Local Government TV

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Worker Comp Claims at Gracedale Under Scrutiny

On her first day at Gracedale, one 28-year old employee filed a claim for worker's compensation. So did another, age 22. Both claims were paid, too. In a presentation to Northampton County Council's Personnel Committee on February 15, PMA Management's Scott Bogdan reports an excessive number of claims by new hires at the County's nursing home.

Between 8/1/10 (when PMA started as the County's claims administrator) and 12/1/11, nineteen claims were filed by Gracedale workers, mostly nurses' aides, who had only been employed there for only 90 days or less. Cost to the County? $28,177.

Countywide, only one other new hire reported an injury during the same time period.

"It just seems ridiculous," complained Personnel Committee Chair Ken Kraft. "It just seems like there's a trend, and we should get to the bottom of it."

PMA's Chris Rothwell, a risk control consultant, answered that this is a "low hanging fruit." There will be a "thorough investigation," starting next week, to make sure "these claims are legitimate." PMA will also initiate preventative programs and "change the culture" there.

In addition to an abnormally high number of workers comp claims being filed by new hires, Gracedale also has the highest total - 480 between 8/1/10 and 12/1/11. Countywide, this dwarfs the rest of the County, where only 170 claims were filed, including 94 at the jail.

This high number of claims overall is consistent with PMA's experience at other nursing homes, Manager Bogdan told Council. But still, the amount of money being spent for worker's comp at Gracedale, is disproportionately high. On a cost to payroll basis, it's 35 per cent higher than other nursing homes in PMA's entire portfolio.

Kraft suggested incentives for employees who can keep the workplace injury free, mentioning that the workers he represents are sometimes rewarded with a truck for worker safety at construction sites.

"But I'm not saying we should give a truck away," Kraft cautioned.

"We have a few old deputy sheriff cars," joked Executive John Stoffa.

Gracedale also accounts for $2 million of the $3.1 million spent on worker's comp claims between 8/1/10 and 12/1/11.

Aside from the disappointing news from Gracedale, Bogdan told Council that PMA has saved the County $1.78 million since 8/1/10, when it became the County's claim administrator. Open claims have also gone down from 102 to 58. Assistant Solicitor Curtis Creveling, who handles the worker's comp claims for the County, stated this is primarily a result of settling clear claims instead of engaging in expensive and lengthy litigation.

The top reasons for a workers comp claim from a County worker, in descending order, are: lower back, knee, shoulder(s), multiple body parts, and hands. Treating shoulders costs the County the most money, an average of $6,781 per claim.


  1. Ah good old, old John Stoffa. Serious subject but he always has a shitty joke. What a funny guy. Now back to the real issue.

  2. It's not just Gracedale, It's the entire present working class of people.

    They should be called The
    Entitlement Generation!

  3. Stoffa pisses about the worker comp claims but pays them rather than signal seriousness by fighting them and investigation.

    Another brainiac move by the brainiac administration.

    Wow!! It just keeps falling apart.

  4. Cameras are cheap and would discourage workers from cheating.
    They installed them at a place I go to on monthly visits I noticed the workers seem to be working at a faster pace, no hanging around chit chatting. I spoke to the manager he said they get a discount on the insurance as well. He can monitor from his office or any computer. The bad thing is people do get injured on the job and these cheats, now make the real cases suspect. They also implemented a calender with how many days without an injury on it posted in the work area, with some type of reward program monthly. I think they give BMW's away.....700 series....

  5. Injuries and deaths on the job do stimulate the economy.....lawyers get involved and get huge settlements for their clients....usually.

  6. Good luck "getting to the bottom of this".

  7. Next they can look into the masturbation room at the Juvenile Justice Center. Taxpayers support the guards there whooping and laughing it up while sex offenders jerk off. They call it "happy hour", take bets on who can win the race and shoot the farthest and are quite proud of it.

  8. Lots of blame to go around. It's clear that governments shouldn't be in this business because it can't manage the theiving monkeys who work there.

