Local Government TV

Monday, February 13, 2012

Play the Candidate Match Game

USA Today has a questionnaire that will tell you which Presidential candidate thinks most like you. Unfortunately, mine tells me I'm a Mitt Romney supporter, but I just don't like the guy.


  1. Neat. Definitely confirms it, Ron Paul for me.

    (Actually, there is a lot of wiggle room in that survey, but it was fun.)

  2. Romney?

    Why have 0-bama Lite when you can have the Real Deal?

    Please vote responsibly.


  3. Rats. Huntsman is my man, and he is out of the picture.

  4. Huntsman, Paul and Bachman? I rather vote for a trash can, can opener and plunger.

  5. Obama in a walk. Thank you Republicans. Also a big shout out of support to the teabaggers. Thank you very much!!

  6. "Obama in a walk"


    Free abortions for everybody!


  7. I won't have to put gas in my car.

    I won't have to pay my mortgage.

    Because if I help Obama, Obama will help me.

  8. I'm voting for more hope and change.


    Lazy, shiftless, and not properly registered - but planning to scream racism if anyone tries to proof me

    P.S. I plan to jack cars at the new arena and am a huge supporter of the NIZ. And why abort when you can just shoot 'em later in Easton or Allentown?

  9. Am a centrist With my favorite Republican not running.Mike Bloomberg.With a maybe to Guiliani and Steve Forbes.Christie is a wait and see.Last election wanted Hillary so will roll with the punches till 2016.Maybe a few up and comings will emerge to add to the choices.

  10. This was the year of the perfect storm for the Republicrats and they showed why they can't govern. What a clusterfrack.

  11. The Compromise of 1820 brough the Compromise of 1840. The Compromise of 1840 brought the Civil War. Sometimes, there just ain't no in between.

    Republicans only want to poison the water and air so everyone can die quickly.

    President Obama just wants to make the Rich pay their fair share and spend lots of money so everyone can have lots of free stuff. Like contraceptives and morning after pills. And houses.

    I think Obama is the only rational choice.

  12. The slate is as screwed up as a football bat.

  13. Obviously you ended up with Romney. This is a Republican establishment blog, is it not?

    "Stay the course..." "A thousand points of light." "Mission Accomplished."

  14. Not really, no. I consider myself more of an independent who likes both Ds and Rs

  15. ron angle for prez!!!! best man for the job!!!!


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