Local Government TV

Friday, March 16, 2012

Contest: How Much Does One Norco Jail Meal Cost?

Think you know?

Bob Meyers, Director of Corrections, shared that information with me yesterday. He's getting new bids for food service today.

I'll give you the answer on Friday.

Updated Friday, Midnight: Director of Corrections Bob Meyers told me at last night's Council meeting that it's no fun asking a question like this unless the winner gets a prize. He has offered to treat the person who comes closest to a free tour of Northampton County's 1871 jail (Yes, it was built in 1871!) as well as a free meal. By the way, he tells me food loaf is pretty good. ... Sometimes.

So I am extending this contest until Monday. At that time, I will announce the lucky winner. I would only ask that you check first to make sure there are no outstanding warrants against you, or you might get more than a free tour.


  1. Bernie,

    I'll take a guess, $1.50

  2. Thank god he is political appointee. That means he is good.

  3. It should cost no more than $0.45!! There is a reason why the jail is crowded its because going to jail for many is simply not that bad and in fact a good deal.

  4. My guess is $4.50 per meal.

  5. Do we even have to feed them?

  6. Yes. We do. Most people in a county jail are young kids who screwed up. They're human beings, not animals.

  7. if he was any good he would already know.

  8. Sam, he does know. He gave me the information.

  9. Jailbirds should be fed the minimum number of calories required by law in the form of a protein loaf. They receive proper nutrition and have time to contemplate a better meal for the law-abiding on the outside. If prison were more like prison, we'd have fewer working so hard to get in.

  10. anon 8:17

    Good point about after they get in jail. But that won't stop them from getting into jail. Stupidity is hard to cure.

  11. Nice to see the Tea Baggers show up this morning for their daily bout of moral superiority. Tell me fellas, where were you when Ken Lay and Tom Delay were on trial. I didn't hear you guys calling for them to be thrown into a jail and fed protein loaves. Add to that list Bernie Madoff and your self-righteousness rings very hollow.

  12. They usally get bids for a daily total. A few years ago Lehigh was about $3.50 a day. Probably up to $5.00 or so. You don't want to be there!! It's not a good deal.

    There are dietary and caloric regulations from the state/feds.

  13. I'm going to say under $2.00.

    And anyone who thinks prison food is comparable to Le Bec Fin or even a WaWa hoagie scraped up from the parking lot, you're sadly, sadly mistaken.

  14. "Teabaggers"

    I see the Lunatic Left hypocritically mocking the Lifestyle practices of Homosexuals, who can always count of the Progressive Liberal Democrats to be so understanding and tolerant, have arrived.

    Prepared to be lectured on the merits of double-standards-based Civility ...

  15. Yeah.

    In your f---ing face, Anon 9:31.

  16. Shouldn't you be out promoting the so-called "War on Women", Anon 9:31?

  17. Asshole Democrats would not throw out the term "Teabaggers" if they did not want to rumble ... would they?

  18. Let's see. by the time we deduct for the shrimp and lobstertails and the steak and caviar the administration and guards take home, we're probably about $3.00 a meal. When was the last time you had a meal at the prison Bernie. I don't mean as an inmate, although you ought to be there you sick Bastard. All nonsense and joking aside, John stoffa and his staff should eat one meal a month at the prison just to see if the quality of food is right. Reibman's staff used to eat there periodically but they got to like the food so much some of them even were sentenced and were made residents of Northampton County's finest. But I don't know about you Bernie, just because you call yourself a pervert doesn't mean you'll be sentenced as one. Prison isn't for people with your condition Bernie. A mental institution is more like it.

  19. President Obama could solve this problem quite easily, just like he has solved every other problem so far.

    We are so blessed as a nation to have his Excellency!

  20. I see...everyone in that jail is simply an inncoent kid, who happened to screw up? Not...this goes against every freaking argument that you have made about RECIDIVISM!!!! I guess the recid rate is high enough to justify the drug lounge down the street.

    Treat the criminals like criminals, feed them the minimum required by law, and see the recid rate go down. For lots of people , the jail is a free stay at the Waldorf.

    What a hypocrite!

