Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Barron von Footinmouth Rumor

Although the next Northampton County Exec race is still a long way off, it's pretty clear that Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan is already in training, like a good distance runner. His Saturday appearance at a Slate Belt Council of Governments is telling. But how far is he willing to go? Would he sell his soul? Would he actually offer a cabinet position to Barron von Footinmouth?

That's what union organizer and Controller Steve Barron has been telling everyone. It's his payoff. After all, Barron could run himself, and easily knock off Callahan or Easton Mayor Sal Panto.

But is this true?

Despite what he's telling people, Barron will have no place in a John Callahan cabinet, according to two people deep inside Team Callahan. They point out, correctly, that Callahan has yet to announced his own decision to run, and has made no commitments to anyone.

What they did tell me is that Callahan is trying very hard to recruit former Council member and Human Services Director Ron Heckman to return to his seat on County Council. Heckman has been an outspoken Gracedale supporter, which should allay the concerns of the pro-Gracedale camp.

Heckman - along with veterans Jerry Seyfried and Rich Grucela - are the three wise men when it comes to Northampton County government. If Ron Angle were to join them, they'd become the Four Horsemen in a dream team for any County Exec willing to listen to them.


  1. And that's a fact jackMarch 27, 2012 at 6:53 AM

    JC would not allow the union lover into his cabinet. He will only use and play the fool for his own purposes. Once he is elected he will spit the vermin out.

  2. Three wise men. That's a laugh. They all left shit stains and we're still cleaning up. Grucela holds taxpayers in contempt and is cool with naming stuff after politicians who took lots of credit for spending others' money while they were racking up public pensions. Please.

  3. Heckman, Grucela and Seyfried are, along with Angle, the four most knowledgeable people I know about County government.

  4. I've been highly critical of Callahan and agree he has made serious mistakes. But from what I'm told, this year Bethlehem will finish in the black. Plus, I am very impressed at how he negotiated concessions from public sector unions. That is something sorely needed in Northampton County.

    My first choice would be Panto, whom I consider the best Mayor I've ever seen in Easton. His years in the private sector really helped him. But I don't know that he's decided to run, and he really does like being Easton Mayor.

    The Rs have nobody. Cusick? Please. He has no personality and cannot be trusted.

  5. If Heckman runs for council instead of Executive it won't have anything to do with what Callahan wants..However, he is a friend of Gracedale and very knowledgeable on what's going on there..That's why he'd be a better executive candidate than Callahan or Panto..He certainly knows more about County government than they do..

  6. Bernie, do you do your own art-caricature work? Clever, as for Ron Heckman, Ron is extremely knowledgeable, honest and a gentleman.

  7. First, Panto reportedly attended an event for the Bethlehem Dems last night. I guess he is running for Exec. and trying to raise his profile in Bethlehem?

    Second, Barron won't be in Callahan's cabinet. Callahan is a smart man and would not want him and his buffonery.

    Finally, Heckman was supported by Callahan and Cunningham for Beth City Council in 2007, and currently sits on the Redevelopment Authority Board in the City. Heckman will listen to Callahan more than anyone would think.

  8. Bernie Callahan sold his soul to the DNC when he got obliterated by Dent. He'll sell his soul again on this race if he has to.

    He has alot of baggage, he may just need the help.

  9. You were correct up to the Angle comment...unless he goes through a "Kafka" Metamorphosis...he remains unelectable.
    He should just enjoy his golden years...he has done enough for us.

  10. Bernie,
    Your comment on the four horsemen are well noted. Of them Grucela and Seyfried are by far the most knowledgeable about County Government. I hope you can convince both of them to run for Council. We really need someone looking out for us.

  11. You'd have to convince their wives first.

  12. Dear 9:03,

    Heckman would listen to Callahan? Really? Why? That statement is ridiculous..I'd love to have Seyfried, Grucela, and Heckman on County council or in the Executive seat...2013 would be the year. They all certainly know more about County government than the two considering running now..

