Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Daily Caller: SEIU's "Secretive Nationwide Network"

According to an investigative series in The Daily Caller, SEIU has formed a few innocent-sounding non-profits whose real purpose is "waging concerted local political campaigns to publicly attack conservative political figures, banks, energy companies and other corporations." Some of them operate alongside the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Among these groups are the following non-profits: This Is Our DCGood Jobs, Great HoustonGood Jobs, Better BaltimoreGood Jobs Now in Detroit; Fight for PhillyOne PittsburghGood Jobs LA; and Minnesotans for a Fair Economy.

Despite noble beginnings, public sector union members have more in common with the 1%ers than they do with the rest of us, who pay for their exorbitant pensions and benefits.


  1. Soros + ACORN = $1 Billion for Obama re-election. This race is over. It was never really on.

  2. Wow O'Hare did Dent and Stoffa endorse this horseshit. You are becoming more wacky as time goes by.
    I think you should get some "golden" teabagger award or something.

    Like it or not Gracedale isn't going anywhere but Stoffa will be gone in another year and a half and so will your overlord status at the courthouse.

  3. I'm not a huge fan of these tactics, but do see them as a counterweight to the corporate super pacs.

  4. why would you oppose corporate super pacs? like minded people pooling their resources to further their interests is as American as apple pie.
    I think you'll find behind these attacks on free speech the usual liberal view that Americans are too stupid to see through PAC sponsored speech, and therefore the libs must gaurd thier interests for them

  5. You can't be serious..No matter what SEIU does and how they do it, they work for the middle class . Unlike all of the corporate super pacs that are supporting Romney and the rest of the republican Senate and House candidates. Thje corporations have one thing in mind..Their bottom line..SEIU has one thing in mind also, better benefits for their middle class and lower middle class working men and women..To call SEIU part of the 1 % is laughable Bernie..

  6. The SEIU does not work for the middle class, it works for a protected class - union members - and for the benefit of union leadership often at the expense of its members.

    It stands against rewarding high performers (instead rewarding longevity) and tries like all hell to keep unemployment as high as possible through votes by older members to lay off younger members so they can keep their egregiously high salaries. They are against any pension reform despite both parties shouting from the rooftops tha pensions will kill cities in short order. They bribe elected officials through massive campaign contributions, then make those politicians jump through their hoops like good paid-for politicians should.

    They ARE the 1%.

    The Super PAC issue is on both sides, any moron knows that so please let's stop tossing that around.

  7. Dear 9:35 or should i call you Rush.
    What a pathetic bunch of garbage..SEIU members are lower middle class and middle class at best..They certainly arent out for profit. The venom you spew about unions is just right wing talking point garbage. Union leadership is elected by the membership..To separate them is just so incredibly ignorant. As Rich Santorum might say, your athetically ignorant argument makes me puke. Without unions their would be no middle class, just the rich and poor..That's what corporate america wants and their puke friends in the Republican party are doing their best to destroy the working class..They might succeed with all their corporate money..That is , until the Revolution that takes out all of you 1% for good.

  8. Dear 9:35 or should i call you Rush.
    What a pathetic bunch of garbage..SEIU members are lower middle class and middle class at best..They certainly arent out for profit. The venom you spew about unions is just right wing talking point garbage. Union leadership is elected by the membership..To separate them is just so incredibly ignorant. As Rich Santorum might say, your athetically ignorant argument makes me puke. Without unions their would be no middle class, just the rich and poor..That's what corporate america wants and their puke friends in the Republican party are doing their best to destroy the working class..They might succeed with all their corporate money..That is , until the Revolution that takes out all of you 1% for good.

  9. Anon 1003, now that you've gotten the Liberal talking points out of the way, what exactly did I say about the SEIU that isn't true?

    High performers are not rewarded in any union contract that I'm aware of. It's all based on seniority rather than ability.

    There are many cases (including right here i Allentown) where senior union members voted against pay adjustments, with those votes resulting in younger union members being laid off.

    Union leaders have been convicted time and again for misuse of funds and criminal activity.

    Andy Stern doesn't get to visit the White House 30 or 40 times because he's a nice guy.

    The cost of union labor has been a key contributor to jobs going overseas for decades.

    The working class is vital to the future of our country, and people like you want to destroy it to protect the union hacks. Get real.

