Local Government TV

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Allentown's Defective Heart

February 9, 2011. A UGI gas explosion in downtown Allentown claims five lives and wipes out an entire city block. The fire rages one for five hours, one for each life taken, until a shut-off valve is found.

February 15, 2011: Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski sends sympathy flowers for the funeral from Designs by Maria. That's a nice gesture, until you learn he was too cheap to dig into his pocket for the measly $63.60. He instead used his campaign funds at the very time that Lehigh Valley businesses were spending reserve funds to help the victims.

This is the guy who told 300 big shots yesterday that center city has a heart that has "not been working."

Neither is his.

But he's a Minister, damn it!


  1. This is much ado about nothing!

  2. He's a vicious racist who's ethnically cleansed an entire neighborhood to replace it with Caucasian pursuits. I'll bet pawlowski has a black friend and still tells a good nigger joke in private company. What an evil, hateful waste of skin.

  3. Give the guy a break, his wife went over budget on the kitchen renovations, he had no other choice but to spend someone else's money!

  4. This is low Bernie. Even for you.

  5. I wonder how the Center City guy who got shot at 6 o'clock in the afternoon feels about the heart of Allentown? Or the firefighters? Or the police?

  6. The Mayor had a great comment about anyone that stands in his or progress' way. Now we have an unproven project of waste (recycling). Did these people contribute to the Mayor's campaign?

  7. "This is low Bernie. Even for you."

    The truth hurts. I find it disgusting that he cannot dig into his own pocket, but instead uses campaign funds to pay for sympathy flowers. He's done this before and I let it go until I read his comments about Allentown's broken heart and his attempt to smear arena critics. He is a phony who can't even spend his own money, but is willing to spend other people's money pretty quickly.

  8. If there are any more sink holes, there won't be a heart or anything else left.

  9. I don't care how many times Chairman Pawlowski tries to lecture me on the front page of The Morning Call ...

    ... I still ain't buyin' no stinkin' ice hockey tickets to the $ 160.0 million dollar Palace of Sport!

    Call me cheap, too.



  10. well ... that was very petty of you Bernie.

  11. every pol does this Bernie, even your mancrushes. Hell, Cunningham even bought a car.

  12. "every pol does this"

    so that makes it okay?

    if everybody robbed a bank and got away with it, would that make it okay?

  13. Hey, if Pawlowski hadn't got the bobbing head rubber stampers to give him an enormous raise, I'd say it was a no story. This guy is pulling $120,000 or so and uses his political connections and campaign cash for free gifts, babysitting, meals, basement fit-outs and who knows what else. He is a cheapskate with his own money and spends like a drunken sailor with the public's money. You think this guy will ever pay a red cent to attend the hockey games?

  14. Hey, look on the bright side. He spent his campaign money not city money. See, it could have been worse.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. 8:39 AM

    nothing is too low for bo. this boy makes a complete ass of himself most every day. he has no shame or morals

  17. 1:30 in the afternoon. More shots fired in Allentown. Can't wait to see the hockey games in Allentown. It's gonna be fun!

  18. political parasiteMarch 9, 2012 at 1:18 PM

    This thing some call palumpashitsky took a $500.00 campaign donation from his freind Tomass Williams after tommy assaulted a mental health recipiant from the park st fire. This was to cover the true facts of that istance the APD capt mold laffed at the man when he tried to report the assault!
    FACT Criminal has now become civil?


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