Local Government TV

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Schlossberg: Corbett Budget "Disastrous for Children & Taxpayers"

Allentown City Council member Mike Schlossberg, who's running for Jennifer Mann's seat in the state house, has released a statement slamming Governor Tom Corbett's proposed budget.

“Yesterday, Governor Corbett proposed a new state budget that will have devastating impacts on Pennsylvania’s children and taxpayers. After slashing almost $1 billion from our public schools last year, the Governor has now taken the unprecedented step of eliminating the effective Accountability Block Grant program, which provides for reduced class sizes, full day kindergarten & pre-k programs. These massive cuts will decrease the quality of education our children receive, and force school districts to raise property taxes yet again. Last year, Governor Corbett’s budget forced the layoff of over 100 teachers and a massive property tax hike in Allentown. This is simply unacceptable.”

“While I believe government must live within its means, and sacrifices must be made across the board – these cuts do NOT need to happen. Governor Corbett’s refusal to even consider a reasonable extraction tax on Marcellus Shale drilling, or the closing of the Delaware corporate tax loophole which allows companies to avoid paying Pennsylvania taxes, leaves millions of dollars on the table that could be utilized to restore funding cuts. Quite simply, the Governor is demonstrating once again that his priority is the needs of corporation and special interests over the needs of middle class families across Pennsylvania.”

“As I said in the announcement of my campaign for the State House, I am committed to making government work for the citizens of the 132nd House District, and if elected, I will stand up to Governor Corbett and demand he restores basic education funding to our school districts.”

With all the confusion about redistricting, I'm uncertain whether Mike still has an opponent. Tatania Tooley, who also announced, might have a residency problem if the old lines are still intact.


  1. So, what sort of responses are you looking to receive here Bernie?

  2. Whatever responses you want, so long as they are consistent with my comment policy.

  3. And, yet, we still have enough to pay Callahan's drinking buddy and other PSEA slackers almost 100K plus fringes and retirement to goof off in the gym and win a few football games.

    It ain't Corbett's budget that is the problem, folks.


  4. I doubt he will have a Democratic challenger. There is a new elitism in the Democratic Party that was once reserved for Republicans. Candidates are now "selected" all others are "persuaded" not to run.

    Not your fathers Democratic Party anymore. It is now just carpetbaggers and career pols like Pawlowski, Callahan and the new one, the Schloss.

  5. Schlossburg did work for Mann and suported her appointment t the N.I.Z. board you reported. Will his support of Mann and using State and local taxes for the arena hurt his chances, since the state could of used these funds and local schooldistricts that will be cut funding.

  6. "almost 100K plus fringes"

    bit of an exageration, but your point is taken.

  7. cut till it hurts and then cut some more. this state and this nation needs to learn to live in reality

  8. http://php.app.com/PAteachers10/search.php

    Latest available data is from two years ago. Salary and coaches comp (5 figures) exceeded 90K. It has gone up from there.

    No exaggeration.

    Most of the public bitching about education budgets and "Corbett's DRACONIAN cuts" have no clue just how much money is being wasted.


  9. What's the number Clem? Since you are so stinkin' smart, tell us exactly how much is wasted. Don't give me examples of somebody's salary. I want to know the total value of waste.

    PS: Tatiana does not live in the 132 crafted in 2001. Frankly, there was question that she didn't live in the revised boundaries for more than a year, as required by state law to run.

  10. Clem is a walking hyperbole machine who despises everyone who does better than him ESPECIALLY if they work in public service.

  11. Clem, it is possible to change your station in life. This is America, after all.

  12. Bernie -

    Schlossberg might soon be able to help do to the state what he has helped do to the City.

    God help us.

  13. New guy; same old politician story: we can't stop spending - we must raise taxes. Although he's a perfect fit for the country's most irresponsible legislature, he's why we need to cut it in half.

    Spend. Spend. Spend. All for the children. Meanwhile, evidence suggest a reverse correlation between per pupil spending and performance.

    This guy's another teachers' union hack who wants to spend your money like a heroin addict. No thanks. We have enough of this ilk in Harrisburg already.

  14. What happened to ALL THE CASINO money?

    Tax relief, HA

  15. "Anonymous said...
    Clem is a walking hyperbole machine who despises everyone who does better than him ESPECIALLY if they work in public service.

    10:09 AM"

    Ah, the trough feeding deflector.

    I'm sure you're too lazy have read and remembered my defense of those who may have accomplished more than I, and their right to not have their money confiscated and wasted on public bureaucracy and boondoggles.

    This isn't about my station in life which, if you must go there, I'd wager is a bit better than your government dependent existence. A change to that which I've criticized would be a going backwards - financially and morally.

    There is no shortage of example that government overpays, overstaff, overbuild and underdelivers. And, yet, it is still not enough for the parasites who whine about budget cuts.


  16. No more federal stimulus money to inflate the salaries and pensions of the teachers. So it's Corbett's fault he didn't raise the taxes on all Pennsylvanians to make up for it. Real shame if this idiot doesn't have an opponent.

  17. Mike has been a good soldier in the Democrat machine that runs Allentown. This is the sum of the man. He will continue to be a good soldier for the Democratic Party in Harrisburg. It will take no special effort on his part to win. A shoe on the Democratic straight party ticket would receive a winning majority in Allentown.

    Scott Armstrong

  18. Well Scott, you can piss and moan or try and do something to change that. Or you can just keep planting flowers.

  19. Anon 12:15,

    You are just another anonymous coward.

    Scott Armstrong

  20. Wait until the local government officials learn that their local land use,planning and zoning regulations have been declared illegal by the new marcellus shale bill passed this week.

  21. Schlossberg would have had legal opposition if the new apportionment plan would have been allowed to stand. Schlossberg would be more financed and would have the endorsement of the politicos. But an almost united East Side could have produced an upset. But that is immaterial now.

    hen Democracts in our area go to the polls on April 24 in the East Side there won't be many choices for state representatives. And we do not know if the Republicans would counter except in the 131 with alternatives to the incumbents.

    So divided East Side vitually will have a totally non binding up and down referendum on Joe Brennen - 133, Steve Sammuelson , 135. And the new Democratic challenger whatever his name is in the 131.

    Had the new 132 district stood, I would have have challenged Schlossberg.

    I would have basicaly used my own funds up to extent to the cost of the planned vacation trip I will be taking which of course would have been abandoned if I ran for state representative or was elected County Commissioner or appointed to the Allentown City Council.

    To all these constituencies I would have used my knowledge and experience for their betterment.

    Unfortunately none of this was meant to be. I still offer my services, perhaps for another year.

    But I wonder if people's eyes would open up to help a true public servant finally get the opportunity to serve them ... I wonder

    Dennis Pearson

  22. Pa. constitution indicates that public schools will be paid for from tax dollars.

    funding for all school districts was at one time 50% from state.

    This was when each senator and legislator had one assistant and not a whole staff.


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