak with forked tongue when you and your moronic right wing pieces of crap like your alter ego clem whine on about benefits and salaries..Once again, so as to sink into your rock hard head, government agrees to these contracts. The average county worker received a contract from your God John Stoffa..If it's so much go to the Council meeting and tell him and council they are overpaying their workeres. Otherwise all of you idiots are barking up the wrong freaking tree. You open up your big freaking mouths here but i didnt hear from any of you when the last contract was approved..Go to the next council meeting if you are all so damn tough and complain in front of the council and administration that they have been giving away too much..I'll be listening you cowards..

  28. Proud to be ANTI UNIONMarch 9, 2012 at 10:00 AM

    it seems that poor tom's medications are beginning to wear off. do you notice that his rants get angrier as the day wears on?

    pop another pill, tommy boy. go to a union rally and call me in the morn

  29. Bernie,
    You are spot on with this, what Tom forgets to mention in his $40,000 a year analysis is the benefits piled on top of the base. What about weeks of paid sick time, paid vacation, paid long term sick time, paid personal days, overtime????? Many of these workers make more than the people supervising them. Oh one more thing FULL BENEFITS Packages which is paid by the tax payer. So take the 40K and add all the perks and its more like 60K. One thing I agree with Tom on is the same idiots that complain about these unions are the same idiots that negotiate and approve the contracts!

  30. That "$40,000" a year salary must include the benefits before I pay serious attention to the union argument. It's amazing how people fail to include the cost of benefits when discussing compensation. In the case of the county employee who "make a measly $40,000", do this-

    $40,000 x 50% (value of benefits received) = ?

    If the cost of benefits is higher or lower, use that percentage, but by all means, factor it in.

    We are reaching judgement day in America. The eternal promise of cradle to grave benefits cannot be kept. The defined benefit pension is not sustainable. The padding of pensions by unioners during the last year or two must stop.


  31. Once again for all of you brain dead morons..Unions do not agree to their own contracts..They do not go into effect unless the governing agency agrees. Apparently your issue is there..Hope to see all of you big mouth cowards at the next county meeting..Ask them why they keep giving all your money away..Once you are done whining and crying, maybe they'll do what you want cause you are so freaking brilliant..Or maybe they'll laugh your cowardly asses out of the building...Best of luck..I'll join Tom and pray for you....I think you all need to get that santorum out of your ears and all that Fox noise and pay attention to what's going on..How on earth would you toothless rednecks get your welfare checks if it weren't for government workers..Ha

  32. The union goon playbook. It never changes. Why should I, Tom's neighbor, be forced to pay for 70 to 100 percent of his retirement plus full benefits and then turn around and also pay for my own? Wake up. WE DONT HAVE THE MONEY.

    The old liberal chestnut of fairness disappears when it relates to anythong pertaing to government goodies.

    And Bernie, at a minimum the 1% actually produce something. The gov produces waste, fraud, corruption and does nothing but take.

  33. Benefits over and above $40,000 yearly pay is well over 50% and more like 65%. Most of these employees can retire by their early 50s or even take another government job and double dip on pension. Not too bad a life! Their job is recession proof. Give me a break, where can I go to get a job like this? At times it seems that they don't even know what the term "work" means. Just show up and collect your 800 every week. Your breaking my freakin heart.

  34. "Once again for all of you brain dead morons..Unions do not agree to their own contracts..They do not go into effect unless the governing agency agrees. Apparently your issue is there."

    Wrong. What you don't understand or may be unwilling to admit is that governing agencies have no say when it comes to certain labor contracts for police/deputies/corrections/courts, etc. who are covered by mandatory binding arbitration agreements. These contracts go into effect even when the governing bodies do not agree with the awards. Even Act 47 municipalities that are facing bankruptcy have no choice but to implement these contracts in PA.

  35. Big difference between public sector and private unions. Private sector unions are a vital and proud part of our heritage. public sector unions are lazy leeches and a stain on the country's history. Big, big difference. They do not share the same heritage.

  36. Police and fire do have binding arbitration but most times it never gets there..If it does, if you had any knowledge of the process, you'd know it can go either way..Ask the bethlehem firefighters..Most public employees do not have that option..So again, seriously, if you have an issue with the cost of salaries and benefits go cry to your elected leaders..Otherwise shut the hell up already..The unions do not approve their own contracts..How many times do i have to repeat that to you braindead right wing troglidites..

  37. John Stoffa recently gave a county union big raises every year. At the same time he wants concessions from another union. Can you baggers see the problems with incompetent county management.