  10. Tom Foolery, SEIU works to enslave the rest of us to pay for your 70% benefits. It's why cities are going broke, in case you haven't noticed.

    On another point. I at one time took you seriously and gave you respect. But after seeing your comments on a knock off blog, those days are over.

  11. ASfter reading you ignorant comments on unions i can say the same bernie. You and your pathetic 10:15 poster's attack on unions are
    ridiculous, ignorant of any fact and just plain laughable. You can also be credible at times when you speak of the Easton school director. However, your lucidity is now a rarity and your bipolar nature rears its ugly head when you speak of unions. I"m sure most union members and officals feel the same way towards you as you do towards them. However, you need to stop getting your facts about unions on Fox news. It's just pathetic.

  12. A broad paint brush?
    Thats like taking ALL of the asinine comments on here as the true feelings of the popuplation.
    Most workers aren't engaged in this trifling exchange by mentally impaired commentors. Those who feel the need to share every one of their thoughts, as though each are nuggets of wisdom.
    Most are too busy performing their duties thay are paid to perform, than to hang on every imbecilic thread you post bashing them.
    I am the polar opposite of your mindset. I had a live and let live attitude in regards to their benefits and salaries. However you at everychance inform your reader of the 75% package they receive. Although it may be a reason to argue, it was NEVER an issue when these packages were negotiated. BY ANY ADMINISTRATION. Now things are tight and what is the plan? Take their legs out!!! Not a meningful discussion of compromise, take the barganing away, let the eat cake, tsk tsk. I actually have become more supportive of the public sector unions after the local Gracedale argument and the national GOP Governors power grabs from unions.



  13. Yes, yes, yes, 12:02.

    That's what these mindless anti union bashers like Bernie cant get through their thick skulls..Union contracts are negotiated . It's not like the membership just walks into their employer and says, this is what we want..Even when they negotiate, depending on the times, they generally get Ok contracts at best. To blamme all unions for the benefits very few negotiate is ridiculous...In regard to teacher's pensions that are hitting pa budgets you can thank former governor Tom Ridge for that mess and also the wall street crowd, champions of the 1% (and bernie, lol) To blame unions for any of the mess this country is in is ludicrous and ignorant..Look to wall street and the corporate crowd.

  14. I have a great idea!

    Let's build a $ 160.0 million dollar Palace of Sport and make sure only Unions get the work.

  15. I am by no means anti-union. I support unions, but detest the rape of our hard-working people by public sector unions. There is simply no excuse for the outrageously high benefits that are unknown in the private sector. I'll have more about this very soon.

  16. I don't need to look to Wall Street or Corporations when I can look to Pawlowski and area Dummyrats.


  17. Oh my God Bernie.. Rape of hard working people by public sector unions?? Are you serious?? Are you talking about Police and Fireman or other public sector unions? Since there are so , so many, you might want to be a bit less general here. Again, to repeat myself for the umpteenth time. Union contracts are negotiated. Outside of teachers very few public sector unions strike..When did you ever see a public employee union strike in northampton County?? That means they got there contrats from the Governments they serve. They cant force these contracts on anyone, so how is it their fault if they are given a good contract by their employers? How are they raping hard working folks? That's a stretch bernie evn by your standards..Give it up already!!

  18. I see it every day. You don't bc you are one of the persons enslaving the rest of us. I'll have a little story to illustrate my point very soon.

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  21. Papa Bernie tell us the story of how Wisconsin couldn't balance it budget unless they did away with collective barganing.FOR CERTAIN UNIONS.
    Or the other one about the wise old gentlemanly county executive that saved for a rainy day with 4 pensions and 70 % benefit package.
    And then to scare us tell us about the thoughtless goons that work their asses off and expect to get paid fair wages....ooooo...that's scary ....better save that one for Halloween.

  22. Public service unions are not real unions.

  23. The Daily Caller
    Tucker Carlsons' ripoff of Huffington Post?
    You might as well quote Huffington or Enquirer magazine.

    You know the Club For Growth says if we completely eliminate taxes on people making in excess of 1 million per year. The economy will come roaring back.

    Just think Bernie you wouldn't have to pay taxes!
    I'm lovin' me some Toomey right about now.

  24. And I'd have more BMW's to wash...
    So many BMW's to wash...so little time....darn


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