Local Government TV

Monday, February 06, 2012

JFK Took My Virginity

Yep. Jack the Zipper. I was very humiliated, but we smoked a few cigarettes and I felt better.


  1. JFK, LBJ, Jimmy Carter, Barrack Hussein Obama.

    Why would anyone ever vote Republican?

  2. Oh, that's right!

    Free stuff!!!

  3. JFK saw more ass than a public toilet.

  4. OT. But saw a letter dated today from president of DeSales U. informing all employees that they are losing health care coverage next year because the school won't comply with Obamacare and offer abortion coverage. Catholics have until August 2013 to violate their consciences, or risk the consequences oh DHS. There are apparently new Catholic tenets coming from Katherine Sebelius. Even though Charlie Dent is alright with legal abortion, does he have a problem with Uncle Sam dictating new tenets to a 2,000 year old faith? Seems bizarre in a country founded for religious freedom.

  5. JFK was a predator.

  6. Ronald Reagan took my wallet.

  7. Then theres Hoover and Bush who were great for the economy and Nixon who opened the door to China.China should erect a statue of Nixon in China based on their success.That leaves the two greatest ,Reagan and Truman.

  8. Couldn't we have just ignored this new book, whistled past the graveyard, so to speak? No wonder somebody shot him. Has anybody every heard of Obama carrying on like this? Ok, she was an idiot, but she was 19 and he was a grown man.

  9. JFK created the Peace Corps. He also had his own personal "Piece Corps."

  10. "No wonder somebody shot him."

    Give me a break. That's about the most ridiculous justification for murder I've ever read, and it as murder.

  11. That is teabagger logic at work Bernie. Thank you Fox Noise for the new hate. Same as the old hate but now it is sponsored by a TV network so it must be true.

    Remember Bernie, when JFK went to Dallas, a prominent right wing businessman had a full page ad in the Dallas Times of a picture of JFK within a gunsight and the the word traitor under neath, nice touch. Gotta love Texas

    Yes sir, hooray for the old hate, same as the new hate.

    Bravo Rush, bravo Sean!

    Keep Hate Alive

  12. You sound a little hateful, too. That's what I can't stand. This constant polarization is ruining this country.

  13. You agree with any opinion though Bernie unless it is your own. You humiliate people who disagree with you and bully anyone you can to fit the agenda of the politicians that keep you flush with information.

  14. See what I mean? The hate comes from both sides, too blind to see.

  15. So you see no correlation between the hate in 1963 calling the Democratic President a "Communist puppet" and a "Traitor" because of his nuclear test ban treaty and today's hate media.

    OK, I know you want to kiss some right wing ass but what was, still is.

    You are mistaking your own hypocrisy with hate. By the way you brought the entire thing up.

  16. Sounds MORE than a LITTLE hateful to this Comrade Ice Hockey Coach.


  17. I would question her motivation and current financial status, before accepting her story.
    It is funny how people come up with these sort of things AFTER there can be no rebuttal.
    Although Kennedy was a ****hound.

  18. Re Anonymous 11:58 PM -- that was me. "No wonder somebody shot him" was a flippant utterance similar to "I'm gonna kill that kid if he doesn't stop....(whatever annoying thing he is doing) Not to be taken literally.

    I DO NOT believe that JFK was murdered because of any stupid dalliance with a nineteen year old college girl. If it ever happened.

    Did I say I was GLAD he was shot? No, I did not. AM I glad he was shot? NO, I am not. In fact I was devastated in November 1963, and remain so. There is more there than we have been told. It was not simply a man who happened to be president that was killed that day.

    But this stupid book that just came out is not worth the blog's attention. Keep on doing what you do so well, Mr. O'Hare. Tell us about local stuff that we know for sure is actually happening.

  19. It is very telling that now historical fact, has become "liberal media".

    I posted at 12:27. What I posted are facts. JFK was indeed seen as a dangerous liberal by the right wingnuts. Today the Repub's love to bring up his tax cut but don't talk about how he was berated for other work in civil rights and the arms race.

    I do see a parallel beetween the vicious hate generated by the right wing nuts in the early sixties and the crazy teabaggers today. I do see a parallel between right wing newspapaers picturing a Presdient in gunsights and the hate speech of Fox.

    You teabaggers live in a clouded world of fictionalized facts. Bernie may give you credence but it is what it is. It is both vile and sad at the same time.

  20. I strongly agree with your 12:30 comment Bernie, although as hard as I try I am guilty of it sometimes too.

  21. Anon 2:30,

    I contend you Welfare Addicts addicted to Government's Out Of Control Spending live in a clouded world of fictionalized facts.

    It's halftime, the Chinese have the ball and we are down by 16.0 trillion dollars.

    Whoo Hoo!


  22. BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA called former President Bush "UNPATRIOTIC" for allowing the national debt to climb to 9.0 trillion dollars on his watch.

    Now, the national debt stands at 16.0 trillion dollars AND CLIMBING.

    Of course, any criticism of Obama is RACIST TALK.

    How has that HOPE and CHANGE been working out for y'all?


  23. "How has that HOPE and CHANGE been working out for y'all?"

    Actually pretty good.

    Can't wait to argue with you for four more years.


  24. Bring back the Reagan and Bush years. Look how much their "job creators" have done in the past ten years, when they have even more concentrated wealth then ever. Give them more money and see how much more they will do for job creation. Hell, by the time they are done we will have so many jobs we will have to export jobs.

    Oh, wait I think that already happened.

    If you loved Hoover you will adore Mittens Romney. A chicken in every pot, only if you can afford the pot.

    Corporations are people, my friend!

  25. 2:30 PM makes my case again. There are haters, both left and right. Like all zealots, they vilify any person who does not march in lock step with them.

  26. "It's halftime, the Chinese have the ball and we are down by 16.0 trillion dollars."

    national debt:
    6.1 trillion created by W
    2.4 trillion by Obama.

    Obama wins

  27. A number of Military Officers served in the JFK White House as communication officers. They carried the go-to-war box (aka the football).They were never more than a few yards (night and day) from the president.

    A friend had that duty and told me the visits of very young women wre frequent and at times there were multiple girls at one time.


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