Local Government TV

Friday, February 03, 2012

State Senate Refuses to Produce Browne's NIZ Emails

On Tuesday, I filed right-to-know requests with State Senator Pat Browne, State Representative Jennifer Mann and Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski. In Senator Browne's case, I am seeking any of his email exchanges, over the last year, concerning the Allentown NIZ, with Mayor Ed Pawlowski, State Rep. Jennifer Mann, NIZ participants Joe Topper and JB Reilly and lobbying firm Pugliese Associates.

Yesterday, my request was rejected on the basis that those emails are not "legislative records," as defined under the Right-to-Know Law. In crafting this Open Records law, state legislators created more restrictive rules for themselves than local government or even the executive branch. In other words, they are unwilling to practice what they preach.

Facially, this rejection seems correct.

I'll be reviewing this over the weekend. If anyone out there is aware of any decision requiring a state legislator to produce emails, please let me know.

I think the public has a right to know what the Hell was going on, especially with Pugliese.


  1. Call Mark Stewart... He might be able to help. Tell him to bill Northampton County.

  2. You'll have a chance to make this bullshit claim for the millionth time and lose again soon.

  3. Fact is Mark would know....

  4. Keep up the investigation. Right to Know Act strikes.

  5. Maybe Hizzoner the mayor was copied on some of Pat's emails and you can get those instead.

  6. Really? Some of us just want some damned entertainment in the valley. Why are you people so crotchety?

  7. bullshit overpaid bureaucrats being paid to cover crooked cheating on the dole pols asses. that sums it up

  8. Anything that was sent on a government computer is public property. These people are elected officials that have used public funds to fund the pockets of there cohorts.


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