Local Government TV

Thursday, March 29, 2012

AFSCME's Latest Scare Tactic

Fake Rev Mario Martinez and union boss Justus James
In a recent letter to his Gracedale "Brothers and Sisters," Union Boss Justus James does his best to scare the hell out of them so they'll kick in an extra $2 per pay period. If they do, they get a jacket!

"It took many people to save Gracedale," Justus observes. But he warns that "[t]here are a few people still trying to sell Gracedale even as I write this letter. There is only one way to prevent the few from selling Gracedale: Politics, period."

He claims he'll use the money for the upcoming Council and Exec races next year.

One of Gracedale's most ardent supporters, Bob Werner, declined to accept a nickel from any public sector unions in his successful Council race. Instead of money, he asked them to work polls and go door-to-door.

Justus never names the people who are supposedly trying to sell Gracedale.

That's because they don't exist.

His misleading letter is below.

Updated 9:30 AM: Another of the names mentioned in James' letter, Ken Kraft, received no support at all from AFSCME, finan cial or otherwise. And he's a private sector union business agent!


  1. There are still three people who would love to see Gracedale fail. Also some of the current council members would love the chance to get a second chance at dumping Gracedale.

    People Power. You angle and Stoffa will never understand that concept.

  2. How much work each day do those dopes put into gluing on those ridiculous looking mustaches? Wearing disguises is deceitful and creepy.

  3. a union puke is a union puke. usually worthless sheep, always deceptive. so untrustworthy they don't even believe in their own BS until they have a few beers in their bellies.

    That about sums it up.

  4. In my estimation..a regime change will not significantly impact the future of Gracedale. It's gonna take hard work and tough decisions to keep it in county hands into the future. Concessions will have to be made and times are rough and the money is drying up from the Fed's and the State. Got to be realistic about things. Only by cooperation will we save our home for the aged and infirm. Workers need a living wage so that they can concentrate on delivering excellent service to residents. Please..stop the hate machine and call a truce. Cease hostilities for a while and work the problem and find some answers. There are good people here in the county that are willing to do the heavy lifting. Please support the new advisory board for Gracedale and let's hear some new and innovative ideas from the people.

  5. Dear 8:03,

    Wow..Well said. Gracedale isn't the only county function threatened by state and federal cuts. Human Services might be forced to farm out Developmental programs (formerly MR) and that's just the beginning..If Corbett could, he would farm out everything to private businesses so he can get more and more campaign funds from the business owners..Like the millions he received from the gas companies..Then once the counties are out of the picture in regard to Human Services, these same businesses will raise their rates without having to worry about any competition..Of course, the Governor doesn't care. that's more campaign money for his reelection and less public service unions to give him headaches..That all aside however, like Human Services, Gracedale is going to have tough going in the future due to federal and state budget cuts, However,in regard to Gracedale, the residents spoke loudly about wanting to keep it and our elected officials need to work with that mandate..If they don't , then Mr. James should work to toss them out..

  6. How can there be a danger of Gracedale being sold if they already passed a legally binding referendum not allowing a sale within a (is it ten?) year period....and there is no evidence that those that can sell it (C. Executive and the Council) have made any movement to do so.

  7. I think the Union workers should pitch in an extra $2 to prevent the sale of the Brooklyn Bridge too.

  8. If the last council wouldn't have been so irresponsible and had passed Stoffa's requested tax increase, Gracedale wouldn't be threatened at all. It's not Stoffa's fault if money is tight out there, it's the fault of those who refused the moderate tax increase...

  9. Let me tell you it's no scare tactic, it's the truth! The more money a political party has the more they can advance! With this county and therr tactics, you need money to beat the bad guys!! If 25 cents in a 2 week period really matters then I guess it's scare a tactic... They aren't asking for a fortune. However, corporations can give millions of dollars!! NOW that's scary!!!!
    And Mark Baker- you are the puke!! We don't all like beer!!!!

  10. 9:01, The referendum prevents Gracedale's sale for 5 years. Although I certainly feel my position was correct, and know that voters were duped, I would still respect their will. I know of no person who is trying to sell Gracedale, as James asserts in his letter. It's just a blatant lie.

  11. "Let me tell you it's no scare tactic, it's the truth!"