    Remember, Stoffa is famous for the $186,000 parkinng spaces. Stop the BS, if your boss said I will give you a 10% raise, would you rerally say no thank you my neighbor doesn't gewt that so I shouldn't either?

    Bash unions if you will but in Northampton County you have a lifetime bureucrat running the show and he doesn't have a clue.

  38. That's true. If you bash unions, then everyone will overlook the job of those who actually put us into debt. Wall st almost took us all down and did significant damage to pension plans, pubLic and private from which we ll never recover. Local Government lost millions with their stupid swaptions so let's of course ignore that and blame the unions. Get a grip already and stop blaming unions. It just makes all you right wing fox viewing look incredibly ignorant.

  39. If you don't know, now you know.March 9, 2012 at 3:38 PM

    "pop another pill, tommy boy. go to a union rally and call me in the morn"

    I am sure he has a great prescription plan in place. So he can take as many pills as he wishes.

    If you are jealous of the benefits unions get, then go get yourself a union job!!

    If you are not qualified for a union job then shut your mouth and enjoy your miserable existence.

  40. Remember many of these whiners were once happy to lean on a shovel at the steel mill or cement factory for double time. While I was working part-time going to college these guys would laugh and show me their paychecks from Mack and the Steel. they had new cars, new boats. They said only dopes go to college. When their game dried up, they were forced to parlay their uneducated lack of skills into carrying boxes at a warehouse. So were do you put all that anger?

    At the mismanagement of US companies that now flee to third world sweatshops, no. On incompetent government officials who deal away to unions all the benefits you used to have, no.

    Blame the Unions, like Fox/Republicans tell you to. That's a good little bagger. Now go move that box.

  41. FDR said it best. Public unions would not be good for government. He favored private unions but understood that public unions would corrupt government.

  42. Let's get rid of all the services we demand as taxpayers and their won't be a need for employees or elcted officials. Will you help your neighbor keep your street clean? Will you carry water from the well with your neighbor, because, this is another service that we have to pay for. Will you clean your outhouse or just leave it run amok? Let's all move back into caves and save all of our money. This will end all of our problems, because this is what you are leading to in the long run.

  43. Kudos to the sheriffs for standing up to the queen princess. The fact that she announces in open court when the killer of an innocent child is going to be transported is a policy infraction. She gets called on her blunder and then admonishes the sheriffs for their actions. Seems like someone's head is getting bigger than her M&M filled ass. And Bernie, if the County wants to save some money, it should stop paying "Back-stabbing" Chris Fegley overtime to watch County workers clean rugs on the weekend. Lance would never have left that hothead ringleader yell at a tipstaff when he was on the job. Guess Fegley can't be watching over his subordinates and kissing court ass at the same time. We see where his priorties are at.

  44. Union Nonunion wait until you lose your job to a so called NON-PROFIT organization like I did.How's that fair?

  45. Well stated anon 6:42, that is the part of the story O'Hare will not tell. He is good, no make that great at selective reporting. Of course he fails to mention Mr. Miller was appointed in Bethlehem before being appointed in Northampton county. Everyone of Stoffa's appointees has been called into question.

    Why do you think every other county in Pa. elects their sheriff, so you don't have the appointee problems we have.

    This is just another attack by O'Hare on unions because he, Angle and Stoffa tried to hoodwink the Gracedale union and had their asses handed to them.

    So of course now all public unions are evil. Does O'Hare tell you how he cried with and collaborated with "public unions" when Reibman was in office. Ask around, O'Hare was like a union organizer then. Now that the shoe is on the other foot and his boy Stoffa is in office he condemns anyone who stands up for their rights.

    O'Hare is the ultimate hypocrite.

  46. You can have my UNION card, When you pry it from my Cold Dead Fingers!!!!

  47. The State Constitution and County Code indicates that all County Sheriff's are to be elected, How did this happen!


  49. Non-union employees have the same benefits, maybe you should mention them when you are looking at someone to blame.

    And I can't retire in my early 50's, it's 55. That's because i've been a County employee for over 20 years. I believe it's 60 for other employees without as much time.

    The benefits do not amount to 50% of the salary.

  50. You may think you can instruct President Judges on how they should conduct the courts, but people in the private sector are getting tired of your greed and sense of entitlement. Don't take Wisconsin as a carte blanche to enslave everyone else.

  51. More trampling of the State Constitution and County Code.

    When you let this happen, more will follow.

    Sounds like more progressive government.