    Stoffa's an old human services guy (I believe it accounts for one of the pensions he's slopping). He slept for years while these policies allowed taxpayers to be fleeced.

    Gracedale needs to be kept barely open to comply with the referendum. No investment and no effort to save it beyond the legal requirement should be made. None.

  9. union pucks will take every advantage they can get. get rid of gracedale, get rid of the lazy union crybabies, get rid of their legacy costs.

  10. Barron will probably try to make some political hay out of this.

  11. Close the place up and tell the family members to take on their own responsibility.

  12. It's well known that nursing care facilities have higher than average job related injuries. But this seems to be beyond the norm. How does the Gracedale facility cpmpare to Cedarbrook?

  13. anonymous 2:29, have you ever heard of HIPPA? I don't think you would want your mothers naked body oncamera! Great idea for a factory or retail business, but I don't think it's such a good idea in a nursing home!

  14. Did any of you read and understand the column BEFORE posting?
    Predetermined outcome.
    Bernie, next time instead of writing a story about anything to do with Gracedale , simply put the word Gracedale up and allow the monkeys to post in response. You have heard if you put 1000 monkeys in a room with typewriters they would accidently type out the Bible.

    Here is your proof.


    Obama discovers cure for the common cold!!!

    GOP response


  15. Bernie, when is the date, through which, Gracedale must continue to be operated? If there is a "pull out" date, wouldn't it be prudent to plan its end now?

  16. Hold on a tick!

    There's a "masturbatorium" at the Juvenile Justice Center? People taking bets?

    Good grief; society sure has hit new lows!

  17. anon 1:25, to bad your old man didn't "pull out" soon enough.

  18. 3:12 anon.

    Obviously a gracedale goon. the best part of you must have run down your moma's leg

  19. Public service unions are worse than drug dealers and illegal aliens. They truly are the lowest form of shit on this planet. I plan to throw a party on Gracedale's lawn when they start laying off these lazy retards.

  20. "Bernie, next time instead of writing a story about anything to do with Gracedale , simply put the word Gracedale up and allow the monkeys to post in response."

    Must be the damn asbestos.

    Stoffa gets tagged for hiring a company that uncovers what could very well be worker comp fraud, although I doubt it is that. His action is intended to reduce the costs at Gracedale, something we should all want to do.

    Barron, whose job as Controller is to uncover precisely this kind of abuse, refuses to mention it bc it might alienate him with the Gracedale union.

  21. "Bernie, when is the date, through which, Gracedale must continue to be operated? If there is a "pull out" date, wouldn't it be prudent to plan its end now?"

    Stoffa could pull the plug now. he just can't sell or lease it for two years. But he is trying his best to make it work, as the people asked.

  22. yea right, stoffa is an a--hole! he is destroying this county... RECALL his stupid ass!!!

  23. Trying his best, has always been Stoffa's problem. This is his best folks there ain't no more. he is incompetent and wants Gracedale to fall on its face.

  24. Stoffa could pull the plug now. he just can't sell or lease it for two years. But he is trying his best to make it work, as the people asked.

    That would go over extremely well.
    Torches and pitchforks anyone?
    Hey, Ron could supply the pitchforks.....for a small fee like
    Mr. Haney

  25. Let's revote on the referendum, now that the breathtaking costs are coming to light. Those torches may be used to finish off Gracedale this time.

  26. Let's revote on the referendum, now that the breathtaking costs are coming to light. Those torches may be used to finish off Gracedale this time.

    It is sad to see you are a glutton
    for punishment. To prove your point why not enlist the 25% that voted to sell and form a petition drive. And let us have the vote in the general....can you say 80-85% in favor od maintaining it?

    Sherlock Holmes and his pipedreams.

  27. What the haters are trying to do is "get" County Executive candidates to say they want Gracedale but dump it when they get in.

    The sliminess continues. People must be vigilant since the teabaggers and their friends have no scruples.


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