Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Meet Easton School Director Frank Pintabone

Last week, when the Evil Ron Angle and I were part of a panel discussing local government at Northampton Community College, I kept asking myself one question - who would be nuts enough to pay $29 to listen to us? After all, Ron has just been retired from public life by a mandate from the people, and I'm a bottom-feeding blogger.

Believe it or not, around 25 people anted up for a riveting discussion of regionalism. Mayor Sal Panto announced plans to invade West Easton and Glendon before they obtain nuclear weapons. Angle offered to lead the attack, especially if he could design his own uniform.

After the session was over, I had to speak to some of the "students" and learn why they had come.

That's how I met Easton School Director Frank Pintabone.

Just so you know, I think anyone who serves on a zoning hearing board or school board is certifiably nutz. It's a lot of work, and no matter what you do, you're wrong.

But Pintabone is an impressive guy. A single father who's out of work, he knows what it's like to struggle. In fact, he never made it through high school, opting instead for a GED so he could work. Things have always been tight for him. Despite being stretched tight financially, this is a guy who serves on numerous volunteer organizations like the former St. Anthony's, giving them more priority than partisan politics.

When he ran for Easton School Board, he promised to try to increase public comment from three to five minutes. Well, he succeeded, and The Express Times actually awarded him a trophy, something that paper rarely does with elected officials.

Last night, Frank was one of the people I saw at Easton's NAACP. He updated the public about what is going on in the school district, something he promised to do when he sought office.

He seems to have a lot of respect for other people, referring to them formally as "Mr. Stoffa" or "Mr. Panto." And there he was last week at Northampton Community College, trying to learn about local government.

Frankly, I think I could learn a few things from Frank. But he's not getting his $29 back from me.


  1. I have to agree, he is an impressive guy. One of the things that impressed me most is, as a single father he put himself through college.

  2. I also agree. I've met Frank only recently and am hugely impressed.

  3. Bernie,

    Nice Piece on Frank. He is a great guy who serves with nothing but good intentions and class. I had the pleasure of growing up with Frank. He was then and still is a relentless worker. I know firsthand that if there is a mountain to be moved - Frank will move it. If it helps our community he will move it several times.

    Randy Galiotto

  4. Would agree Frank is first-rate.

    Galiotto, on the other hand...

  5. Callahan goons don't like Randy. There's a surprise.

  6. I feel I could have done a better
    piece on Frank had I taken notes. But he is one young local leader who gets the idea of transparency and accountability, and tries to practice it. Too many of our young politicos come to us from the local parties instead of serving their communities first as volunteers. I really respect a person, no matter what his views, who gets involved with his community in volunteer efforts. By the time he seeks public office, he views it more as an extension of public service than as personal aggrandizement.

    Pintabone is not running for anything and has just begun his life as a public servant. i thought now would be a good time to salute one of the good guys. We're lucky to have him, and even luckier to have a few others.

  7. anon 8:48 here.

    It was a joke. Randy's a friend. Lighten up and lay off the Callahan hate.

  8. who, exactly, are these supposed "Callahan Goons"?

  9. I think it was a joke, not intended as an aspersion on Randy.

  10. I took it as a joke.....


  11. Nice piece and Frank certainly deserves this great article. I know him personally and have alot of respect for what he has achieved. Frank is "self-less" and gives back from his heart with no expectations other than honesty and respect for all.This man believes "you don't have to be a king to be treated like royalty."

  12. Bernie,
    Thank you for such kind words. Mayor, thank you for all the advice you have provided me with, and your friendship. Randy, your a great friend, and a wonderful person, thank you. To the "anons" thank you as well.

    Frank Pintabone

  13. It sounds like this young man should be giving Ron Angle lessons on selfless public service.

    By the way Bernie are you now officially doing propaganda for Sal Panto's campaign?

  14. This post has nothing to do with Sal. it is about Frank Pintabone. As far as Sal goes, I've long admired and praised him. I am sure he'd be a great County Exec. But that's his call, not mine. I realize the hate machine is in full swing, taking cheap shots at him, hoping to scare him off. But all that does is make you look like an idiot. And it hurts Callahan, who would never sanction or approve that kind of dirty politics against someone he admires.

  15. I'll let the comment at 12:02 stand to show the kind of hate that has to be deleted from time to time.

  16. You and your buddy Sal still don't get what the last election proved. There is a new sheriff in the county and all the so-called front runners are in for a surprise.

    Money can't buy everything anymore. You as well as Stoffa and Angel can take credit for that.

  17. 3:05
    Who is the new sheriff in the county? Do tell.

  18. Callahan trash machine is in full swing. They sound scared.

  19. Except it's not them. I think it's the Gracedale kooks, who have been trashing Panto left and right, along with the knock-off blog. They're just nuts.

  20. it ain't the Callahan folks. We like Sal.

  21. Dear Gracedale kooks - you won. Get over it before you lose credibility.

  22. The Panto public job seekers sound a little desperate. Maybe the "sure thing" ain't so sure after all.

  23. Someone please tell me who the"new sheriff of the county" is. And you better not say Baron!!!

  24. BvF 4 NCE

    BvF 4 NCE

    Makes U want 2 barf and flee

    BvF 4 NCE!

  25. You guys are real clowns. Barron is as good as either Panto or Callahan. Mr. Barron has run county wide and doesn't expect anything to be handed to him like Callahan and Panto. Those guys are use to people doing everything for them.

    Get a clue.

  26. I'll take Barron over Panto any day. I don't think Barron would ever overturn a beauty pageant, would he?


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