  52. There is no state law that states all sheriffs are to be elected....you fucken idiots.

  53. Attention misinformed citizen!

    Go read the County Code and the State Constitution and then comment.

    The entire Constitution and Commonwealth are based on Old English Law.
    You should have paid attention in elementary school!!!

  54. Attention misinformed citizen

    I guess you think the other 66 Counties in Pennsylvania have it wrong.
    Even the Counties that have recently went to Home Rule have kept the Sheriff an elected position.

  55. This is crazy post with so much bs. By the way I looked to see if Bernie now has a shoe on the other foot, he has the correct shoe on the correct foot. He has too otherwise his feet would be killing him since he started getting in really good shape

  56. Bernie, looking for your expertise on this - County judges work approximately 20 hours per week and have their law clerks do most of their research. When they retire, they are paid 80% of their 160,000 salary and receive benefits. Sounds better than any deal public sector unions get, don't you agree.

  57. "I guess you think the other 66 Counties in Pennsylvania have it wrong. Even the Counties that have recently went to Home Rule have kept the Sheriff an elected position."

    Yeah, everywhere I go, people are up in arms about fact that, unlike other counties, we appoint our Sheriff. Unlike most other counties, we appoint all our row offices. The idea is that politics should be removes in favor of professionalism. If you want to change that so that yu can instal a union-friendly hack like Barron von Footinmouth, go to the elections office and get the petition to file for a referendum. Assemble your union thugs to assault people at the polls when they vote in the primary. Lie to them, as was done last year. You just might fool them, as other union hacks did with Gracedale. But I don't think so.

  58. No question the judges get a sweet deal. But that's no justification for you to rape the public, too.

  59. Attention Attention Attention

    Appointed Government Officials are unaccountable to the public.
    These types are obligated only to their party masters.
    All Sheriff's should be elected, even a fictional Sheriff Taylor was elected and accountable to the public!!!

  60. Elected public officials are accountable at the ballot box, but appointed public officials are accountable, too. In addition, an appointed Sheriff is accountable to the Courts and the Exec, who make the appointment.

    As sheriffs assume more and more of a law enforcement role, it's a very bad idea to elect them. Instead of a law enforcement professional, you end up with idiots like the one n Philly, who wants his name emblazoned on every cruiser.

    The only reason this issue is eing raised is bc you're pissed at the Sheriff. Like a little kid who doesn't get his way, you'll show him. Grow up.

  61. I read almost all the comments here. Then i sat back looked at the clock and realized i wasted ten minutes of my life i will never get back. I love it when i remind myself why i usually never come here.

  62. Bernie,

    I'm not from the immediate area and therefore have no direct involement in this matter.
    Just commenting that an elected Sheriff is more accountable to the public than an appointed one.
    Further, Terms for Judges should be shortened and limits applied.
    No need to be uncivil!

  63. Bernie,
    The power of the Sheriff in Penna. has been reduced over the years. This occurred even more when the State Police were created in the early 1900's.
    Regarding the name of the Sheriff on each vehicle, the next time you vacation in Florida, You'll see the Sheriffs name on each car.

  64. You're not from the immediate area and just happen to be commenting on a local issue on a Saturday night. Please.

  65. Bernie,
    I guess I lead a boring Life,lol!!!
    However, In the South andin the immediate States, The Sheriff is elected.

  66. I am aware of that, and am also are how political it gets. Are you seriously suggesting that we should transport Sheriff Buford T. Justice here?

  67. The County hierarchy has the Sheriff reporting to Stoffa, not the judges. Unfortunately Stoffa gives Onembo too much power. If the Sheriff was elected, the next time Mc FatAss started to ream him out, he could tell her how he really feels. Right now the Sheriff is a puppet and a few self-serving egotists are pulling his strings. The only thing the Union did wrong when Mc FatAss starting yelling at them was that they did not walk out on her.

  68. Right now, the Sheriff is a law enforcement professional with a law degree who served with distinction as Bethlehem' police commissioner. You, on the other hand, are a cowardly anonymous union rat, upset that the Sheriff recognized you were acting like a little baby with the President Judge. Now, in addition to insulting the PJ you are supposed to protect with your life, you want to replace the Sheriff with a puppet of your own. You would rather have a union hack. Those of us with sense would rather have a law enforcement professional who won't put up with your little games.

    I believe the electorate is smarter now than they were last year. Go ahead and try to put this on the ballot.

  69. Constable Andee TaloreMarch 11, 2012 at 12:51 AM

    What about Constables? They are elected law enforcement as well?

