Local Government TV

Monday, February 27, 2012

Senator Browne to Modify NIZ??

APRIL 1, 2012



Senator Pat Browne (RINO-Lehigh County) has introduced legislation in the Pennsylvania Senate to modify one of the most controversial provisions of the NIZ legislation - the sequestering of employees' Earned Income Taxes.

"While the original legislation was a forthright, virtuous attempt to transform the City of Allentown into a vibrant hub of commercial and artistic grandeur, it is clear that some might have been hurt by the sequestering of the EIT. I have listened to my constituents and have offered this legislation in response to their concerns," said Senator Browne.

Under Senator Browne's new legislation, the benefits of the original NIZ will be extended to additional municipalities. The NIZ will now be available to the areas of any municipality in which real estate is owned by Lehigh Gas Company, Joe Topper, J.B. Reilly, Alvin H. Butz Company, or American Traditions, and any other person who has contributed $1,000 or more to Browne or Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski. NIZ benefits will also become available to municipalities where these companies buy real estate in the future.

"I've listened to local municipalities and worked with my most trusted advisers to craft what I believe is an appropriate compromise," said Senator Browne. "The public needs to know that this new legislation still retains all the features that inspired me to offer the original legislation in 2009."

Separately, Senator Browne announced that his wife, Heather, has resigned as a lobbyist for Pugliese Associates, which coincidentally represents NIZ developers Topper and Reilly. "Neither Heather nor I ever saw her work as a lobbyist as a conflict of interest," Senator Browne noted, "but she has decided to pursue a different line of work. She's been studying for her real estate salesperson's exam at night, for months, and passed the exam last week," Senator Browne beamed. "I am sure there is a solid commercial real estate firm out there who will welcome her to the team!"

Browne went on to point our that NIZ does not, as commonly thought, stand for "Neighborhood Improvement District."

"I thought this was obvious, but anyone looking at the Urban Dictionary can plainly see that a NIZ is a really cool guy who gets all the Babes, like J.B. Reilly and Joe Tops. Heather calls me Niz all the time."


  1. FutureDowntownArenaAttendeeFebruary 28, 2012 at 1:14 AM

    Posts like these is why you have a very low credibility. You wrote this post as a joke obviously, but the joke is you.

  2. This clears the air, Senator Browne is a fine Public Official.

    We need more Representatives like him in Harrisburg.

  3. Will Rep. Mann sponsor same.

  4. incorrect

    quite funny, indeed

    the real joke is fdaa

    hiding under her anonymous rock

  5. "low credibility" coming from some clown who could has all the courage in the world to talk shit anonymously ...

    ... and absolutely no guts to stand up, identify themselves and put their name behind the principles, like Big Government NOT spending $ 160.0 million dollars on a super duper Palace of Sport, they claim to believe in.

    at least jonny geeting has always had the guts to put his name behind what he writes --- i will give him that all day long because it is fact

    yes, fdaa, the real joke IS you

    the Palace of Sport Empress with no real name, not to mention any sort of clue


  6. FDAA, A little testy, aren't we? If this blog has no credibility, why do you find it so necessary to come on here at 1:14 and point it out? I mean, like the EIT provisions in the NIZ legislation, isn't it clear??

    I suspect that what really bothers you and your little brother Jon "I made a poopy" Geeting, is that everyone is waking up to the fact that public corruption is being passed off as "transformation."

    You must hate it when that happeens.

  7. I'm so glad that Senator Browne is now back to being a trustworthy and dependable public servent. I just knew he would fix everything and then hope that we forget his self-serving, corrupt involvement in the Arena fiasco. I think Browne should run for City Council.

  8. Stop your bitching.

    Stop your moaning.

    Stop all the bellyaching.

    Buy tickets to the magnificent Palace of Sport NOW!

    Or else ...


  9. Maybe Browne can modify the Gaming Legislation so that municipalities the already recieve direct compenstion (Allentown and Bethlehem) are excluded from sharing in Lehigh County's portion.

    Better Yet, follow Corbett rule and make 60% of all gaming revenue local. Let the two County's divide it up. We'll call it a Gaming "impact fee".

  10. How rational is commenting at 1:14 AM in the morning on a blog that you think has no credibility?

    I know answering direct questions is not your strong suit, Future Downtown Arena Attendee ...

    ... but that behavior seems a little more than irrational, don't you think?



  11. it was funnier than all hell when the liberals were writing books and making videos about assasinating the president of the united states not all that many years ago

    so, bernie does a little spoof

    liberals are absolutely astonishing (pretty much every day)

  12. Anon 1226, and don't forget all the homophobic humor about the Tea Party. Those liberals are a laugh a minute.

  13. Dig it!

    I am so sick of the Teabagger bullsh-t ...

    ... and, odd how you never hear a word from some Gay Guy all pissed off about tolerant Progressive Liberals mocking their Lifestyle practices ...

    ... isn't it?

  14. "Posts like these are"

    Es sieht wie aus, dass mehr Erfahrung mit Englisch brauchen Sie.

    Es tut mir sehr leid, Future Downtown Arena Attendee.

  15. Senator Browne should consider a Challenge to Corbet as the next Governor.

  16. Guss the Groundhog would get my vote over Corbett. At least Guss has done something to improve PA.


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