  21. Bernie, what happens when one "Anonymous" threatens to BRING IT ON with another "Anonymous"?

    How does one recognize one f---ing face from another?

    Blogging? Sounds more like Swaggering. We need a venue just for them! Could be interesting.

  22. LOAF is the way to go. That is all they should receive, period. For drink, Easton tap water will suffice. There, I bet people will think twice about re offending once they have to eat LOAF on a daily basis!

  23. Bernie has one standard for the teabaggers and another for sane people.

  24. For some unlucky ones, their freedom.

  25. Some subsidized food probably.

    $2.37 per

    It would be a pleasure to meet you if I win.

  26. We'll see on Monday. I have to check and make sure there are no warrants against me.

  27. Whatever they're receiving, it's way too much. Have you seen the size of the animals we release from those cages? Low calorie loaf that meets minimum caloric requirements is the way to go. And Easton has great tasting tap water. Really.

  28. The inmates by state law have to have 3500 calories per day. The jail admin meets monthly with the food service providers and also once a month for a board meeting. After the meeting many do stay for a meal. So they know what is going on and they do their best to do their best.....The meals may be $3.50 ish. The guards no longer have the freedom to overeat or take food home. None of this is easy. It is always a work in progress. They provide a menu for healthy inmates as well as diabetic, muslim, kosher and whoever else they have to. I am not happy my tax dollars go to inmates but we are stuck with them. It is a form of welfare. Also a hungry man or woman can cause problems so for eliminate some problems it is best to feed them reasonably well. I can't imagine having to eat institution food everyday. That alone would deter me but for many their life out of jail is no better then in jail. Really the bleeding hearts should take on this burden and let the rest of us take care of our own but that won't happen. In this economy many at least are getting 3 meals a day, roof over their head and medical care and because they appreciate it so much they keep coming back. 69% come back. Welfare? If you have answers you should get involved. Is it Sheriff Joe or is it what we o here? We use to do less but that did nothing to stop the revolving door either.

  29. Bernie my guess is it is 97 cents

  30. It should be around a dollar.

  31. Smoke weed. Become docile and unmotivated. Get arrested because of the danger you pose to society.

    Your gateway drug may lead to three martini lunches or reliance on prescription drugs (you know, the kind that most judges' wives are on). The War on Drugs must be won at any and all cost. Numerous public service union employees are counting on it.

    If you stop arresting non-violent druggies, and realize they're far less dangerous than say, half of Easton's cops or Joe Brennan on another bender, their meals will cost $0.00.

  32. I am sure it is a generous amount. John Stoffa has more compassion for the convicts than the old folks at Gracedale.

    While he strives to spend more on the cons, he and his crew keep looking for ways to hack away at the elderly poor sick folks at the county home.

    He just got his handpicked Gracedale board together and the gutless county council approved without question.

    I say $10.00 meal not counting the appetizers.

  33. This cynic would love to believe those lowball guesses, but efficiencies like that don't happen in any government-run operation. My bet is that a meal runs north of $4.

  34. .0 - their ashole mothers should have to feed them - they bred the scum. electrical shock for each meal

  35. If they end up at the Stoffa drug addict lounge they get shrimp scampi and Perrier water.

  36. Hopefully the halal is our "Let's Roll" version; cooked in lots of back fat and bacon grease.

  37. Well I worked in the jail...39 cents!

  38. Ask the MAN CHILD, HE knows all!

  39. My guess is $6.50 per meal.

  40. and what is the cost of a meal at gracedale?

  41. I can't believe that ALL americans find it amusing and a great pastime to pick on people who have been sent to prison. and when they get out they are even more harassed and shunned and thrown away like yesterdays newspaper. your all a bunch of hippocrits like the hippocrits that nailed jesus to the cross. there's not one of you that walks among us that hasn't done something that normally is an imprisonable offence such as forcing your GF to
    have sex or you stole something or innocently passed a check knowing the money wasnt there or driving while your under the influence of a medication or booze or whatever.Ican only hope that it happens to you one day and I happen to be that guy who says "hey i remember you, your the asshead that likes to talk about unfortunate people who made a mistake so lets drop them pants boy and have at it !


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