  70. So an elected Sheriff will only result in a bad sheriff but an appointed sheriff will only result in a good sheriff.

    Wow, O'Hare you just gave the argument for scrapping our Republic and letting those with the highest IQs and largest personal worth pick our leaders. Or maybe just feed all the requirement sin a computer and do it that way.

    Your position always vary with the person doing the picking. Stop your bullshit.

    In an election the people get to pick.. You like Stoffa don't beleive people have the brains to tell what is going on and thtya is why you both have the idea of people voting.

    Arrogant asses. No wonder the people voted against Stoffa and you.

  71. we are in a global economy and the public sector unions have priced themselves out of the marketplace. Employers cannot/could not sustain themselves if they had to pay their exhorbant benefits and pensions long term. The taxpayers have had it as well listening to the union rhetoric. ITS OLD NEWS... YOUR NOT ENTITLED! In the corporate world, executives lose their jobs everyday because employers are looking for ways to cut costs therefore release some of their best people for no other reason than to improve their bottom lines...You know what ???Business's ARE ENTITLED TO DO THAT !I hate it .. I know because it happened to me. However, in business , companies take all the risk UNIONS DO NOT.

  72. "Wow, O'Hare you just gave the argument for scrapping our Republic and letting those with the highest IQs and largest personal worth pick our leaders. Or maybe just feed all the requirement sin a computer and do it that way."

    I did nothing of the sort In my view, the sheriff is not a political leader and should not be worried about pleasing the public, but in following the law. You obviously had that view as well, until he sided with the PJ against you after your little hissy fit.

    "Arrogant asses. No wonder the people voted against Stoffa and you."

    No question I'm an arrogant ass, and the people would vote against me if I ever ran for anything. But I never gave the people an opportunity. As for Stoffa, he did not run for anything last election cycle If you're referring to Gracedale, I thought those were votes to keep Gracedale, not petty vindictive votes to slam me or Stoffa.

  73. When are people going to learn that elections are popularity contests and in most instances you elect the person who raises the most money. It doesn't mean you just elected the best candidate. The system in Northampton County is based on The Home Rule Charter that I as a voter supported because it put in place a much better system more responsive to the voters, including selection of the Sheriff. By having the Executive appoint the Sheriff, and then having the sheriff's credentials reviewed publicly, and then the candidate approved by nine members of the County Council, we will get a better sheriff, more qualified to carry out the duties of that office than electing Joe Blow off the street corner just becuase he's a nice guy. The County even extended the requirements further by making the Courts part of that process. NO ELECTED SHERIFF. We don't want nor do we need one.

  74. Bernie, you keep saying an appointed sheriff is the way to go. Then why is he being told how to run his department by an elected official - the President Judge. Someone elected by the people is dictating to someone with much more law enforcement knowledge than her how to do his job. Makes no sense. This whole situation is not about public sector unions, it is about mutual respect. The PJ commands that everyone respect her, yet she respects very few. Just look at how she treats her tipstaff. You should give your old dresses to these two bitches now that they don't fit. The sheriffs stand up to her and now they are the bad guys. Lance Wheeler refuses to kiss her ass and he gets fired. If Sheriff Miller challenges her, he is out of a job also. I went to church this morning and I did not see her nailed to the cross, so she needs to stop pretending she is GOD.

  75. He is an appointed official who reports to the PJ and the Exec, just like other appointed officials report to the Exec or the PJ. Just as a Police Commissioner reports to the Mayor. There's nothing mysterious here.

    And this is about a few union hotheads who want their way with everything, and who obviously think they know better than Kim McFadden, but are too cowardly to sign their names.

  76. Free Northampton County Now!

  77. Bernie,
    The appointed Sheriff is probably collecting at least one or two other pensions in addition to this salary as the appointed Sheriff.
    He is beholden to the people that appointed him, and not the voters. If you remember, Gov. Rendel wanted and suggested that Judges be appointed. This is Bad!!

  78. Are you kidding me? Are you saying that none of the Deputy Sheriffs are collecting pensions from other jobs? HA!

  79. How good is a former Bethlehem Police Commissioner? There has been a culture of lying there recently--from the high ranking members of BPD.

    The city is about to lose a case because they lied to the media about what happened to scapegoat someone.

  80. I want to elect a sheriff like they did in Lehigh County. Just because he was a former state trooper who is collecting medical benefits and a pension from the commonwealth doesn't mean we shouldn't let him collect another pension, more medical benefits, and social security. Yeah right.