  13. This time around, Ron Angle should put his name on the ballot. He would definetly win the Republican primary. Panto would definetly win the Democratic Primary. Seyfried, Grucela, and Heckman would win heir primaries. Keep encouraging these people Bernie. Public opinion may help steer them back into office. Things must change for us in Northampton county. We cannot put Callaghan at the Northampton County Helm. You think Reibman was bad. Just wait.

  14. Bernie, I think you would make an excellent Executive. Why don't you run. You are bright, witty, knowledgeable about County issues and............oops.....sorry, it isn't April Fools day yet.

  15. Frankly whether he "wants" any of those guys on county council or not, it would be no dream team for Callahan or Panto.

    If I am not mistaken all of them Seyfried, Heckman, and Grucella are currently retired and don't need anything for either Callahan or Panto.

    I think they would give any County Executive fits, as they wouldn't be easily bullshitted like the current council is now.

    Interesting premise but I think county executives want dumb head nonders on council.

  16. If either Panto or Callahan were smart they would beg any or all of these guys to be in their cabinet.

    The current camp followers for Panto and Callahan don't know squat about county governments and are just job seekers.

    I don't know if any of them would want to "work" for an executive again but they would be an upgrade for whether Panto or Callahan, since neither knows anything about the county, other than to ask it for money.

  17. Bethlehem is a well run and well maintained city. Callahan has implemented many private sector process improvements to ring out waste and inefficiency. I am sure he can do the same for the county. And yes Bernie, the city did end the year with a positive cash balance with no interfund borrowing for the first time since 1993.

  18. That's good for Callahan. Even better for Bethlehem!

  19. "it isn't April Fools day yet."

    Wise ass. Even I could never vote for me.

  20. 1:15, I don't know Ron Heckman as well as the others, but I can tell you the big problem with them is their wives. All of them would rather not see their husband in any office, and some are quite adamant about it. I also know that, unlike their husbands, these ladies do get hurt when they see their husbands treated harshly on online sites like this one.

  21. Bernie, I saw Ron Heckman the other day. He said he was on his way to the Hospital because is mother is very ill. I asked about this recruitment business and he said he doesn't need to be recruited for anything. He has thought about running for county office again, possibly executive but right now is focused on family.

    He was in a hurry but said he wasn't part of anyones team and doesn't want to be.

    As to Gracedale, to be fair, I remember asking him about it months ago and he was always honest about the potential costs involved. He may have disagreed with Angle but he made what I thought were valid and well thought out observations about the nursing home and its operation.

    Don't see the need to be hating on someone just because they have a different opinion.


  22. "Bill" Please tell me where I've hated on Ron Heckman. I've stated, quite clearly, that I consider him one of the 4 most knowledgeable people I know concerning county government.

  23. I too saw Panto at the Bethlehem Democratic reception and asked him about his future. He stated the same thing he sated when I saw him the last time. He is focused on the city and appreciates the support but it is too early to determine a decision that is premature becasue a lot could happen in a year.

    I also know first hand that Grucela is not running because I know the Panto has encouraged him. In return I also know that Rich has been asking Sal to run and that he would support him. I was at the sportsman's eveent and Seyfried said the same thing.

    I do know that prior to supporting the Gracedale issue Panto called on Grucela who expressed to him that he, Seyfried and Heckman went to see Stoffa and told him to do the same things the new "consulting" team is telling the county.

    Bernie you are correct, thes efour men do know a lot about the county and at least three of them seem to be leaning toward Panto. One thing is for sure,,,,,,,it will get interesting and 2013 is a very important year for Northampton County.

  24. Sources say you are being purposely mislead Bernie. The Callahan Clan is in fact going to make Barron Director of Fiscal Affairs.

    Funny that with really experienced people running around he will tap the Von Footinmouth.

    By the way look for Perrucci to be county solicitor.

    Their slogan is, "If you love Bethlehem City politics you will love what we do to the county". A lot of new vendors and dollars to spread around. Oh Yeah!!!

  25. The thought of Barron in an Administration is enough for me. The Callahan Clan is a no no.


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