Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Scott Armstrong: Why I am for Mitt Romney

Allentown's Scott Armstrong, the conservative that local liberals love to hate, explains why he supports Mitt Romney for President.

Putting social issues at the forefront of the presidential campaign is a dream come true for President Obama and the Democrats. Too many voters will, even for a moment, buy into the fabricated lie that Republicans want, for instance, make contraceptives illegal. Whether the public buys this argument in the end or not is less important than the valuable time and energy Republicans will have to invest denying it. In other words, we play defense. That's not a winning strategy.

Rick Santorum will not play down or finesse any of his social conservative positions. That is how he is and I respect him for that. However, the press, for their own purposes, will zero in on this. If Rick is our nominee the media will turn the general election into a contest over social issues such as woman's right to choose, gay marriage, and religious totalitarianism. This will allow them to put the frightening growth of government, massive deficits, Obama Care, and the crumbling economy on the back burner.

I believe changing the subject is the media/Democratic game plan. It isn't a guarantee of victory but it is their best shot. Romney's business and gubernatorial background will not afford them this desire. In my opinion, our priority should be the certain electoral defeat of President Obama. Romney is the best candidate for that mission.


  1. Very disappointing stuff from Mr. Armstrong, this endorsement.

    Very disappointing, indeed.

    I thought Mr. Armstrong believed in and battled for Conservatism.

    0-bama will chop ROMNEYCARE CHUMP to bits, as well he should.

  2. Romney is so unliked by voters, he would be happy to get the results Bob Dole got in 1996.

  3. Neither Rick or Mitt can win ( swing states for sure). The GOP needs to broker a convention candidate, but who?

    I the economy starts to improve O has it made.

    Scott is right the independent voters won't be influnced on social issues . It's the economy stupid all over.


    This morning on Capitol Hill ...

  5. Not sure why Scott thinks Romney has a better shot than Santorum. Romney's favorables are down to a net -24% after his few weeks in the spotlight. And that entire time the press was focused on his record in business and as Governor. Turns out people don't think much of Romney's brand of vulture capitalism, as his Bain experience is viewed negatively by a majority of voters. He'll never turn that around. If you look at the primary calendar, there's not going to be an opportunity for him to repair the damage any time soon. He's going to spend the next several months tangling with Rick Santorum, which is itself an embarrassment.

    Also, I'm not sure why Scott says it's a lie that Republicans want to ban birth control. Santorum himself said he wants to give states the right to ban contraception. And now the Republicans want to roll back birth control policy even further, giving your boss the right to deny you birth control coverage over vague "moral objections". That's not just Santorum, that's a bill with leadership backing in the Senate. The whole Party's gone insane.

  6. Geeting calling the other party insane is just funny.

  7. Jon,

    Once again you are sooooo right,Republicans are insane. When they aren't insane they are screwing the poor people and do want to ban birth control. This is all plain to see. You have to be a complete selfish hater to be a Republican.again, who can't figure this out? Everyone knows this. Glad I live in a Democrat area.

  8. We're glad we live in Democrat areas, too.


    Kevlar Salesman in Easton and Allentown.

  9. Yes, Scott, you are right, it is the media that keeps talking about the social issues, not Santorum, not Romney. These guys "want the Government off our back" ... unless, of course, it is to discriminate against a class of people (homosexuals) or take away my contraception, or my right to choose.

    If Rick and Mitt don't want to use contraception, no one is forcing it on them. If Rick and Mitt are against marrying another man, then don't. Just don't force your social values on me. We are not a Christian nation, we are a nation of many faiths and a secular government.

    And even if I were assured that Mitt wouldn't make the horrible social changes being discussed in the Republican primary, who knows what he really believes or would try to do as President? The right wing of your party say they cannot trust him to do what they want, but I don't trust him to not do what they want ... not the right thing.

    Maybe you (Scott) should listen to the people who have an understanding of economics and have been involved in actually making policy. I'm thinking David Stockman or Roger Altman.

    Mr. Stockman - one of the architects of Supply Side Economics - has come out and flatly said that supply side economic solutions ARE NOT what we need today. It is a totally different type of crisis. He has called for what needs to be done - lower benefits and raise revenues (i.e. raise taxes). But what would he know, right?

    One last thing, Mitt Romney is proof positive that higher taxes on the wealthy will have no negative effect on economic investment. Mr. Romney and Bain Capital were very successful in the 1980s (Regan era) and were never lacking for investors back in the day. Those investors had a capital gains rate of 28% compared to 15% today. Investors are going to invest in good ideas if rates are at 15% or if rates are at 28%. Romney is proof positive.


  10. Publius is clearly an economics sage because he cites two economics flipfloppers. They can be matched - flipflop for flipflop - by some dummies on the other side. Money grows on trees and everything is way cool.

  11. Mitt Romney = Obama in slow motion

  12. Mitt with a tan has darker skin than Obama - and a better golf game.

  13. Scott love Mittens Romney. Mittens will be a great candidate. All they have to do is wind him up and point him in the direction of the podium and let his mouth do the rest.

    don't beleive me??? Wanna bet $10,000 or you oldest daughter????

  14. Wouldn't want to be in a foxhole with Scott Armstrong.

    Obama-light rather than fight?

  15. Two and a half paragraphs about why Rick Santorum sucks, and 2 sentences about why Mitt Romney is good... sounds about right for the GOP this year...

  16. What scott wont tell you is his dissapointment in the current field of candidates.Sorry Scott,Your party had their chance and blew it.Now lets see how Scott does with the school board with his party in control in harrisburg.Gotta hope that scott does well though he deserves a chance to make positive change and improvements.

  17. Here's how it's shaping up, Republicans:

    Ron Paul (1,000,000 to 1)- He's nuts.

    Newt Gingrich (999,999 to 1)- He is an obviously disingenuous blowhard who can't even decide on which wife or which religion. He's an ass.

    Rick Santorum- 998,999 to 1 - He is polarizingly right of America. He could not even get re-elected in Pennsyvania. PA voters are on to him, soon, so will all others. He's a whack-job.


    Mitt Romney- 997,999 to 1 - Mitt, on the surface would appear to be the guy. Ran before, so it must be "his time", right? Maybe, but even though he looks presidential, even though he has connections, even though he has money - - he cannot win a general election. He has JFK's money and looks, but none of his charm. He reminds you of the guy on the men's underwear package, or the headshot that comes in the photo area of a new wallet. He's vapid.

    Mitt will be destroyed in a debate with a man of substance. Worse yet, he has what it takes to make President Obama seem to be "a man of substance".

    Maybe the next generation holds the key.


  18. "Anonymous said...

    Rick Santorum- 998,999 to 1 - He is polarizingly right of America. He could not even get re-elected in Pennsyvania. PA voters are on to him, soon, so will all others. He's a whack-job.


    1:17 PM

    The fact that he can't get re-elected in a shithole like this, losing to the dumbest man ever to sit in the Senate, is exactly why he is in the race. The nation knows this dump is run by PSEA whores, poverty pimps and political bi-sexuals like Pat Browne and the androgyny from Allentown.

    We'll just have to pray that that the good people outside our borders
    can save us.


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