  81. This nonsense that unions are destroying our country is just that. Nonsense. Why is United States Steel prospering today while Bethlehem Steel went under? Same Unions, same type of employees, same benefits, same pensions and vacation packages. Maybe, just maybe, management has something to do with it. Thank God for Unions. If not for Unions we would all still be working for 50 cents an hour. Mangement isn't generous with the high profits that they make. Unions make them share. Oh by the way, I am a machinist by trade and I never worked for a union. My boss paid me union wages because he was afraid I would leave for a union position that paid more. I love these unions. Keep up the good work.

  82. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  83. When you clean up your language, you can post. I am sick of the "teabagger" references. It's getting old. I am also sick of "union pukes."

  84. But you are not sick of the f word if used by your friends against county workers. Hypocrite.

  85. BO you struck a balance with the teabagger and the union puke but as u see there is always someone who cries foul. Just need something to complain about I guess. There was a time where real men worked 2 jobs while their wife maybe worked 1 just to manage. Now we have all these toys everyone needs, they eat out or do take out so as not to cook a decent meal and they want everything else they have to have. What they can't do for them selves they want others to pay for and now they cry because 1 job doesn't pay for their lifestyle. Give me a break.

  86. Bernie, this is not a difficult argument.

    If deputies would have gotten killed during the transport of a convicted killer with known gang affiliation because the PJ decided to announce it in public court, who's hands would the blood fallen on?

    She was ABSOLUTELY wrong in her decision to put Deputies lives at risk. She's done it before, and it's about time someone called her out on it. Why is this so difficult to comprehend?

    This is not an union issue, it's a SAFETY issue...

  87. BTW, union haters...

    Pick up your pitched forks and go after the real enemy: the SSI leeches with with pseudo-mental disabilities, the octo-moms on welfare with platinum medical coverage and, oh yeah, the 78 billion we spent on the war...

    Public sector unions are a fraction of this countries woes...

  88. I don't want to correct you bernie, but Isn't Randy Miller the Sheriff for Lehigh County and not Northampton County? or did he switch counties, if so I'm sorry for the post.

  89. never mind last post, I confused it

  90. No problem. LC's elected sheriff is Ron Rossi, a retired state trooper.

  91. Bernie,
    Bottom line, all Sheriff's should be elected as per the state constitution.
    Further, this isn't only in Pa. but in all other states.
    Finally, Anything other than an elected Sheriff is more PROGRESSIVE GOVERNMENT!

  92. Bottom line, you either don't know what you're talking about or are deliberately lying. Nothing in the Pa. Constitution requires that county sheriffs be elected. That's outright nonsense. I would think a deputy sheriff would know the law a little better than that, especially after braying about it for the past two weeks. Do yourself a favor, Tom. Shut your mouth, put the pen down, open your ears and listen to other people. Maybe then you'll realize the other deputies aren't with you on this one, and are actually embarrassed by your childlike behavior.

  93. As I said before, I guess all the other Counties have it wrong.

    And all other States.

  94. I know this is hard, but put down the pen, shut the mouth and start listening to other people. You don't give a shit whether the Sheriff is elected or not. Thus is all about payback bc he did not back you in your little tiff w/ the PJ. Even your own fellow deputies are embarrassed by your childish behavior.So do them a favor, if not yourself, and knock it off already

  95. Yeah! Elections are bad. Political appointments are good.

  96. Please read the County Code. These Documents are written for a purpose. First Class County code, 2nd,3rd, etc.
    This is authorized by the state constitution, which authorizes each office of a County and the election process for each row office.
    Any changes are against the State constitution and its original intent.

  97. I direct you to my previous comments. Do a little more listening and a little less yapping.

  98. Elections suck, Political appointees rule!

  99. This is what Government shouldn't become, Elect one person, and then that electected person/appointee selects all other officials.
    This sounds like Venzuela!

  100. The position of Sheriff is an elected post, anything else is a farce.

  101. Hail Tyrant Onembo and all his cronies. Those that fail to kiss thy ass shall be banished and exiled. EXCEPT FOR THOSE PROTECTED BY A UNION!!!!!! Stoffa got rid of Connie Faulk and Human Resources lost its image of "rule with an iron fist". Hopefully he will address this same mentality by those in charge of the courts.

  102. Bernie,

    The position of elected constable should be abolished state wide.

    Duties should be assumed by Sheriffs Office.
    Jury Commissioners were recently abolished.

  103. Free elections are a Socialist trick.

    Political patronage appointees rule!


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