    Really? Name the people who are trying to sell Gracedale. I've seen Barb Thierry and Bruce Gilbert's name mentioned on the Gracedale blog, with absolutely no evidence to back it up. So far as I know, noether one of them is doing a damn thing. So who is working to sell Gracedale? That's just a lie. So is the notion that the $2 will fund county races. That $ will go where AFSCME officials want it to go, and that might be for a Congressional race in Oklahoma, for all we know.

  12. It's time to stop bashing all union members. Private sector unions are critical to a democratic, capitalist system. Public sector unions, however, are bad news and a danger to democracy, as warned of by FDR and others. There is a significant difference between private and public unions.

  13. All Unions had their day. Time for all of them to disappear.

  14. Lets see... We have an executive who on TV last year angrily said he could let it(Gracdale)close. No real reforms have been instituted. We have a handpicked Advisory Board filled with Stoffa and campaign financier buddies.

    People know damn well Stoffa would not shed a tear if Gracedale withered and died. No one would be surprised if this "independent" Advisory Board made up of people without county nursing home experience would say whatever Stoffa wants.

    No Bernie, cardboard house fronts may look like a house on TV but they are not real and not a Home.

    No one is fooled by the game masters.

  15. Not one person is working to sell Gracedale, and Stoffa is doing all he can to trn it around including pouring $20 MM into it and hiring a private management firm. How does that constitute trying to sell it?

    The letter is a blatant lie.

  16. Bernie ....I have spoken to Councilwoman Thierry recently....she would vote again to sell "in a hearbeat"

    Her words not mine.

    As for the others I agree the Stoffa administration is making a good attempt to make it work out.

    And speaking of unions, are they negotiating the new contract, if so, is there anything to report on the progress?

  17. "heartbeat"....sorry

  18. I'm tired of the crap about public sector unions..States such as Ohio and Wisconsin attempted to end collective bargaining for public sector unions..How'd that work out for them? The people expressed, and are still expressing, their dismay about those tactics..Ask the Governor of Wisconsin, who is about to be thrown out on his ass or Governor Kasich in Ohio who tried to limit collective bargaining and had his ridiculous law overwhelmingly overturned by Ohio's voters..Police and fireman are public sector unions..I suppose they are evil also because they ask for the right to a fair wage and benefits for themselves and their families..
    Unions were all formed because of management abuses..That includes public sector unions..Until employers, private and public, learn how to treat their employees fairly, unions will always be necessary...So suck it up you right wing jerkoffs..They are there to stay.

  19. 11:46, She "would" vote to sell is not what James is saying. He is claiming some group s out there, trying to sell Gracedale, and that is just a lie.

  20. "I'm tired of the crap about public sector unions."

    Of course you are. The truth hurts.

  21. No real reforms have been instituted at Gracedale as of now. Stoffa controls the company just as he controls the advisory board. Remember his dummied up report that said it had to be sold. the company was told to forget the keeping option. No one is fooled.

    The people have been fooled once by his lies we won't be fooled again.

    Mr. James be very, very careful before you back any horses in the upcoming elections. Some real slick operators out there.

  22. Is it five years yet? Can we send these viscious lazy goldbricks to their saviour obama's 99-week stimulus paradise and then start carding the bastards for their food stamps. They just don't get it. The referendum was written by a birdbrain and does nothing to protect these dummies. The place should be downsized and run minimally for Barron's granny until the five years is up. We have a firm date for legal closure. There is no good reason to put another dime into the mess. The fake mustache guys actually are as dumb as they look.

  23. anon 11:37,

    written like the anon coward union cry baby puke that you are. Go blow up at rat - at least you will do something. not worthwhile but it will least make you think you are a real person.

  24. Baker Mark said..

    Isn't it amazing how we who identify ourselves have to deal with anonymous cowards who don't identify themselves.

  25. I fell into a burning ring of FIRE
    and it burns burns burns
    the ring of fire

  26. Bernie, they are trying to undo the seven years and counting of destruction done by the Stoffa Administration. You know as well as anyone that Northampton County is a mess. You may love Stoffa but the place is in need of some major work. Stoffa dropped the ball or sat on it for the past seven years. Someone needs to be elected to actually make things work.


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